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Will AGI Transform The Game Industry? The DIKWP Evaluation for Game Industry by GPT-4

April 2023

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.19364.96648



Will AGI Transform The Game Industry? The DIKWP Evaluation for Game Industry by GPT-4


Yingbo Li12,  Yucong Duan12*

 xslwen@outlook.com   duanyucong@hotmail.com

AGI-AIGC-GPT Test and Evaluation DIKWP (Global) Lab1

DIKWP research group, Hainan University2

1. 摘要



Keywords: GPT-4, DIKWP, AGI, LLM, Game

2. 简介



3. GPT-4的游戏领域DIKWP推理能力评估


3.1 GPT-4对游戏领域的理解与其DIKWP映射
















3.2 GPT-4对儿童游戏领域的理解与其DIKWP映射








● 全球儿童游戏产业包括教育游戏、益智玩具、娱乐游戏等多种类型,涉及不同的平台、渠道、市场和用户。

● 全球教育游戏市场规模在2020年达到580亿美元,预计到2024年将增长到240亿美元,年均复合增长率为33.2%。教育游戏的创新和需求主要受到心理测量学、神经科学、增强现实、虚拟现实和人工智能等技术的推动。

● 全球益智玩具市场规模在2020年为192亿美元,预计到2026年将达到316.2亿美元,年均复合增长率为7.12%。益智玩具的发展主要受到儿童认知技能、社会情感技能和创新思维的重视2

● 全球娱乐游戏市场规模在2020年为1748亿美元,预计到2023年将达到2179亿美元,年均复合增长率为7.7%。娱乐游戏的发展主要受到移动设备、云游戏、电子竞技和社交网络的影响3

● 全球儿童游戏产业的地域分布不均,亚太地区和北美地区占据了主导地位,而欧洲、拉丁美洲、中东和非洲地区则有较大的增长潜力。

● 全球儿童游戏产业的竞争格局也在不断变化,一方面是大型跨国公司如乐高、美泰、孩之宝、腾讯、任天堂等占据了较大的市场份额,另一方面是创业型企业如亚历克斯全球产品、Vtech、Spin Master等不断涌现并进行创新和并购。






3.3 GPT-4对游戏内容的理解与其DIKWP映射





请分析出上面描述中所包含的数据、信息、知识、智慧和意图,并以表格的方式输出。 然后,分别构建出数据、信息、知识、智慧和意图的图谱,并给出详细过程。 绘制上面数据层、信息层、知识层、智慧层与意图层之间的关系。




● 《英雄联盟》:这是一款团队竞技的多人在线战斗竞技游戏,由拳头游戏开发,腾讯代理。游戏中有超过150个不同的英雄角色,每个角色都有自己的特殊技能和风格。玩家需要和队友合作,摧毁敌方的水晶基地,赢得胜利。《英雄联盟》是全球最受欢迎的电子竞技项目之一,每年都会举办世界级的赛事,吸引了数以亿计的观众。

● 《魔兽世界》:这是一款开放世界的角色扮演游戏,由暴雪娱乐开发,腾讯代理。游戏中有两大阵营:联盟和部落,每个阵营有多个种族和职业可供选择。玩家可以在游戏中探索丰富多彩的世界,完成各种任务,与其他玩家交流或对抗,参与团队副本或大型战场。《魔兽世界》是全球最成功的付费订阅制游戏之一,拥有超过1亿注册用户,曾创造过多项吉尼斯世界纪录。

● 《我的世界》:这是一款沙盒类的创造游戏,由Mojang Studios开发,微软代理。游戏中没有固定的目标或剧情,玩家可以在一个由方块组成的无限大的世界中自由地建造、探索、生存、冒险。游戏支持单人和多人模式,还有各种自定义地图、皮肤、模组等可供选择。《我的世界》是全球最畅销的视频游戏之一,已经卖出了超过2亿份,并拥有超过1.26亿月活跃用户。

● 《彩虹六号:围攻》:这是一款第一人称射击游戏,由育碧开发。游戏中有两支五人小队分别扮演攻击方和防守方,在不同的地图和模式下进行对抗。游戏中有超过60个不同的特种兵角色,每个角色都有自己的武器、装备和特殊能力。游戏注重团队合作、策略规划和环境破坏。《彩虹六号:围攻》是全球最受欢迎的射击类电子竞技项目之一,每年都会举办多项国际赛事。

● 《荒野大镖客2》:这是一款西部题材的动作冒险游戏,由Rockstar Games开发。游戏以1899年美国西部为背景,讲述了亡命之徒亚瑟·摩根和范德林帮的故事。游戏中有一个开放世界,玩家可以自由地探索、打猎、抢劫、完成任务、与其他角色互动等。游戏还有一个在线多人模式,叫做《荒野大镖客:救赎2》在线,玩家可以创建自己的角色,与其他玩家合作或对抗,参与各种活动和模式。《荒野大镖客2》是一款非常受好评的游戏,被认为是史上最伟大的游戏之一,获得了多项奖项和荣誉。

