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The Capability Evaluation of GPT-4 on Medical/Medicine Domain with DIKWP Analysis

April 2023





The Capability Evaluation of GPT-4 on Medical/Medicine Domain with DIKWP Analysis



Yingbo Li12, Yi Zhou3,Yingtian Mei12, Zhensheng Hu3,Yucong Duan12*

 xslwen@outlook.com   duanyucong@hotmail.com 

AGI-AIGC-GPT Test and Evaluation DIKWP (Global) Lab1

DIKWP research group, Hainan University2



1. 摘要



Keywords: GPT-4, DIKWP, AGI, LLM, Medical records

2. 简介

人工智能(AI)是一门致力于让机器具有智能行为的学科。通用人工智能(AGI)[1]是指能够在各种领域和任务上达到或超越人类水平的AI。AGI的评价标准之一就是其对于信息的分析与理解能力,尤其是在医疗数据这种高度专业化和复杂化的领域。近年来,AGI相关的技术在文本处理、机器翻译、图片处理等方面取得了巨大的进步,极大地提升了人类对数字资源的理解能力与推理能力。然而,如何客观有效地评估这些技术的智能水平和能力范围仍然是一个难题。现有的AGI评价测试方法大多依赖于主观认知经验,缺乏一个统一的评价体系和评测标准。本文着重于分析与研究GPT-4对于医疗数据的理解能力[2][3][4][5],并并于人类专家的诊断结果与治疗意见进行比较。同时提出了一个基于DIKWP模型(Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom, Purpose)的评价框架。


3. GPT-4的DIKWP推理能力评估

我们将对放射性胃炎,胶原性胃炎与嗜酸粒细胞胃肠炎等三种胃炎的医疗记录数据进行GPT-4 分析与DIKWP的提取与推理。最后我们用GPT-4给出诊断结果与治疗意见,与人类专家进行的结论进行比较。

3.1 放射性胃炎








【一般资料】 患者男,56岁

【主诉】 因上腹部不适伴纳差2个月余入院。

【现病史】 患者半年前曾行肝癌根治术,术后予伽马刀放射治疗13次(具体诊疗过程不详),2个月前无明显诱因下出现上腹胀,伴食欲减退,外院上腹部增强CT检查示残肝内多发转移灶、胃体下部及胃窦部胃壁增厚水肿伴周围多发小淋巴结,外院胃镜检查见胃窦一深溃疡形成、底覆白苔、周围黏膜隆起(提示放射性胃炎),活检病理提示(胃窦)黏膜慢性炎伴纤维肉芽肿组织增生及表面大量炎性坏死渗出(符合慢性溃疡组织),予抑酸护胃、护肝等综合治疗后症状较前好转。


【查体】 入院体检:精神欠佳,消痩貌,腹平软,右上腹可见一斜形手术疤痕,长约15cm,肝脾肋下未及。患者有“2型糖尿病”病史10年,诉近3个月体质量下降约10kg。

【辅助检查】 入院后血红蛋白波动在67~90g/L。腹部B超检查提示:肝内多发占位,门静脉内栓子形成;胆囊壁毛糙增厚,胆囊内稍高回声(胆泥沉积、胆囊结石可能);胰脾未见明显异常。入院20余天后行肝动脉化疗栓塞术示:肝右叶原发性肝癌。入院2个月后查体:剑突下可触及包块,质软,表面光滑,活动度尚可。复查上腹部CT示:肝癌介入术后,肝门部多发淋巴结转移;胆囊壁增厚;脾大。胃镜检查示:胃窦部严重变形,后壁及小弯侧可见片状浅溃疡,表面覆新鲜血痂,幽门偏位,黏膜明显充血水肿(图1);活检病理示:(胃窦)黏膜中至重度慢性炎,见片状炎性坏死渗出及出血组织(图2)。图1入院后胃镜检查1a、1b、1c:胃窦部严重变形,黏膜明显充血、水肿,后壁及小弯侧可见片状浅溃疡,表面覆新鲜血痂;1d:幽门偏位,黏膜充血、水肿图2胃窦溃疡边活检组织病理提示浅表黏膜,中至重度慢性炎症,可见片状炎性坏死渗出及出血组织HE×100


【诊断】 放射性胃炎。


【治疗经过】 病程中患者时有低热,给予抗感染、抑酸护胃、胃肠起搏、输血及激素治疗,同时给予护肝及营养支持等对症处理后行原发性肝癌肝动脉化疗栓塞术治疗,患者食纳、腹胀较前好转出院。随访2个月,患者精神食欲仍较差,时有腹胀,大小便尚可。













【一般资料】 患者男,56岁

【主诉】 因上腹部不适伴纳差2个月余入院。

【现病史】 患者半年前曾行肝癌根治术,术后予伽马刀放射治疗13次(具体诊疗过程不详),2个月前无明显诱因下出现上腹胀,伴食欲减退,外院上腹部增强CT检查示残肝内多发转移灶、胃体下部及胃窦部胃壁增厚水肿伴周围多发小淋巴结,外院胃镜检查见胃窦一深溃疡形成、底覆白苔、周围黏膜隆起(提示放射性胃炎),活检病理提示(胃窦)黏膜慢性炎伴纤维肉芽肿组织增生及表面大量炎性坏死渗出(符合慢性溃疡组织),予抑酸护胃、护肝等综合治疗后症状较前好转。


【查体】 入院体检:精神欠佳,消痩貌,腹平软,右上腹可见一斜形手术疤痕,长约15cm,肝脾肋下未及。患者有“2型糖尿病”病史10年,诉近3个月体质量下降约10kg。

【辅助检查】 入院后血红蛋白波动在67~90g/L。腹部B超检查提示:肝内多发占位,门静脉内栓子形成;胆囊壁毛糙增厚,胆囊内稍高回声(胆泥沉积、胆囊结石可能);胰脾未见明显异常。入院20余天后行肝动脉化疗栓塞术示:肝右叶原发性肝癌。入院2个月后查体:剑突下可触及包块,质软,表面光滑,活动度尚可。复查上腹部CT示:肝癌介入术后,肝门部多发淋巴结转移;胆囊壁增厚;脾大。胃镜检查示:胃窦部严重变形,后壁及小弯侧可见片状浅溃疡,表面覆新鲜血痂,幽门偏位,黏膜明显充血水肿(图1);活检病理示:(胃窦)黏膜中至重度慢性炎,见片状炎性坏死渗出及出血组织(图2)。图1入院后胃镜检查1a、1b、1c:胃窦部严重变形,黏膜明显充血、水肿,后壁及小弯侧可见片状浅溃疡,表面覆新鲜血痂;1d:幽门偏位,黏膜充血、水肿图2胃窦溃疡边活检组织病理提示浅表黏膜,中至重度慢性炎症,可见片状炎性坏死渗出及出血组织HE×100



请分析出上面描述中所包含的数据、信息、知识、智慧和意图,并以表格的方式输出。 然后,分别构建出数据、信息、知识、智慧和意图的图谱,并给出详细过程。 绘制上面数据层、信息层、知识层、智慧层与意图层之间的关系。





治疗意见:放射性胃炎的治疗目前尚无规范化方案,多限于一些个案报道。基础治疗有保证营养摄入、保护胃肠黏膜、抗感染、止血及止痛等。内镜下氩离子凝固术 (APC)是一种非接触性电凝技术,可有效治疗放射性胃炎导致的黏膜血管损伤2。高压氧疗能提高氧分压,增加组织供氧,促进创面愈合。泼尼松龙作为肾上腺皮质激素类抗炎药物可调节免疫反应、抑制机体促炎因子的表达,从而改善炎症反应。生长激素能够增加蛋白质合成,刺激细胞增殖和分化,进而促进创面愈合2。具体的治疗方案应根据患者的个体情况和医生的建议来选择。预防放射性胃炎的措施有选择合适的放疗方式、提高放疗精度、减少放射损伤;运用放射保护剂;术中术后预防性使用胃黏膜保护药物如质子泵抑制剂等;避免明显损伤胃肠黏膜药物;禁用部分靶向药物






● 数据图谱:数据图谱是数据的可视化表示,显示不同变量或数据点之间的关系。它用于以更易于理解的格式显示信息,从而有助于分析和决策制定。为了构建数据图谱,我们需要从医疗记录中提取出一些关键的数据点,例如患者年龄、性别、科室、症状、体检结果、辅助检查结果等,并用一种合适的图形类型(例如条形图、折线图、散点图等)来显示它们之间的关系。例如,我们可以用条形图来显示不同科室的患者数量,用折线图来显示患者血红蛋白的变化趋势,用散点图来显示患者体重和身高的分布等。

● 信息图谱:信息图谱,也称为本体,是特定知识领域的结构化和形式化表示。它用于描述特定专业领域内的概念、类别和关系,提供一种表示和推理信息的方法。为了构建信息图谱,我们需要从医疗记录中抽取出一些关键的概念和类别,例如肝癌、胃溃疡、胆囊结石等,并用一种形式化的语言(例如RDF)来表示它们之间的关系。例如,我们可以用RDF三元组<S,P,O>来表示<肝癌,是,肝脏疾病>,<胃溃疡,是,胃部疾病>等。

● 知识图谱:知识图谱是一种图形数据结构,它将知识表示为实体、它们的属性以及它们之间的关系的集合。它是一种以结构化和相互关联的方式组织信息的方式,可以实现高效和有效的检索和推理。为了构建知识图谱,我们需要从医疗记录中抽取出一些关键的实体和属性,例如姚明、国籍、身高等,并用一种形式化的语言(例如RDF)来表示它们之间的关系。例如,我们可以用RDF三元组<S,P,O>来表示<姚明,国籍,中国>,<姚明,身高,229厘米>等。

● 智慧图谱:智慧图谱是一种知识图谱,旨在以结构化和相互关联的方式表示和组织人类知识和见解。它不仅捕捉事实知识,还捕捉洞察力和智慧。为了构建智慧图谱,我们需要从医疗记录中抽取出一些关键的思想、信念和见解,并用一种形式化的语言(例如RDF)来表示它们之间的关系。例如,我们可以用RDF三元组<S,P,O>来表示<肝癌,可能导致,死亡>,<胃溃疡,可能由于,放射性胃炎>等。

● 意图图谱:意图图谱是一种图形数据结构,旨在捕获和表示组织的目标、战略、活动和结果之间的关系。它可以被认为是组织目的的基于图形的表示,节点代表组织目的的各个组成部分,边代表这些组成部分之间的关系。为了构建意图图谱,我们需要从医疗记录中抽取出一些关键的目标、战略、活动和结果,并用一种形式化的语言(例如RDF)来表示它们之间的关系。例如,我们可以用RDF三元组<S,P,O>来表示<医院,目标,提高患者满意度>,<医院,战略,提供优质的医疗服务>等。


3.2 放射性胃炎








【一般资料】 患者女,20岁。

【主诉】 4年来出现无规律上腹痛,伴腹胀、呃逆、体重明显下降(4.5kg/月)2个月,于2009年7月6日就诊。


【查体】 体检:消瘦(BMI为16.4kg/m2),腹部平软,上腹部轻压痛,未触及肝脾。有过敏和哮喘史,对猫、狗等宠物的皮屑及粉尘等过敏,追问病史,患者2个月前有与宠物密切接触史。

【辅助检查】 血常规:嗜酸性粒细胞绝对值0.39×109/L,嗜酸性粒细胞百分数5.5%。腹部B超、甲状腺功能检査、粪常规及潜血检査均未见异常。内镜及病理检査:胃镜检查显示胃体中、下部花斑、不平;角切迹花斑、不平,散在陈旧出血点,可见2处白色结节,直径分别为0.4、0.3cm,表面略呈绒毛感,质软(活检);胃窦红斑、不平,前壁侧及后壁侧各可见1处片状白色不平区域,直径分别为2.0、1.5cm,表面略呈绒毛感,质软(活检)(图1);十二指肠球部及降部未见异常。胃镜诊断:慢性浅表性胃炎,局部萎缩,伴肠化生?

