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The Capability Evaluation of ChatGPT, GPT-4 ,Tongyi Qianwen on Security Domain with DIKWP Analysis AGI-AIGC-GPT Test and Evaluation DIKWP (Global) Lab

April 2023

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.24611.12324



The Capability Evaluation of ChatGPT, GPT-4 ,Tongyi Qianwen on Security  Domain with DIKWP Analysis

ChatGPT, GPT-4 , 通义千问的安全领域DIKWP能力评测报告

Yanfei Liu1, 2, Kunguang Wu4,5, Yucong Duan*4,5,  Wentao Wang3

cqlyf@tju.edu.cn1, 2, duanyucong@hotmail.com4,5 

College of Intelligence and Computing, Tianjin University1

 Chongqing Police Academy2

Chongqing University of Technology3

AGI-AIGC-GPT Test and Evaluation DIKWP (Global) Lab4

DIKWP research group, Hainan University5

摘要: 本文基于ChatGPTGPT-4和通义千问分别开展了网络空间安全领域个案DIKWP分析,集合案DIKWP分析以及专家角色下的集合案DIKWP分析,并通过GPT-4进行了两类DIKWP差异图谱比较,最后得出结论:网络安全领域,DIKWP模式在先验知识的加持下有更好的转化与互补处理能力和校验能力。

关键词:ChatGPTGPT4.0网络安全, DIKWP评测

 1. 前言


2. 评测


2.1 基于单个案例的内容评测



1) 案例标题:多个团伙利用社保公积金系统漏洞,非法获取公民个人信息2300万条

2) 案例内容:2022127日,四川南充市公安局顺庆区分局侦破一起公安部挂牌督办案件,抓获犯罪嫌疑人121人,查获公民个人信息2300余万条,发现国内多地各类信息系统平台漏洞300余个,收缴黑客工具12套。

3) 输入内容:2022127日,四川南充市公安局顺庆区分局侦破一起公安部挂牌督办案件,抓获犯罪嫌疑人121人,查获公民个人信息2300余万条,发现国内多地各类信息系统平台漏洞300余个,收缴黑客工具12套。”  请根据上述内容,请分别提取出数据图谱、信息图谱、知识图谱、智慧图谱、意图图谱。


4) 回答内容:

a) ChatGPT回答内容:








b) GPT-4回答内容:

























c) 通义千问回答内容:



1) 案例标题:夫妻俩贩卖寄递用户个人信息获利24万余元

2) 案例内容:男子利用从事寄递客服的便利条件,伙同妻子查询、出售大量寄递用户的个人信息牟利,非法获利24万余元,两人双双获刑。20221123日,最高人民检察院发布检察机关落实七号检察建议典型案例,其中包括这起江苏王某涛、董某婷侵犯公民个人信息案

3) 输入内容:男子利用从事寄递客服的便利条件,伙同妻子查询、出售大量寄递用户的个人信息牟利,非法获利24万余元,两人双双获刑。20221123日,最高人民检察院发布检察机关落实“七号检察建议”典型案例,其中包括这起“江苏王某涛、董某婷侵犯公民个人信息案”。男子利用从事寄递客服的便利条件,伙同妻子查询、出售大量寄递用户的个人信息牟利,非法获利24万余元,两人双双获刑。20221123日,最高人民检察院发布检察机关落实“七号检察建议”典型案例,其中包括这起“江苏王某涛、董某婷侵犯公民个人信息案”。请根据上述内容,请分别提取出数据图谱、信息图谱、知识图谱、智慧图谱、意图图谱。

4) 回答内容:

a) ChatGPT回答内容:







b) GPT-4回答内容:























c) 通义千问回答内容:

数据图谱: 该案例涉及的数据包括姓名、电话号码、住址等公民个人信息。将这些信息以图形化方式展示可以得到一个数据图谱。数据图谱以节点表示个人信息,边表示个人信息之间的联系,节点和边的颜色、形状等可以反映出不同的属性值。这个数据图谱可以帮助人们更直观地了解该案例中个人信息的分布情况,以及它们之间的关系。

信息图谱: 该案例涉及的信息包括姓名、电话号码、住址等公民个人信息,以及非法获利的金额等。将这些信息以图形化方式展示可以得到一个信息图谱。信息图谱以节点表示个人信息和非法获利的数据,边表示它们之间的关系。这个信息图谱可以帮助人们更清晰地了解该案例中各种信息的来源和关系,以及非法获利的规模和范围。

知识图谱: 该案例涉及的知识包括公民个人信息保护、网络犯罪等。将这些知识以图形化方式展示可以得到一个知识图谱。知识图谱以节点表示知识和关系,边表示知识和知识之间的联系。这个知识图谱可以帮助人们更全面地了解该案例中的相关知识和概念,以及它们之间的关系。

智慧图谱: 该案例涉及的智慧包括数据安全、网络安全等。将这些智慧以图形化方式展示可以得到一个智慧图谱。智慧图谱以节点表示智慧和关系,边表示智慧和智慧之间的联系。这个智慧图谱可以帮助人们更深入地了解该案例中的相关智慧和技术,以及它们之间的关系。

意图图谱: 该案例涉及的意图包括非法获利和侵犯公民个人信息。将这些意图以图形化方式展示可以得到一个意图图谱。意图图谱以节点表示意图和关系,边表示意图和意图之间的联系。这个意图图谱可以帮助人们更准确地了解该案例中各个意图的目的和意义,以及它们之间的关系。


1) 案例标题:涉及27个省份的特大系列侵犯公民个人信息案件

2) 案例内容:2022922日,鸡西市公安局侦破特大侵犯公民个人信息案件,共抓获犯罪嫌疑人322名,依法扣押涉案资金560余万元,扣押电脑78部,手机412部,涉案银行卡638张。

3) 输入内容:2022922日,鸡西市公安局侦破特大侵犯公民个人信息案件,共抓获犯罪嫌疑人322名,依法扣押涉案资金560余万元,扣押电脑78部,手机412部,涉案银行卡638张。”2022922日,鸡西市公安局侦破特大侵犯公民个人信息案件,共抓获犯罪嫌疑人322名,依法扣押涉案资金560余万元,扣押电脑78部,手机412部,涉案银行卡638张。请根据上述内容,请分别提取出数据图谱、信息图谱、知识图谱、智慧图谱、意图图谱。

4) 回答内容:

a) ChatGPT回答内容:






b) GPT-4回答内容:


























c) 通义千问回答内容:



1) 案例标题:国家互联网信息办公室对滴滴公司依法作出网络安全审查相关行政处罚的决定

2) 案例内容:根据网络安全审查结论及发现的问题和线索,国家互联网信息办公室(以下简称国家网信办)依法对滴滴全球股份有限公司涉嫌违法行为进行立案调查。经查实,滴滴全球股份有限公司违反《网络安全法》《数据安全法》《个人信息保护法》的违法违规行为事实清楚、证据确凿、情节严重、性质恶劣。2022721日,国家网信办依据《网络安全法》《数据安全法》《个人信息保护法》《行政处罚法》等法律法规,对滴滴全球股份有限公司处人民币80.26亿元罚款,对滴滴全球股份有限公司董事长兼CEO程维、总裁柳青各处人民币100万元罚款。

3) 输入内容:“根据网络安全审查结论及发现的问题和线索,国家互联网信息办公室(以下简称“国家网信办”)依法对滴滴全球股份有限公司涉嫌违法行为进行立案调查。经查实,滴滴全球股份有限公司违反《网络安全法》《数据安全法》《个人信息保护法》的违法违规行为事实清楚、证据确凿、情节严重、性质恶劣。2022721日,国家网信办依据《网络安全法》《数据安全法》《个人信息保护法》《行政处罚法》等法律法规,对滴滴全球股份有限公司处人民币80.26亿元罚款,对滴滴全球股份有限公司董事长兼CEO程维、总裁柳青各处人民币100万元罚款。”请根据上述内容,请分别提取出数据图谱、信息图谱、知识图谱、智慧图谱、意图图谱。

4) 回答内容:

a) ChatGPT回答内容:






b) GPT-4回答内容:























a) 通义千问回答内容:














































































1) 案例标题:国家版权局、工业和信息化部、公安部、国家互联网信息办公室剑网2022”专项行动强化NFT数字藏品、剧本杀等网络新业态版权监管

2) 案例内容:



3) 输入内容:



4) 回答内容:

a) ChatGPT回答内容:






b) GPT-4回答内容:























c) 通义千问回答内容:

数据图谱: 数据表明,剑网2022”专项行动重点关注到NFT数字藏品、剧本杀等网络新业态的版权保护问题,要严厉打击未经授权使用他人美术、音乐、动漫、游戏、影视等作品铸造NFT、制作数字藏品,通过网络售卖盗版剧本脚本,未经授权衍生开发剧本形象道具等侵权行为。

信息图谱: 专项行动从9月持续到11月,覆盖全年。 聚焦广大创新主体版权领域急难愁盼问题,推动规范发展与打击惩治并举。 重点整治领域包括文献数据库、短视频和网络文学等重点领域。 重点打击的违法行为包括:未经授权使用他人美术、音乐、动漫、游戏、影视等作品铸造NFT、制作数字藏品,通过网络售卖盗版剧本脚本,未经授权衍生开发剧本形象道具等。

知识图谱: 四部门联合启动打击网络侵权盗版剑网2022”专项行动,以规范发展与打击惩治并举,开展四个方面的重点整治:一是开展文献数据库、短视频和网络文学等重点领域专项整治。二是加强对网络平台版权监管。三是强化NFT数字藏品、剧本杀等网络新业态版权监管。四是持续加强对院线电影、网络直播、体育赛事、在线教育、新闻作品版权保护,巩固网络音乐、游戏动漫、有声读物、网盘等领域工作成果,不断提升网络版权执法效能。

智慧图谱: 通过专项行动打击网络侵权盗版现象,加强监管力度,维护版权权益,促进产业发展。 此次专项行动采用全链条思维,通过全方位监管,对剑网2022”专项行动中发现的问题,将采取全链条打击。 具体来说,针对网络平台、短视频和网络文学等重点领域,将重点打击未经授权使用他人美术、音乐、动漫、游戏、影视等作品铸造NFT、制作数字藏品,通过网络售卖盗版剧本脚本,未经授权衍生开发剧本形象道具等侵权行为;对于NFT数字藏品、剧本杀等网络新业态的版权保护问题,将加强监管力度,防止侵权盗版行为的发生。 此外,还将开展净网专项行动,对于网络侵权盗版的行为依法严厉打击。