● 《塞尔达传说:旷野之息》:这是一款动作角色扮演游戏,由任天堂开发。游戏以幻想世界海拉鲁为背景,讲述了勇者林克在沉睡了一百年后醒来,发现世界被邪恶的灾厄盖侬占领,他必须找回自己的记忆,拯救公主塞尔达和整个世界的故事。游戏中有一个巨大的开放世界,玩家可以自由地探索、收集资源、解决谜题、战斗敌人、驯服坐骑等。游戏还有多种物理机制和环境效果,让玩家可以用各种创意的方式来玩游戏。《塞尔达传说:旷野之息》是一款非常受欢迎和赞誉的游戏,被认为是塞尔达系列和电子游戏史上最杰出的作品之一。

● 《刺客信条:英灵殿》:这是一款历史题材的动作冒险游戏,由育碧开发。游戏以公元9世纪的北欧和英格兰为背景,讲述了维京人艾沃尔在与撒克逊人的冲突中寻找新家园,并卷入了古老的刺客与圣殿骑士之间的斗争的故事。游戏中有一个开放世界,玩家可以自由地探索、打猎、钓鱼、定制角色、建设定居点、参与团队突袭、完成任务等。游戏还有一个神话元素,玩家可以进入阿斯加德和约顿海姆等神秘领域,与诸神和巨人交流。《刺客信条:英灵殿》是刺客信条系列的最新作品,获得了玩家和媒体的好评。

● 《生化危机8:村庄》:这是一款生存恐怖游戏,由卡普空开发。游戏以2021年欧洲某个偏远村庄为背景,讲述了生化危机7主角伊森·温特斯在寻找被绑架的妻子米娅和女儿罗丝的过程中,遭遇了各种恐怖的生物和敌人,包括巨大的吸血鬼女伯爵、狼人、变异人等。游戏中有一个第一人称视角,玩家可以使用各种武器和道具来对抗敌人,也可以通过解谜和探索来发现村庄的秘密。游戏还有一个在线多人模式,叫做《生化危机:反抗者》,玩家可以选择不同的角色和技能,与其他玩家合作或对抗。《生化危机8:村庄》是生化危机系列的最新作品,也是系列25周年纪念作品,受到了玩家和评论家的好评。

● 《赛博朋克2077》:这是一款赛博朋克题材的动作角色扮演游戏,由CD Projekt RED开发。游戏以2077年美国加利福尼亚州夜之城为背景,讲述了玩家扮演的佣兵V在这个充满高科技和低生活的未来世界中寻求一种可以改变人类命运的神秘植入物的故事。游戏中有一个开放世界,玩家可以自由地探索、定制角色、选择不同的职业和技能、与其他角色互动、完成任务等。游戏还有多种不同的结局,取决于玩家的选择和行为。《赛博朋克2077》是一款非常期待和备受关注的游戏,但是由于发布时存在很多技术问题和BUG,导致了玩家和媒体的不满和批评。

● 《动物之森:新地平线》:这是一款模拟经营游戏,由任天堂开发。游戏以一个无人荒岛为背景,讲述了玩家扮演的角色在这个岛上建设自己的理想乡村,并与其他动物居民交友、娱乐、创造等的故事。游戏中有一个实时系统,玩家可以根据不同的时间、季节、节日等来体验不同的内容和活动。游戏还有一个在线多人模式,玩家可以邀请其他玩家来访问自己或者他人的岛屿,进行互动和交流。《动物之森:新地平线》是动物之森系列的最新作品,也是任天堂Switch平台上最畅销的游戏之一,获得了广泛的好评和支持。


