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已有 1733 次阅读 2019-7-30 20:34 |个人分类:微积分大观园|系统分类:科研笔记








Calculus(6th   Edition)20 


James   Stewart


Brooks   Cole

If we use the traditional notation $y = f ( x )$to indicate that the independent variable is $x$ and the dependent variable is $y$then some common alternative notations for the derivative are as follows

$f ^ { \prime } ( x ) = y ^ { \prime } = \frac { d y } { d x } = \frac { d f } { d x } = \frac { d } { d x } f ( x ) = D f ( x ) = D _ { x } f ( x )$

The symbols  $D $ and  $d/dx $ are called differentiation operators because they indicate the operation of differentiationwhich is the process of calculating a derivative.

The symbol $d y / d x$which was introduced by Leibnizshould not be regarded as a ratio

for the time being);it is simply a synonym for $\mathrm{f}(\mathrm{x})$.Nonethelessit is a very useful and suggestive notationespecially when used in conjunction with increment notation.Refer-

ring to Equation 3.1.6instantaneous rate of change$= \lim _ { \Delta x \rightarrow 0 } \frac { \Delta y } { \Delta x } = \lim _ { x _ { 2 } - x _ { 1 } } \frac { f \left( x _ { 2 } \right) - f \left( x _ { 1 } \right) } { x _ { 2 } - x _ { 1 } }$),we can rewrite the definition of derivative in Leibniz notation in the form $\frac { d y } { d x } = \lim _ { \Delta x \rightarrow 0 } \frac { \Delta y } { \Delta x }$

If we want to indicate the value of a derivative $d y / d x$ in Leibniz notation at a specific num-ber $a$we use the notation $\left. \frac { d y } { d x } \right| _ { x = a } \quad$ or $\quad \frac { d y } { d x } ] _ { x - a }$

which is a synonym for$f ^ { \prime } ( a )$ .


[1]   James Stewart.Calculus(6th Edition)[M].Brooks Cole.Year,2007:126.



Calculus   with Analytic Geometry  


George   F.Simmons


The McGraw-Hill Companies

To explain Leibniz's notation,we begin with a function $y=f(x)$ and write the difference quotient $\frac { f ( x + \Delta x ) - f ( x ) } { \Delta x }$

in the form

$\frac { \Delta y } { \Delta x }$

where $\Delta y = f ( x + \Delta x ) - f ( x )$.Here $\Delta y$ is not just any change in$y$it is the specific change that results when the independent variable is changed from $x$ to $x + \Delta x$ .As we knowthe difference quotient $\frac { \Delta y } { \Delta x }$ can be interpreted as the ratio of the change in $y$ to the change in $x$ along the curve $y = f ( x )$and this is the slope of the secantFig2.9.Leibniz wrote the limit of this difference quotientwhich of course is the derivative $f ^ { \prime } ( x )$in the form $d y / d x$read"$dy$ over$d x$".In this notationthe definition of the derivative becomes

 $\frac{d y}{d x}=\lim _{\Delta x \rightarrow 0} \frac{\Delta y}{\Delta x}$  (1)

and this is the slope of the tangent in Fig.2.9.Two slightly different equivalent forms of  $dy/dx $ are  $\frac{d f(x)}{d x}$ and $\frac{d}{d x} f(x)$.

In the second of thesethe symbol $d/dx$ should be thought of as an operation which can be applied to the function f(x) to yield its derivative   $f^{\prime}(x)$ as suggested by the equation$\frac{d}{d x} f(x)=f^{\prime}(x)$

The symbol $d/dx$ can be read"the derivative with respect to $x$ of..."whatever function of $x $ follows it.

It is important to understand that $dy/dx$ in (1) is a single indivisible symbol.In spite of the way it is written, it is not the quotient of two quantities $dy$ and $dx$, because $dy$ and $dx$ have not been defined and have no independent existence. In Leibniz's notation, the formation of the limit on the right of (1) is symbolically expressed by replacing the letter $\Delta$ by the letter$d$. From this point of view, the symbol $dy/dx$ for the derivative has the psychological advantage that it quickly reminds us of the whole process of forming the difference quotient $\Delta y / \Delta x$ and calculating its limit as $\Delta x \rightarrow 0$. There is also a practical advantage, for certain fundamental formulas developed in the next chapter are easier to remember and use when derivatives are written in the Leibniz notation.