意图图谱: 本次剑网2022”专项行动将重点打击未经授权使用他人美术、音乐、动漫、游戏、影视等作品铸造NFT、制作数字藏品,通过网络售卖盗版剧本脚本,未经授权衍生开发剧本形象道具等侵权行为。 行动将采用全链条思维,对于网络平台、短视频和网络文学等重点领域,将重点打击未经授权使用他人美术、音乐、动漫、游戏、影视等作品铸造NFT、制作数字藏品,通过网络售卖盗版剧本脚本,未经授权衍生开发剧本形象道具等侵权行为。



1) 案例标题:海市普陀区人民检察院办理全国首例数据非法爬取经合规整改后不予起诉案例

2) 案例内容:




3) 输入内容:




4) 回答内容:

a) ChatGPT回答内容:







b) GPT-4回答内容:























c) 通义千问回答内容:



3. 案例集合集约评测


3.1 基于案例的集合集约的评测


1) 输入内容:

















2) 回答内容

a) ChatGPT回答内容:






b) 通义千问回答内容:



1) 输入内容:

















2) 回答内容

a) GPT-4回答内容:

































b) 通义千问回答内容:



1) 输入内容:

















2) 输入内容:

a) GPT-4回答内容:
























b) 通义千问回答内容:



1) 输入内容:


1. 数据图谱:




2. 信息图谱:




3. 知识图谱:




4. 智慧图谱:




5. 意图图谱:





1. 数据图谱:







2. 信息图谱:







3. 知识图谱:







4. 智慧图谱:







5. 意图图谱:





2) 回答内容:

a) GPT-4回答内容:
















b) 通义千问回答内容:



1) 输入内容:基于你上述的回答,是否可以认为图谱1是图谱2的更高度凝练出来的结论?

2) 回答内容:

a) GPT-4回答内容:


b) 通义千问回答内容:



1) 输入内容: 基于上述内容,是否可以认为DIKWP模式在先验知识的加持下有更好的转化与互补处理能力和校验能力?

2) 回答内容:

a) GPT-4回答内容:




b) 通义千问回答内容:


4. 总结与展望





[1] Li, Yingbo, Yucong Duan, Zakaria Maamar, Haoyang Che, Anamaria-Beatrice Spulber, and Stelios Fuentes. "Swarm differential privacy for purpose-driven data-information-knowledge-wisdom architecture." Mobile Information Systems 2021 (2021): 1-15.

[2]Yucong Duan, Yanfei Liu,Yingtian Mei.DIKWP limitation test report of GPT 4 (comparison of domestic DIKWP-GPT modeling and cross-DIKWP modal analysis capabilities),in publishing.

[3] Yongbo Li, Yucong Duan, The Wisdom of Artificial General Intelligence: Experiments with GPT-4 for DIKWP, in publishing.




The 9th ChatGPT-Based Cybersecurity Typical Case DIKWP Review

Yanfei Liu1, 2 Kunguang Wu4 Yucong Duan*4,Wentao Wang3

cqlyf@tju.edu.cn1, 2, duanyucong@hotmail.com4

College of Intelligence and Computing, Tianjin University1

 Chongqing Police Academy2

Chongqing University of Technology3

Hainan University4

AbstractThis paper conducts a DIKWP analysis in the field of cyber security based on ChatGPT and GPT-4, respectively. Three types of analysis were performed, including individual case analysis using DIKWP, combined case analysis using DIKWP, and combined case analysis from an expert role perspective. Additionally, two types of DIKWP differential maps were compared using GPT-4. The results suggest that in the field of cyber security, DIKWP patterns exhibit better transformation, complementary processing, and verification capabilities when supported by prior knowledge.

Keywords: ChatGPT,GPT-4, Cybersecurity, DIKWP Review

1. Introduction

The application of natural language processing technology in the field of network security has become an increasingly important topic of concern. ChatGPT/GPT-4 has attracted more and more researchers' attention with its powerful ability in text generation and comprehension. Based on six typical network security cases, this article aims to explore the application effectiveness of ChatGPT/GPT-4 in the field of network security and evaluate it using the DIKWP evaluation indicators, in order to provide an in-depth analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of ChatGPT/GPT-4 application. By analyzing the roles of various graph types in this field, this article aims to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding and promote artificial intelligence application research in this field.

2. Reviews

2.1 Content Evaluation Based on a Single Case

Based on the DIKWP framework [1], our team demonstrated the use of DIKWP in processing complex problems using LLM [2-3]. The following is the DIKWP evaluation on the direction of network security.


2.1.1 Case 1

1) Case Title: Multiple Criminal Groups Illegally Obtain 23 Million Pieces of Personal Information of Citizens by Exploiting Loopholes in the Social Security and Housing Provident Fund System.

2) Case Content: On December 7, 2022, the Shunqing District Branch of the Nanchong City Public Security Bureau in Sichuan cracked a case listed by the Ministry of Public Security, arresting 121 suspects, seizing more than 23 million pieces of citizens' personal information, finding more than 300 vulnerabilities in various information system platforms in many places in China, and seizing 12 sets of hacking tools.

3) Prompt: On December 7, 2022, the Shunqing District Branch of the Nanchong City Public Security Bureau in Sichuan cracked a case listed by the Ministry of Public Security, arresting 121 suspects, seizing more than 23 million pieces of citizens' personal information, finding more than 300 vulnerabilities in various information system platforms in many places in China, and seizing 12 sets of hacking tools. Please extract the following from the above content: Data Graph, Information Graph, Knowledge Graph, Wisdom Graph, Purpose Graph.


4) Answers:

a) ChatGPT answers:

The following are the various types of graph that may be extracted:

Data graph: This segment contains a lot of numerical data, such as the number of suspects captured, the number of information entries, the number of vulnerabilities, etc. These figures can form a data graph to help better understand the background and situation of the case.

Information graph: There are many key words involved in the case, such as "cases listed by the Ministry of Public Security", "suspects", "citizens' personal information", "information system platform vulnerability", etc, "information system platform vulnerability", etc. These keywords can constitute information graph, presenting the relationship and hierarchical structure between keywords.

Knowledge graph: Since the case involves a lot of technical, security, legal and other knowledge, the relationship and hierarchical structure between these knowledge can be presented by constructing a knowledge graph when dealing with this information to help better understand the knowledge and concepts related to the case.

Wisdom graph: The detection actions and technical processing of the Public Security Bureau in this case involved a lot of wisdom and experience, such as investigation techniques, security techniques, emergency handling, etc. These experiences and wisdom can constitute a wisdom map to help better record and share these experiences and wisdom.

Purpose graph: In this case, after the suspect's personal information is stolen, it may involve many criminal acts in online fraud, identity theft, etc. In order to better prevent these acts, purpose graph can be constructed to help predict the possibility and patterns of these acts.

b) GPT-4 answers:

Based on the above, we can extract the information into the following types of graph:

Data graph:

Date: December 7, 2022

Location: Shunqing District Branch of Nanchong City Public Security Bureau, Sichuan

Number of suspects: 121 people

Seized personal information of citizens: more than 23 million pieces

Information system platform vulnerabilities found: more than 300

Hacking tools seized: 12 sets

Information graph:

Events: solved a case listed by the Ministry of Public Security

Industry involved: network security, personal information protection

Case type: illegal acquisition and sale of citizens' personal information

Knowledge graph:

Laws and regulations involved: "Network Security Law of the People's Republic of China", "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China", etc.

Technical means: hacking tools, vulnerability exploitation

Features of cybercrime: involving a large amount of citizens' personal information, cross-regional crime

Wisdom graph:

Prevention strategy: strengthen the security protection of information systems, improve the awareness of citizens' personal information protection

Law enforcement departments: Ministry of Public Security, local public security bureaus

Law enforcement means: investigation, arrest, evidence collection, prosecution

Purpose graph:

Suspect's intention: illegal profit making, by obtaining and selling citizens' personal information

Law enforcement intent: to destroy criminal gangs, protect citizens' personal information security, and maintain cyberspace security

Social intent: to raise awareness of cybercrime and protect their own information security

c) Tongyiqianwen answers:

As an artificial intelligence language model, I have not yet learned how to answer this question. I will continue to learn and provide better service for you.

2.1.2 Case 2 

1) Case Title: A couple made profits of more than 240,000 yuan from selling personal information of shipping users

2) Case Content: A man used the convenience of customer service in the mail, together with his wife, inquired and sold a large amount of personal information of mail users for profit, illegally profiting more than 240,000 yuan, and both of them were sentenced to imprisonment. 23 November 2022, the Supreme People's Procuratorate released the typical cases of procuratorial organs to implement the "seven procuratorial recommendations", including this case "The case of infringement of citizens' personal information by Wang Moutao and Dong Mouting in Jiangsu.

3) Prompt: “A man used the convenience of customer service in the mail, together with his wife, inquired and sold a large amount of personal information of mail users for profit, illegally profiting more than 240,000 yuan, and both of them were sentenced to imprisonment. 23 November 2022, the Supreme People's Procuratorate released the typical cases of procuratorial organs to implement the "seven procuratorial recommendations", including this case "The case of infringement of citizens' personal information by Wang Moutao and Dong Mouting in Jiangsu. Please extract the following from the above content: Data Graph, Information Graph, Knowledge Graph, Wisdom Graph, Purpose Graph.


4) Answers:

a) ChatGPT answers:

Data graph: This paragraph contains some numerical data, such as the amount of illegal profits of more than 240,000 yuan, etc. These figures can constitute data graph to help better understand the economic impact of the case and the amount involved.

Information graph: The case involves the names of a couple, the location, the crime, and the implementation of the "No. 7 Procuratorial Proposal" issued by the Supreme People's Procuratorate, etc. These keywords can form an information map to help better understand the main content and relevant aspects of the case.

Knowledge graph: In specific cases, there are many laws, regulations, policies and operational procedures related to personal information protection, which may be organized into knowledge graph to better understand and learn about personal information protection.

Wisdom graph: In the process of case investigation and trial, certain techniques, investigation skills, trial skills, expression skills and other wisdom and practical experience are involved. Wisdom graph can be constructed to help better record and share these wisdoms and experiences.

Purpose graph: In personal information protection, there may be many frauds, thefts and other forms of illegal and criminal acts involved. Purpose graph can be constructed to predict and analyze these behavioral possibilities and patterns, helping to better prevent and combat such crimes.

b) GPT-4 answers:

Based on the above, we can extract the following key information:

Data graph:

Date: November 23, 2022

Location: Jiangsu

People involved: Wang Moutao and Dong Mouting

Illegal profit: more than 240,000 yuan

Information graph:

Event: Case of infringement of citizens' personal information

Industry Involved: Mailing services

Case type: Illegal inquiry and sale of personal information of shipping users

Knowledge graph:

Laws and regulations involved: "Network Security Law of the People's Republic of China", "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China", etc.