游戏数据信息知识智慧意图《英雄联盟》150个英雄角色,每个角色有自己的技能和风格;每年举办世界级赛事;数以亿计观众;团队竞技多人在线战斗竞技游戏;由拳头游戏开发,腾讯代理;这是一款全球最受欢迎的电子竞技项目之一,玩家需要和队友合作,摧毁敌方水晶基地,赢得胜利;游戏中有超过150个不同英雄角色,每个角色都有自己特殊技能和风格;每年都会举办世界级赛事,吸引了数以亿计观众;玩家需要了解每个英雄角色的特点和优缺点,以及如何与其他角色配合或对抗;玩家需要掌握游戏中各种物品、装备、技能等元素的作用和用法;玩家需要根据不同地图和模式制定合适的策略和战术;玩家需要具备良好的团队协作能力  《魔兽世界》两大阵营:联盟和部落,每个阵营有多个种族和职业;开放世界的角色扮演游戏;由暴雪娱乐开发,腾讯代理;超过1亿注册用户;创造过多项吉尼斯世界纪录;这是一款全球最成功的付费订阅制游戏之一,玩家可以在游戏中探索丰富多彩的世界,完成各种任务,与其他玩家交流或对抗,参与团队副本或大型战场;游戏中有两大阵营:联盟和部落,每个阵营有多个种族和职业可供选择;游戏由暴雪娱乐开发,腾讯代理;拥有超过1亿注册用户,曾创造过多项吉尼斯世界纪录;玩家需要了解每个种族和职业的特性和技能,以及如何与其他种族和职业配合或竞争;玩家需要掌握游戏中各种物品、装备、技能等元素的作用和用法;玩家需要根据不同任务和环境制定合适的策略和战术;玩家需要具备良好的团队协作能力和沟通能力;玩家可以从游戏中体会到不同文化和价值观的碰撞和融合,以及不同角色和立场的冲突和协调;玩家可以从游戏中感受到冒险、挑战、友谊、荣誉等不同的情感和价值;玩家可以从游戏中发现自己的兴趣和潜能,以及提升自己的能力和素质;玩家可能有以下几种意图:体验不同的角色和生活方式;享受游戏带来的乐趣和刺激;结交志同道合的朋友和伙伴;展示自己的技能和成就;《我的世界》沙盒类的创造游戏;由Mojang Studios开发,微软代理;由方块组成的无限大的世界;支持单人和多人模式,还有各种自定义地图、皮肤、模组等可供选择;全球最畅销的视频游戏之一,已经卖出了超过2亿份,并拥有超过1.26亿月活跃用户;这是一款没有固定目标或剧情的游戏,玩家可以在一个由方块组成的无限大的世界中自由地建造、探索、生存、冒险。游戏支持单人和多人模式,还有各种自定义地图、皮肤、模组等可供选择。这是一款全球最畅销的视频游戏之一,已经卖出了超过2亿份,并拥有超过1.26亿月活跃用户。         《彩虹六号:围攻》第一人称射击游戏;由育碧开发;两支五人小队分别扮演攻击方和防守方;不同的地图和模式;超过60个不同的特种兵角色,每个角色都有自己的武器、装备和特殊能力;全球最受欢迎的射击类电子竞技项目之一,每年都会举办多项国际赛事;这是一款注重团队合作、策略规划和环境破坏的第一人称射击游戏,玩家可以选择不同的特种兵角色,每个角色都有自己的武器、装备和特殊能力。游戏中有两支五人小队分别扮演攻击方和防守方,在不同的地图和模式下进行对抗。这是一款全球最受欢迎的射击类电子竞技项目之一,每年都会举办多项国际赛事。玩家需要了解每个特种兵角色的特点和优缺点,以及如何与其他角色配合或对抗;玩家需要掌握游戏中各种武器、装备、技能等元素的作用和用法;玩家需要根据不同地图和模式制定合适的策略和战术;玩家需要具备良好的团队协作能力和沟通能力;玩家需要灵活应对游戏中的各种情况和变化;玩家可以从游戏中体会到团队合作、策略规划、环境破坏等不同的要素和技巧,以及不同角色和立场的冲突和协调;玩家可以从游戏中感受到竞争、挑战、紧张、刺激等不同的情感和价值;玩家可以从游戏中发现自己的兴趣和潜能,以及提升自己的能力和素质;玩家可能有以下几种意图:体验不同的特种兵角色和任务场景;享受游戏带来的乐趣和刺激;结交志同道合的朋友和伙伴;展示自己的技能和成就;《荒野大镖客2》西部题材的动作冒险游戏;由Rockstar Games开发;以1899年美国西部为背景,讲述了亡命之徒亚瑟·摩根和范德林帮的故事;开放世界,玩家可以自由地探索、打猎、抢劫、完成任务、与其他角色互动等;还有一个在线多人模式,叫做《荒野大镖客:救赎2》在线,玩家可以创建自己的角色,与其他玩家合作或对抗,参与各种活动和模式;非常受好评    




3.4 GPT-4对游戏体验的理解与其DIKWP映射





请分析出上面描述中所包含的数据、信息、知识、智慧和意图,并以表格的方式输出。 然后,分别构建出数据、信息、知识、智慧和意图的图谱,并给出详细过程。 绘制上面数据层、信息层、知识层、智慧层与意图层之间的关系。




● 游戏的核心体验,即游戏想要传递给用户的主要元素或情绪,比如刺激、放松、竞争、合作等。

● 游戏的玩法设计,即游戏的核心机制、系统、功能和规则,以及它们如何支撑核心体验,比如操作方式、难度设置、奖励机制等。

● 游戏的美术表现,即游戏的视觉效果、风格、色彩、动画等,以及它们如何符合核心体验和游戏题材,比如画面细腻、清新、写实、卡通等。

● 游戏的音乐音效,即游戏的背景音乐、音效、配音等,以及它们如何增强核心体验和游戏氛围,比如激昂、轻松、恐怖、幽默等。

● 游戏的UI布局,即游戏的界面设计、图标识别、信息展示等,以及它们如何方便用户操作和理解,比如简洁、清晰、美观、个性等。

以上是一些通用的用户体验设计要点,不同的游戏可能还有其他特殊的方面需要考虑。3 例如:

● 一些游戏会有抽卡系统,那么抽卡过程中的概率设计、保底机制、反馈效果等都会影响用户体验。

● 一些游戏会有首充和月卡等付费方式,那么付费金额、返利内容、付费引导等都会影响用户体验。

● 一些游戏会有社交功能,那么聊天交流、组队协作、好友互动等都会影响用户体验。3




4. 结论




[1] Bubeck, Sébastien, Varun Chandrasekaran, Ronen Eldan, Johannes Gehrke, Eric Horvitz, Ece Kamar, Peter Lee et al. "Sparks of artificial general intelligence: Early experiments with gpt-4." arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.12712 (2023).

[2] Li, Yingbo, Yucong Duan, Zakaria Maamar, Haoyang Che, Anamaria-Beatrice Spulber, and Stelios Fuentes. "Swarm differential privacy for purpose-driven data-information-knowledge-wisdom architecture." Mobile Information Systems 2021 (2021): 1-15.

[3] Mei, Yingtian, Yucong Duan, Liang Chen, Zaiwen Feng, Lei Yu, and Zhendong Guo. "Purpose Driven Disputation Modeling, Analysis and Resolution Based on DIKWP Graphs." In 2022 IEEE 24th Int Conf on High Performance Computing & Communications; 8th Int Conf on Data Science & Systems; 20th Int Conf on Smart City; 8th Int Conf on Dependability in Sensor, Cloud & Big Data Systems & Application (HPCC/DSS/SmartCity/DependSys), pp. 2118-2125. IEEE, 2022.

[4] Yingbo Li, Yucong Duan, “The Wisdom of Artificial General Intelligence: Experiments with GPT-4 for DIKWP”, arXiv preprint (2023)

[5] Yingbo Li, Yucong Duan, “The Evaluation of Experiments of Artificial General Intelligence with GPT-4 Based on DIKWP“, arXiv preprint (2023)





Will AGI Transform The Game Industry?

The DIKWP Evaluation for Game Industry by GPT-4


Yingbo Li12, Yucong Duan12*

 xslwen@outlook.com   duanyucong@hotmail.com

AGI-AIGC-GPT Test and Evaluation DIKWP (Global) Lab1

DIKWP research group, Hainan University2



1. Summary

GPT-4 is an advanced multimodal language model that can accept image and text input and output text similar to human speech. As a leader and representative in the field of artificial general intelligence (AGI), GPT-4 has demonstrated human-level performance in various professional and academic fields, and has had a profound impact on various applications. This article will evaluate GPT-4 in all aspects of the game field, and use examples to reveal GPT-4's understanding and understanding at all levels of the Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom and Purpose (DIKWP) model in terms of game content and game user experience. reasoning ability. We also explore the advantages and limitations of GPT-4 in the field of games, and its implications for game design and development. Finally, we discuss the future application of artificial general intelligence in the field of games, and propose some future research directions.


Keywords: GPT-4, DIKWP, AGI, LLM, Game

2. Introduction


OpenAI released GPT-4, a large-scale multimodal language model based on deep learning, which is a major breakthrough in the field of artificial general intelligence (AGI). GPT-4 can accept images and text as input and output text similar to human speech. It has a wide range of general knowledge and problem-solving capabilities, and has achieved human-level performance in various professional and academic domains, which has profoundly impacted various applications [1]. The game industry is a huge and attractive industry with a global market value of US$2 trillion and a complete industrial chain. GPT-4 can quantitatively analyze all aspects of the game industry, and provide strategic and specific support for game content and user experience. However, there is currently a lack of objective evaluation of GPT-4 in the game field, and most evaluations are based on subjective feelings or limited indicators. In order to make up for this deficiency, this paper uses several examples in the field of education to analyze the ability of GPT-4 in reasoning and understanding in the field of games, and proposes a model based on data, information, knowledge, Wisdom and Purpose (DIKWP) [2][3][4][5] evaluation methods.

3. GPT-4gameDomain DIKWP Reasoning Ability Assessment

We first use GPT-4 to describe the game industry and children's game industry and conduct DIKWP analysis to better understand the current situation of the game industry. After that, we conduct DIKWP analysis and discussion on the relevant content of well-known games. Then, we conduct DIKWP analysis and discussion on user experience in the game field.