【实验室检查】 活检组织病理学检查(HE染色)显示:黏膜固有层内可见中等量淋巴浆细胞浸润,并可见较多嗜酸性粒细胞浸润,嗜酸性粒细胞计数大于60个/高倍镜视野,小凹结构和固有腺体未见明显破坏和减少;黏膜浅层可见灶状出血;表面上皮细胞层下可见带状红染胶原样物质沉积(图2),其中可见少量淋巴细胞和嗜酸性粒细胞浸润(图3);部分表面上皮破碎、脱落(图2)。组织化学染色示:Masson染色阳性(胶原呈蓝色)(图4),刚果红染色(淀粉物质)阴性,Warthin-Starry染色(幽门螺杆菌,Hp)阴性。Image-ProPlus5.1软件测量上皮下胶原带厚度为16.6~120.3(43.8±30.9)μm。


【病理诊断】 胶原性胃炎。


【治疗】 给予促动力药、胃黏膜保护药及消化酶和微生态制剂2周,症状未见明显改善,体重仍有下降(BMI为15.6kg/m2),随后加用泼尼松(20mg/d),4周后食欲好转,呃逆减轻,体重略有增加(BMI为16.0kg/m2),血常规显示嗜酸性粒细胞百分数降至正常。













【一般资料】 患者女,20岁。

【主诉】 4年来出现无规律上腹痛,伴腹胀、呃逆、体重明显下降(4.5kg/月)2个月,于2009年7月6日就诊。


【查体】 体检:消瘦(BMI为16.4kg/m2),腹部平软,上腹部轻压痛,未触及肝脾。有过敏和哮喘史,对猫、狗等宠物的皮屑及粉尘等过敏,追问病史,患者2个月前有与宠物密切接触史。

【辅助检查】 血常规:嗜酸性粒细胞绝对值0.39×109/L,嗜酸性粒细胞百分数5.5%。腹部B超、甲状腺功能检査、粪常规及潜血检査均未见异常。内镜及病理检査:胃镜检查显示胃体中、下部花斑、不平;角切迹花斑、不平,散在陈旧出血点,可见2处白色结节,直径分别为0.4、0.3cm,表面略呈绒毛感,质软(活检);胃窦红斑、不平,前壁侧及后壁侧各可见1处片状白色不平区域,直径分别为2.0、1.5cm,表面略呈绒毛感,质软(活检)(图1);十二指肠球部及降部未见异常。胃镜诊断:慢性浅表性胃炎,局部萎缩,伴肠化生?

【实验室检查】 活检组织病理学检查(HE染色)显示:黏膜固有层内可见中等量淋巴浆细胞浸润,并可见较多嗜酸性粒细胞浸润,嗜酸性粒细胞计数大于60个/高倍镜视野,小凹结构和固有腺体未见明显破坏和减少;黏膜浅层可见灶状出血;表面上皮细胞层下可见带状红染胶原样物质沉积(图2),其中可见少量淋巴细胞和嗜酸性粒细胞浸润(图3);部分表面上皮破碎、脱落(图2)。组织化学染色示:Masson染色阳性(胶原呈蓝色)(图4),刚果红染色(淀粉物质)阴性,Warthin-Starry染色(幽门螺杆菌,Hp)阴性。Image-ProPlus5.1软件测量上皮下胶原带厚度为16.6~120.3(43.8±30.9)μm。



请分析出上面描述中所包含的数据、信息、知识、智慧和意图,并以表格的方式输出。 然后,分别构建出数据、信息、知识、智慧和意图的图谱,并给出详细过程。 绘制上面数据层、信息层、知识层、智慧层与意图层之间的关系。



诊断结果:嗜酸性粒细胞胃炎(eosinophilic gastritis,EG)







数据信息知识智慧意图患者年龄:20患者女,20岁女性20岁患者更易患某些疾病根据女性20岁患者特点制定个体化治疗方案了解患者基本情况性别:女近4年来出现无规律上腹痛,伴腹胀、呃逆无规律上腹痛可能与胃肠道疾病相关排除其他原因导致上腹痛的可能性了解患者主要症状科室:消化内科体重明显下降(4.5kg/月)2个月体重明显下降可能与营养不良或消化吸收障碍相关调整饮食结构和营养补充计划 体检:消瘦(BMI为16.4kg/m2),腹部平软,上腹部轻压痛,未触及肝脾患者体质指数低于正常范围,上腹部有轻度炎症反应,肝脾功能正常消瘦可能与胃肠道疾病或其他全身性疾病相关,上腹部轻压痛可能是胃炎或胃溃疡的表现,肝脾未触及说明没有肝脾肿大或腹水等情况根据体检结果和其他辅助检查结果综合判断患者的诊断和预后,制定合理的治疗和护理措施了解患者的体格状况和器官功能有过敏和哮喘史,对猫、狗等宠物的皮屑及粉尘等过敏,追问病史,患者2个月前有与宠物密切接触史患者有过敏性体质,易引发哮喘发作,曾经接触过可能导致过敏反应的物质过敏性体质是由遗传和环境因素共同作用导致的免疫系统异常反应,哮喘是一种常见的过敏性气道疾病,与宠物皮屑、粉尘等过敏原有关根据患者的过敏史和哮喘史,评估患者的过敏风险和哮喘控制情况,给予相应的预防和治疗措施,避免过敏原接触和哮喘发作了解患者的过敏情况和哮喘情况血常规:嗜酸性粒细胞绝对值0.39×109/L,嗜酸性粒细胞百分数5.5%患者嗜酸性粒细胞增多,超出正常范围嗜酸性粒细胞增多可能与寄生虫感染、变态反应、结缔组织病、肿瘤等相关根据嗜酸性粒细胞增多的原因进行相应的检查和治疗,如排除寄生虫感染、给予抗组胺药物、抑制嗜酸性粒细胞释放因子等了解患者的血液情况和嗜酸性粒细胞相关疾病甲状腺功能正常,粪便性状和隐血试验正常患者甲状腺功能无异常,粪便无出血或感染迹象甲状腺功能异常可能与甲状腺疾病或其他内分泌疾病相关,粪便出血或感染可能与消化道疾病或肿瘤相关根据甲状腺功能和粪便检查结果排除一些可能的疾病,如甲亢、甲减、溃疡性结肠炎、结肠癌等了解患者的甲状腺功能和粪便情况内镜及病理检査:胃镜检查显示胃体中、下部花斑、不平;角切迹花斑、不平,散在陈旧出血点,可见2处白色结节,直径分别为0.4、0.3cm,表面略呈绒毛感,质软(活检);胃窦红斑、不平,前壁侧及后壁侧各可见1处片状白色不平区域,直径分别为2.0、1.5cm,表面略呈绒毛感,质软(活检)(图1);十二指肠球部及降部未见异常。胃镜诊断:慢性浅表性胃炎,局部萎缩,伴肠化生?患者胃黏膜有不同程度的炎症、萎缩和肠化生改变,以及多处白色结节或片状区域,可能为息肉或肿瘤胃黏膜的花斑、不平、红斑等是胃炎的内镜表现,胃黏膜萎缩是胃酸分泌减少的结果,胃黏膜肠化生是胃黏膜上皮细胞向肠型上皮细胞转化的过程,是一种癌前性改变。胃黏膜上的白色结节或片状区域可能是良性或恶性的增生物,需要活检和组织学检查来确定性质根据内镜和病理检查结果判断患者的胃黏膜状态和癌变风险,给予相应的治疗和随访措施,如抑制幽门螺杆菌感染、调节胃酸分泌、切除息肉或肿瘤等了解患者的胃黏膜情况和内镜诊断较多嗜酸性粒细胞浸润,嗜酸性粒细胞计数大于60个/高倍镜视野,小凹结构和固有腺体未见明显破坏和减少;黏膜浅层可见灶状出血;表面上皮细胞层下可见带状红染胶原样物质沉积(图2),其中可见少量淋巴细胞和嗜酸性粒细胞浸润(图3);部分表面上皮破碎、脱落(图2)。组织化学染色示:Masson染色阳性(胶原呈蓝色)(图4),刚果红染色(淀粉物质)阴性,Warthin-Starry染色(幽门螺杆菌,Hp)阴性。Image-ProPlus5.1软件测量上皮下胶原带厚度为16.6~120.3(43.8±30.9)μm患者胃黏膜有嗜酸性粒细胞增多性胃炎的病理特征,即嗜酸性粒细胞浸润、表面上皮下胶原带增厚、幽门螺杆菌阴性等,同时伴有一定程度的出血、上皮损伤和肠化生等改变嗜酸性粒细胞增多性胃炎是一种罕见的慢性胃炎类型,其发病机制尚不清楚,可能与过敏反应或免疫异常有关。表面上皮下胶原带增厚是其特征性的组织学表现,可以用Masson染色显示。幽门螺杆菌感染在本病中较少见,可以用Warthin-Starry染色排除。出血、上皮损伤和肠化生等改变可能与慢性炎症或其他因素有关,需要进一步观察和随访根据病理检查结果确诊患者为嗜酸性粒细胞增多性胃炎,并评估其严重程度和并发症的风险,给予相应的治疗和预防措施,如抗过敏药物、抑制嗜酸性粒细胞释放因子、促进黏膜修复等了解患者的胃黏膜病理情况和病理诊断



1. 数据层:这一层包含了患者的基本信息、症状、体检结果、化验数据等原始数据。例如,患者的年龄、性别、体重下降情况、血常规检查结果等。

2. 信息层:在这一层,我们通过分析和整合数据层中的原始数据,提炼出有价值的信息。例如,患者的上腹痛和腹胀可能与消化系统问题有关;嗜酸性粒细胞绝对值和百分数偏高,可能提示过敏反应;胃镜检查显示胃体中、下部花斑、不平,角切迹花斑、不平等现象,可能为慢性浅表性胃炎等。

3. 知识层:在这一层,我们将信息层中提炼出的信息与已有的医学知识相结合,对患者的病情进行初步诊断。例如,根据胃镜结果、活检组织病理学检查结果和实验室检查结果,初步诊断为慢性浅表性胃炎,局部萎缩,伴肠化生。

4. 智慧层:在这一层,我们运用专业知识和经验,对患者的病情进行更深入的分析,并为患者提供个性化的治疗建议。例如,考虑到患者有过敏和哮喘史,可能需要针对过敏原进行治疗;同时,针对患者的胃炎情况,可以考虑采用抗炎药物、调整饮食等综合治疗。

5. 意图层:这一层反映了医生为患者制定治疗方案的目的和目标。例如,通过对患者过敏原的治疗,减轻过敏症状;对胃炎进行综合治疗,改善患者的上腹痛、腹胀等症状,帮助患者恢复健康。



● 数据层 → 信息层:通过分析和整合原始数据,提炼出有价值的信息。

● 信息层 → 知识层:将提炼出的信息与现有医学知识相结合,形成初步诊断。

● 知识层 → 智慧层:根据初步诊断,运用专业知识和经验,进行更深入的分析和个性化治疗建议。

● 智慧层 → 意图层:明确治疗方案的目标和目的,为患者提供全面、有效的治疗。




3.3 嗜酸粒细胞胃肠炎








【一般资料】 患者男,31岁。

【主诉】 主因腹痛、腹泻伴腹胀40d住院。

【现病史】 入院前40d无明显原诱因出现腹痛、腹泻,腹痛以上腹部为主,隐痛,大便由1次/d转为2~4次/d,呈黄色糊状便,无黏液及脓血便,伴有腹胀且逐渐加重。病程中无乏力、发热、盗汗。未出现过皮疹、口腔溃疡及关节疼痛。曾在外院行C13呼气试验阳性,口服泮托拉唑、克拉霉素、阿莫西林标准三联抗Hp治疗及吗丁啉促动力治疗无效,腹胀症状逐渐加重,于入院前2d在我院行腹部超声示:腹腔积液。电子胃镜:慢性浅表性胃炎伴胆汁反流。电子肠镜:轻度结肠炎(横结肠黏膜充血水肿、糜烂)。患病来精神、饮食、睡眠尚可,小便无异常,体质量增加2.5kg。

【既往病史】 既往史:既往有高血压病史4~5年,未行系统治疗。否认慢性肝病史。40d曾患泌尿系感染口服热淋清颗粒。否认哮喘、过敏性鼻炎、荨麻疹病史。否认药物及食物过敏史。有结核病医院附近居住史。患者父亲及弟弟均患有高血压,母亲身体健康。


【查体】 入院时体检:T36.2℃,P98次/min,R19次/min,血压120/90mmHg(1mmHg=0.133kPa),皮肤黏膜未见皮疹,心肺查体无异常,腹软,略膨隆,无腹壁静脉曲张,肝脾未触及,全腹无压痛及反跳痛,移动性浊音阳性。

【实验室检查】 WBC18.32×109/L,N12.0%,L8.0%,嗜酸性粒细胞75.0%,HGB144g/L,PLAT215×109/L。尿常规、便常规均正常,便虫卵阴性。C反应蛋白20.6ng/L,血沉正常。免疫球蛋白包括IgA、IgG、IgM均正常。生化检查总蛋白49.6g/L,白蛋白30.7g/L,其余各项均正常。自身抗体15项均阴性。食物过敏原14项:牛奶++,猪肉+,鸡肉+,鲟鱼+,余均阴性。结核抗体三项阴性,T-Spot结核试验阴性。消化系肿瘤标志物各项均正常。腹水生化及常规:比重1.010,白细胞6798.0×106/L,其中多个核细胞97.6%,单个核细胞2.4%,腹水蛋白43.25g/L,立凡他试验阳性。腹水送病理可见嗜酸性粒细胞满视野,难以计数(见图1);未发现肿瘤细胞,抗酸染色阴性。骨髓细胞形态学检查:嗜酸性粒细胞明显增高,占41.0%。印象:嗜酸性粒细胞增多原因待查。