Means of crime: using the convenience of the position of the customer service of the delivery to inquire and sell the personal information of users

Wisdom graph:

Prevention strategy: strengthen the protection of personal information in the shipping industry and raise the awareness of citizens' personal information protection

Law enforcement department: Supreme People's Procuratorate

Law enforcement means: investigation, prosecution, judgment

Purpose graph:

Suspect's intent: illegal profit-making, by inquiring and selling personal information of shipping users

Law enforcement department's intention: to punish crimes against citizens' personal information and protect citizens' personal information security

Social intent: to raise awareness of crimes against personal information and strengthen personal information protection

c) Tongyiqianwen answers:

Data Graph: The data involved in this case includes personal information such as name, phone number, address, etc. Representing this information graphically can result in a data graph. In the data graph, nodes represent personal information, while edges represent the connections between them. Node and edge colors, shapes, etc. can reflect different attribute values. This data graph can help people understand the distribution of personal information in the case more intuitively, as well as the relationships between them.


Information Graph: The information involved in this case includes personal information such as name, phone number, address, as well as the amount of illegal gains. Representing this information graphically can result in an information graph. In the information graph, nodes represent personal information and illegal gains data, while edges represent the relationships between them. This information graph can help people understand the source and relationships of various information in the case more clearly, as well as the scale and scope of illegal gains.


Knowledge Graph: The knowledge involved in this case includes personal information protection and cybercrime, among others. Representing this knowledge graphically can result in a knowledge graph. In the knowledge graph, nodes represent knowledge and relationships, while edges represent the connections between knowledge. This knowledge graph can help people understand the relevant knowledge and concepts in the case more comprehensively, as well as the relationships between them.


Wisdom Graph: The wisdom involved in this case includes data security, cyber security, among others. Representing this wisdom graphically can result in a wisdom graph. In the wisdom graph, nodes represent wisdom and relationships, while edges represent the connections between wisdom. This wisdom graph can help people understand the relevant wisdom and technology in the case more deeply, as well as the relationships between them.


Purpose Graph: The intent involved in this case includes illegal gains and infringement of personal information. Representing these intents graphically can result in an intent graph. In the intent graph, nodes represent intent and relationships, while edges represent the connections between them. This intent graph can help people understand the purposes and significance of each intent in the case more accurately, as well as the relationships between them.

2.1.3 Case 3

1) Case Title: A mega series of cases of infringement of citizens' personal information involving 27 provinces

2) Case Content: On September 22, 2022, the Public Security Bureau of Jixi City cracked a mega case of infringement of citizens' personal information and arrested a total of 322 suspects, seized more than 5.6 million yuan of funds involved in the case, seized 78 computers, 412 cell phones and 638 bank cards involved in the case in accordance with the law.

3) Prompt: “On September 22, 2022, the Public Security Bureau of Jixi City cracked a mega case of infringement of citizens' personal information and arrested a total of 322 suspects, seized more than 5.6 million yuan of funds involved in the case, seized 78 computers, 412 cell phones and 638 bank cards involved in the case in accordance with the law. Please extract the following from the above content: Data Graph, Information Graph, Knowledge Graph, Wisdom Graph, Purpose Graph.

4) Answers:

a) ChatGPT answers:

Data graph: There are many numerical data involved, such as the number of suspects arrested, the amount of money involved, the number of computers, cell phones and bank cards, etc. These figures can constitute a data graph to facilitate a better understanding of the scale of the case, the scope of impact and the extent of damage.

Information graph: The case involves many regions and departments, such as 27 provinces and the Public Security Bureau of Jixi City, as well as key words such as the amount of money involved, computers, cell phones and bank cards, etc. These key words can constitute an information graph, presenting their relationships and hierarchical structure.

Knowledge graph: In cases involving large-scale personal information leakage and utilization, a lot of knowledge on personal information protection and security, network security, laws and regulations are involved, which can be organized into knowledge graph for better understanding and learning related to personal information protection.

Wisdom graph: In advancing such cases, many technologies and operational experiences are involved, such as investigation techniques, forensic methods, data mining techniques, etc. These experiences and wisdom can be constructed into wisdom graph to help better record and share these experiences and wisdom.

Purpose graph: In personal information protection, many illegal and criminal acts such as online fraud and identity theft may be involved. Purpose graph can be constructed to predict and analyze the possibility and patterns of these behaviors at the macro level, thus helping to better prevent and combat such crimes.

b) GPT-4 answers:

Based on the above, we can extract the following key information:

Data graph:

Date: September 22, 2022

Location: Jixi City Public Security Bureau

Number of suspects: 322

Seizure of funds involved: more than 5.6 million yuan

Computers seized: 78

Seized cell phones: 412

Bank cards involved in the case: 638

Information graph:

Events: Detection of large cases of infringement of citizens' personal information

Industry involved: network security, personal information protection

Case type: illegal acquisition and sale of citizens' personal information

Knowledge graph:

Laws and regulations involved: "Network Security Law of the People's Republic of China", "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China", etc.

Technical means: computers, cell phones and other devices

Characteristics of cybercrime: Involving a large amount of citizens' personal information, involving a large amount of money

Wisdom graph:

Prevention strategy: strengthen the security protection of information systems, improve awareness of the protection of citizens' personal information

Law enforcement department: Jixi City Public Security Bureau

Law enforcement means: detection, arrest, seizure of funds and equipment involved in the case

Purpose graph:

Suspect intent: illegal profit-making, by obtaining and selling citizens' personal information

Law enforcement intent: to dismantle criminal gangs, protect citizens' personal information security, and maintain cyberspace security

Social intent: to raise awareness of cybercrime and protect their own information security

c) Tongyiqianwen answers:

As an artificial intelligence language model, I have not yet learned how to answer this question. I will continue to learn and provide better service for you.

2.1.4 Case 4

1) Case Title: The State Internet Information Office made a decision on administrative punishment related to network security review for DDT according to law.

2) Case Content: According to the conclusion of the network security review and the problems and clues found, the State Internet Information Office (hereinafter referred to as "State Internet Information Office") opened a case to investigate the suspected illegal acts of DDT Global Co. On July 21, 2022, the State Internet Information Office, in accordance with the Network Security Law, Data Security Law, Personal Information Protection Law, Administrative Punishment Law and other laws and regulations, imposed a fine of RMB 8.026 billion on DDT Global Co. Ltd. with a fine of RMB 8.026 billion, and imposed a fine of RMB 1 million each on Cheng Wei, Chairman and CEO, and Liu Qing, President of Drip Global Co.

3) Prompt: “According to the conclusion of the network security review and the problems and clues found, the State Internet Information Office (hereinafter referred to as "State Internet Information Office") opened a case to investigate the suspected illegal acts of DDT Global Co. On July 21, 2022, the State Internet Information Office, in accordance with the Network Security Law, Data Security Law, Personal Information Protection Law, Administrative Punishment Law and other laws and regulations, imposed a fine of RMB 8.026 billion on DDT Global Co. Ltd. with a fine of RMB 8.026 billion, and imposed a fine of RMB 1 million each on Cheng Wei, Chairman and CEO, and Liu Qing, President of Drip Global Co. Please extract the following from the above content: Data Graph, Information Graph, Knowledge Graph, Wisdom Graph, Purpose Graph.

4) Answers:

a) ChatGPT answers:

Data graph: The paragraph contains a lot of numerical data, such as the amount of fines imposed on the drop company, the amount of fines imposed on the chairman and the president respectively, and these figures can constitute a data graph to help better understand the economic impact of the incident.

Information graph: information about the subjects and laws and regulations involved in the event, such as the Drip Company, the State Internet Information Office, the Network Security Law, the Data Security Law, and the Personal Information Protection Law, etc. This information can form an information graph that presents their relationships and hierarchical structure.

Knowledge graph: In this incident, there are many knowledge about network security, data security and personal information protection, which can be organized into a knowledge graph to better understand the knowledge and concepts related to the incident.

Wisdom graph: In this incident, a lot of wisdom and experience about investigation, trial, fines, etc. are involved, and these experiences and wisdom can be organized into wisdom maps to help better record and share these wisdoms and experiences.

Purpose graph: In the process of cracking down on the illegal acts of DDT, more illegal acts in network security, data security and personal information protection may be involved, and the possibilities and patterns of these acts can be analyzed by building purpose graph to help strengthen the crackdown on illegal acts and prevent such crimes.

b) GPT-4 answers:

Based on the above, we can extract the information into the following types of graph:

Data graph:

Date: July 21, 2022

Company involved: Drip Global Co.

Amount of fine: RMB 8.026 billion fine imposed by Drip Global Co

Amount of fine: Chairman and CEO Cheng Wei and President Liu Qing each imposed a fine of RMB 1 million

Information graph:

Event: The State Internet Information Office opened a case to investigate the alleged illegal acts of Drip Global Co

Industry involved: network security, data security, personal information protection.

Type of case: Violation of the Network Security Law, Data Security Law and Personal Information Protection Law

Knowledge graph:

Laws and regulations involved: "Network Security Law", "Data Security Law", "Personal Information Protection Law", "Administrative Punishment Law", etc.

Department in charge: State Internet Information Office (State Internet Information Office)

Wisdom graph:

Prevention strategy: strengthen internal data security management and raise awareness of personal information protection

Law enforcement department: State Internet Information Office

Law enforcement means: file investigation, fine

Purpose graph:

Intentions of the companies involved: gaining benefits in the process of violating the law

Law enforcement department's intention: investigate and deal with violations according to law, protect citizens' personal information security, and maintain cyberspace security

Social intent: to raise awareness of corporate violations and promote enterprises to strengthen data security and personal information protection

c) Tongyiqianwen answers:

Data Graph



Involved Institutions

Penalty Amount (million yuan)

July 21, 2022

Didi Global Inc.

Didi chuxing car-hailing app


March 15, 2022

Implementation of Cybersecurity Law

Network Security companies


April 26,  2018

Implementation of Data Security Law

Banking and Financial institutions


November 9th, 2019

Implementation of Personal Information Protection Law

Internet-based companies


June 1st,  2017

Implementation of Cybersecurity Law

Telecommunications service operator



Information Graph


Involved Institutions

Penalty Amount (million yuan)

Didi Global Inc.