3.1 GPT-4's understanding of the game field and its DIKWP mapping




Please describe the global game industry of status quo. Then, please analyze the data, information, knowledge, wisdom and purpose contained in the above description, and output it in the form of a table

GPT-4 answers:


The status quo of the global game industry is: In 2020, the global game market revenue will reach US$159.3 billion, a year-on-year increase of 9.33%, affected by the new crown epidemic and the launch of next-generation game consoles². The number of gamers worldwide exceeds 2.8 billion, and is expected to exceed 3 billion in 2023. The Asia-Pacific region is the largest game market in the world, accounting for 49% of global game revenue, of which China and the United States are the two largest country markets. Mobile gaming is the largest market segment, accounting for 48% of global gaming revenue and growing 13.3% year-over-year². Europe and Asia are the regions with the highest game downloads and revenue in the world, and Japan is the country with the highest per capita spending.


The data, information, knowledge, wisdom and purposes contained in the above description are shown in the table below:



datainformationKnowledgewisdompurpose159.3 billion US dollars, 9.33%, 2.8 billion, 3 billion, 49%, 48%, 13.3% and other specific valuesDescriptive Content such as Global Games Market Revenue, Growth Rate, Number of Players, ForecastAnalytical content such as size, distribution, segmentation, trends, etc. of the global game marketEvaluative content such as development opportunities, challenges, and competitive advantages of the global game marketUnderstand the status quo of the global game industry and provide reference for further research or decision-making




3.2 GPT-4's understanding of children's game domain and its DIKWP mapping




Please describe the current state of the global children's game industry. Then, please analyze the data, information, knowledge, wisdom and intention contained in the above description, and output it in the form of a table

GPT-4 answers:


The status quo of the global children's game industry can be described from the following aspects:

● The global children's game industry includes educational games, educational toys, entertainment games and other types, involving different platforms, channels, markets and users.

● The global educational game market size will reach US$58 billion in 2020, and is expected to grow to US$24 billion by 2024, with a compound annual growth rate of 33.2%. Innovation and demand for educational games is primarily driven by technologies such as psychometrics, neuroscience, augmented reality, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence。

● The global educational toy market size will be US$19.2 billion in 2020 and is expected to reach US$31.62 billion by 2026, with a compound annual growth rate of 7.12%. The development of educational toys is primarily focused on children's cognitive skills, social-emotional skills, and creative thinking2

● The global entertainment game market size was US$174.8 billion in 2020, and is expected to reach US$217.9 billion by 2023, with a compound annual growth rate of 7.7%. The development of entertainment games is mainly influenced by mobile devices, cloud games, e-sports and social networks3

● The geographical distribution of the global children's games industry is uneven, with the Asia Pacific and North America regions occupying a dominant position, while the Europe, Latin America, Middle East and Africa regions have greater growth potential

● The competitive landscape of the global children's game industry is also constantly changing. On the one hand, large multinational companies such as Lego, Mattel, Hasbro, Tencent, Nintendo, etc. occupy a large market share; on the other hand, entrepreneurial enterprises such as Alex Kex global products, Vtech, Spin Master, etc. continue to emerge and carry out innovation and mergers and acquisitions

The data, information, knowledge, wisdom and purpose contained in the above description can be represented by the following table:

datainformationKnowledgewisdompurpose$58 billionThe global educational game market size will reach 58 billion US dollars in 2020The Educational Games Market Is Growing Fast, Favoring Educational Games VendorsWhat are the growth opportunities and challenges in the educational games market? How to improve the quality and effect of educational games?Understand the status quo and trends of the educational game market, and look for suitable investment or cooperation opportunities7.12%The average annual compound growth rate of the global educational toy market is 7.12%The educational toy market has stable growth potential, driven by children's educational needsConsumer Preferences and Behavior of Educational Toys Market-$174.8 billionThe global entertainment game market size will be 174.8 billion US dollars in 2020The entertainment games market is the largest segment of the children's games industry, influenced by technological and social factorsWhat is the development direction and changing trend of the entertainment game market? How to enhance the attractiveness and value of entertainment games?Understand the size and characteristics of the entertainment games market to find innovation and competitive advantagesAsia Pacific and North AmericaThe geographical distribution of the global children's games industry is uneven, with the Asia Pacific and North America regions dominating the marketThe Asia-Pacific region and North America are the main markets for the children's game industry, with different consumer demands and cultural backgroundsWhat are the opportunities and challenges in the children's games market in Asia Pacific and North America? How to adapt and meet the needs of users in different regions?Understand the regional differences of the children's game industry, and find suitable market positioning and strategiesLego, Mattel, Hasbro, Tencent, Nintendo, etc.Large multinational companies such as Lego, Mattel, Hasbro, Tencent, Nintendo, etc. occupy a large market shareLarge multinational companies are leaders in the children's game industry, with strong brand influence and resource advantagesHow do large multinational companies maintain their leading positions in the children's game industry? How to cooperate or compete with large multinational corporations?Understand the competitive landscape of the children's game industry and look for partners or competitors


We can see that GPT-4 has a deeper understanding of the children's game industry than the game industry, and the analysis at each level of DIKWP is also more detailed, proving that the children's game industry is an important market segment of the game industry.