【辅助检查】 影像学检查:胸片心肺隔未见异常,少量胸腔积液。超声心动图:未见异常。腹部超声:腹腔积液(深度为8.6cm),肝胆胰脾双肾未见异常。腹部增强CT腹腔大量积液,食管下段及胃贲门处壁明显增厚,横结肠局部肠壁增厚,未发现门静脉增宽及栓塞。复查胃镜:慢性浅表性胃炎伴糜烂。胃镜多点取活检送病理:胃体大弯黏膜表浅黏膜组织轻-中度慢性炎伴淋巴组织增生,局部间质充血、可见嗜酸性粒细胞浸润,密集处约25个/HPF,窦体交界表浅黏膜组织慢性炎伴轻度急性炎及糜烂,局部间质水肿,可见少量嗜酸性粒细胞浸润,5~10个/HPF。胃窦大弯表浅黏膜组织中度慢性炎伴轻度急性炎、糜烂及淋巴细胞增生,局部间质充血,可见少量嗜酸性粒细胞浸润,10〜15个/HPF(见图2)。


【诊断】 嗜酸粒细胞胃肠炎(累及全层)。


【治疗经过】 治疗:禁服热淋清中药,禁食牛奶,尽量少食猪肉、鸡肉及鲟鱼,给予甲泼尼龙片24mg、1次/d口服。治疗1周患者腹痛、腹泻消失,腹胀好转。复查血常规:WBC4.78×109/L,N48.1%,L33.5%,嗜酸性粒细胞6.1%,HGB143g/L,PLAT260×109/L。腹部超声腹水深度由疗前8.3cm减为6.5cm。治疗效果显著出院。出院后嘱患者口服原剂量维持4~6周,然后以4mg/7~10d的速度递减,监测腹水及外周血常规。出院后随访,治疗2周时嗜酸性粒细胞恢复正常,2个月复查消化系超声腹水完全消失。














【一般资料】 患者男,31岁。

【主诉】 主因腹痛、腹泻伴腹胀40d住院。

【现病史】 入院前40d无明显原诱因出现腹痛、腹泻,腹痛以上腹部为主,隐痛,大便由1次/d转为2~4次/d,呈黄色糊状便,无黏液及脓血便,伴有腹胀且逐渐加重。病程中无乏力、发热、盗汗。未出现过皮疹、口腔溃疡及关节疼痛。曾在外院行C13呼气试验阳性,口服泮托拉唑、克拉霉素、阿莫西林标准三联抗Hp治疗及吗丁啉促动力治疗无效,腹胀症状逐渐加重,于入院前2d在我院行腹部超声示:腹腔积液。电子胃镜:慢性浅表性胃炎伴胆汁反流。电子肠镜:轻度结肠炎(横结肠黏膜充血水肿、糜烂)。患病来精神、饮食、睡眠尚可,小便无异常,体质量增加2.5kg。

【既往病史】 既往史:既往有高血压病史4~5年,未行系统治疗。否认慢性肝病史。40d曾患泌尿系感染口服热淋清颗粒。否认哮喘、过敏性鼻炎、荨麻疹病史。否认药物及食物过敏史。有结核病医院附近居住史。患者父亲及弟弟均患有高血压,母亲身体健康。


【查体】 入院时体检:T36.2℃,P98次/min,R19次/min,血压120/90mmHg(1mmHg=0.133kPa),皮肤黏膜未见皮疹,心肺查体无异常,腹软,略膨隆,无腹壁静脉曲张,肝脾未触及,全腹无压痛及反跳痛,移动性浊音阳性。

【实验室检查】 WBC18.32×109/L,N12.0%,L8.0%,嗜酸性粒细胞75.0%,HGB144g/L,PLAT215×109/L。尿常规、便常规均正常,便虫卵阴性。C反应蛋白20.6ng/L,血沉正常。免疫球蛋白包括IgA、IgG、IgM均正常。生化检查总蛋白49.6g/L,白蛋白30.7g/L,其余各项均正常。自身抗体15项均阴性。食物过敏原14项:牛奶++,猪肉+,鸡肉+,鲟鱼+,余均阴性。结核抗体三项阴性,T-Spot结核试验阴性。消化系肿瘤标志物各项均正常。腹水生化及常规:比重1.010,白细胞6798.0×106/L,其中多个核细胞97.6%,单个核细胞2.4%,腹水蛋白43.25g/L,立凡他试验阳性。腹水送病理可见嗜酸性粒细胞满视野,难以计数(见图1);未发现肿瘤细胞,抗酸染色阴性。骨髓细胞形态学检查:嗜酸性粒细胞明显增高,占41.0%。印象:嗜酸性粒细胞增多原因待查。

【辅助检查】 影像学检查:胸片心肺隔未见异常,少量胸腔积液。超声心动图:未见异常。腹部超声:腹腔积液(深度为8.6cm),肝胆胰脾双肾未见异常。腹部增强CT腹腔大量积液,食管下段及胃贲门处壁明显增厚,横结肠局部肠壁增厚,未发现门静脉增宽及栓塞。复查胃镜:慢性浅表性胃炎伴糜烂。胃镜多点取活检送病理:胃体大弯黏膜表浅黏膜组织轻-中度慢性炎伴淋巴组织增生,局部间质充血、可见嗜酸性粒细胞浸润,密集处约25个/HPF,窦体交界表浅黏膜组织慢性炎伴轻度急性炎及糜烂,局部间质水肿,可见少量嗜酸性粒细胞浸润,5~10个/HPF。胃窦大弯表浅黏膜组织中度慢性炎伴轻度急性炎、糜烂及淋巴细胞增生,局部间质充血,可见少量嗜酸性粒细胞浸润,10〜15个/HPF(见图2)。



请分析出上面描述中所包含的数据、信息、知识、智慧和意图,并以表格的方式输出。 然后,分别构建出数据、信息、知识、智慧和意图的图谱,并给出详细过程。 绘制上面数据层、信息层、知识层、智慧层与意图层之间的关系。




诊断结果:患者可能患有嗜酸性粒细胞增多综合征(hypereosinophilic syndrome, HES),这是一种以外周血嗜酸性粒细胞增多伴或不伴组织损害为特征的疾病。患者的嗜酸性粒细胞计数明显升高,达到75%,远超过正常范围(0.5%~5%,并且有腹水、腹胀、腹痛、腹泻等消化道症状,以及胸腔积液、心肺无异常等呼吸道症状。患者的电子胃镜、电子肠镜、腹水送病理、胃镜多点取活检等检查均显示有嗜酸性粒细胞浸润,提示有组织损害。患者的C反应蛋白升高,提示有炎症反应。患者的食物过敏原14项中有4项阳性,提示有过敏体质。患者的自身抗体15项均阴性,结核抗体三项阴性,T-Spot结核试验阴性,排除了自身免疫性疾病和结核感染的可能。患者的消化系肿瘤标志物各项均正常,未发现肿瘤细胞,排除了肿瘤性疾病的可能。患者的骨髓细胞形态学检查显示嗜酸性粒细胞明显增高,占41.0%,提示有骨髓异常。因此,根据患者的临床表现、实验室检查和辅助检查,可以诊断为嗜酸性粒细胞增多综合征。


● 肾上腺皮质激素:可抑制嗜酸粒细胞的产生,对原发性和继发性嗜酸粒细胞增多症均有效,因此常作为首选治疗。泼尼松1mg/ (kg·d),口服,发病急者可予相当剂量的地塞米松静脉点滴。病情好转后,改为口服药,原量维持2周,然后在2~3个月内减至半量,再逐渐减量维持1年左右。若减量过程中病情反复,至少应恢复至减量前用药。

● 细胞毒药物:对于白细胞增多明显,外周血中出现原始粒细胞,脏器浸润明显,病情进展快的重症患者以及皮质激素治疗疗效差者可加用羟基脲治疗,1~2g/d,治疗7~14天后白细胞开始下降,至白细胞降至<10×109/L后,用小剂量维持 (每天或隔天0.5g)。亦可加用长春新碱:1~2 mg/次,每周1次。长春新碱可快速降白细胞,用药1~3天白细胞数即可下降,一般多用于白细胞过高的患者。长春新碱治疗,还可用VP16 (VM26)、烷化剂如苯丁酸氮芥 (瘤可宁)等。

● 生物因子和免疫抑制药:干扰素 (1.0~6.25)×106U/d,皮下注射,连续应用。干扰素可抑制嗜酸粒细胞的增殖和释放。环孢素A常用剂量4mg/kg,可以同小剂量皮质激素联合使用。环孢素A是一种免疫抑制剂,可抑制T细胞的活化和增殖。

● 脾脏切除:HES患者约43%有脾脏肿大,巨脾可出现脾功能亢进和脾梗死,导致贫血和血小板减少。出现严重脾功能亢进和脾梗死时,可考虑脾切除治疗。脾切除的适应证是:①巨脾引起的机械性并发症;②脾功能亢进导致的血液系统异常;③嗜酸性粒细胞增多不易控制;④嗜酸性粒细胞增多伴有其他骨髓增生性肿瘤。


数据信息知识智慧意图患者年龄:31患者是一名31岁的男性31岁是成年人的年龄段,男性比女性更容易患有高血压等心血管疾病针对31岁男性患者的健康风险和预防措施,可以提供相应的健康教育和指导了解患者的基本情况和特征性别:男    科室:消化内科患者主要就诊于消化内科消化内科主要负责消化系统疾病的诊断和治疗根据消化内科的专业知识和经验,可以制定合理有效的治疗方案和评估标准确定患者所属的医学领域和专业范围症状与体状及患者自述:腹痛、腹泻伴腹胀40d住院等患者出现了消化系统功能紊乱的表现,持续时间较长,且未得到有效缓解腹痛、腹泻伴腹胀可能是多种消化系统疾病的共同表现,如胃肠道感染、结肠癌、克罗恩病等,需要进一步检查以明确诊断--体测与化验数据:T36.2℃,P98次/min,R19次/min,血压120/90mmHg等患者的生命体征和实验室检查结果患者的生命体征和实验室检查结果反映了患者的健康状况和病理变化,如WBC18.32×109/L,嗜酸性粒细胞75.0%提示有嗜酸性粒细胞增多综合征的可能根据患者的生命体征和实验室检查结果,可以判断患者的病情严重程度,选择合适的治疗方法和药物,监测治疗效果和不良反应获取患者的客观数据,支持临床诊断和治疗辅助检查:胸片心肺隔未见异常,少量胸腔积液等患者的影像学检查结果患者的影像学检查结果显示了患者的解剖结构和功能状态,如腹腔积液、食管下段及胃贲门处壁明显增厚、横结肠局部肠壁增厚等根据患者的影像学检查结果,可以发现潜在的病变部位和原因,如腹腔积液可能由于嗜酸性粒细胞浸润或感染引起,食管下段及胃贲门处壁明显增厚可能与胃食管反流有关等获取患者的形态学数据,支持临床诊断和治疗诊断:嗜酸性粒细胞增多综合征(HES)待查原因患者的临床诊断结果患者的临床诊断结果是基于患者的症状、体征、实验室检查和影像学检查等综合分析得出的,如嗜酸性粒细胞增多综合征(HES)是一种以外周血嗜酸性粒细胞持续增多为特征,并可累及多个器官系统的疾病根据患者的临床诊断结果,可以制定相应的治疗目标和计划,如嗜酸性粒细胞增多综合征(HES)待查原因需要进一步寻找可能的病因,如感染、肿瘤、自身免疫等,并给予相应的治疗措施获取患者的临床诊断结果,指导临床治疗治疗:口服泮托拉唑、克拉霉素、阿莫西林标准三联抗Hp治疗及吗丁啉促动力治疗无效等患者接受过或正在接受的治疗方法和药物患者接受过或正在接受的治疗方法和药物是基于患者的诊断和病情选择的,如口服泮托拉唑、克拉霉素、阿莫西林标准三联抗Hp治疗是治疗幽门螺杆菌感染的常用方案,吗丁啉促动力治疗是改善胃肠道运动功能的药物根据患者接受过或正在接受的治疗方法和药物,可以评估治疗效果和不良反应,如口服泮托拉唑、克拉霉素、阿莫西林标准三联抗Hp治疗及吗丁啉促动力治疗无效说明患者可能存在耐药性或其他并发症,需要调整治疗方案或增加其他辅助治疗获取患者的治疗情况,评估治疗效果预后:预后不佳,需进一步检查明确诊断并给予针对性治疗患者的预后结果和建议患者的预后结果和建议是基于患者的诊断、病情、治疗反应等综合判断得出的,如预后不佳是指患者有较高的死亡风险或残疾风险,需进一步检查明确诊断并给予针对性治疗是指患者目前的诊断尚不明确,需要进行更多的检查以找出确切的病因,并根据病因制定个体化的治疗方案根据患者的预后结果和建议,可以制定相应的护理计划和随访计划,如预后不佳的患者需要加强护理观察,及时发现并处理并发症,提高生活质量,需进一步检查明确诊断并给予针对性治疗的患者需要安排相关检查项目,并根据检查结果调整治疗方案,定期随访评估效果获取患者的预后结果和建议,指导护理和随访


1. 以下是我为这份医疗记录所构建的数据、信息、知识、智慧和意图的图谱。

2. 数据层: 包含所有测量和检查结果,如年龄、性别、体温、心率、血压、化验数据、影像学检查结果等。

3. 信息层: 在数据层的基础上,加入医生对这些数据的解释和总结,包括患者的症状和体征、病史、检查结果的异常和正常范围、诊断等。

4. 知识层: 基于医学专业知识,对信息层的内容进行深入分析和解释,包括对疾病的病理生理机制、病因、流行病学等方面的了解,以及对治疗方案、预后、并发症等方面的知识。

5. 智慧层: 基于医生的经验和专业知识,对患者的病情进行综合分析和判断,提出具体的治疗方案和建议,包括药物治疗、手术治疗、康复和护理等方面的建议。

6. 意图层: 基于医生对患者的分析和判断,提出对患者最有利的治疗计划,以及预防和管理患者可能出现的并发症等方面的意图。





4. 三种医疗记录的实验评估的讨论与结论





[1] Bubeck, Sébastien, Varun Chandrasekaran, Ronen Eldan, Johannes Gehrke, Eric Horvitz, Ece Kamar, Peter Lee et al. "Sparks of artificial general intelligence: Early experiments with gpt-4." arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.12712 (2023).

