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在您的帮助下,一个梦想即将成为现实 (英中文对照)

已有 2512 次阅读 2019-6-21 05:32 |系统分类:生活其它

A dream is coming true under your help


Wenzhong Zhang     



One Spring many years ago, as a primary school student, I was fascinated by the story of Newton’s apple when I first heard it from one of my teachers. I was amazed by Newton’s inquisitiveness as to why the apple should always descend perpendicularly to the ground.  Moreover, I was curious about the way in which the falling of the apple had led Newton to the great discovery of gravity. I was equally impressed by his famous sayings: “I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the sea-shore and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.”  and “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants”.

It was no surprise, then, physics became my subject of choice for undergraduate study. Whilst still an undergraduate, I wrote my first article on the mechanism of superconductivity, using some of the basic laws of quantum mechanics which I had just learnt. It also included some relations based on published experimental findings. I was encouraged by several of my university teachers. I believe that it is the orderly coupling movement of the free electrons and the holes near the Fermi level, which causes the superconductivity.  Superconductivity can only happen when the energy gap between the free electrons and the holes is low enough, and thus reaches a critical value to enable the orderly coupling to happen. The energy quanta from the surroundings (mainly phonons) should be low enough hence not to break the orderly coupling. The article is in Chinese with a short abstract in English; I had tried to submit it to several journals but all of them rejected it. I realized that it is impossible to challenge an established theory as famous as the BCS theory, or even simply to propose an alternative one as a University student.

I grew up in the countryside. The countryside was generally much poorer than the city in China, the reason being famously known as “price scissors” to support the industrialization. It was tough for a family in the countryside to support a university student living in a large city. I tried to earn money to support myself while studying and decided to find a job immediately after graduation. My teachers recommended that I go to Beijing to do research on nuclear energy technologies. Since then I have remained in the nuclear sector, although I moved from Beijing to the UK—Isaac Newton’s Country, first studying under a scholarship then working.

About three years ago, I was keen to develop a better understanding of the behaviour of material fatigue through analysing a simple harmonic oscillator (a spring) model.  A little progress had been made. Whilst I contemplated the behaviour of a spring, I suddenly realized that there are three blind spots from ideal approximation inside the foundation theories of modern physics. I devoted most of my weekends and holidays to this research direction, in the hope of advancing the foundation theories of physics and thus realizing the dream of my youth. Last year I wrote my first article about the Planck constant and a second article about the Hubble constant.  Early this year I wrote the third article about the rotation of galaxies. All my articles stemmed from analysing the behaviours of the oscillating of springs. A conclusion can be drawn is that the destiny of the universe is for Eternity, it is neither for Heat Death nor for Big Rip nor for Big Crunch. It seems that the birth of the Universe is not from a Big Bang as well.

I attempted to submit my first two articles to a dozen journals, however, my articles were rejected again and again. The main reason is in conflict with Einstein’s relativities. If everyone is confined by Einstein’s relativities, how can the foundation theories of physics be developed further? I sought advice from several professors in physics. They gave me relatively positive feedback and one of them even replied that the theory might have a profound influence on the development of foundation theories of physics, especially the discovery of the ocean of Super photons and the mysteries behind the dynamic equilibrium of energy and mass circulation.  

I posted my articles on Research Gate and Science net, which attracted many readers and a lot of kind encouragement. All this encouragement supported me in my determination not to give up this time. Your reading and recommendation are great support and encouragement for me.

However, this research is not aligned well to my company’s commercial interest in technology and engineering, although it may indeed eventually benefit the advancement of new technology and engineering. I was suggested by a leader in my company to contact The University of Manchester and I am grateful that the university offered me an unpaid Visiting Staff position to enable me to use the library and information resources.

I am not in the circle of physicists; it is hard to make my voice heard through a general way. Despite the various hardships that I have endured, I remain hopeful that the value of my work may be recognized by friends with great insights, and I may obtain generous support to enable me to devote more time and effort to this research direction, meanwhile, I may have proper holidays. There are so many exciting opportunities ahead in this research direction.

I believe that the Spring of physics and science is coming. This has manifested from the discovery of the amazing links between oscillating springs and our mysterious universe 1-7 and the strong challenges towards the mainstream of modern physics1-9 to develop a new paradigm overcoming the shortcomings of Einstein’s relativities. I hope that the progress made may inspire more friends to join and explore further together. There is a wide and bright window, which is open for vast opportunities of new research directions and frontiers in physics and science, and in turn, many opportunities for technology and engineering are likely to follow. 