3.3 GPT-4's understanding of game content and its DIKWP mapping




Please provide a detailed description of all games that are popular worldwide.

Please analyze the data, information, knowledge, wisdom and intention contained in the above description, and output it in the form of a table. Then, the graphs of data, information, knowledge, wisdom and intention are respectively constructed, and the detailed process is given. Draw the relationship between the above data layer, information layer, knowledge layer, intelligence layer and intent layer.

GPT-4 answers:


I have summarized some of the more popular games for you:

● "League of Legends": This is a team competitive multiplayer online battle arena game developed by Riot Games and represented by Tencent. There are more than 150 different hero characters in the game, each with their own special skills and style. Players need to cooperate with teammates to destroy the enemy's crystal base and win. League of Legends is one of the most popular esports in the world, hosting world-class events every year and attracting hundreds of millions of viewers.

● "World of Warcraft": This is an open world role-playing game developed by Blizzard Entertainment and represented by Tencent. There are two camps in the game: Alliance and Horde, and each camp has multiple races and occupations to choose from. Players can explore the colorful world in the game, complete various tasks, communicate or fight with other players, participate in team copies or large-scale battlefields. "World of Warcraft" is one of the most successful paid subscription games in the world, with more than 100 million registered users, and has created many Guinness World Records.

● "My World": This is a sandbox creation game developed by Mojang Studios and represented by Microsoft. There are no fixed goals or plots in the game, and players can freely build, explore, survive, and take risks in an infinite world composed of blocks. The game supports single-player and multiplayer modes, and there are various custom maps, skins, mods, etc. to choose from. Minecraft is one of the best-selling video games in the world, having sold more than 200 million copies and has more than 126 million monthly active users.

● Rainbow Six: Siege: This is a first-person shooter game developed by Ubisoft. In the game, there are two five-person teams who act as the attacking side and the defending side respectively, fighting against each other on different maps and modes. There are more than 60 different commando characters in the game, each with their own weapons, equipment and special abilities. The game focuses on teamwork, strategic planning, and environmental destruction. "Rainbow Six: Siege" is one of the most popular shooting e-sports in the world, and holds many international competitions every year.

● "Red Dead Redemption 2": This is an action-adventure game with a western theme developed by Rockstar Games. Set in the American West in 1899, the game follows outlaws Arthur Morgan and VanderLin Gang's story. There is an open world in the game, and players can freely explore, hunt, rob, complete tasks, interact with other characters, etc. The game also has an online multiplayer mode called "Red Dead Redemption 2 Online", where players can create their own characters, cooperate or fight with other players, and participate in various activities and modes. Red Dead Redemption 2 is a critically acclaimed game and is considered one of the greatest games of all time, receiving several awards and accolades.

● The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild: This is an action role-playing game developed by Nintendo. The game is set in the fantasy world of Hyrule. It tells the story of the brave Link who wakes up after a hundred years of sleep and finds that the world is occupied by the evil Calamity Ganon. He must retrieve his memory and save Princess Zelda and A whole world of stories. There is a huge open world in the game, where players can freely explore, collect resources, solve puzzles, fight enemies, tame mounts, etc. The game also has a variety of physics mechanics and environmental effects, allowing players to play the game in a variety of creative ways. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is a hugely popular and acclaimed game, considered one of the greatest entries in the Zelda series and in the history of video games.

● "Assassin's Creed: Hall of Heroes": This is a historical action-adventure game developed by Ubisoft. The game is set in Northern Europe and England in the 9th century AD. It tells the story of the Viking Eivor looking for a new home in the conflict with the Saxons and getting involved in the ancient struggle between the Assassins and the Templars. There is an open world in the game where players can freely explore, hunt, fish, customize characters, build settlements, participate in team raids, complete missions, and more. The game also has a mythological element, allowing players to enter mystical realms such as Asgard and Jotunheim to communicate with gods and giants. "Assassin's Creed: Hall of Heroes" is the latest work in the Assassin's Creed series, which has been well received by players and media.

● Resident Evil 8: Village: This is a survival horror game developed by Capcom. The game is set in a remote village in Europe in 2021,It tells the story of Ethan Winters, the protagonist of Resident Evil 7, in the process of searching for his kidnapped wife Mia and daughter Rose, and encountered various terrifying creatures and enemies, including a huge vampire countess, werewolves, mutants, etc. . There is a first-person perspective in the game. Players can use various weapons and props to fight against enemies, and they can also discover the secrets of the village by solving puzzles and exploring. The game also has an online multiplayer mode called "Resident Evil: Rebels", where players can choose different characters and skills to cooperate with or fight against other players. "Resident Evil 8: Village", the latest work in the Resident Evil series and the 25th anniversary work of the series, has been well received by players and critics.