[2] Li, Yingbo, Yucong Duan, Zakaria Maamar, Haoyang Che, Anamaria-Beatrice Spulber, and Stelios Fuentes. "Swarm differential privacy for purpose-driven data-information-knowledge-wisdom architecture." Mobile Information Systems 2021 (2021): 1-15.

[3] Mei, Yingtian, Yucong Duan, Liang Chen, Zaiwen Feng, Lei Yu, and Zhendong Guo. "Purpose Driven Disputation Modeling, Analysis and Resolution Based on DIKWP Graphs." In 2022 IEEE 24th Int Conf on High Performance Computing & Communications; 8th Int Conf on Data Science & Systems; 20th Int Conf on Smart City; 8th Int Conf on Dependability in Sensor, Cloud & Big Data Systems & Application (HPCC/DSS/SmartCity/DependSys), pp. 2118-2125. IEEE, 2022.

[4] Yingbo Li, Yucong Duan, “The Wisdom of Artificial General Intelligence: Experiments with GPT-4 for DIKWP”, arXiv preprint (2023)

[5] Yingbo Li, Yucong Duan, “The Evaluation of Experiments of Artificial General Intelligence with GPT-4 Based on DIKWP“, arXiv preprint (2023)



The Capability Evaluation of GPT-4 on Medical/Medicine Domain with DIKWP Analysis


Yingbo Li12, Yi Zhou3,Yingtian Mei12, Zhensheng Hu3,Yucong Duan12*

 xslwen@outlook.com   duanyucong@hotmail.com 

AGI-AIGC-GPT Test and Evaluation DIKWP (Global) Lab1

DIKWP research group, Hainan University2


1. Summary

This paper discusses how to objectively and effectively evaluate the intelligence level and capability range of technologies such as general artificial intelligence (AGI) and generative pre-training Transformer (GPT) in the field of medical record understanding and analysis. This paper focuses on evaluating the general understanding ability of GPT technology for medical records from two aspects, as well as the understanding and mapping ability based on the data, information, knowledge, wisdom and intelligence (DIKWP) model, and then evaluates the intelligence level of GPT in medical records . For objective evaluation, this paper selects three types of medical records for horizontal comparison. This paper provides an objective evaluation of the application of AGI/GPT in the field of medical data and proposes a new evaluation criterion.


Keywords: GPT-4, DIKWP, AGI, LLM, Medical records

2. Introduction

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the discipline dedicated to enabling machines to behave intelligently. Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) [1] refers to AI capable of reaching or surpassing human performance in various domains and tasks. One of the evaluation criteria of AGI is its ability to analyze and understand information, especially in the highly specialized and complex field of medical data. In recent years, AGI-related technologies have made great progress in text processing, machine translation, image processing, etc., which have greatly improved human understanding and reasoning capabilities for digital resources. However, how to objectively and effectively evaluate the intelligence level and scope of capabilities of these technologies is still a difficult problem. Most of the existing AGI evaluation test methods rely on subjective cognitive experience, lacking a unified evaluation system and evaluation standards. This article focuses on the analysis and research of GPT-4's ability to understand medical data [2][3][4][5], and compares it with the diagnosis results and treatment opinions of human experts. At the same time, an evaluation framework based on the DIKWP model (Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom, Purpose) is proposed.


3. DIKWP reasoning ability evaluation of GPT-4

We will perform GPT-4 analysis and DIKWP extraction and inference on medical record data of three types of gastritis, including radiation gastritis, collagenous gastritis and eosinophilic gastroenteritis. Finally, we will use GPT-4 to give diagnostic results and treatment opinions to compare with the conclusions made by human experts.

3.1 Radiation gastritis


Original medical records:


[patient's age]:56



[Symptoms and body shape and patient's self-report]:

[General information] The patient is male, 56 years old

Chief Complaint】 He was admitted to the hospital due to epigastric discomfort and anorexia for more than 2 months.

[Present illness history] The patient had undergone radical resection of liver cancer six months ago, and received 13 times of gamma knife radiation therapy after the operation (the specific diagnosis and treatment process is unknown). Two months ago, there was no obvious incentive for upper abdominal distension, accompanied by loss of appetite, and the upper abdomen was enhanced in the other hospital. CT examination showed multiple metastatic lesions in the remnant liver, thickening and edema of the gastric wall in the lower part of the gastric body and gastric antrum with multiple small lymph nodes around it, and gastroscopy in an outside hospital showed the formation of a deep ulcer in the gastric antrum with a white coating on the bottom and raised surrounding mucosa (suggesting radiation gastritis ), the biopsy pathology showed chronic inflammation of the (gastric antrum) mucosa with hyperplasia of fibrogranuloma tissue and a large amount of inflammatory and necrotic exudation on the surface (consistent with chronic ulcer tissue). The symptoms improved after comprehensive treatment such as acid suppression, stomach protection and liver protection.

[Physical test and laboratory data]:

Physical Examination】Admission physical examination: poor spirit, thin appearance, flat and soft abdomen, an oblique surgical scar about 15cm in length on the right upper quadrant, not reaching the liver, spleen and ribs. The patient has a history of "type 2 diabetes" for 10 years, and complained of a weight loss of about 10kg in the past 3 months.

[Auxiliary examination] After admission, the hemoglobin fluctuated at 67-90g/L. Abdominal B-ultrasound examination revealed: multiple space-occupying in the liver, embolism in the portal vein; rough and thickened gallbladder wall, slightly hyperechoic in the gallbladder (bile sludge deposition, gallbladder stones possible); no obvious abnormalities in the pancreas and spleen. More than 20 days after admission, hepatic arterial chemoembolization showed primary liver cancer in the right lobe of the liver. Physical examination 2 months after admission: a palpable mass under the xiphoid process, soft and smooth, with acceptable mobility. Re-examination of upper abdomen CT showed: after liver cancer intervention, multiple hilar lymph node metastasis; gallbladder wall thickening; splenomegaly. Gastroscopic examination showed that the gastric antrum was severely deformed, shallow ulcers were seen on the posterior wall and the lesser curvature, the surface was covered with fresh blood scabs, the pylorus was displaced, and the mucosa was obviously congested and edematous (Figure 1); the biopsy pathology showed: (gastric antrum) mucosa Moderate to severe chronic inflammation, see flakes of inflammatory necrotic exudation and hemorrhagic tissue (Figure 2). Figure 1 Gastroscopic examination after admission 1a, 1b, 1c: severe deformation of the gastric antrum, obvious hyperemia and edema of the mucosa, flaky shallow ulcers can be seen on the posterior wall and the lesser curvature, and the surface is covered with fresh blood scabs; 1d: pylorus deviation, mucosal hyperemia , Edema Fig. 2 Histopathology of the biopsy of gastric antrum ulcer side showed superficial mucosa, moderate to severe chronic inflammation, exudation of flake inflammatory necrosis and hemorrhage tissue HE×100

[diagnostic result]:

Diagnosis】 Radiation gastritis.

[Diagnosis and treatment process]:

[Treatment process] During the course of the disease, the patient sometimes had a low-grade fever, and was given anti-infection, acid suppression to protect the stomach, gastrointestinal pacing, blood transfusion, and hormone therapy. At the same time, symptomatic treatment such as liver protection and nutritional support was given, and hepatic arterial chemoembolization for primary liver cancer was performed. After surgical treatment, the patient's appetite and abdominal distension improved and he was discharged from the hospital. During the 2-month follow-up, the patient's mental appetite was still poor, with abdominal distension from time to time, and the bowel movement was acceptable.

[Drug Name]:not yet filled

[Treatment cycle]:not yet filled

[doctor's order]:not yet filled

[treatment effect]:not yet filled

[other]:not yet filled



The following text is a medical record:

[patient's age]:56



[Symptoms and body shape and patient's self-report]:

[General information] The patient is male, 56 years old

Chief Complaint】 He was admitted to the hospital due to epigastric discomfort and anorexia for more than 2 months.

[Present illness history] The patient had undergone radical resection of liver cancer six months ago, and received 13 times of gamma knife radiation therapy after the operation (the specific diagnosis and treatment process is unknown). Two months ago, there was no obvious incentive for upper abdominal distension, accompanied by loss of appetite, and the upper abdomen was enhanced in the other hospital. CT examination showed multiple metastatic lesions in the remnant liver, thickening and edema of the gastric wall in the lower part of the gastric body and gastric antrum with multiple small lymph nodes around it, and gastroscopy in an outside hospital showed the formation of a deep ulcer in the gastric antrum with a white coating on the bottom and raised surrounding mucosa (suggesting radiation gastritis ), the biopsy pathology showed chronic inflammation of the (gastric antrum) mucosa with hyperplasia of fibrogranuloma tissue and a large amount of inflammatory and necrotic exudation on the surface (consistent with chronic ulcer tissue). The symptoms improved after comprehensive treatment such as acid suppression, stomach protection and liver protection.

[Physical test and laboratory data]:

Physical Examination】Admission physical examination: poor spirit, thin appearance, flat and soft abdomen, an oblique surgical scar about 15cm in length on the right upper quadrant, not reaching the liver, spleen and ribs. The patient has a history of "type 2 diabetes" for 10 years, and complained of a weight loss of about 10kg in the past 3 months.

[Auxiliary examination] After admission, the hemoglobin fluctuated at 67-90g/L. Abdominal B-ultrasound examination revealed: multiple space-occupying in the liver, embolism in the portal vein; rough and thickened gallbladder wall, slightly hyperechoic in the gallbladder (bile sludge deposition, gallbladder stones possible); no obvious abnormalities in the pancreas and spleen. More than 20 days after admission, hepatic arterial chemoembolization showed primary liver cancer in the right lobe of the liver. Physical examination 2 months after admission: a palpable mass under the xiphoid process, soft and smooth, with acceptable mobility. Re-examination of upper abdomen CT showed: after liver cancer intervention, multiple hilar lymph node metastasis; gallbladder wall thickening; splenomegaly. Gastroscopic examination showed that the gastric antrum was severely deformed, shallow ulcers were seen on the posterior wall and the lesser curvature, the surface was covered with fresh blood scabs, the pylorus was displaced, and the mucosa was obviously congested and edematous (Figure 1); the biopsy pathology showed: (gastric antrum) mucosa Moderate to severe chronic inflammation, see flakes of inflammatory necrotic exudation and hemorrhagic tissue (Figure 2). Figure 1 Gastroscopic examination after admission 1a, 1b, 1c: severe deformation of the gastric antrum, obvious hyperemia and edema of the mucosa, flaky shallow ulcers can be seen on the posterior wall and the lesser curvature, and the surface is covered with fresh blood scabs; 1d: pylorus deviation, mucosal hyperemia , Edema Fig. 2 Histopathology of the biopsy of gastric antrum ulcer side showed superficial mucosa, moderate to severe chronic inflammation, exudation of flake inflammatory necrosis and hemorrhage tissue HE×100


Please analyze the above medical records, give the diagnosis results and treatment opinions, and give the basis.

Please analyze the data, information, knowledge, wisdom and purpose contained in the above description, and output it in the form of a table. Then, the graphs of data, information, knowledge, wisdom and purpose are respectively constructed, and the detailed process is given. Draw the relationship between the above data level, information level, knowledge level, intelligence level and purpose level.