Didi chuxing car-hailing app


Implementation of Cybersecurity Law

Network Security companies


Implementation of Data Security Law

Banking and Financial institutions


Implementation of Personal Information Protection Law

Internet-based companies


Implementation of Cybersecurity Law

Telecommunications service operator



Knowledge Graph




Corresponding regulatory provisions

Endanger network security

Article 41 and Article 77 of the Cybersecurity Law

Consequences particularly serious

Article 63, Article 78 and Article 86 of the Cybersecurity Law

Penalty amount

"Article 63, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Cybersecurity Law


Wisdom Graph:


Corresponding regulatory provisions

Violation of personal information protection

Article 4, Article 21, Article 41 and Article 48 of the Personal Information Protection Law of the People's Republic of China

Serious consequences

Article 68, Paragraph 1, Item 2 of the Personal Information Protection Law of the People's Republic of China

Penalty amount

Article 68, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Personal Information Protection Law of the People's Republic of China


Purpose Gtaph:

Purpose category

Description of purpose

acquire data

The ability or intention to access a certain network data.

unfair competition

Engaging in unfair competition practices to gain a competitive advantage.

stealing commercial secrets

Stealing trade secrets from other enterprises.

damages compensation

Assuming liability for compensation for damages caused to others due to one's wrongful conduct.


2.1.5 Case 5

1) Case Title: National Copyright Administration, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Public Security, and National Internet Information Office "Sword Network 2022" Special Action to Strengthen Copyright Supervision of NFT Digital Collections, "Script Killing" and Other New Internet Industries

2) Case Content:

In September 2022, the National Copyright Administration, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security and the State Internet Information Office jointly launched the "Sword Network 2022" special action to combat online piracy, which is the 18th consecutive special action to combat online piracy.

The "Sword 2022" special action was carried out from September to November, focusing on the urgent problems in the field of copyright of the majority of innovative subjects, promoting the development of norms and crackdown on punishment, and carrying out key rectification in four areas: First, to carry out special rectification in key areas such as literature databases, short videos and online literature. Second, to strengthen the supervision of the network platform copyright. Third, strengthen the NFT digital collection, "script kill" and other new network mode copyright supervision. Fourth, continue to strengthen the protection of copyright in theatrical films, live streaming, sports events, online education, news works, consolidate the results of online music, games and animation, audiobooks, Internet discs and other areas of work, and constantly improve the effectiveness of network copyright enforcement. It is worth noting that the "Sword 2022" special action focused on the NFT digital collection, "script kill" and other new network industry copyright protection issues, proposed to crack down on the unauthorized use of others art, music, animation, games, film and television The "Sword 2022" special action focuses on the protection of copyright in the new network industry, such as the use of art, music, animation, games, film and television to cast NFT, the production of digital collections, the sale of pirated scripts through the network, unauthorized derivative development of script image props and other infringements.

3) Prompt:

“In September 2022, the National Copyright Administration, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security and the State Internet Information Office jointly launched the "Sword Network 2022" special action to combat online piracy, which is the 18th consecutive special action to combat online piracy.

The "Sword 2022" special action was carried out from September to November, focusing on the urgent problems in the field of copyright of the majority of innovative subjects, promoting the development of norms and crackdown on punishment, and carrying out key rectification in four areas: First, to carry out special rectification in key areas such as literature databases, short videos and online literature. Second, to strengthen the supervision of the network platform copyright. Third, strengthen the NFT digital collection, "script kill" and other new network mode copyright supervision. Fourth, continue to strengthen the protection of copyright in theatrical films, live streaming, sports events, online education, news works, consolidate the results of online music, games and animation, audiobooks, Internet discs and other areas of work, and constantly improve the effectiveness of network copyright enforcement. It is worth noting that the "Sword 2022" special action focused on the NFT digital collection, "script kill" and other new network industry copyright protection issues, proposed to crack down on the unauthorized use of others art, music, animation, games, film and television The "Sword 2022" special action focuses on the protection of copyright in the new network industry, such as the use of art, music, animation, games, film and television to cast NFT, the production of digital collections, the sale of pirated scripts through the network, unauthorized derivative development of script image props and other infringements. Please extract the following from the above content: Data Graph, Information Graph, Knowledge Graph, Wisdom Graph, Purpose Graph.

4) Answers:

a) ChatGPT answers:

Data graph: This paragraph mentions a lot of digital data, such as the number of "SwordNet 2022" special operations, the period of operations, and the strengthening of copyright supervision of online platforms, etc. This information can form a data graph to help better understand the implementation of copyright supervision work.

Information graph: This paragraph mentions many departments and action directions, such as the National Copyright Administration, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security, and the State Internet Information Office, as well as keywords such as key remediation, online platform copyright supervision, NFT digital collection, script killing, etc. These information can form an information graph to present their relationships and hierarchy.

Knowledge graph: In the event, a lot of domain knowledge and policies and regulations related to copyright regulation are involved, such as related actions and regulation development and crackdown and punishment, which can be organized into knowledge graph to better understand the knowledge and concepts related to the event.

Wisdom graph: In the event, a lot of wisdom and experience in combating online infringement and piracy and regulating copyright protection are involved, and such experience and wisdom can be built into wisdom graph to help better record and share such wisdom and experience.

Purpose graph: In this case, the special action focused on the copyright protection of new online industries such as NFT digital collections and "script killing", and the establishment of purpose graph can analyze the possibility and patterns of these behaviors, strengthen the fight against infringement, and improve the awareness and effectiveness of copyright protection.

b) GPT-4 answers:

Based on the above, we can extract the information into the following types of graph:

Data graph:

Date: September 2022

Duration of action: September to November

Name of the special action: Swordnet 2022

Number of consecutive actions: The 18th special action against online piracy

Information graph:

Event: The National Copyright Administration, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security and the State Internet Information Office jointly launch a special action against online piracy

Industries involved: Internet copyright, digital content creation and distribution

Types of cases: Internet infringement, piracy, unauthorized use

Knowledge graph:

Relevant laws and regulations: Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China, Network Security Law of the People's Republic of China, etc.

Authorities: National Copyright Administration, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Public Security, State Internet Information Office

Key rectification areas: literature database, short video, online literature, online platform copyright supervision, NFT digital collections, script killing, cinema movies, live webcasting, sports events, online education, copyright protection of news works, etc.

Wisdom graph:

Prevention strategy: strengthen copyright regulation, promote the development of regulation and crackdown on punishment at the same time

Law enforcement departments: National Copyright Administration, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Public Security, National Internet Information Office

Law enforcement means: special rectification, supervision and crackdown on infringement

Purpose graph:

Intention of the four departments: crack down on online infringement and piracy, protect the rights and interests of creators, maintain the order of online copyright, and promote the healthy development of the digital content creation and distribution industry

Infringers' intentions: to obtain benefits through illegal means, such as unauthorized use, piracy, etc.

Society's intent: to raise awareness of online infringement and piracy, support genuine content, and protect the rights and interests of creators

c) Tongyiqianwen answers:

Data graph: The "Sword Net 2022" special action focuses on copyright protection issues of NFT digital collections, "murder mystery" and other new online businesses. It aims to crack down severely on infringement behaviors such as unauthorized use of other people's art, music, animation, games, films and television works to make NFT, create digital collections, sell pirated script online, and unauthorized derivative development of script image props through the network. A data graph can be used to display this information graphically, with nodes representing personal information and edges representing the relationship between personal information, and the color, shape, etc. of nodes and edges can reflect different attribute values. This data graph can help people better understand the distribution of personal information in this case and their relationships in a more intuitive way.

Information graph: The special action covers the whole year from September to November. It focuses on the urgent issues in the copyright field of innovation subjects and promotes normative development as well as punishment. The key areas for rectification include literature databases, short videos, and online literature. The illegal acts that are the main targets for cracking down include unauthorized use of other people's art, music, animation, games, films and television works to make NFT, create digital collections, sell pirated script online, and unauthorized derivative development of script image props through the network.

Knowledge graph: Four departments jointly launched the "Sword Net 2022" special action against online infringement and piracy, with both normative development and punishment. It conducts key rectification in four areas: first, it carries out special rectification in key areas such as literature databases, short videos, and online literature; second, it strengthens copyright supervision of network platforms; third, it strengthens copyright supervision of NFT digital collections, "murder mystery," and other new online businesses; fourth, it continuously strengthens the protection of the copyright of movie theaters, online live broadcasts, sports events, online education, news works, and consolidates the achievements in the fields of online music, games, animations, audio books, and network disks, and continuously improves the effectiveness of network copyright law enforcement.

Wisdom graph: This special action against online infringement and piracy cracks down on such behaviors, strengthens supervision, maintains copyright interests, and promotes industry development. The action uses "full-chain" thinking and takes a comprehensive approach to monitor and address the issues found in the "Sword Net 2022" special action. Specifically, for key areas such as network platforms, short videos, and online literature, it will focus on cracking down on infringement behaviors such as unauthorized use of other people's art, music, animation, games, films and television works to make NFT, create digital collections, sell pirated script online, and unauthorized derivative development of script image props through the network. For copyright protection issues of NFT digital collections, "murder mystery," and other new online businesses, it will strengthen supervision to prevent infringement and piracy. In addition, a "clean network" special action will be launched to severely crack down on online infringement and piracy behaviors in accordance with the law.

Purpose graph: This "Sword Net 2022" special action will focus on cracking down on infringement behaviors such as unauthorized use of other people's art, music, animation, games, films and television works to make NFT, create digital collections, sell pirated script online, and unauthorized derivative development of script image props through the network. The action will use "full-chain" thinking and focus on key areas such as network platforms, short videos, and online literature, and will particularly target unauthorized use of other people's art, music, animation, games, films and television works to make NFT, create digital collections, sell pirated script online, and unauthorized derivative development of script image props through the network.

2.1.6 Case 6

1) Case Title: The People's Procuratorate of Putuo District, Shanghai, handled the first case of illegal data "crawling" in the country without prosecution after compliance and rectification

2) Case Content: From 2019 to 2020, without authorization, the chief technical officer of Z Network Technology Co., Ltd, Chen Moumou, instructed a number of technical staff to illegally obtain data from a takeaway platform through technical means such as "external crawling" and "internal crawling" for operational needs. The direct economic loss of more than 40,000 yuan caused by the takeaway platform. The procuratorial authorities believe that the data crawled by Z company does not involve the identity authentication information, no secondary peddling for profit and other acts, the circumstances of the crime is relatively light, the subjective malice is small. At the same time, given that it belongs to the growing science and innovation enterprises, Chen and others have pleaded guilty and punished, and actively compensate the victim company economic losses and obtain understanding, the procuratorial authorities can start the compliance inspection of the enterprises involved in the case according to law. Putuo District Procuratorate visited Company Z to view the current state of operation, and after studying and discussing the operation of Company Z with the regulatory authorities, made recommendations for rectification from data compliance management, data risk identification, assessment and treatment, data compliance operation and guarantee, and guided Company Z to make compliance commitments.