● "Cyberpunk 2077": This is a cyberpunk-themed action role-playing game developed by CD Projekt RED. The game is set in Night City, California, USA in 2077, and tells the story of the mercenary V, played by the player, seeking a mysterious implant that can change the fate of mankind in this future world full of high technology and low life. There is an open world in the game, and players can freely explore, customize characters, choose different professions and skills, interact with other characters, complete tasks, etc. The game also has a variety of different endings, depending on the player's choices and actions. "Cyberpunk 2077" is a very anticipated and much-watched game, but due to many technical problems and bugs when it was released, it caused dissatisfaction and criticism from players and the media.

● "Animal Crossing: New Horizons": This is a simulation management game developed by Nintendo. The game takes an uninhabited deserted island as the background, and tells the story of the player's character building his own ideal village on this island, making friends with other animal residents, entertaining, creating, etc. There is a real-time system in the game, players can experience different content and activities according to different times, seasons, festivals, etc. The game also has an online multiplayer mode. Players can invite other players to visit their own or other people's islands for interaction and communication. "Animal Crossing: New Horizons" is the latest work in the Animal Crossing series and one of the best-selling games on the Nintendo Switch platform, which has received wide acclaim and support.

I try to extract data, information, knowledge, wisdom and purposes from the game you introduced me, and output it in the form of a table:

gamedatainformationKnowledgewisdompurpose"League of Legends"150 hero characters, each with its own skills and style; World-class events held every year; Hundreds of millions of spectators; Team competitive multiplayer online combat arena game; Developed by Riot Games and represented by Tencent;This is one of the most popular e-sports in the world. Players need to cooperate with teammates to destroy the enemy's crystal base and win. There are more than 150 different heroes in the game, each with its own special skills and style ; World-class events are held every year, attracting hundreds of millions of spectators;Players need to understand the characteristics, strengths and weaknesses of each hero, and how to cooperate or fight with other characters; players need to master the functions and usages of various items, equipment, skills and other elements in the game; players need to formulate suitable heroes according to different maps and modes. strategies and tactics; players need to have good teamwork skills  "World of Warcraft"Two camps: Alliance and Horde, each camp has multiple races and occupations; an open-world role-playing game; developed by Blizzard Entertainment and represented by Tencent; more than 100 million registered users; set multiple Guinness World Records;This is one of the most successful paid subscription games in the world. Players can explore the colorful world in the game, complete various tasks, communicate or fight with other players, participate in team copies or large-scale battlefields; there are two major Factions: Alliance and Horde, each camp has multiple races and occupations to choose from; the game is developed by Blizzard Entertainment and represented by Tencent; it has more than 100 million registered users and has created many Guinness World Records;Players need to understand the characteristics and skills of each race and occupation, and how to cooperate or compete with other races and occupations; players need to master the role and usage of various items, equipment, skills and other elements in the game; players need to adapt to different tasks and environments Develop appropriate strategies and tactics; players need to have good teamwork and communication skills;Players can experience the collision and fusion of different cultures and values, as well as the conflict and coordination of different roles and positions; players can feel adventure, challenge, friendship, honor and other different emotions and values ​​from the game; players can learn from Discover your own interests and potential in the game, and improve your ability and quality;Players may have the following purposes: experience different characters and lifestyles; enjoy the fun and excitement brought by the game; make like-minded friends and partners; show their skills and achievements;"my world"A sandbox creation game; developed by Mojang Studios and represented by Microsoft; an infinite world composed of blocks; supports single-player and multiplayer modes, and various custom maps, skins, modules, etc. to choose from; global One of the best-selling video games, having sold over 200 million copies and boasting over 126 million monthly active users;This is a game without fixed goals or plots. Players can freely build, explore, survive, and take risks in an infinite world composed of blocks. The game supports single-player and multiplayer modes, and there are various custom maps, skins, mods, etc. to choose from. It is one of the best-selling video games in the world, having sold more than 200 million copies and boasting more than 126 million monthly active users.         Rainbow Six: SiegeFirst-person shooter; developed by Ubisoft; two five-person squads play as attackers and defenders; different maps and modes; over 60 different commando characters, each with their own weapons, equipment, and special abilities ; One of the world's most popular shooting e-sports events, a number of international events are held every year;This is a first-person shooter game that focuses on teamwork, strategic planning, and environmental destruction. Players can choose from different commando characters, each with their own weapons, equipment, and special abilities. In the game, there are two five-person teams who act as the attacking side and the defending side respectively, fighting against each other on different maps and modes. This is one of the most popular shooting e-sports in the world, with many international competitions held every year.Players need to understand the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of each special soldier role, and how to cooperate or fight with other characters; players need to master the functions and usages of various weapons, equipment, skills and other elements in the game; players need to formulate suitable strategies according to different maps and modes strategies and tactics; players need to have good teamwork and communication skills; players need to flexibly respond to various situations and changes in the game;Players can experience different elements and skills such as teamwork, strategic planning, and environmental destruction from the game, as well as the conflict and coordination of different roles and positions; players can feel different emotions such as competition, challenge, tension, and stimulation from the game and value; players can discover their own interest and potential from the game, and improve their ability and quality;Players may have the following purposes: to experience different special forces roles and mission scenarios; to enjoy the fun and excitement brought by the game; to make like-minded friends and partners; to demonstrate their skills and achievements;Red Dead Redemption 2Western-themed action-adventure game; developed by Rockstar Games; set in the American West in 1899, tells the story of outlaw Arthur Morgan and the Van der Linn Gang; open world where players are free to explore, hunt, loot, and complete quests , interact with other characters, etc.; there is also an online multiplayer mode called "Red Dead Redemption 2" online, players can create their own characters, cooperate or fight with other players, and participate in various activities and modes; very well received    