GPT-4 answers:


Diagnosis: radiation gastritis

Basis: The patient had a medical history of gamma knife radiation therapy after radical resection of liver cancer, and developed symptoms such as epigastric discomfort, anorexia, hematemesis, and melena. Flaky shallow ulcers can be seen on the side, and the surface is covered with fresh blood scabs. Biopsy pathology showed moderate to severe chronic inflammation of the mucosa with fibrogranuloma tissue hyperplasia and a large amount of inflammatory necrosis on the surface. These findings are consistent with the clinical features of radiation gastritis

Treatment opinion: There is no standardized treatment plan for radiation gastritis, and it is mostly limited to some case reports. Basic treatment includes ensuring nutritional intake, protecting gastrointestinal mucosa, anti-infection, hemostasis, and pain relief. Endoscopic argon plasma coagulation (APC) is a non-contact electrocoagulation technique that can effectively treat mucosal vascular injury caused by radiation gastritis2. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can increase oxygen partial pressure, increase tissue oxygen supply, and promote wound healing. Prednisolone, as an adrenocortical hormone anti-inflammatory drug, can regulate the immune response and inhibit the expression of pro-inflammatory factors in the body, thereby improving the inflammatory response. Growth hormone can increase protein synthesis, stimulate cell proliferation and differentiation, and promote wound healing2. The specific treatment plan should be selected according to the individual situation of the patient and the doctor's advice. Measures to prevent radiation gastritis include selecting appropriate radiotherapy methods, improving radiotherapy accuracy, and reducing radiation damage; using radioprotectants; prophylactically using gastric mucosal protection drugs such as proton pump inhibitors during and after surgery; avoiding drugs that significantly damage the gastrointestinal mucosa ; Prohibition of some targeted drugs 



datainformationKnowledgewisdompurpose56Patient male, 56 years oldThe 56-year-old belongs to the middle-aged and elderly people, and the incidence of liver cancer is relatively highTo prevent liver cancer, you should pay attention to healthy diet and avoid viral infections such as hepatitis BProvide basic patient information37.5Armpit temperature: 37.5 degrees Celsius37.5 degrees Celsius belongs to the low-grade fever range, which may be related to liver cancer metastasis or radiation gastritisIf the low-grade fever persists, you should seek medical attention in time to rule out other complicationsMonitor patient temperature changes67~90g/LHemoglobin fluctuates at 67-90g/LHemoglobin lower than the normal range (120-160g/L), indicating anemia or bleedingAnemia or bleeding will affect the patient's physical function and recovery ability, and timely nutritional supplementation and blood transfusion therapy are requiredCheck the patient's bloodMultiple space-occupying in the liver; embolus formation in the portal vein; gallbladder wall roughness and thickening, slightly hyperechoic in the gallbladder (biliary sludge deposition, gallbladder stones possible); no obvious abnormalities in the pancreas and spleenAbdominal B-ultrasound examination showed: multiple space-occupying in the liver, embolus formation in the portal vein; gallbladder wall was rough and thickened, slightly hyperechoic in the gallbladder (bile sludge deposition, gallbladder stones possible); no obvious abnormalities were found in the pancreas and spleenMultiple hepatic space-occupying and portal vein thrombus formation are typical manifestations of liver cancer, suggesting that liver cancer is advanced; gallbladder wall roughness and thickening and hyperechoic gallbladder may be signs of radiation cholecystitis or gallbladder stones, and further examination is needed; pancreas and spleen See Clearly Abnormal Indicates No Pancreatitis or Other ComplicationsThe prognosis of patients with advanced liver cancer is poor, and effective treatment measures should be taken as soon as possible, such as chemotherapy, intervention, etc.; radiation cholecystitis or gallbladder stones will aggravate the patient's indigestion and abdominal discomfort, and drugs such as acid-suppressing, stomach-protecting, and choleretic are needed; Protect the function of the pancreas and avoid complications such as diabetesEvaluate the staging and metastasis of liver cancer in patients, and determine the treatment planGastric antrum-deep ulcer, white coating on the bottom, and raised mucosa around it (suggesting radiation gastritis); biopsy pathology showed (gastric antrum) mucosal chronic inflammation with fibrogranuloma tissue hyperplasia and a large amount of inflammatory necrotic exudation on the surface (consistent with chronic ulcer tissue )Gastroscopy in an outer hospital revealed the formation of a deep ulcer in the gastric antrum, with a white coating on the bottom, and raised mucosa around it (suggesting radiation-induced gastritis); biopsy pathology showed (gastric antrum) mucosal chronic inflammation with fibrogranuloma tissue hyperplasia and a large amount of inflammatory necrotic exudation on the surface ( consistent with chronic ulcer tissue)Deep ulcers in the gastric antrum, mucosal bulges, and massive necrotic exudates are serious manifestations of radiation gastritis, which may be related to liver cancer metastasis or radiation therapy; biopsy results rule out the possibility of malignant tumors, but regular review is still requiredRadiation gastritis will seriously affect the patient's appetite and nutritional intake, and treatment such as hemostasis, acid suppression, and healing promotion is required in a timely manner; regular gastroscopy is performed to prevent ulcer perforation or malignant transformation; pay attention to dietary conditioning and avoid irritating foodDiagnose the patient's digestive system condition and formulate a treatment planPrimary liver cancer in right lobe of liverMore than 20 days after admission, hepatic arterial chemoembolization showed primary liver cancer in the right lobe of the liverPrimary liver cancer in the right lobe of the liver refers to a malignant tumor that occurs in the liver itself, which is related to factors such as hepatitis B and alcohol; hepatic arterial chemoembolization is a local treatment method. Drugs and embolic agents are sent into the hepatic artery through a catheter to make the tumor ischemic necrosisHepatic arterial chemoembolization can delay the progression of liver cancer, relieve symptoms, and improve the quality of life; but it cannot cure liver cancer, and may cause some complications, such as fever, nausea, and abdominal discomfort; regular liver function and imaging studies are required. Evaluate treatment effects and side effectstreating patients with primary liver cancerA palpable mass under the xiphoid process, soft, smooth, and mobile; re-examination of the upper abdomen CT showed: multiple lymph node metastases in the hilum; gallbladder wall thickening; splenomegalyPhysical examination 2 months after admission: palpable mass under the xiphoid process, soft, smooth surface, and acceptable mobility; re-examination of upper abdominal CT showed: multiple lymph node metastases in the hepatic hilum; gallbladder wall thickening; splenomegalyThe mass under the xiphoid process may be the direct spread of liver cancer or the manifestation of liver cirrhosis, which needs further examination; the metastasis of hilar lymph nodes indicates that the liver cancer has spread widely, and the prognosis is poor; the thickening of the gallbladder wall may be the secondary publication of radiation cholecystitis or gallstones Attention should be paid to complications; splenomegaly may be caused by portal hypertension or other reasons, and the blood system needs to be monitoredThe goal of treatment for patients with advanced liver cancer should be to relieve symptoms, improve quality of life, and prolong survival; it is necessary to comprehensively consider factors such as the patient's tumor stage, liver function, general condition, and psychological state to choose an appropriate treatment method; it is necessary to strengthen the psychological management of patients. Supportive and palliative care, respecting the wishes and dignity of patientsAssess the general condition of the patient and formulate a treatment planThe gastric antrum was severely deformed, and flaky shallow ulcers were seen on the posterior wall and the lesser curvature. The surface was covered with fresh blood scabs, the pylorus was displaced, and the mucosa was obviously congested and edematous (Figure 1). Inflammation, see flaky inflammatory necrotic exudation and hemorrhagic tissue (Figure 2)Gastroscopic examination after admission showed that the gastric antrum was severely deformed, shallow ulcers were seen on the posterior wall and the lesser curvature, the surface was covered with fresh blood scabs, the pylorus was displaced, and the mucosa was obviously congested and edematous (Figure 1); biopsy pathology showed: (gastric antrum ) Moderate to severe chronic inflammation of the mucosa, with flakes of inflammatory necrotic exudation and hemorrhagic tissue (Figure 2)Distortion, ulcers, hemorrhage, and edema in the gastric antrum are serious manifestations of radiation gastritis, which may be related to liver cancer metastasis or radiation therapy; biopsy results rule out the possibility of malignancy, but regular review is still requiredRadiation gastritis will seriously affect the patient's appetite and nutritional intake, and treatment such as hemostasis, acid suppression, and healing promotion is required in a timely manner; regular gastroscopy is performed to prevent ulcer perforation or malignant transformation; pay attention to dietary conditioning and avoid irritating foodDiagnose the patient's digestive system condition and formulate a treatment plan

In order to build these graphs, we need to convert the text in medical records into structured data, then use a formal language (such as RDF) to represent entities, attributes and relationships, and finally use a visual tool (such as Graphviz) to draw graphs.

Here's a possible procedure:

● Data Graph: A data graph is a visual representation of data that shows the relationship between different variables or data points. It is used to present information in a more understandable format, which facilitates analysis and decision making. In order to construct a data map, we need to extract some key data points from medical records, such as patient age, gender, department, symptoms, physical examination results, auxiliary examination results, etc., and use an appropriate graph type (such as bar graph, line chart, scatter plot, etc.) to show the relationship between them. For example, we can use a bar graph to display the number of patients in different departments, a line graph to display the change trend of patients' hemoglobin, and a scatter graph to display the distribution of patient weight and height, etc.

● Information Graph: An information graph, also known as an ontology, is a structured and formalized representation of a particular domain of knowledge. It is used to describe concepts, categories, and relationships within a specific professional domain, providing a method of representing and reasoning about information. In order to construct an information graph, we need to extract some key concepts and categories from medical records, such as liver cancer, gastric ulcer, gallbladder stones, etc., and use a formal language (such as RDF) to represent the relationship between them. For example, we can use RDF triples <S,P,O> to represent <liver cancer, yes, liver disease>, <stomach ulcer, yes, stomach disease>, etc.

● Knowledge Graph: A knowledge graph is a graph data structure that represents knowledge as a collection of entities, their attributes, and the relationships between them. It is a way of organizing information in a structured and interrelated manner that enables efficient and effective retrieval and reasoning. In order to build a knowledge graph, we need to extract some key entities and attributes from medical records, such as Yao Ming, nationality, height, etc., and use a formal language (such as RDF) to represent the relationship between them. For example, we can use the RDF triple <S,P,O> to represent <Yao Ming, nationality, China>, <Yao Ming, height, 229 cm> and so on.

● Wisdom Graph: A Wisdom Graph is a knowledge graph that aims to represent and organize human knowledge and insights in a structured and interconnected manner. It captures not only factual knowledge but also insight and wisdom. In order to construct a wisdom map, we need to extract some key ideas, beliefs, and insights from medical records, and use a formal language (such as RDF) to represent the relationship between them. For example, we can use RDF triples <S,P,O> to represent <liver cancer, may cause, death>, <stomach ulcer, possibly due to, radiation gastritis>, etc.

● purpose Graph: An purpose graph is a graphical data structure designed to capture and represent the relationships between an organization's goals, strategies, activities, and outcomes. It can be thought of as a graph-based representation of organizational purpose, with nodes representing components of organizational purpose and edges representing the relationships between these components. In order to construct an purpose graph, we need to extract some key goals, strategies, activities, and results from medical records, and use a formal language (such as RDF) to express the relationship between them. For example, we can use RDF triples <S, P, O> to represent <hospital, goal, improve patient satisfaction>, <hospital, strategy, provide quality medical services> and so on.


3.2 Radiation gastritis


Original medical records:


[patient age]: 20

[Gender: Female

[Department]: Gastroenterology

[Symptoms and body shape and patient's self-report]:

[General information] The patient is female, 20 years old.

Chief Complaint】 Irregular epigastric pain occurred in the past 4 years, accompanied by abdominal distension, hiccups, and significant weight loss (4.5kg/month) for 2 months. She went to see a doctor on July 6, 2009.

[Physical test and laboratory data]:

[Physical examination] Physical examination: weight loss (BMI 16.4kg/m2), flat and soft abdomen, mild tenderness in the upper abdomen, and no palpable liver and spleen. He has a history of allergies and asthma, and is allergic to dander and dust of pets such as cats and dogs. The patient's medical history was followed up. The patient had a history of close contact with pets 2 months ago.

[Auxiliary examination] Blood routine: the absolute value of eosinophils is 0.39×109/L, and the percentage of eosinophils is 5.5%. Abdominal B-ultrasound, thyroid function test, stool routine test and occult blood test showed no abnormality. Endoscopic and pathological examination: Gastroscopy showed mottled and uneven in the middle and lower parts of the gastric body; angular notch mottled and uneven, scattered in old bleeding points, and 2 white nodules with diameters of 0.4 and 0.3 cm were seen, and the surface was slightly Fluffy, soft texture (biopsy); erythema and unevenness of gastric antrum, 1 flaky white uneven area with diameters of 2.0 and 1.5 cm on the anterior wall and posterior wall, respectively, with a slightly fluffy surface and soft texture (biopsy ) (Figure 1); no abnormalities were found in the bulb and descending part of the duodenum. Gastroscopy diagnosis: chronic superficial gastritis, local atrophy, with intestinal metaplasia?

[Laboratory examination] Biopsy histopathological examination (HE staining) showed: a moderate amount of lymphoplasmacytic infiltration can be seen in the lamina propria, and more eosinophil infiltration can be seen, and the eosinophil count is greater than 60 per high-power field of view , no obvious damage or reduction in the pit structure and intrinsic glands; focal hemorrhage can be seen in the superficial mucosa; band-shaped red-stained collagen-like deposits can be seen under the superficial epithelial cell level (Figure 2), in which a small amount of lymphocytes and eosinophils can be seen Infiltration of granulocytes (Figure 3); part of the surface epithelium was broken and detached (Figure 2). Histochemical staining showed: Masson staining was positive (collagen was blue) (Figure 4), Congo red staining (starch substance) was negative, and Warthin-Starry staining (Helicobacter pylori, Hp) was negative. Image-ProPlus5.1 software measured the thickness of the subepithelial collagen band to be 16.6-120.3 (43.8±30.9) μm.

