胡陈果教授,博士生导师,国务院特殊津贴专家, Nano Energy 和Research副主编, Nano-Micro Letters 和Nano Materials Science编委。博士毕业于重庆大学,曾在美国佐治亚理工学院访学1年。主要从事表面界面物理及相关功能器件设计和应用等方面的研究,特别是在摩擦纳米发电机及自驱动传感器方面做出了许多创新的工作。共发表SCI 论文300 多篇,被引用14000 多次 (Web of Science),其中,Science Advances (2), Science Robotics (1), Nature Communication (5), Nature Sustainability (1), Joule (1), h-index 65。主持国家自然科学基金6项,省部级基金4项,863子课题1项。申请发明专利36项,获授权27 项,获得省部级自然科学一等奖1项和二等奖2项,获得中国产学研合作创新成果优秀奖1项。
• 能源器件
2. Wenlin Liu+, Zhao Wang+, Gao Wang+, Qixuan Zeng, Wencong He, Liyu Liu, Xue Wang, Yi Xi, Hengyu Guo*, Chenguo Hu* and Zhong Lin Wang*, Switched-capacitor-convertors based on fractal design for output power management of triboelectric nanogenerator, Nature Commun. (2020) 11:1883.
3. Hengyu Guo†, Xianjie Pu†, Jie Chen†, Yan Meng, Min-Hsin Yeh, Guanlin Liu, Qian Tang, Baodong Chen, Di Liu, Song Qi, Changsheng Wu Chenguo Hu*, Jie Wang* and Zhong Lin Wang*, A highly sensitive, self-powered triboelectric auditory sensor for social robotics and hearing aids, Science Robotics, 2018, 3, eaat2516.
4. Xianjie Pu+, Hengyu Guo+, Jie Chen, Xue Wang, Yi Xi, Chenguo Hu* and Zhong Lin Wang*, Eye-motion triggered self-powered mechnosensational human-machine interface using triboelectric nanogenerator, Science Advance, 2017; 3: e1700694.
5. Ken Qin+, Chen Chen+, Xianjie Pu*, Qian Tang*, Wencong He, Yike Liu, Qixuan Zeng, Guanlin Liu, Hengyu Guo, Chenguo Hu*, Magnetic array assisted triboelectric sensor for real-time gesture interaction, Nano-Micro Letters, (2021) 13:51.
6. Jie Chen, Hengyu Guo*, Chenguo Hu*, Zhong Lin Wang*, Robust Triboelectric Nanogenerator Achieved by Centrifugal Force Induced Automatic Working Mode Transition, Advanced Energy Materials, 2020, 10, 2000886.
• 2019年山西省自然科学二等奖
• 2018年重庆市优秀导师团队
• 2017年中国产学研合作创新成果优秀奖
• 2008年获国务院政府特殊津贴
• 2005年重庆市自然科学二等奖
• E-mail:hucg@cqu.edu.cn
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