On April 28, 2022, Shanghai Putuo District Procuratorate invited hearing officers, investigators, corporate compliance third-party inspectors and victim units to conduct a public hearing on non-prosecution in the case of Company Z, Chen Moumou and others who illegally obtained computer information system data in a remote manner, and four NPC deputies were invited to observe the hearing. After discussion, the hearing officer, public security organs, third-party organizations, victim units and other parties involved in the hearing unanimously supported the procuratorial authorities for the case involved in non-prosecution.

This case is the first case of illegal data "crawling" not prosecuted after compliance rectification, the implementation of the Supreme Prosecutor's "pilot program on corporate compliance reform" provisions. The procuratorial authorities for the handling of criminal cases involving enterprises, in accordance with the law to make a decision not to approve the arrest, not to prosecute or according to the plea system of leniency to propose a lighter sentence, etc., for enterprises suspected of specific crimes, combined with the actual case, urged the enterprises involved to make compliance commitments and actively rectify the implementation, which is conducive to promoting compliance with the law, reduce and prevent corporate crime, to achieve the political effect of judicial cases This is conducive to promoting corporate compliance and law-abiding operation, reducing and preventing corporate crime, and achieving the political, legal and social effects of judicial cases.

3) Prompt: “From 2019 to 2020, without authorization, the chief technical officer of Z Network Technology Co., Ltd, Chen Moumou, instructed a number of technical staff to illegally obtain data from a takeaway platform through technical means such as "external crawling" and "internal crawling" for operational needs. The direct economic loss of more than 40,000 yuan caused by the takeaway platform. The procuratorial authorities believe that the data crawled by Z company does not involve the identity authentication information, no secondary peddling for profit and other acts, the circumstances of the crime is relatively light, the subjective malice is small. At the same time, given that it belongs to the growing science and innovation enterprises, Chen and others have pleaded guilty and punished, and actively compensate the victim company economic losses and obtain understanding, the procuratorial authorities can start the compliance inspection of the enterprises involved in the case according to law. Putuo District Procuratorate visited Company Z to view the current state of operation, and after studying and discussing the operation of Company Z with the regulatory authorities, made recommendations for rectification from data compliance management, data risk identification, assessment and treatment, data compliance operation and guarantee, and guided Company Z to make compliance commitments.

On April 28, 2022, Shanghai Putuo District Procuratorate invited hearing officers, investigators, corporate compliance third-party inspectors and victim units to conduct a public hearing on non-prosecution in the case of Company Z, Chen Moumou and others who illegally obtained computer information system data in a remote manner, and four NPC deputies were invited to observe the hearing. After discussion, the hearing officer, public security organs, third-party organizations, victim units and other parties involved in the hearing unanimously supported the procuratorial authorities for the case involved in non-prosecution.

This case is the first case of illegal data "crawling" not prosecuted after compliance rectification, the implementation of the Supreme Prosecutor's "pilot program on corporate compliance reform" provisions. The procuratorial authorities for the handling of criminal cases involving enterprises, in accordance with the law to make a decision not to approve the arrest, not to prosecute or according to the plea system of leniency to propose a lighter sentence, etc., for enterprises suspected of specific crimes, combined with the actual case, urged the enterprises involved to make compliance commitments and actively rectify the implementation, which is conducive to promoting compliance with the law, reduce and prevent corporate crime, to achieve the political effect of judicial cases This is conducive to promoting corporate compliance and law-abiding operation, reducing and preventing corporate crime, and achieving the political, legal and social effects of judicial cases. Please extract the following from the above content: Data Graph, Information Graph, Knowledge Graph, Wisdom Graph, Purpose Graph.

4) Answers:

1) ChatGPT answers:

The following are the various graphs that may be extracted:

Data graph: This paragraph mentions that Z Network Technology Co., Ltd. illegally obtained the data of a take-out platform through "external crawl" and "internal crawl" and other technical means, and caused a direct economic loss of more than 40,000 yuan to the take-out platform. This information can constitute a data graph to understand the actual situation of illegal data acquisition and related data indicators.

Information graph: The content of this paragraph mentions the companies and individuals involved, such as Z Network Technology Co. relationship and hierarchy.

Knowledge graph: In this case, the procuratorial authorities urged the enterprises involved in the case to make compliance commitments and actively rectify and implement them in the light of the actual case handling. These experiences and knowledge can be organized into a knowledge map to better understand the compliance and rectification behaviors of the enterprises.

Wisdom graph: The paragraph mentions the implementation of the Supreme Procuratorate's "Pilot Program on Enterprise Compliance Reform", which stipulates that the procuratorial authorities for handling criminal cases involving enterprises urge the enterprises involved to make compliance commitments and actively rectify and implement them, and the case was observed by the National People's Congress. These wisdom and experience can build a wisdom map to help better record and share these wisdom and experience.

Purpose graph: In this case, it involves the illegal "crawling" of data. Purpose graph can be built to analyze the possibility and pattern of these behaviors, and to strengthen the fight against infringement and raise awareness of data protection and use.

2) GPT-4 answers:

Based on the above, we can extract the information into the following types of graph:

Data graph:

Time: 2019 to 2020

Economic loss: more than $40,000

Hearing date: April 28, 2022

Information graph:

Event: Chen Moumou, Chief Technology Officer of Z Network Technology Co. illegally obtained data from a takeaway platform

Case type: illegal access to computer information system data

Person involved: Chen Moumou, a number of technical staff

Procuratorate: Putuo District Procuratorate

Knowledge graph:

Relevant laws and regulations: The Program on the Piloting of Corporate Compliance Reform

Competent authority: Putuo District Procuratorate

Hearing-related parties: hearing officer, investigator, third-party inspector of corporate compliance, victim unit

Wisdom graph:

Prevention strategies: data compliance management, data risk identification, assessment and treatment, data compliance operation and assurance

Law enforcement department: Putuo District Prosecutor's Office

Enforcement tools: compliance inspection, hearing sessions, correction recommendations

Purpose graph:

Intent of the procuratorate: to review the case in accordance with the law, urge the enterprises involved to make compliance commitments and actively rectify and implement them, promote compliance and law-abiding operation, and reduce and prevent corporate crime

Chen Moumou and others' intention: to illegally obtain data from the take-away platform for the company's operational needs

Social intent: focus on corporate compliance and law-abiding operation, protect data security, and promote corporate operation in accordance with the law

c) Tongyiqianwen answers:

As an artificial intelligence language model, I have not yet learned how to answer this question. I will continue to learn and provide better service for you.

3. Intensive Evaluation of Case Collections

In this section, we use DIKWP to test whether ChatGPT and GPT-4 have certain abilities in induction and summarization, and whether they can compare DIKWP graphs with each other. Therefore, we will organize the previous tests of individual samples as batch inputs.

3.1 Content Evaluation Based on Case Studies and Aggregation

3.1.1 Case 1

1) Prompt: “1. Multiple Criminal Groups Illegally Obtain 23 Million Pieces of Personal Information of Citizens by Exploiting Loopholes in the Social Security and Housing Provident Fund System.

On December 7, 2022, the Shunqing District Branch of the Nanchong City Public Security Bureau in Sichuan cracked a case listed by the Ministry of Public Security, arresting 121 suspects, seizing more than 23 million pieces of citizens' personal information, finding more than 300 vulnerabilities in various information system platforms in many places in China, and seizing 12 sets of hacking tools.

2. A couple made profits of more than 240,000 yuan from selling personal information of shipping users

A man used the convenience of customer service in the mail, together with his wife, inquired and sold a large amount of personal information of mail users for profit, illegally profiting more than 240,000 yuan, and both of them were sentenced to imprisonment. 23 November 2022, the Supreme People's Procuratorate released the typical cases of procuratorial organs to implement the "seven procuratorial recommendations", including this case "The case of infringement of citizens' personal information by Wang Moutao and Dong Mouting in Jiangsu.

3. A mega series of cases of infringement of citizens' personal information involving 27 provinces

On September 22, 2022, the Public Security Bureau of Jixi City cracked a mega case of infringement of citizens' personal information and arrested a total of 322 suspects, seized more than 5.6 million yuan of funds involved in the case, seized 78 computers, 412 cell phones and 638 bank cards involved in the case in accordance with the law.

4. The State Internet Information Office made a decision on administrative punishment related to network security review for DDT according to law.

According to the conclusion of the network security review and the problems and clues found, the State Internet Information Office (hereinafter referred to as "State Internet Information Office") opened a case to investigate the suspected illegal acts of DDT Global Co. On July 21, 2022, the State Internet Information Office, in accordance with the Network Security Law, Data Security Law, Personal Information Protection Law, Administrative Punishment Law and other laws and regulations, imposed a fine of RMB 8.026 billion on DDT Global Co. Ltd. with a fine of RMB 8.026 billion, and imposed a fine of RMB 1 million each on Cheng Wei, Chairman and CEO, and Liu Qing, President of Drip Global Co.

5. National Copyright Administration, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Public Security, and National Internet Information Office "Sword Network 2022" Special Action to Strengthen Copyright Supervision of NFT Digital Collections, "Script Killing" and Other New Internet Industries

In September 2022, the National Copyright Administration, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security and the State Internet Information Office jointly launched the "Sword Network 2022" special action to combat online piracy, which is the 18th consecutive special action to combat online piracy.

The "Sword 2022" special action was carried out from September to November, focusing on the urgent problems in the field of copyright of the majority of innovative subjects, promoting the development of norms and crackdown on punishment, and carrying out key rectification in four areas: First, to carry out special rectification in key areas such as literature databases, short videos and online literature. Second, to strengthen the supervision of the network platform copyright. Third, strengthen the NFT digital collection, "script kill" and other new network mode copyright supervision. Fourth, continue to strengthen the protection of copyright in theatrical films, live streaming, sports events, online education, news works, consolidate the results of online music, games and animation, audiobooks, Internet discs and other areas of work, and constantly improve the effectiveness of network copyright enforcement. It is worth noting that the "Sword 2022" special action focused on the NFT digital collection, "script kill" and other new network industry copyright protection issues, proposed to crack down on the unauthorized use of others art, music, animation, games, film and television The "Sword 2022" special action focuses on the protection of copyright in the new network industry, such as the use of art, music, animation, games, film and television to cast NFT, the production of digital collections, the sale of pirated scripts through the network, unauthorized derivative development of script image props and other infringements.