From the above GPT-4 answer, we can see that through big data training, GPT-4 has statistics and detailed descriptions of popular games. But for the description of each game, GPT-4 does not have the ability to distinguish the layers of DIKWP.


3.4 GPT-4's understanding of game experience and its DIKWP mapping




Please describe in detail the user experience of the world's most popular game.

Please analyze the data, information, knowledge, wisdom and intention contained in the above description, and output it in the form of a table. Then, the graphs of data, information, knowledge, wisdom and intention are respectively constructed, and the detailed process is given. Draw the relationship between the above data layer, information layer, knowledge layer, intelligence layer and intent layer.

GPT-4 answers:


There are many kinds of popular games around the world, and different game types, themes, styles and gameplay will attract different user groups. The user experience of a game refers to the subjective feelings and feedback generated by the user during the game playing process. It is an important factor affecting user retention and payment.To describe in detail the user experience of a globally popular game, the following aspects need to be considered:

● The core experience of the game, that is, the main elements or emotions that the game wants to convey to users, such as stimulation, relaxation, competition, cooperation, etc.

● The gameplay design of the game, that is, the core mechanism, system, function and rules of the game, and how they support the core experience, such as operation mode, difficulty setting, reward mechanism, etc.

● The artistic expression of the game, that is, the visual effect, style, color, animation, etc. of the game, and how they conform to the core experience and the theme of the game, such as delicate, fresh, realistic, cartoon, etc.

● The game's music and sound effects, that is, the game's background music, sound effects, voice acting, etc., and how they enhance the core experience and game atmosphere, such as excitement, lightheartedness, horror, humor, etc.

● The game's UI layout, that is, the game's interface design, icon recognition, information display, etc., and how they are convenient for users to operate and understand, such as simplicity, clarity, beauty, personality, etc.

The above are some general user experience design points, and different games may have other special aspects that need to be considered.3 For example:

● Some games have a card draw system, so the probability design, guarantee mechanism, feedback effect, etc. during the card draw process will affect the user experience.

● Some games have payment methods such as first charge and monthly card, so the payment amount, rebate content, payment guidance, etc. will all affect the user experience.

● Some games have social functions, so chatting, teamwork, and friend interaction will all affect the user experience.3

In short, to describe the user experience of the world's popular games in detail, it is necessary to analyze how the game satisfies the users' psychological appeal and sensory needs from multiple perspectives.

From the above GPT-4 answer, we can see that GPT-4 does not have the ability to understand and output any specific game experience, but only briefly describes the general characteristics of the game. At the same time, GPT-4 does not have the ability to analyze the usual characteristics of the game at the DIKWP level.


4 Conclusion

From the above GPT-4 test examples, we can see that GPT-4's description ability and DIKWP analysis ability in the game field are extremely limited, and it cannot successfully complete the DIKWP analysis and mapping like other fields. Therefore, in the future development of AGI, we need to focus on promoting the application of AGI in the game field.



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[3] Mei, Yingtian, Yucong Duan, Liang Chen, Zaiwen Feng, Lei Yu, and Zhendong Guo. "Purpose Driven Disputation Modeling, Analysis and Resolution Based on DIKWP Graphs." In2022 IEEE 24th Int Conf on High Performance Computing & Communications; 8th Int Conf on Data Science & Systems; 20th Int Conf on Smart City; 8th Int Conf on Dependability in Sensor, Cloud & Big Data Systems & Application (HPCC/DSS/SmartCity/DependSys), pp. 2118-2125. IEEE, 2022.

[4] Yingbo Li, Yucong Duan, “The Wisdom of Artificial General Intelligence: Experiments with GPT-4 for DIKWP”, arXiv preprint (2023)

[5] Yingbo Li, Yucong Duan, “The Evaluation of Experiments of Artificial General Intelligence with GPT-4 Based on DIKWP“, arXiv preprint (2023)



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