[diagnostic result]:

Pathological diagnosis】collagenous gastritis.

[Diagnosis and treatment process]:

[Treatment] After 2 weeks of administration of prokinetic drugs, gastric mucosal protective drugs, digestive enzymes and probiotics, the symptoms did not improve significantly, and the body weight still decreased (BMI was 15.6kg/m2), then prednisone (20 mg/m2) was added d), 4 weeks later, the appetite improved, the hiccups decreased, and the body weight increased slightly (BMI was 16.0kg/m2). Blood routine showed that the percentage of eosinophils dropped to normal.

[Drug Name]: not yet filled

[Treatment cycle]: not yet filled

[Doctor's order]: not yet filled

[Therapeutic effect]: not yet filled

[Other]: not yet filled



The following text is a medical record:

[patient age]: 20

[Gender: Female

[Department]: Gastroenterology

[Symptoms and body shape and patient's self-report]:

[General information] The patient is female, 20 years old.

Chief Complaint】 Irregular epigastric pain occurred in the past 4 years, accompanied by abdominal distension, hiccups, and significant weight loss (4.5kg/month) for 2 months. She went to see a doctor on July 6, 2009.

[Physical test and laboratory data]:

[Physical examination] Physical examination: weight loss (BMI 16.4kg/m2), flat and soft abdomen, mild tenderness in the upper abdomen, and no palpable liver and spleen. He has a history of allergies and asthma, and is allergic to dander and dust of pets such as cats and dogs. The patient's medical history was followed up. The patient had a history of close contact with pets 2 months ago.

[Auxiliary examination] Blood routine: the absolute value of eosinophils is 0.39×109/L, and the percentage of eosinophils is 5.5%. Abdominal B-ultrasound, thyroid function test, stool routine test and occult blood test showed no abnormalities. Endoscopic and pathological examination: Gastroscopy showed mottled and uneven in the middle and lower parts of the gastric body; angular notch mottled and uneven, scattered in old bleeding points, and 2 white nodules with diameters of 0.4 and 0.3 cm were seen, and the surface was slightly Fluffy, soft texture (biopsy); erythema and unevenness of gastric antrum, 1 flaky white uneven area with diameters of 2.0 and 1.5 cm on the anterior wall and posterior wall, respectively, with a slightly fluffy surface and soft texture (biopsy ) (Figure 1); no abnormalities were found in the bulb and descending part of the duodenum. Gastroscopy diagnosis: chronic superficial gastritis, local atrophy, with intestinal metaplasia?

[Laboratory examination] Biopsy histopathological examination (HE staining) showed: a moderate amount of lymphoplasmacytic infiltration can be seen in the lamina propria, and more eosinophil infiltration can be seen, and the eosinophil count is greater than 60 per high-power field of view , no obvious damage or reduction in the pit structure and intrinsic glands; focal hemorrhage can be seen in the superficial mucosa; band-shaped red-stained collagen-like deposits can be seen under the superficial epithelial cell level (Figure 2), in which a small amount of lymphocytes and eosinophils can be seen Infiltration of granulocytes (Figure 3); part of the surface epithelium was broken and detached (Figure 2). Histochemical staining showed: Masson staining was positive (collagen was blue) (Figure 4), Congo red staining (starch substance) was negative, and Warthin-Starry staining (Helicobacter pylori, Hp) was negative. Image-ProPlus5.1 software measured the thickness of the subepithelial collagen band to be 16.6-120.3 (43.8±30.9) μm.


Please analyze the above medical records, give the diagnosis results and treatment opinions, and give the basis.

Please analyze the data, information, knowledge, wisdom and purpose contained in the above description, and output it in the form of a table. Then, the graphs of data, information, knowledge, wisdom and purpose are respectively constructed, and the detailed process is given. Draw the relationship between the above data level, information level, knowledge level, intelligence level and purpose level.

GPT-4 answers:


Diagnosis result: eosinophilic gastritis (EG)

Basis: The patient had gastrointestinal symptoms such as epigastric pain, abdominal distension, hiccups, and significant weight loss. Blood routine showed an increase in the absolute value and percentage of eosinophils. Gastroscopy showed mucosal congestion, unevenness, Mottling, nodules, and white uneven areas, histopathological examination of biopsy showed more eosinophil infiltration in the lamina propria, the eosinophil count was more than 60 per high-power field of view, and bands were seen under the surface epithelial cell level Red-stained collagen-like deposits with a small infiltration of lymphocytes and eosinophils. These findings meet the diagnostic criteria for eosinophilic gastroenteritis12

Treatment opinion: The purpose of the treatment of eosinophilic gastroenteritis is to reduce the number of eosinophils, relieve inflammation and symptoms, and improve the quality of life. Treatment includes medication and diet34

Drug treatment: Commonly used drugs include oral corticosteroids (such as prednisone, budesonide, etc.), which can effectively control the symptoms of acute attacks, but may have side effects, such as thrush, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, etc. Other medications include mast cell stabilizers (such as sodium cromolyn), which reduce the action of certain cells of the immune system and inhibit the release of eosinophils, and antihistamines (such as cetirizine), which block histamine Inflammatory effects, reduce allergic reactions. Drug treatment should be carried out under the guidance of a doctor, and the dose and usage should be adjusted according to the specific conditions of the patient.

Diet therapy: The principle of diet therapy is to eliminate foods that may cause allergic reactions and reduce the stimulation of eosinophils. Common food allergens include wheat, soybeans, eggs, dairy products, fish/shellfish, and peanuts/tree nuts, among others. A diet tailored to treat eosinophilic gastroenteritis may exclude some or all of these food groups. Diet therapy should be carried out under the guidance of a nutritionist or doctor, and an individualized diet should be formulated according to the patient's allergy history and laboratory test results.


Definition, a preliminary classification of the data, information, knowledge, wisdom and purposes contained in the medical records you provide, and the output in the form of a table is as follows:

datainformationKnowledgewisdompurposePatient age: 20Patient female, 20 years oldWomen in their 20s are more likely to develop certain diseasesAccording to the characteristics of 20-year-old female patients to develop individualized treatment planUnderstand the basic situation of patientsGender: FemaleIrregular epigastric pain accompanied by abdominal distension and hiccups in the past 4 yearsIrregular epigastric pain may be linked to gastrointestinal disorderRule out other causes of epigastric painUnderstand the patient's main symptomsDepartment: GastroenterologySignificant weight loss (4.5kg/month) for 2 monthsSignificant weight loss may be related to malnutrition or digestive and absorption disordersAdjust diet structure and nutritional supplement plan Physical examination: weight loss (BMI 16.4kg/m2), flat and soft abdomen, mild upper abdominal tenderness, no palpable liver and spleenThe patient's body mass index was lower than the normal range, mild inflammatory reaction in the upper abdomen, and normal liver and spleen functionWeight loss may be related to gastrointestinal diseases or other systemic diseases. Mild upper abdominal tenderness may be a manifestation of gastritis or gastric ulcer. Untouched liver and spleen indicate no hepatosplenomegaly or ascites.According to the results of physical examination and other auxiliary examinations, comprehensively judge the patient's diagnosis and prognosis, and formulate reasonable treatment and nursing measuresUnderstand the patient's physical condition and organ functionHas a history of allergies and asthma, and is allergic to dander and dust of pets such as cats and dogs. Ask about the medical history. The patient has a history of close contact with pets 2 months agoThe patient has an allergic constitution, which can easily trigger asthma attacks, and has been exposed to substances that may cause allergic reactionsAllergic constitution is an abnormal reaction of the immune system caused by genetic and environmental factors. Asthma is a common allergic airway disease, which is related to allergens such as pet dander and dustAccording to the patient's allergy and asthma history, evaluate the patient's allergy risk and asthma control, and give corresponding preventive and treatment measures to avoid allergen contact and asthma attackKnow your patient's allergies and asthmaBlood routine: the absolute value of eosinophils is 0.39×109/L, and the percentage of eosinophils is 5.5%Patient with eosinophilia above normal rangeEosinophilia may be associated with parasitic infections, allergies, connective tissue diseases, tumors, etc.Carry out corresponding examination and treatment according to the cause of eosinophilia, such as excluding parasitic infection, giving antihistamines, inhibiting eosinophil release factor, etc.Know your patient's blood profile and eosinophil-related disordersEuthyroid function, normal stool pattern and occult blood testThe patient had normal thyroid function and no bleeding or signs of infection in the stoolAbnormal thyroid function may be related to thyroid disease or other endocrine diseases, and fecal bleeding or infection may be related to digestive tract diseases or tumorsExclude some possible diseases based on thyroid function and stool test results, such as hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, ulcerative colitis, colon cancer, etc.Understand the patient's thyroid function and stool statusEndoscopic and pathological examination: Gastroscopy showed mottled and uneven in the middle and lower parts of the gastric body; angular notch mottled and uneven, scattered in old bleeding points, and 2 white nodules with diameters of 0.4 and 0.3 cm were seen, and the surface was slightly Fluffy, soft texture (biopsy); erythema and unevenness of gastric antrum, 1 flaky white uneven area with diameters of 2.0 and 1.5 cm on the anterior wall and posterior wall, respectively, with a slightly fluffy surface and soft texture (biopsy ) (Figure 1); no abnormalities were found in the bulb and descending part of the duodenum. Gastroscopy diagnosis: chronic superficial gastritis, local atrophy, with intestinal metaplasia?The gastric mucosa of the patient has varying degrees of inflammation, atrophy, and intestinal metaplasia, as well as multiple white nodules or flaky areas, which may be polyps or tumorsMottling, unevenness, and erythema of gastric mucosa are the endoscopic manifestations of gastritis. Gastric mucosal atrophy is the result of decreased gastric acid secretion. Forward change. White nodules or flaky areas on the gastric mucosa may be benign or malignant growths that require biopsy and histology to determine the natureAccording to the results of endoscopic and pathological examinations, the gastric mucosal status and cancer risk of patients are judged, and corresponding treatment and follow-up measures are given, such as inhibiting Helicobacter pylori infection, regulating gastric acid secretion, and removing polyps or tumors, etc.Understand the patient's gastric mucosa and endoscopic diagnosisMore eosinophil infiltration, eosinophil count greater than 60 per high-power field of view, no obvious damage or reduction in pit structure and intrinsic glands; focal hemorrhage can be seen in the superficial mucosa; bands can be seen under the surface epithelial cell level Red-stained collagen-like deposits (Fig. 2), in which a small amount of lymphocytes and eosinophils infiltrated (Fig. 3); part of the surface epithelium was broken and detached (Fig. 2). Histochemical staining showed: Masson staining was positive (collagen was blue) (Figure 4), Congo red staining (starch substance) was negative, and Warthin-Starry staining (Helicobacter pylori, Hp) was negative. Image-ProPlus5.1 software measured the thickness of the subepithelial collagen band to be 16.6-120.3 (43.8±30.9) μmThe gastric mucosa of the patient had the pathological features of eosinophilic gastritis, that is, eosinophil infiltration, thickening of the subcutaneous collagen band on the surface, negative Helicobacter pylori, etc., accompanied by a certain degree of hemorrhage, epithelial damage, and intestinal metaplasia wait for changeEosinophilic gastritis is a rare type of chronic gastritis, its pathogenesis is not clear, it may be related to allergic reaction or immune abnormality. A thickened subcutaneous collagen band on the surface is a characteristic histological finding and can be visualized by Masson staining. Helicobacter pylori infection is rare in this disease and can be ruled out by Warthin-Starry staining. Changes such as hemorrhage, epithelial injury, and intestinal metaplasia may be related to chronic inflammation or other factors, and further observation and follow-up are neededEosinophilic gastritis was diagnosed according to the pathological examination results, and the severity and risk of complications were evaluated, and corresponding treatment and preventive measures were given, such as antiallergic drugs, inhibition of eosinophil release factor, and promotion of mucosal repair waitUnderstand the pathological conditions and pathological diagnosis of gastric mucosa in patients


In this case, we apply a hierarchical relationship of data, information, knowledge, wisdom, and purpose to a patient's medical record. The following is the relationship and detailed process between the levels:

1. Data level: This level contains raw data such as basic patient information, symptoms, physical examination results, and laboratory data. For example, the patient's age, gender, weight loss, blood routine examination results, etc.

2. Information level: In this level, we extract valuable information by analyzing and integrating raw data in the data level. For example, the upper abdominal pain and bloating of the patient may be related to digestive system problems; the high absolute value and percentage of eosinophils may indicate an allergic reaction; The phenomenon of equality may be chronic superficial gastritis, etc.

3. Knowledge level: At this level, we combine the information extracted from the information level with existing medical knowledge to make a preliminary diagnosis of the patient's condition. For example, according to the results of gastroscopy, biopsy histopathological examination results, and laboratory examination results, the initial diagnosis is chronic superficial gastritis with local atrophy and intestinal metaplasia.