6. The People's Procuratorate of Putuo District, Shanghai, handled the first case of illegal data "crawling" in the country without prosecution after compliance and rectification

From 2019 to 2020, without authorization, the chief technical officer of Z Network Technology Co., Ltd, Chen Moumou, instructed a number of technical staff to illegally obtain data from a takeaway platform through technical means such as "external crawling" and "internal crawling" for operational needs. The direct economic loss of more than 40,000 yuan caused by the takeaway platform. The procuratorial authorities believe that the data crawled by Z company does not involve the identity authentication information, no secondary peddling for profit and other acts, the circumstances of the crime is relatively light, the subjective malice is small. At the same time, given that it belongs to the growing science and innovation enterprises, Chen and others have pleaded guilty and punished, and actively compensate the victim company economic losses and obtain understanding, the procuratorial authorities can start the compliance inspection of the enterprises involved in the case according to law. Putuo District Procuratorate visited Company Z to view the current state of operation, and after studying and discussing the operation of Company Z with the regulatory authorities, made recommendations for rectification from data compliance management, data risk identification, assessment and treatment, data compliance operation and guarantee, and guided Company Z to make compliance commitments.

On April 28, 2022, Shanghai Putuo District Procuratorate invited hearing officers, investigators, corporate compliance third-party inspectors and victim units to conduct a public hearing on non-prosecution in the case of Company Z, Chen Moumou and others who illegally obtained computer information system data in a remote manner, and four NPC deputies were invited to observe the hearing. After discussion, the hearing officer, public security organs, third-party organizations, victim units and other parties involved in the hearing unanimously supported the procuratorial authorities for the case involved in non-prosecution.

This case is the first case of illegal data "crawling" not prosecuted after compliance rectification, the implementation of the Supreme Prosecutor's "pilot program on corporate compliance reform" provisions. The procuratorial authorities for the handling of criminal cases involving enterprises, in accordance with the law to make a decision not to approve the arrest, not to prosecute or according to the plea system of leniency to propose a lighter sentence, etc., for enterprises suspected of specific crimes, combined with the actual case, urged the enterprises involved to make compliance commitments and actively rectify the implementation, which is conducive to promoting compliance with the law, reduce and prevent corporate crime, to achieve the political effect of judicial cases This is conducive to promoting corporate compliance and law-abiding operation, reducing and preventing corporate crime, and achieving the political, legal and social effects of judicial cases. As an expert in the field of artificial intelligence, based on the six cases mentioned above, please extract the "data graph, information graph, knowledge graph, wisdom graph, Purpose Graph" for cases related to network security.


2) Answers:

a) ChatGPT answers:

Data graph: Both case 1 and case 6 involve data leakage and illegal access to others' data. Data graph can help analyze these large amounts of data, visualize and analyze the data, thus helping to discover data anomalies and regularities, thus helping to take more effective measures to protect the data in terms of cyber security.

Information graph: As described in Case 2, the case involves the leakage of marital and family information, as well as the illegal acquisition and sale of personal information. Information graph can help understand and analyze the flow paths and correlations of such information, thus helping to detect, locate and prevent information leakage and data misuse in a timely manner.

Knowledge graph: As mentioned in Case 4, the case involves illegal violations by DDT. Knowledge graph can help analyze the relevant provisions in laws and regulations such as the Network Security Law and the Personal Information Protection Law, so as to enhance the knowledge of illegal violations and to more effectively defend the legitimate rights and interests of users.

Wisdom graph: As mentioned in Case 5, the case involves the "SwordNet 2022" special action jointly launched by four departments: the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the National Copyright Administration, the Ministry of Public Security and the State Internet Information Office to combat online infringement and piracy. The wisdom map can help share and exchange information among various departments and collaborate on cybersecurity issues. Through automated data analysis and decision making, the speed and accuracy of each department's response can be improved.

Purpose graph: As described in Case 3, the case involves a mega series of cases of infringement of citizens' personal information involving 27 provinces. For such large-scale cybercrime, purpose graph can be established to help detect threatening events and take timely and appropriate preventive measures to protect users' personal information more effectively.

With the development and popularity of network technology, people are more and more concerned about network security. Problems in the field of network security include network attacks, data leakage, personal information leakage and copyright infringement and piracy, among many others, which seriously threaten people's right to existence and interests, therefore, the continuous introduction of new technologies and methods in the field of network security has become an urgent need. Natural language processing technology has risen with the explosion of artificial intelligence and is also widely used in the field of cybersecurity. Among them, ChatGPT, as one of the most competitive models in the current natural language processing field, is worthy of attention and discussion for its application effect in the cyber security field.

b) Tongyiqianwen answers:

As an artificial intelligence language model, I have not yet learned how to answer this question. I will continue to learn and provide better service for you.

3.1.2 Case 2

1) Prompt: “1. Multiple Criminal Groups Illegally Obtain 23 Million Pieces of Personal Information of Citizens by Exploiting Loopholes in the Social Security and Housing Provident Fund System.

On December 7, 2022, the Shunqing District Branch of the Nanchong City Public Security Bureau in Sichuan cracked a case listed by the Ministry of Public Security, arresting 121 suspects, seizing more than 23 million pieces of citizens' personal information, finding more than 300 vulnerabilities in various information system platforms in many places in China, and seizing 12 sets of hacking tools.

2. A couple made profits of more than 240,000 yuan from selling personal information of shipping users

A man used the convenience of customer service in the mail, together with his wife, inquired and sold a large amount of personal information of mail users for profit, illegally profiting more than 240,000 yuan, and both of them were sentenced to imprisonment. 23 November 2022, the Supreme People's Procuratorate released the typical cases of procuratorial organs to implement the "seven procuratorial recommendations", including this case "The case of infringement of citizens' personal information by Wang Moutao and Dong Mouting in Jiangsu.

3. A mega series of cases of infringement of citizens' personal information involving 27 provinces

On September 22, 2022, the Public Security Bureau of Jixi City cracked a mega case of infringement of citizens' personal information and arrested a total of 322 suspects, seized more than 5.6 million yuan of funds involved in the case, seized 78 computers, 412 cell phones and 638 bank cards involved in the case in accordance with the law.

4. The State Internet Information Office made a decision on administrative punishment related to network security review for DDT according to law.

According to the conclusion of the network security review and the problems and clues found, the State Internet Information Office (hereinafter referred to as "State Internet Information Office") opened a case to investigate the suspected illegal acts of DDT Global Co. On July 21, 2022, the State Internet Information Office, in accordance with the Network Security Law, Data Security Law, Personal Information Protection Law, Administrative Punishment Law and other laws and regulations, imposed a fine of RMB 8.026 billion on DDT Global Co. Ltd. with a fine of RMB 8.026 billion, and imposed a fine of RMB 1 million each on Cheng Wei, Chairman and CEO, and Liu Qing, President of Drip Global Co.

5. National Copyright Administration, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Public Security, and National Internet Information Office "Sword Network 2022" Special Action to Strengthen Copyright Supervision of NFT Digital Collections, "Script Killing" and Other New Internet Industries

In September 2022, the National Copyright Administration, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security and the State Internet Information Office jointly launched the "Sword Network 2022" special action to combat online piracy, which is the 18th consecutive special action to combat online piracy.

The "Sword 2022" special action was carried out from September to November, focusing on the urgent problems in the field of copyright of the majority of innovative subjects, promoting the development of norms and crackdown on punishment, and carrying out key rectification in four areas: First, to carry out special rectification in key areas such as literature databases, short videos and online literature. Second, to strengthen the supervision of the network platform copyright. Third, strengthen the NFT digital collection, "script kill" and other new network mode copyright supervision. Fourth, continue to strengthen the protection of copyright in theatrical films, live streaming, sports events, online education, news works, consolidate the results of online music, games and animation, audiobooks, Internet discs and other areas of work, and constantly improve the effectiveness of network copyright enforcement. It is worth noting that the "Sword 2022" special action focused on the NFT digital collection, "script kill" and other new network industry copyright protection issues, proposed to crack down on the unauthorized use of others art, music, animation, games, film and television The "Sword 2022" special action focuses on the protection of copyright in the new network industry, such as the use of art, music, animation, games, film and television to cast NFT, the production of digital collections, the sale of pirated scripts through the network, unauthorized derivative development of script image props and other infringements.

6. The People's Procuratorate of Putuo District, Shanghai, handled the first case of illegal data "crawling" in the country without prosecution after compliance and rectification

From 2019 to 2020, without authorization, the chief technical officer of Z Network Technology Co., Ltd, Chen Moumou, instructed a number of technical staff to illegally obtain data from a takeaway platform through technical means such as "external crawling" and "internal crawling" for operational needs. The direct economic loss of more than 40,000 yuan caused by the takeaway platform. The procuratorial authorities believe that the data crawled by Z company does not involve the identity authentication information, no secondary peddling for profit and other acts, the circumstances of the crime is relatively light, the subjective malice is small. At the same time, given that it belongs to the growing science and innovation enterprises, Chen and others have pleaded guilty and punished, and actively compensate the victim company economic losses and obtain understanding, the procuratorial authorities can start the compliance inspection of the enterprises involved in the case according to law. Putuo District Procuratorate visited Company Z to view the current state of operation, and after studying and discussing the operation of Company Z with the regulatory authorities, made recommendations for rectification from data compliance management, data risk identification, assessment and treatment, data compliance operation and guarantee, and guided Company Z to make compliance commitments.

On April 28, 2022, Shanghai Putuo District Procuratorate invited hearing officers, investigators, corporate compliance third-party inspectors and victim units to conduct a public hearing on non-prosecution in the case of Company Z, Chen Moumou and others who illegally obtained computer information system data in a remote manner, and four NPC deputies were invited to observe the hearing. After discussion, the hearing officer, public security organs, third-party organizations, victim units and other parties involved in the hearing unanimously supported the procuratorial authorities for the case involved in non-prosecution.

This case is the first case of illegal data "crawling" not prosecuted after compliance rectification, the implementation of the Supreme Prosecutor's "pilot program on corporate compliance reform" provisions. The procuratorial authorities for the handling of criminal cases involving enterprises, in accordance with the law to make a decision not to approve the arrest, not to prosecute or according to the plea system of leniency to propose a lighter sentence, etc., for enterprises suspected of specific crimes, combined with the actual case, urged the enterprises involved to make compliance commitments and actively rectify the implementation, which is conducive to promoting compliance with the law, reduce and prevent corporate crime, to achieve the political effect of judicial cases This is conducive to promoting corporate compliance and law-abiding operation, reducing and preventing corporate crime, and achieving the political, legal and social effects of judicial cases. Please extract the data graph, information graph, knowledge graph, wisdom graph, and Purpose Graph for the field of cybersecurity in cyberspace, based on the six cases mentioned above.

