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QSR-12篇 ESR-5篇 GSAB-3篇

已有 878 次阅读 2024-11-24 21:37 |系统分类:科研笔记

“意得辑”主要为英文非母语的科研作者提供英文润色、学术翻译、SCI/EI/SSCI发表指导等服务意得辑拥有2000多名具有专业学科背景的资深英文母语编辑、 翻译、发表专家团队


Quaternary Science Reviews-12

Earth-Science Reviews-5

GSA Bulletin-3

The Holocene precipitation dipole pattern in the Asian drylands: Mechanisms and processes from PMIP4 simulations and paleo-proxy evidence


Quaternary Science Reviews


Geomagnetic field modulation of cosmogenic <sup>129</sup>I recorded in Chinese loess sequences


Quaternary Science Reviews


Radiocarbon age-offset measurements reveal shifts in the transport mechanism and age of permafrost-derived organic carbon from Burial Lake, arctic Alaska from MIS 3 to present

放射性碳年龄偏移测量揭示了阿拉斯加北极埋藏湖永久冻土有机碳从MIS 3到现在的运输机制和年龄变化

Quaternary Science Reviews


Testing assumptions of spheroidal carbonaceous particle (SCP) quantification at very low concentrations: Implications for dating geologic archives


Quaternary Science Reviews


Changes in size of key indicators used in palaeolimnological studies: A critical review


Earth-Science Reviews


Brecciation and epithermal mineralization in the Baia Mare ore district (Romania): The Wilhelm deposit

罗马尼亚Baia Mare矿区的角化作用与浅成热液成矿作用:Wilhelm矿床

GSA Bulletin


Volcanic activity driving rapid organic carbon burial during the Ordovician−Silurian transition


GSA Bulletin


Northern hemisphere mid-latitudes as a key region for reconciling the Holocene temperature conundrum


Quaternary Science Reviews


Plastic as a Sediment – A Universal and Objective practical solution to growing ambiguity in plastic litter classification schemes


Earth-Science Reviews


Reconstructing Holocene hydroclimate variability and coastal dynamics of the Nile Delta: A diatom perspective


Quaternary Science Reviews


High-precision <sup>40</sup>Ar/<sup>39</sup>Ar dating of Australasian tektites associated with bifacial tools in the Bose Basin (Xiaomei and Fengshudao sites), South China and in Vietnam (Go Da and Roc Tung 1 sites)

高精度<sup bbb40 </sup>Ar/<sup>39</sup>Ar定年与中国南方Bose盆地(小梅和丰树岛遗址)和越南(Go DaRoc Tung 1遗址)双面工具相关的澳大拉陨石

Quaternary Science Reviews


Late Cretaceous glaciations in a hyper-arid plateau desert of the South China Coastal Mountains


GSA Bulletin


Evolution and prospects of Earth system models: Challenges and opportunities


Earth-Science Reviews


<sup>26</sup>Al/<sup>10</sup>Be burial dating of Majuangou sites in Nihewan Basin, northern China


Quaternary Science Reviews


Is the ‘Year Without a Summer’ imprinted in continental varve thickness records?


Quaternary Science Reviews


Modern land use changes drive shifts in nutrient cycling and diatom assemblages in the Baltic Sea coastal zone: A millennial perspective with a case study from Gamlebyviken, Swedish east coast


Quaternary Science Reviews


Response to comments by <a name="bbib10" href="#bib10" id="crosref0010">Shane et al. (2024) on Hopkins, J.L., McIntosh, P.D., Vink, J., Slee, A. and Moss, P., 2024. First detection in Australia of cryptotephra likely to be derived from the 25.6 ka Ōruanui supereruption in New Zealand. <em>Quaternary Science Reviews</em>, <em>341</em> DOI: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2024.108856

<a name="bbib10" href="#bib10" id="crosref0010">Shane等人(2024)Hopkins J.L, McIntosh, p.d., Vink J., Slee, a .Moss P. 2024的评论的回应。澳大利亚首次发现隐绦虫可能来自新西兰25.6 ka Ōruanui超级火山喷发。

Quaternary Science Reviews


Viscous compression of clay and peat


Earth-Science Reviews


Lithospheric weakspots, not hotspots: New England-Quebec and Shenandoah anorogenic magmatism in the context of global plate tectonics, intraplate stress and LIPs


Earth-Science Reviews


Cooling induced the stagnation of vermicularisation in the subtropical region of East Asia during the Late Quaternary


Quaternary Science Reviews




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