4. Wisdom level: In this level, we use professional knowledge and experience to conduct a more in-depth analysis of the patient's condition and provide patients with personalized treatment recommendations. For example, considering that the patient has a history of allergies and asthma, it may be necessary to treat allergens; at the same time, for the patient's gastritis, comprehensive treatment such as anti-inflammatory drugs and diet adjustment can be considered.

5. purpose level: This level reflects the doctor's purpose and goal in formulating a treatment plan for the patient. For example, through the treatment of the patient's allergens, the allergic symptoms can be alleviated; the comprehensive treatment of gastritis can improve the patient's upper abdominal pain, abdominal distension and other symptoms, and help the patient recover.

In this process, the relationship among the data level, information level, knowledge level, intelligence level and purpose level is interconnected and mutually influenced. The data level is the foundation, the information level is the processing and refining of data, the knowledge level is the combination of the information level and existing medical knowledge, the wisdom level is to conduct in-depth analysis and formulate personalized treatment plans based on the diagnosis of the knowledge level, and the purpose level It reflects the goal and purpose of the whole process.

The relationship between these levels can be expressed in the following way:

● Data level → information level: By analyzing and integrating raw data, valuable information is extracted.

● Information level → knowledge level: Combine the extracted information with existing medical knowledge to form a preliminary diagnosis.

● Knowledge level → Wisdom level: According to the preliminary diagnosis, professional knowledge and experience are used to conduct more in-depth analysis and personalized treatment suggestions.

● Wisdom level → purpose level: clarify the goals and objectives of the treatment plan, and provide patients with comprehensive and effective treatment.

Throughout the process, doctors need to keep learning, accumulating experience and updating knowledge in order to better provide diagnosis and treatment for patients. At the same time, through communication and exchange with patients, doctors can have a deeper understanding of patients' needs and expectations, so as to formulate treatment plans that are more in line with patients' actual conditions. In this process, the relationship between various levels is dynamic and interactive, and is constantly adjusted and optimized to achieve the best diagnosis and treatment effect.



3.3 Eosinophilic gastroenteritis


Original medical records:


[patient age]: 31

[Sex: Male

[Department]: Gastroenterology

[Symptoms and body shape and patient's self-report]:

[General information] The patient is male, 31 years old.

Chief Complaint】 He was hospitalized for 40 days mainly due to abdominal pain, diarrhea and abdominal distension.

[History of present illness] Abdominal pain and diarrhea without obvious cause 40 days before admission, abdominal pain mainly in the upper abdomen, dull pain, stool changed from 1 time/d to 2-4 times/d, yellow pasty stool, no mucus and pus and blood in the stool , accompanied by abdominal distension and gradually increased. During the course of the disease, there was no fatigue, fever, and night sweats. There was no rash, oral ulcer or joint pain. C13 breath test was positive in another hospital, oral administration of pantoprazole, clarithromycin, amoxicillin standard triple anti-Hp therapy and morphine prokinetic therapy were ineffective, abdominal distention symptoms gradually worsened, and 2 days before admission in our hospital. Abdominal ultrasound showed: peritoneal effusion. Electronic gastroscopy: chronic superficial gastritis with bile reflux. Electronic colonoscopy: mild colitis (hyperemia, edema and erosion of the transverse colon mucosa). The spirit, diet, and sleep of the illness are acceptable, the urination is normal, and the body weight has increased by 2.5kg.

[Past medical history] Past medical history: There was a history of hypertension for 4 to 5 years without systematic treatment. He denied history of chronic liver disease. He suffered from urinary tract infection for 40 days and took Relinqing Granules by mouth. He denied any history of asthma, allergic rhinitis, or urticaria. He denied any history of drug or food allergy. Have a history of living near a tuberculosis hospital. Both the patient's father and younger brother suffer from high blood pressure, and the mother is in good health.

[Physical test and laboratory data]:

[Physical examination] Physical examination upon admission: T36.2°C, P98 times/min, R19 times/min, blood pressure 120/90mmHg (1mmHg=0.133kPa), no rash on the skin and mucous membranes, no abnormality in cardiopulmonary examination, abdominal softness, slightly Bulging, no abdominal wall varicose veins, no palpable liver and spleen, no tenderness and rebound tenderness in the whole abdomen, positive shifting dullness.

[Laboratory examination] WBC18.32×109/L, N12.0%, L8.0%, eosinophils 75.0%, HGB144g/L, PLAT215×109/L. Urine and stool routine tests were normal, and stool eggs were negative. C reactive protein 20.6ng/L, erythrocyte sedimentation rate is normal. Immunoglobulins including IgA, IgG, and IgM were normal. Biochemical examination total protein 49.6g/L, albumin 30.7g/L, the rest are normal. All 15 items of autoantibodies were negative. 14 items of food allergens: milk++, pork+, chicken+, sturgeon+, the rest were all negative. Three tuberculosis antibodies were negative, and the T-Spot tuberculosis test was negative. The digestive system tumor markers were all normal. Ascites biochemistry and routine: specific gravity 1.010, white blood cells 6798.0×106/L, including 97.6% multinucleated cells, 2.4% mononuclear cells, ascites protein 43.25g/L, Levanta test was positive. Pathology of ascites showed that eosinophils filled the field of vision and were difficult to count (see Figure 1); no tumor cells were found, and acid-fast staining was negative. Morphological examination of bone marrow cells: eosinophils were significantly increased, accounting for 41.0%. Impression: The cause of eosinophilia remains to be investigated.

[Auxiliary examination] Imaging examination: Chest X-ray showed no abnormality in the cardiopulmonary septum, and a small amount of pleural effusion. Echocardiogram: no abnormalities were seen. Abdominal ultrasound: peritoneal effusion (depth 8.6cm), liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, and kidneys were normal. Abdomen-enhanced CT showed a large amount of peritoneal effusion, the wall of the lower esophagus and gastric cardia was significantly thickened, and the wall of the transverse colon was partially thickened. No portal vein widening or embolism was found. Review gastroscopy: chronic superficial gastritis with erosion. Gastroscopy biopsies were taken at multiple points and sent to pathology: mild to moderate chronic inflammation of the superficial mucosal tissue of the greater curvature of the gastric body with lymphoid tissue hyperplasia, local interstitial congestion, and eosinophil infiltration visible, densely located about 25/HPF, sinus body Chronic inflammation of superficial junctional mucosal tissue with mild acute inflammation and erosion, local interstitial edema, and a small amount of eosinophil infiltration, 5-10 cells/HPF. Moderate chronic inflammation of the superficial mucosa of the greater curvature of the gastric antrum accompanied by mild acute inflammation, erosion, and lymphocyte hyperplasia, local interstitial hyperemia, and a small amount of eosinophil infiltration, 10-15 cells/HPF (see Figure 2).

[diagnostic result]:

Diagnosis】Eosinophilic gastroenteritis (involving full thickness).

[Diagnosis and treatment process]:

[Treatment process] Treatment: Do not take Relinqing traditional Chinese medicine, fast milk, eat pork, chicken and sturgeon as little as possible, give methylprednisolone tablet 24mg, once a day orally. After 1 week of treatment, the patient's abdominal pain and diarrhea disappeared, and the abdominal distension improved. Recheck blood routine: WBC4.78×109/L, N48.1%, L33.5%, eosinophils 6.1%, HGB143g/L, PLAT260×109/L. The depth of abdominal ultrasound ascites was reduced from 8.3cm before treatment to 6.5cm. The treatment effect was remarkable and he was discharged from the hospital. After discharge from the hospital, the patient was instructed to maintain the original dose orally for 4-6 weeks, and then decrease it at a rate of 4 mg/7-10 days, and monitor ascites and peripheral blood routine. After discharge from the hospital, the eosinophils returned to normal after 2 weeks of treatment, and the ultrasonic ascites of the digestive system disappeared completely after 2 months of reexamination.

[Drug Name]: not yet filled

[Treatment cycle]: not yet filled

[Doctor's order]: not yet filled

[Therapeutic effect]: not yet filled

[Other]: not yet filled




The following text is a medical record:

[patient age]: 31

[Sex: Male

[Department]: Gastroenterology

[Symptoms and body shape and patient's self-report]:

[General information] The patient is male, 31 years old.

Chief Complaint】 He was hospitalized for 40 days mainly due to abdominal pain, diarrhea and abdominal distension.

[History of present illness] Abdominal pain and diarrhea without obvious cause 40 days before admission, abdominal pain mainly in the upper abdomen, dull pain, stool changed from 1 time/d to 2-4 times/d, yellow pasty stool, no mucus and pus and blood in the stool , accompanied by abdominal distension and gradually increased. During the course of the disease, there was no fatigue, fever, and night sweats. There was no rash, oral ulcer or joint pain. C13 breath test was positive in another hospital, oral administration of pantoprazole, clarithromycin, amoxicillin standard triple anti-Hp therapy and morphine prokinetic therapy were ineffective, abdominal distention symptoms gradually worsened, and 2 days before admission in our hospital. Abdominal ultrasound showed: peritoneal effusion. Electronic gastroscopy: chronic superficial gastritis with bile reflux. Electronic colonoscopy: mild colitis (hyperemia, edema and erosion of the transverse colon mucosa). The spirit, diet, and sleep of the illness are acceptable, the urination is normal, and the body weight has increased by 2.5kg.

[Past medical history] Past medical history: There was a history of hypertension for 4 to 5 years without systematic treatment. He denied history of chronic liver disease. He suffered from urinary tract infection for 40 days and took Relinqing Granules by mouth. He denied any history of asthma, allergic rhinitis, or urticaria. He denied any history of drug or food allergy. Have a history of living near a tuberculosis hospital. Both the patient's father and younger brother suffer from high blood pressure, and the mother is in good health.

[Physical test and laboratory data]:

[Physical examination] Physical examination upon admission: T36.2°C, P98 times/min, R19 times/min, blood pressure 120/90mmHg (1mmHg=0.133kPa), no rash on the skin and mucous membranes, no abnormality in cardiopulmonary examination, abdominal softness, slightly Bulging, no abdominal wall varicose veins, no palpable liver and spleen, no tenderness and rebound tenderness in the whole abdomen, positive shifting dullness.

[Laboratory examination] WBC18.32×109/L, N12.0%, L8.0%, eosinophils 75.0%, HGB144g/L, PLAT215×109/L. Urine and stool routine tests were normal, and stool eggs were negative. C reactive protein 20.6ng/L, erythrocyte sedimentation rate is normal. Immunoglobulins including IgA, IgG, and IgM were normal. Biochemical examination total protein 49.6g/L, albumin 30.7g/L, the rest are normal. All 15 items of autoantibodies were negative. 14 items of food allergens: milk++, pork+, chicken+, sturgeon+, the rest were all negative. Three tuberculosis antibodies were negative, and the T-Spot tuberculosis test was negative. The digestive system tumor markers were all normal. Ascites biochemistry and routine: specific gravity 1.010, white blood cells 6798.0×106/L, including 97.6% multinucleated cells, 2.4% mononuclear cells, ascites protein 43.25g/L, Levanta test was positive. Pathology of ascites showed that eosinophils filled the field of vision and were difficult to count (see Figure 1); no tumor cells were found, and acid-fast staining was negative. Morphological examination of bone marrow cells: eosinophils were significantly increased, accounting for 41.0%. Impression: The cause of eosinophilia remains to be investigated.

[Auxiliary examination] Imaging examination: Chest X-ray showed no abnormality in the cardiopulmonary septum, and a small amount of pleural effusion. Echocardiogram: no abnormalities were seen. Abdominal ultrasound: peritoneal effusion (depth 8.6cm), liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, and kidneys were normal. Abdomen-enhanced CT showed a large amount of peritoneal effusion, the wall of the lower esophagus and gastric cardia was significantly thickened, and the wall of the transverse colon was partially thickened. No portal vein widening or embolism was found. Review gastroscopy: chronic superficial gastritis with erosion. Gastroscopy biopsies were taken at multiple points and sent to pathology: mild to moderate chronic inflammation of the superficial mucosal tissue of the greater curvature of the gastric body with lymphoid tissue hyperplasia, local interstitial congestion, and eosinophil infiltration visible, densely located about 25/HPF, sinus body Chronic inflammation of superficial junctional mucosal tissue with mild acute inflammation and erosion, local interstitial edema, and a small amount of eosinophil infiltration, 5-10 cells/HPF. Moderate chronic inflammation of the superficial mucosa of the greater curvature of the gastric antrum accompanied by mild acute inflammation, erosion, and lymphocyte hyperplasia, local interstitial hyperemia, and a small amount of eosinophil infiltration, 10-15 cells/HPF (see Figure 2).


Please analyze the above medical records, give the diagnosis results and treatment opinions, and give the basis.

Please analyze the data, information, knowledge, wisdom and purpose contained in the above description, and output it in the form of a table. Then, the graphs of data, information, knowledge, wisdom and purpose are respectively constructed, and the detailed process is given. Draw the relationship between the above data level, information level, knowledge level, intelligence level and purpose level.