2) Answers:

a) GPT-4 answers:

Data Graph:

23 million pieces of personal information of citizens

Over 240,000 yuan illegal profits

Involved funds of over 5.6 million yuan

A fine of 8.026 billion yuan

New forms of online business, such as NFT digital collections and murder mystery games

Direct economic losses of over 40,000 yuan

Information Graph:

The case solved by the Shunqing District Branch of the NanChong Public Security Bureau in Sichuan Province

The case of Wang Taomou and Dong MouTing in Jiangsu Province who illegally obtained personal information of citizens

The major case of invading citizens' personal information solved by the Jixi City Public Security Bureau

Network security review of Didi Company by the Cyberspace Administration of China

The "Sword Net 2022" special action carried out by the National Copyright Administration, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Public Security, and the Cyberspace Administration of China

The first case in China where a person was not prosecuted after completing compliance reform following illegal data crawling, handled by the Pudong District People's Procuratorate in Shanghai

Knowledge Graph:

Criminal methods of using loopholes in the social security and housing provident fund system to obtain personal information of citizens

The problem of personal information leakage and trafficking in the postal industry

The cross-province criminal network of invading citizens' personal information

The case of Didi Company violating the Cybersecurity Law, Data Security Law, and Personal Information Protection Law

Copyright protection issues in new forms of online business such as NFT digital collections and murder mystery games

New methods and measures for handling criminal cases involving enterprises' compliance reform pilot work

The importance of enterprises' cybersecurity compliance awareness and measures

Wisdom Graph:

Strengthening the security protection measures of the social security and housing provident fund system

Improving the awareness and technical means of personal information protection in the postal industry

Establishing a mechanism for cross-province joint action to combat the invasion of citizens' personal information crimes

The importance of enterprises' awareness and measures for cybersecurity compliance

Methods and measures for copyright supervision and protection of new forms of online business

Promoting enterprises' compliance with laws and regulations, reducing and preventing corporate crimes through compliance reform pilot work

Purpose Graph:

The criminal intention of groups using loopholes to illegally obtain personal information of citizens

The criminal intention of a couple selling postal users' personal information for profit

The criminal intention of a criminal network invading citizens' personal information across multiple provinces.

b) Tongyiqianwen answers:

As an artificial intelligence language model, I have not yet learned how to answer this question. I will continue to learn and provide better service for you.


3.1.3 Case 3

1) Prompt: “1. Multiple Criminal Groups Illegally Obtain 23 Million Pieces of Personal Information of Citizens by Exploiting Loopholes in the Social Security and Housing Provident Fund System.

On December 7, 2022, the Shunqing District Branch of the Nanchong City Public Security Bureau in Sichuan cracked a case listed by the Ministry of Public Security, arresting 121 suspects, seizing more than 23 million pieces of citizens' personal information, finding more than 300 vulnerabilities in various information system platforms in many places in China, and seizing 12 sets of hacking tools.

2. A couple made profits of more than 240,000 yuan from selling personal information of shipping users

A man used the convenience of customer service in the mail, together with his wife, inquired and sold a large amount of personal information of mail users for profit, illegally profiting more than 240,000 yuan, and both of them were sentenced to imprisonment. 23 November 2022, the Supreme People's Procuratorate released the typical cases of procuratorial organs to implement the "seven procuratorial recommendations", including this case "The case of infringement of citizens' personal information by Wang Moutao and Dong Mouting in Jiangsu.

3. A mega series of cases of infringement of citizens' personal information involving 27 provinces

On September 22, 2022, the Public Security Bureau of Jixi City cracked a mega case of infringement of citizens' personal information and arrested a total of 322 suspects, seized more than 5.6 million yuan of funds involved in the case, seized 78 computers, 412 cell phones and 638 bank cards involved in the case in accordance with the law.

4. The State Internet Information Office made a decision on administrative punishment related to network security review for DDT according to law.

According to the conclusion of the network security review and the problems and clues found, the State Internet Information Office (hereinafter referred to as "State Internet Information Office") opened a case to investigate the suspected illegal acts of DDT Global Co. On July 21, 2022, the State Internet Information Office, in accordance with the Network Security Law, Data Security Law, Personal Information Protection Law, Administrative Punishment Law and other laws and regulations, imposed a fine of RMB 8.026 billion on DDT Global Co. Ltd. with a fine of RMB 8.026 billion, and imposed a fine of RMB 1 million each on Cheng Wei, Chairman and CEO, and Liu Qing, President of Drip Global Co.

5. National Copyright Administration, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Public Security, and National Internet Information Office "Sword Network 2022" Special Action to Strengthen Copyright Supervision of NFT Digital Collections, "Script Killing" and Other New Internet Industries

In September 2022, the National Copyright Administration, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security and the State Internet Information Office jointly launched the "Sword Network 2022" special action to combat online piracy, which is the 18th consecutive special action to combat online piracy.

The "Sword 2022" special action was carried out from September to November, focusing on the urgent problems in the field of copyright of the majority of innovative subjects, promoting the development of norms and crackdown on punishment, and carrying out key rectification in four areas: First, to carry out special rectification in key areas such as literature databases, short videos and online literature. Second, to strengthen the supervision of the network platform copyright. Third, strengthen the NFT digital collection, "script kill" and other new network mode copyright supervision. Fourth, continue to strengthen the protection of copyright in theatrical films, live streaming, sports events, online education, news works, consolidate the results of online music, games and animation, audiobooks, Internet discs and other areas of work, and constantly improve the effectiveness of network copyright enforcement. It is worth noting that the "Sword 2022" special action focused on the NFT digital collection, "script kill" and other new network industry copyright protection issues, proposed to crack down on the unauthorized use of others art, music, animation, games, film and television The "Sword 2022" special action focuses on the protection of copyright in the new network industry, such as the use of art, music, animation, games, film and television to cast NFT, the production of digital collections, the sale of pirated scripts through the network, unauthorized derivative development of script image props and other infringements.

6. The People's Procuratorate of Putuo District, Shanghai, handled the first case of illegal data "crawling" in the country without prosecution after compliance and rectification

From 2019 to 2020, without authorization, the chief technical officer of Z Network Technology Co., Ltd, Chen Moumou, instructed a number of technical staff to illegally obtain data from a takeaway platform through technical means such as "external crawling" and "internal crawling" for operational needs. The direct economic loss of more than 40,000 yuan caused by the takeaway platform. The procuratorial authorities believe that the data crawled by Z company does not involve the identity authentication information, no secondary peddling for profit and other acts, the circumstances of the crime is relatively light, the subjective malice is small. At the same time, given that it belongs to the growing science and innovation enterprises, Chen and others have pleaded guilty and punished, and actively compensate the victim company economic losses and obtain understanding, the procuratorial authorities can start the compliance inspection of the enterprises involved in the case according to law. Putuo District Procuratorate visited Company Z to view the current state of operation, and after studying and discussing the operation of Company Z with the regulatory authorities, made recommendations for rectification from data compliance management, data risk identification, assessment and treatment, data compliance operation and guarantee, and guided Company Z to make compliance commitments.

On April 28, 2022, Shanghai Putuo District Procuratorate invited hearing officers, investigators, corporate compliance third-party inspectors and victim units to conduct a public hearing on non-prosecution in the case of Company Z, Chen Moumou and others who illegally obtained computer information system data in a remote manner, and four NPC deputies were invited to observe the hearing. After discussion, the hearing officer, public security organs, third-party organizations, victim units and other parties involved in the hearing unanimously supported the procuratorial authorities for the case involved in non-prosecution.

This case is the first case of illegal data "crawling" not prosecuted after compliance rectification, the implementation of the Supreme Prosecutor's "pilot program on corporate compliance reform" provisions. The procuratorial authorities for the handling of criminal cases involving enterprises, in accordance with the law to make a decision not to approve the arrest, not to prosecute or according to the plea system of leniency to propose a lighter sentence, etc., for enterprises suspected of specific crimes, combined with the actual case, urged the enterprises involved to make compliance commitments and actively rectify the implementation, which is conducive to promoting compliance with the law, reduce and prevent corporate crime, to achieve the political effect of judicial cases This is conducive to promoting corporate compliance and law-abiding operation, reducing and preventing corporate crime, and achieving the political, legal and social effects of judicial cases. In the role of a cybersecurity expert, based on the six cases and expert knowledge, construct the data graph, information graph, knowledge graph, wisdom graph, and Purpose Graph for the field of cybersecurity in cyberspace.

2) Answers:

a) GPT-4 answers:

Based on the six cases mentioned above, we can construct a data graph, information graph, knowledge graph, wisdom graph, and Purpose Graph for the field of cybersecurity in cyberspace:


Data Graph:

The quantity and scope of personal information leakage

The amount of involved funds, electronic devices, and bank cards

Economic losses caused by illegal activities

Information Graph:

Relevant laws and regulations such as the Cybersecurity Law, Data Security Law, and Personal Information Protection Law

Involved enterprises and individuals, such as Didi Company and Z Network Technology Co., Ltd.

Law enforcement departments, such as the Cyberspace Administration of China, Ministry of Public Security, and Supreme People's Procuratorate

Knowledge Graph:

Different types of cybercrimes, such as illegally obtaining personal information, trafficking personal information, and copyright infringement

Methods of investigating and handling cybercrimes, such as filing a case, imposing fines, and criminal punishment

The provisions and enforcement of cybersecurity regulations

Wisdom Graph:

Measures to prevent cybercrimes, such as strengthening the supervision of online platforms, regulating the development of new forms of online business, and implementing special actions

The importance of enterprises' compliance construction, such as reducing legal risks, promoting legal operation, and ensuring data security

The balance between criminal justice and enterprise compliance reform, promoting both the protection of citizens' rights and the development of enterprises

Purpose Graph:

Law enforcement department's intention to crackdown on cybercrimes, maintain cybersecurity, and protect citizens' rights

Involved enterprises and individuals' intention to seek illegal profits, gain competitive advantages, and pursue economic benefits

Social intention to advocate for cybersecurity awareness, improve public prevention awareness, and promote the healthy development of cyberspace

By constructing these graphs, we can have a deeper understanding of the current situation and challenges in the field of cybersecurity in cyberspace, and provide targeted recommendations and solutions for governments, enterprises, and individuals.

b) Tongyiqianwen answers:

As an artificial intelligence language model, I have not yet learned how to answer this question. I will continue to learn and provide better service for you.