[1]George Finlay.Simmons.Calculus with Analytic Geometry[M].The McGraw-Hill Companies.1996:60-61.




Calculus(Tenth   Edition) 


Howard   Anton, Irl C. Bivens, Stephen Davis - Calculus-Wiley (2012)



The process of finding a derivative is called differentiation.You can think of differentiation as an operation on functions that associates a function $f^{\prime}$ with a function $f$.When the independent variable is $x$the differentiation operation is also commonly denoted by

$f^{\prime}(x)=\frac{d}{d x}[f(x)]$ or $f^{\prime}(x)=D_{x}[f(x)]$

In the case where there is a dependent variable $\mathrm{y}=\mathrm{f}(\mathrm{x})$the derivative is also commonly denoted by

$f^{\prime}(x)=y^{\prime}(x) \quad$ or $\quad f^{\prime}(x)=\frac{d y}{d x}$

$dx$ With the above notationsthe value of the derivative at a point $x_{0}$ can be expressed as $f^{\prime}\left(x_{0}\right)=\left.\frac{d}{d x}[f(x)]\right|_{x=x_{0}}, \quad f^{\prime}\left(x_{0}\right)=\left.D_{x}[f(x)]\right|_{x=x_{0},}, f^{\prime}\left(x_{0}\right)=y^{\prime}\left(x_{0}\right), \quad f^{\prime}\left(x_{0}\right)=\left.\frac{d y}{d x}\right|_{x=x_{0}}$

Later, the symbols $dy$ and $dx$ will begiven specific meanings. However, for the time being do not regard $dy/dx$ asa ratio, but rather as a single symbol denoting the derivative.


[1]Howard Anton, Irl C. Bivens, Stephen Davis.Calculus(Tenth Edition).Wiley.2012:129.



Advanced   Calculus 3rd Edition


Taylor   Angus & Wiley.Fayez


Library of Congress

Definition. Let $d x$ denote an independent wariable which may take on any valuewhatsoever. Then the function of $x$ and $d x$ whose value is $f ^ { \prime } ( x ) d x$ is called the differential of $f$. Observe that the differential is a homogeneous linear function of $dx$; that is, for a fixed value of $x$, the differential has as its walue a fixed multiple of $dx$.

If we write $y=f(x)$, and if f is differentiable for a particular value of $x$, it is customary to write

$d y = f ^ { \prime } ( x ) d x$   (l)

so that dy is the value of the differential of $f$ for assigned values of $x$ and $dx$.

If we regard $x$ as fixed, $dy$ is a dependent variable whose value depends on the independent variable $dx$. The variables $dx$ and $dy$ are often refer-red to as the differentials of $x$ and $y$, respectively.The adjacent Fig.12 illustrates geometrically the functional dependence of $dy$ on $dx$, as well as the relation to the function f itself. The xyco-ordinate axes and the graph of the function $y=f(x)$ are shown in unbroken lines.A second co-ordinate system is showing with its origin at a typical point$( x , y )$ of the curve $\mathrm{y}=\mathrm{f}(\mathrm{x})$.The axes in this system are scales for the measurement of the variables $dx$$dy$.The equation1has as its graph a straight line of slope $f ^ { \prime } ( x )$.This line isof coursethe tangent to the curve $\mathrm{y}=\mathrm{f}(\mathrm{x})$ at the origin of the $\mathrm{d} \mathrm{x}-\mathrm{d} \mathrm{y}$ co-ordinate system.

From1we have the quotient relation

$\frac { d y } { d x } = f ^ { \prime } ( x )$2

whenever $d x \neq 0$.The d-notations $dx$ and $dy$ go back to Leibniz's work in the seventeenth centurybut Leibniz did not define the derivative by the limit of a quotient as we did in $f ^ { \prime } ( x ) = \lim _ { h \rightarrow 0 } \frac { f ( x + h ) - f ( x ) } { h }$.It is to be emphasized that there is no need for $dx$ and $dy$ to be small in2.


[1]Taylor Angus & Wiley,Fayez.Advanced Calculus 3rd Edition[M].Library of Congress.200432-33.