GPT-4 answers:


Based on the medical records you provided, I have analyzed the following diagnosis results and treatment opinions:

Diagnosis: Patient likely has hypereosinophilic syndrome (HES), a disorder characterized by peripheral blood eosinophilia with or without tissue damage. The patient's eosinophil count increased significantly, reaching 75%, far exceeding the normal range (0.5% to 5%, and have ascites, abdominal distension, abdominal pain, diarrhea and other gastrointestinal symptoms, as well as pleural effusion, cardiopulmonary no abnormalities and other respiratory symptoms. The patient's electronic gastroscopy, electronic colonoscopy, ascites sent to pathology, gastroscopic multi-point biopsy and other examinations all showed eosinophil infiltration, suggesting tissue damage. The patient's C-reactive protein was elevated, suggesting an inflammatory response. Four of the 14 food allergen items in the patient were positive, suggesting an allergic constitution. All 15 items of autoantibodies were negative, three items of tuberculosis antibodies were negative, and the T-Spot tuberculosis test was negative, which ruled out the possibility of autoimmune diseases and tuberculosis infection. All the tumor markers of the patient's digestive system were normal, and no tumor cells were found, which ruled out the possibility of neoplastic diseases. Morphological examination of bone marrow cells in patients showed significantly increased eosinophils, accounting for 41.0%, suggesting bone marrow abnormalities. Therefore, according to the patient's clinical manifestations, laboratory tests, and auxiliary tests, it can be diagnosed as hypereosinophilic syndrome.

Treatment opinion: the treatment of hypereosinophilic syndrome should be based on vital organ involvement and dysfunction as the main treatment indication. In general, the following treatments are available:

● Adrenal corticosteroids: inhibit eosinophil production and are effective in both primary and secondary hypereosinophilia, so they are often the treatment of choice. Prednisone 1mg/(kg·d), orally, and a considerable dose of dexamethasone can be given intravenously for acute onset. After the condition improved, it was changed to oral medicine, and the original dose was maintained for 2 weeks, then reduced to half the dose within 2 to 3 months, and then gradually reduced for about 1 year. If the condition recurs during the reduction, at least the drug should be restored to the level before the reduction.

● Cytotoxic drugs: Hydroxyurea can be added for severe patients with obvious leukocytosis, myeloblasts in peripheral blood, obvious visceral infiltration, rapid disease progression and poor efficacy of corticosteroid therapy, 1-2g/d, for 7 days After ~14 days, the leukocytes begin to decline, and when the leukocytes drop to <10×109/L, maintain with a small dose (0.5g per day or every other day). Vincristine can also be added: 1-2 mg/time, once a week. Vincristine can rapidly reduce white blood cells, and the number of white blood cells can be reduced within 1 to 3 days of medication. It is generally used for patients with excessive white blood cells. Vincristine treatment can also be used VP16 (VM26), alkylating agents such as chlorambucil (tumor canning) and so on.

● Biological factors and immunosuppressive drugs: interferon (1.0~6.25)×106U/d, subcutaneous injection, continuous application. Interferon inhibits the proliferation and release of eosinophils. The usual dose of cyclosporine A is 4 mg/kg, which can be used in combination with small doses of corticosteroids. Cyclosporin A is an immunosuppressant that inhibits the activation and proliferation of T cells.

● Splenectomy: About 43% of HES patients have splenomegaly, and hypersplenism and splenic infarction may occur in giant spleen, leading to anemia and thrombocytopenia. When severe hypersplenism and splenic infarction occur, splenectomy may be considered. The indications for splenectomy are: ①Mechanical complications caused by splenomegaly; ②Hematological abnormalities caused by hypersplenism; ③Eosinophilia is difficult to control; ④Eosinophilia is accompanied by other myeloproliferative neoplasms.

Extract and classify the data, information, knowledge, wisdom and purposes contained in medical records, and output them in the form of tables:

datainformationKnowledgewisdompurposePatient age: 31The patient is a 31-year-old male31 years old is the age of adulthood, men are more likely than women to suffer from cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressureFor the health risks and preventive measures of a 31-year-old male patient, corresponding health education and guidance can be providedUnderstand the basic situation and characteristics of patientsSex: Male    Department: GastroenterologyPatients are mainly treated in gastroenterologyDepartment of Gastroenterology is mainly responsible for the diagnosis and treatment of digestive system diseasesAccording to the professional knowledge and experience of gastroenterology, reasonable and effective treatment plan and evaluation criteria can be formulatedIdentify the medical field and specialty to which the patient belongsSymptoms and body shape and the patient's self-report: abdominal pain, diarrhea with abdominal distension, hospitalization for 40 days, etc.The patient has symptoms of digestive system dysfunction, which lasts for a long time and has not been effectively relievedAbdominal pain, diarrhea with abdominal distension may be the common manifestation of various digestive system diseases, such as gastrointestinal infection, colon cancer, Crohn's disease, etc. Further examination is needed to confirm the diagnosis--Physical test and laboratory data: T36.2℃, P98 times/min, R19 times/min, blood pressure 120/90mmHg, etc.Patient's vital signs and laboratory test resultsThe patient's vital signs and laboratory test results reflect the patient's health status and pathological changes, such as WBC18.32×109/L, eosinophils 75.0%, suggesting the possibility of hypereosinophilic syndromeAccording to the patient's vital signs and laboratory test results, the severity of the patient's condition can be judged, the appropriate treatment method and drug can be selected, and the therapeutic effect and adverse reactions can be monitored.Obtain objective patient data to support clinical diagnosis and treatmentAuxiliary examination: Chest X-ray cardiopulmonary septum showed no abnormalities, a small amount of pleural effusion, etc.Patient's imaging findingsThe patient's imaging examination results showed the patient's anatomical structure and functional status, such as peritoneal effusion, obvious thickening of the wall of the lower esophagus and gastric cardia, and local thickening of the intestinal wall of the transverse colon, etc.According to the patient's imaging examination results, potential lesion sites and causes can be found, such as peritoneal effusion may be caused by eosinophil infiltration or infection, obvious thickening of the lower esophagus and gastric cardia may be related to gastroesophageal reflux, etc.Obtain morphological data of patients to support clinical diagnosis and treatmentDiagnosis: Hypereosinophilic syndrome (HES) of unknown causeThe patient's clinical diagnosisThe clinical diagnosis of the patient is based on a comprehensive analysis of the patient's symptoms, signs, laboratory tests, and imaging tests. Disorders characterized by multiple organ systemsAccording to the patient's clinical diagnosis results, corresponding treatment goals and plans can be formulated. For example, the unknown cause of hypereosinophilic syndrome (HES) needs to further search for possible causes, such as infection, tumor, autoimmunity, etc., and give corresponding treatment. treatment measuresObtain clinical diagnosis results of patients to guide clinical treatmentTreatment: Oral pantoprazole, clarithromycin, amoxicillin standard triple anti-Hp therapy and morphine prokinetic therapy are ineffective, etc.Treatments and medications the patient has received or is currently receivingThe treatment methods and drugs that the patient has received or is currently receiving are selected based on the patient's diagnosis and condition. For example, oral pantoprazole, clarithromycin, and amoxicillin standard triple anti-Hp therapy are commonly used in the treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection. Moformin prokinetic therapy is a drug that improves gastrointestinal motilityAccording to the treatment methods and drugs that the patient has received or is currently receiving, the treatment effect and adverse reactions can be evaluated. For example, oral pantoprazole, clarithromycin, amoxicillin standard triple anti-Hp therapy and morphine prokinetic therapy are ineffective, indicating that the patient is ineffective Drug resistance or other complications may exist, requiring adjustment of treatment plan or addition of other adjuvant treatmentsObtain the treatment status of patients and evaluate the treatment effectPrognosis: The prognosis is poor, and further examination is needed to confirm the diagnosis and give targeted treatmentPatient Outcomes and RecommendationsThe patient's prognosis results and recommendations are based on the comprehensive judgment of the patient's diagnosis, condition, treatment response, etc. If the prognosis is poor, it means that the patient has a high risk of death or disability, and further examination is required to confirm the diagnosis and give targeted treatment It means that the current diagnosis of the patient is not clear, and more examinations are needed to find out the exact cause, and an individualized treatment plan should be formulated according to the causeAccording to the prognosis results and suggestions of patients, corresponding nursing plans and follow-up plans can be formulated. For example, patients with poor prognosis need to strengthen nursing observation, find and deal with complications in time, and improve the quality of life. Further examination is required to confirm the diagnosis and give targeted treatment Patients need to arrange relevant inspection items, adjust the treatment plan according to the inspection results, and regularly follow up to evaluate the effectAccess patient outcomes and recommendations to guide care and follow-up


1. Below is the map of data, information, knowledge, wisdom, and purpose that I have constructed for this medical record.

2. Data level: Contains all measurement and examination results, such as age, gender, body temperature, heart rate, blood pressure, laboratory data, imaging examination results, etc.

3. Information level: On the basis of the data level, add the doctor's explanation and summary of these data, including the patient's symptoms and signs, medical history, abnormal and normal range of examination results, diagnosis, etc.

4. Knowledge level: Based on medical professional knowledge, in-depth analysis and interpretation of the content of the information level, including understanding of the pathophysiological mechanism, etiology, epidemiology, etc. of the disease, as well as knowledge of treatment options, prognosis, complications, etc.

5. Intelligence level: Based on the doctor's experience and professional knowledge, comprehensively analyze and judge the patient's condition, and propose specific treatment plans and suggestions, including suggestions on drug treatment, surgical treatment, rehabilitation and nursing.

6. purpose level: Based on the doctor's analysis and judgment of the patient, propose the most beneficial treatment plan for the patient, as well as the purpose to prevent and manage possible complications of the patient.

In this diagram, the data level is the most basic and contains all measurements and inspection results. On the basis of the data level, the information level interprets and summarizes these data, which becomes the basis for doctors to diagnose and treat. The knowledge level is based on the information level, and according to medical professional knowledge, it analyzes and explains the knowledge of the pathophysiological mechanism, etiology, epidemiology and other aspects of the disease. The intelligence level is based on the knowledge level, combined with the doctor's experience and professional knowledge, conducts in-depth analysis and judgment on the patient's condition, and proposes specific treatment plans and suggestions. Finally, the purpose level is based on the wisdom level, to propose the most beneficial treatment plan for the patient, as well as the purpose to prevent and manage the possible complications of the patient. The relationship between these levels is interdependent, and only when each level is given full consideration and attention can we finally achieve the purpose of effective treatment and management of patients.




4. Discussion and Conclusion

From the above experimental data we can see that GPT-4's analysis, diagnosis and recommendations for the condition are relatively accurate compared to human expert conclusions. Although the diagnosis of the condition in 3.2 was not completely correct, mainly because of the different emphasis points of the data in the condition record. In the treatment recommendations, GPT-4 gives more complete, comprehensive and detailed treatment recommendations than human experts, which can be used as a strong reference for physicians. In the information table of each layer of DIKWP, we can see that for simple data such as age, department, and BMI, GPT-4 can perform effective analysis and extraction, but for slightly more complex medical descriptions it is impossible to distinguish the levels of DIKWP. Finally, in the chart generation of DIKWP, GPT-4 is basically completely ineffective and cannot perform chart generation effectively for all cases. In contrast, GPT-4 performed moderately well in other simpler reviews [2][3]. In summary, it is clear that GPT-4 is still relatively effective in analyzing and understanding medical records, especially at the DIKWP level of intelligence performance which is not yet at the human level.





[1] Bubeck, Sébastien, Varun Chandrasekaran, Ronen Eldan, Johannes Gehrke, Eric Horvitz, Ece Kamar, Peter Lee et al. "Sparks of artificial general intelligence: Early experiments with gpt-4." arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.12712 (2023).

[2] Li, Yingbo, Yucong Duan, Zakaria Maamar, Haoyang Che, Anamaria-Beatrice Spulber, and Stelios Fuentes. "Swarm differential privacy for purpose-driven data-information-knowledge-wisdom architecture." Mobile Information Systems 2021 (2021): 1-15.

[3] Mei, Yingtian, Yucong Duan, Liang Chen, Zaiwen Feng, Lei Yu, and Zhendong Guo. "Purpose Driven Disputation Modeling, Analysis and Resolution Based on DIKWP Graphs." In2022 IEEE 24th Int Conf on High Performance Computing & Communications; 8th Int Conf on Data Science & Systems; 20th Int Conf on Smart City; 8th Int Conf on Dependability in Sensor, Cloud & Big Data Systems & Application (HPCC/DSS/SmartCity/DependSys), pp. 2118-2125. IEEE, 2022.

[4] Yingbo Li, Yucong Duan, “The Wisdom of Artificial General Intelligence: Experiments with GPT-4 for DIKWP”, arXiv preprint (2023)

[5] Yingbo Li, Yucong Duan, "The Evaluation of Experiments of Artificial General Intelligence with GPT-4 Based on DIKWP“, arXiv preprint (2023)



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