               参考文献  References

1.  http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-3399695-1184882.html

2.  http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-3399695-1174945.html


4.      https://www.researchgate.net/publication/332253104

5.      https://www.researchgate.net/publication/330638885

6.      https://www.researchgate.net/publication/328049503

7.      https://www.researchgate.net/publication/327321921

8.      https://www.preprints.org/manuscript/201703.0115/v1

9.      https://www.ifi.unicamp.br/~assis/Hubbles-cosmology(2009).pdf


Wenzhong Zhang     


多年以前,作为一个 小学生,当我第一次从 小学老师那里 听到 牛顿和苹果树 的 故事时,我很着迷 牛顿  对  为什么  苹果总是垂直降落到地面的 现象的  刨根问底。我尤其 好奇 为何 观察到 苹果垂直降落 能 引导牛顿 发现万有引力。牛顿的名言也给我留下了同样深刻的印象:我就像一个在海边玩耍的小男孩,在不停探寻,然后找到一块较比平常 更光滑的鹅卵石 或 更漂亮的贝壳,而在我面前的 是 未被探索的真理海洋。"  还有“如果说我看得比别人更远些,那是因为 我站在巨人的肩膀上"

因此,物理学成为我本科学习的选择 也就不足为奇了。虽然还是一名本科生,但我应用刚刚学到的 量子力学的一些基本定律,写了关于超导机制的 第一篇文章。我的几位大学老师就这篇文章 给我 很多鼓励。我 相信 是 费米面附近 自由电子和空穴的 有序耦合运动 导致 超导电性。只有费米面附近 自由电子和空穴之间的能隙 足够低 并达到一个和材料有关的临界值时,自由电子和空穴有序耦合运动才有可能发生。并且周围环境的能量量子(主要是晶格振动的声子)的能量 应该低于这个临界能隙值,才不致于破坏电子和空穴之间的 有序耦合运动,超导才能发生。这篇文章用中文写成并附有一个简短的英文摘要; 我尝试将它投给几个中文物理期刊,但都被拒稿了。我意识到,身为一个不知名的大学生,不可能挑战像BCS理论这样出名的既定理论,甚至只是提出一个不同的理论 也 很难被接受。

我在农村长大。在中国,农村一般比城市贫穷,其原因是价格剪刀差以支持工业化发展。当时对一个农村的家庭来说 资助一个大学生 在大都市生活 是 很艰难的。我在学习期间 找机会勤工俭学 以减轻家里的负担,并决定在毕业后立即工作。我的老师推荐我去北京做核能技术研究。从那时起,我一直在核能领域工作,尽管后来因获奖学金出国留学和工作。我从北京移民到了英国 - 牛顿的祖国。

大约三年前,我热衷于通过分析谐振子(弹簧)模型 来更好地理解 材料疲劳行为,并取得了一定进展。在我对弹簧的行为 作了较长时间的 深入思考后,我突然意识到,现代物理学的基础理论中可能存在几个基于 理想近似而导致的盲点(即无质量光子,无摩擦真空 和 熵的不可逆增加 的普适性)。从此我把我周末和假期的大部分时间都用在了 物理基础理论 的研究上,希望能有机会 实现年少時的梦想。去年年初我写成了关于普朗克常数的第一篇文章 和 关于哈勃常数的第二篇文章。今年早些时候写了关于星系运动的第三篇文章. 这三篇文章都源于深入分析弹簧振动模型。从我的理论可以推算出宇宙的运行是永恒的,其演进方向既不是热寂 也不是大撕裂, 更不是大坍缩. 宇宙并非起源于一个大爆炸。我尝试将我的前两篇论文投稿给十几种英文期刊,但我的文章一次又一次被拒稿。原因有版面有限,不太适合刊物读者群体,或是以与爱因斯坦的时空概念及相对论原理冲突为由。如果每个人都被爱因斯坦的 时空概念 及相对论原理束缚住了头脑,物理学理论 还怎么向前发展?经朋友介绍我向几位物理学教授寻求建议。他们给了我总体来说积极的反馈和建议,其中一人回复说 我的文章可能会对物理学基础理论的发展产生深远的影响,特别是 发现超光子海洋 和 宇宙能量和质量大循环及动态平衡背后的奥秘。

我在Research Gate和科学网上发表了我的文章 (Ref. 1-7),吸引了很多读者和回馈,得到了很大鼓励。这些鼓励支持我这一次不要放弃。您的阅读和回馈对我来说是极大的支持和鼓励。然而,这项研究不能很好符合我任职公司的商业利益,因为公司的业务是技术和工程并不涵盖基础科学理论研究,尽管基础理论研究成果最终会有利于新技术和工程的进步。我公司的一个领导建议我联系曼彻斯特大学,我很感激曼大为我提供了一个无薪的访问研究职位,以便我能够使用图书馆和信息资源。

我不在物理学家的圈子里, 作为一个外來者,很难让我的声音通过物理学家孰悉的渠道被听见因而有机会被接受。尽管我经历了各种困难,我希望能有幸遇到有远见卓识的朋友,能认同并慷慨支持我的研究方向,以便我能专心投入更多的时间和精力从事基础理论及应用研究,同时可以享受正常的休假。

我相信物理和科学的春天已来临,这体现在发现弹簧振动规律和我们神秘的宇宙运行规律之间的惊人联系。以及对现代物理学主流的强有力的挑战 (Ref. 1-9) 并 逐步发展出一种新范式,弥补爱因斯坦相对论及现代物理学主流的盲点和不足。

希望所取得的进展可以激励更多的朋友加入并共同探索。 有一个宽敞明亮的窗户已打开,可以为物理学和科学的新研究方向和前沿提供广阔的机会,随后而来的,可能会是基础理论突破在新技术和工程上的广泛应用。


下一篇:普朗克常数的奥秘 揭示出爱因斯坦相对论理论需要改进
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