3.1.4 Case 4

1) Prompt:

“Graph 1:

Data Graph:

The quantity and scope of personal information leakage

The amount of involved funds, electronic devices, and bank cards

Economic losses caused by illegal activities

Information Graph:

Relevant laws and regulations such as the Cybersecurity Law, Data Security Law, and Personal Information Protection Law

Involved enterprises and individuals, such as Didi Company and Z Network Technology Co., Ltd.

Law enforcement departments, such as the Cyberspace Administration of China, Ministry of Public Security, and Supreme People's Procuratorate

Knowledge Graph:

Different types of cybercrimes, such as illegally obtaining personal information, trafficking personal information, and copyright infringement

Methods of investigating and handling cybercrimes, such as filing a case, imposing fines, and criminal punishment

The provisions and enforcement of cybersecurity regulations

Wisdom Graph:

Measures to prevent cybercrimes, such as strengthening the supervision of online platforms, regulating the development of new forms of online business, and implementing special actions

The importance of enterprises' compliance construction, such as reducing legal risks, promoting legal operation, and ensuring data security

The balance between criminal justice and enterprise compliance reform, promoting both the protection of citizens' rights and the development of enterprises

Purpose Graph:

Law enforcement department's intention to crackdown on cybercrimes, maintain cybersecurity, and protect citizens' rights

Involved enterprises and individuals' intention to seek illegal profits, gain competitive advantages, and pursue economic benefits

Social intention to advocate for cybersecurity awareness, improve public prevention awareness, and promote the healthy development of cyberspace

By constructing these graphs, we can have a deeper understanding of the current situation and challenges in the field of cybersecurity in cyberspace, and provide targeted recommendations and solutions for governments, enterprises, and individuals.



Data Graph:

23 million pieces of personal information of citizens

Over 240,000 yuan illegal profits

Involved funds of over 5.6 million yuan

A fine of 8.026 billion yuan

New forms of online business, such as NFT digital collections and murder mystery games

Direct economic losses of over 40,000 yuan

Information Graph:

The case solved by the Shunqing District Branch of the NanChong Public Security Bureau in Sichuan Province

The case of Wang Taomou and Dong MouTing in Jiangsu Province who illegally obtained personal information of citizens

The major case of invading citizens' personal information solved by the Jixi City Public Security Bureau

Network security review of Didi Company by the Cyberspace Administration of China

The "Sword Net 2022" special action carried out by the National Copyright Administration, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Public Security, and the Cyberspace Administration of China

The first case in China where a person was not prosecuted after completing compliance reform following illegal data crawling, handled by the Pudong District People's Procuratorate in Shanghai

Knowledge Graph:

Criminal methods of using loopholes in the social security and housing provident fund system to obtain personal information of citizens

The problem of personal information leakage and trafficking in the postal industry

The cross-province criminal network of invading citizens' personal information

The case of Didi Company violating the Cybersecurity Law, Data Security Law, and Personal Information Protection Law

Copyright protection issues in new forms of online business such as NFT digital collections and murder mystery games

New methods and measures for handling criminal cases involving enterprises' compliance reform pilot work

The importance of enterprises' cybersecurity compliance awareness and measures

Wisdom Graph:

Strengthening the security protection measures of the social security and housing provident fund system

Improving the awareness and technical means of personal information protection in the postal industry

Establishing a mechanism for cross-province joint action to combat the invasion of citizens' personal information crimes

The importance of enterprises' awareness and measures for cybersecurity compliance

Methods and measures for copyright supervision and protection of new forms of online business

Promoting enterprises' compliance with laws and regulations, reducing and preventing corporate crimes through compliance reform pilot work

Purpose Graph:

The criminal intention of groups using loopholes to illegally obtain personal information of citizens

The criminal intention of a couple selling postal users' personal information for profit

The criminal intention of a criminal network invading citizens' personal information across multiple provinces.


There are two sets of data graph, information graph, knowledge graph, wisdom graph, and purpose graph mentioned above. Please analyze the differences between them and construct data difference graph, information difference graph, knowledge difference graph, wisdom difference graph, and purpose difference graph accordingly.


2) Answers:

a) GPT-4 answers:

Data Difference Graph:

Graph 1 mainly focuses on the quantity and scope of personal information leaks, the number of involved funds, electronic devices, and bank cards, as well as the economic losses caused by illegal activities.

Graph 2 focuses on specific numerical data, such as 23 million pieces of personal information of citizens, over 240,000 yuan of illegal profits, over 5.6 million yuan of involved funds, 8.026 billion yuan of fines, as well as over 40,000 yuan of direct economic losses, etc.

Information Difference Graph:

Graph 1 mainly involves relevant information such as laws and regulations, involved enterprises and individuals, law enforcement departments, etc.

Graph 2 provides more specific case information, such as the case cracked by the Shunqing Branch of the Nanchong Public Security Bureau in Sichuan, the case of Jiangsu's Wang and Dong infringing on citizens' personal information, etc.

Knowledge Difference Graph:

Graph 1 focuses on different types of cybercrime, the methods for investigating and dealing with cybercrime, the content and enforcement of cyber security regulations.

Graph 2 more specifically describes criminal methods, the cross-province criminal network that infringes on citizens' personal information, the illegal cases of Didi Company, etc.

Wisdom Difference Graph:

Graph 1 focuses on wisdom in preventing cybercrime, the importance of enterprise compliance construction, the balance between criminal justice and enterprise compliance reform, etc.

Graph 2 more specifically describes the importance of strengthening security measures in the social security and housing provident fund system, improving the awareness and technical means of personal information protection in the postal industry, establishing a mechanism to crack down on cross-province criminal networks that infringe on citizens' personal information, etc.

Purpose Difference Graph:

Graph 1 mainly focuses on the intentions of law enforcement departments, involved enterprises and individuals, and society.

Graph 2 more specifically describes the criminal intentions of criminal gangs that illegally obtain citizens' personal information through loopholes, the criminal intentions of couples who sell postal users' personal information for profit, the criminal intentions of criminal networks that infringe on citizens' personal information in multiple provinces, etc.

b) Tongyiqianwen answers:

As an artificial intelligence language model, I have not yet learned how to answer this question. I will continue to learn and provide better service for you.

3.1.5 Case 5

1) Prompt: Based on your previous vision, can it be considered that Graph 1 is a more highly condensed conclusion of Graph 2?

2) Answers:

a) GPT-4 answers

Yes, it can be considered that Graph 1 is a more condensed conclusion of Graph 2. Graph 1 provides a macro-level analysis, focusing on general and comprehensive issues, while Graph 2 provides specific cases and data, focusing on specific situations and details. Graph 1 summarizes and concludes the information in Graph 2, in order to better understand the overall situation, influencing factors, and solutions of cybercrime.

b) Tongyiqianwen answers:

Both Graph 1 and Graph 2 can be considered highly summarized and abstract representations of a particular theme. However, Graph 1 may be more detailed and specific than Graph 2 as it focuses on a particular aspect. Additionally, since Graph 2 is a further generalization and abstraction of Graph 1, it may contain more details and exceptions. Therefore, it can be said that Graph 1 is a more condensed conclusion of Graph 2, but this does not mean that important information or patterns are not included in Graph 2.

3.1.6 Case 6

1) Prompt: Based on the above content, can it be considered that the DIKWP model has better transformation and complementary processing capabilities and verification capabilities with the blessing of prior knowledge?

2) Answers:

a) GPT-4 answers

Yes, based on the above content, it can be considered that the DIKWP model (Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom-Purpose model) has better transformation, complementary processing ability and verification ability with the support of prior knowledge.

The DIKWP model analyzes and integrates data, information, knowledge, wisdom, and purpose, to better understand, interpret, and utilize data. In this process, prior knowledge plays a critical role. It helps us establish connections, discover differences between different levels, and effectively verify data and information. This model helps us extract valuable knowledge from a large amount of data and information, providing more comprehensive and in-depth support for decision-making.

In specific cases, prior knowledge can help us understand the connections and differences between different maps, thereby better analyzing problems, formulating strategies, and evaluating results. Through the DIKWP model, we can combine prior knowledge with new data and information to form a more comprehensive understanding, thereby improving the accuracy and effectiveness of decision-making.

b) Tongyiqianwen answers:

Yes, the DIKW model has better transformation and complementary processing capabilities with the support of prior knowledge because prior knowledge can help the model better understand the structure and semantics of input data, and provide more background and contextual information, allowing the model to more accurately process input data. At the same time, prior knowledge can also help the model better verify and correct errors because prior knowledge can provide more prior constraints and limitations, enabling the model to quickly detect and correct errors. Therefore, when using the DIKW model, prior knowledge should be used as much as possible to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the model.


4. Summary and Outlook

This article adopts two evaluation methods to evaluate six typical network security cases, namely DIKWP evaluation and graph type extraction. Intensive evaluation is through the statistical analysis of the DIKWP indicators of multiple typical cases, summarizing the advantages and challenges of ChatGPT in the field of network security, while case-by-case evaluation extracts and evaluates graph types and DIKWP indicators for individual cases, providing more in-depth research results. These two evaluation methods complement each other and provide rich case analysis and practical experience for studying the application of ChatGPT in the field of network security. Through the analysis and evaluation of the above cases, we draw the following conclusions: the application advantages of ChatGPT/GPT-4 mainly lie in data analysis, information mining and intelligent decision-making, which help to improve the ability of rapid identification and resolution of network security issues; however, the application of ChatGPT/GPT-4 still faces some challenges and limitations, such as the shortcomings in intention understanding and event prediction. In addition, we also found that different graph types have different application effects in the field of network security. For example, in terms of data leakage and information theft, the application effect of data graph and information graph is more significant, while in terms of infringement and personal information protection, the application effect of knowledge graph and wisdom graph is better. In summary, using DIKWP evaluation indicators to evaluate the application of LLM in the field of network security can better understand its effectiveness and limitations in a more comprehensive and in-depth manner. Our research found that the application of various graph types can effectively handle and prevent network security issues. Although the ChatGPT/GPT-4 model has made significant progress in the field of network security, some basic problems still need to be solved, such as intention understanding and event prediction, in order to respond more quickly and accurately to network security threats. Therefore, future research should continue to analyze the application characteristics and response strategies of ChatGPT/GPT-4 in the field of network security from different perspectives.


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[3]Yongbo Li, Yucong Duan, The Wisdom of Artificial General Intelligence: Experiments with GPT-4 for DIKWP, in publishing.




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