Advanced-Calculus With Applications In   Statistics


A Khuri



Definition Let $f(x)$ be a function defined in a neighborhood ${{N}_{r}}({{x}_{0}})$of a point ${{x}_{0}}$. Consider the ratio

$\phi (h)=\frac{f({{x}_{0}}+h)-f({{x}_{0}})}{h}$

Where h is a nonzero increment of ${{x}_{0}}$ such that -r<h<r .If $\phi (h)$ has a limit as h0,then this limit is called the derivative of f(x) at ${{x}_{0}}$ and is denoted by ${{f}^{'}}({{x}_{0}})$. It is also common to use the notation

${{\left. \frac{df(x)}{dx} \right|}_{x={{x}_{0}}}}=f'({{x}_{0}})$

[1]Khuri A.I.; Advanced Calculus With Applications In Statistics; Wiley Interscience:94



Calculus 5th Edition


James Stewart


Brooks   Cole

If we use the raditional notation$y=f(x)$ to indicae that the independent variable is $x$and the dependent variable is $y$. then sone common altenative notations for the derivatve are as follows:


The symbols $D$and $\frac{d}{dx}$ are called dilfernthe Hon openatons because they indicale the openation of difereniatlon, which is the proces of calculating a derisative.

The symbol $\frac{dy}{dx}$, which was introduced by Leibniz, should not be regarded as a ratio (for the time being); it is simply a synonym for $f'(x)$. Nonetheless, it is a very ueful and suggestive notation, espeially when used in conjunction with increment notation. Refrring to Equation 2.8.4, we can rewrite the definition of derivative in Leibniz notaion in the form

$\frac{dy}{dx}=\underset{\Delta x\to 0}{\mathop{\lim }}\,\frac{\Delta y}{\Delta x}$

[1]James Stewart;Calculus(5th Edition);Brooks Cole.



Advanced Calculu second edition


Patrick M. Fitzpatrick



So far,given an open interval $I$ and a differentiable function $f:I\to R$,we have denoted the function’s derivative by

${F}':I\to R$,

So that ${{f}^{'}}(x)$is the derivative of $f:I\to R$ at $x$ in $I$.This notation has been completely adequate.However,as we introduce new classes of functions and when we study integration,certain formulas and algorithmic techniques become easier to assimilaye using analternate notation due to Leibnitz.Moreover ,this Leibnitz notation is widely used in texts on science and engineering ,so acquaintance with it is necessary.

For afifferentiable function $f:I\to R$,we denote ${{f}^{'}}(x)$ by

$\frac{dy}{dx}(f(x))$   or      $\frac{dy}{dx}$

[1]Patrick M. Fitzpatrick;Advanced Calculu(second edition);Brooks\/Cole:114.



- Calculus


Michael Spivak


Publish   or Perish

Although the meaning of these formulas is clear enough, attempts at literal interpretation are hindered by the reasonable stricture that an equation should not contain a function on one side and a number on the other. For example,if the third equation is to the true, theneither ${df\left( x \right)}/{dx}\;$ must denote ${{f}^{'}}(x)$,rather than${f}^{'}$,or else $2x$ must denote ,not anumber ,but the function whose value at $x$ is $2x$.It is really impossible to assert that one or the other of these laternatives is intended; in practice ${df\left( x \right)}/{dx}\;$ sometimes means${f}^{'}$and sometimes means${{f}^{'}}(x)$,while $2x$ may denote either a number or a function .Because of this ambiguity, most authors are reluctant to denote ${{f}^{'}}(a)$ by


Instead${{f}^{'}}(a)$ is usually denoted by the barbaric,but unambiguous, symbol


[1]   Michael Spivak;Calculus;Publish or Perish:141








函数$f:R\to R$$a\in R$点可微,如果有一线性变换$\lambda :R\to R$使得

$\underset{h\to 0}{\mathop{\lim }}\,\frac{f(a+h)-f(a)-\lambda (h)}{h}=0$

参考文献:斯皮瓦克. 流形上的微积分(齐民友译)[M]. 人民邮电出版社,2006:16





TOM M.Appostol



 定义5.1 $f$在开区间$\left( a,b \right)$上定义,并假定$c\in \left( a,b \right)$,则$f$称为在$c$点是可微的,只要极限

$\underset{x\to c}{\mathop{\lim }}\,\frac{f(x)-f(c)}{x-c}$



[1] TOM M.Appostol. 数学分析(原书第二版)(刑富冲译)[M]. 机械工业出版社, 2006:104


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