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Applied Geochemistry 11篇;JGE 19篇;JAES 15篇

已有 1534 次阅读 2023-5-5 20:00 |系统分类:科研笔记

Applied Geochemistry 11篇;Journal of Geochemical Exploration 19篇;Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 15

“意得辑”主要为英文非母语的科研作者提供英文润色、学术翻译、SCI/EI/SSCI发表指导等服务意得辑拥有2000多名具有专业学科背景的资深英文母语编辑、 翻译、发表专家团队



Physical and chemical effects of H<sub>2</sub>O on mineral carbonation reactions in supercritical CO<sub>2</sub>


Applied Geochemistry


Insight into atmospheric deposition and contamination of toxic Zinc in remote glacier regions of the Northwestern China


Applied Geochemistry


The influence of CO<sub>2</sub> partial pressure on the stability of dawsonite-based on water-rock physical experiment and numerical simulation


Applied Geochemistry


Corrigendum to “Radium sorption on biotite; surface complexation modeling study” [Appl. Geochem. 140 (2022) 105289]


Applied Geochemistry


Combined approach for assessing metal(loid)s leaching, mobility and accumulation in a specific near-neutral (pH) environment of a former Cu-smelting area in the old copper basin, Poland


Applied Geochemistry


It's all in the mud - The use of sediment geochemistry to estimate contemporary water quality in lakes


Applied Geochemistry


Speciation and mobility of arsenic and antimony in soils and mining wastes from an abandoned Sb–Au mining area


Applied Geochemistry


Light absorption of brown carbon and nitrated phenols in aerosols in a city of South Asia: From sources to atmosphere


Applied Geochemistry


Sources and cycling processes of nitrogen revealed by stable isotopes and hydrochemistry in a typical agricultural lake basin


Applied Geochemistry


Insight into the model quinone compound AQDS mediated the Mn(II) abiotic oxidation and mineral mineralization on hematite surface under oxic and neutral conditions


Applied Geochemistry


Microbial reduction and alteration of Fe(III)-containing smectites in the presence of biochar-derived dissolved organic matter


Applied Geochemistry


Carbonatization and overprinting mineralisation in Siah-Kamar porphyry Mo deposit, NW Iran


Journal of Geochemical Exploration


The genesis of hydrothermal veins in the Aukam valley SW Namibia– A far field consequence of Pangean rifting?


Journal of Geochemical Exploration


Single particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry: A new method to detect geochemical anomalies in stream sediments


Journal of Geochemical Exploration


Origin of ironstones of the Udokan Cu deposit (Siberia, Russia): A key study using SEM and LA-ICP-MS


Journal of Geochemical Exploration


Geology and geochemistry of gold mineralization at the Namicupo prospect, Mozambique Belt, northeastern Mozambique


Journal of Geochemical Exploration


Zircon as a pathfinder for ore exploration


Journal of Geochemical Exploration


<em>Geochemical Advances Underpinning Exploration and Waste Resource Recovery for Critical Minerals</em>


Journal of Geochemical Exploration


Magnetite chemistry of the Sarkuh Porphyry Cu deposit, Urumieh–Dokhtar Magmatic Arc (UDMA), Iran: A record of deviation from the path sulfide mineralization in the porphyry copper systems


Journal of Geochemical Exploration


Conceptual Hydrodynamic Model with Hydrochemical and Isotopic Signatures of the Triassic and Silurian-Devonian Groundwater Systems in Northwestern Saudi Arabia


Journal of Geochemical Exploration


Halogen characteristics and their implications for geochemical exploration in the Qujia gold deposit, Laizhou, Jiaodong


Journal of Geochemical Exploration


Gahnite, garnet and magnetite compositions of metamorphosed sediment-hosted Zn-Pb-(Cu<img src="https://sdfestaticassets-eu-west-1.sciencedirectassets.com/shared-assets/16/entities/sbnd" />Ag) deposits of the Mesoproterozoic Nova Brasilândia Group: Vectors for SEDEX deposits with Broken Hill-type affinities in the western Amazonian Craton, Brazil

中元古代Nova brasilndia群变质沉积含Zn-Pb-(Cu-Ag)矿床的锌尖晶石、石榴石和磁铁矿组成:巴西西亚马逊克拉通SEDEX矿床的载体

Journal of Geochemical Exploration


Immobilization of Pb and Zn leached from mining residue materials in Kabwe, Zambia: Performance of calcined dolomite in column experiments


Journal of Geochemical Exploration


A conceptual model for the Tufiño-Chiles-Cerro Negro (TCCN) geothermal system (Ecuador-Colombia): New insights into geothermal exploration from chemical and isotopic composition of hydrothermal fluids

Tufiño-Chiles-Cerro Negro (TCCN)地热系统(厄瓜多尔-哥伦比亚)概念模型:热液流体化学和同位素组成对地热勘探的新认识

Journal of Geochemical Exploration


Genesis of the Yawan Sb deposit, West Qinling Orogen, Central China: Constraints from S–Pb–C–O isotopes and Sm<img src="https://sdfestaticassets-eu-west-1.sciencedirectassets.com/shared-assets/16/entities/sbnd" />Nd geochronology


Journal of Geochemical Exploration


Diffuse emission of CO<sub>2</sub> from the Langjiu Geothermal Field, Western Tibet


Journal of Geochemical Exploration


Early Cretaceous Ningguo-Guangde weakly fractionated I-type granitoids, Jiangnan tungsten belt, China: Implications for petrogenesis and W<img src="https://sdfestaticassets-eu-west-1.sciencedirectassets.com/shared-assets/16/entities/sbnd" />Mo mineralization


Journal of Geochemical Exploration


Long term lithium availability and electric mobility: What can we learn from resource assessment?


Journal of Geochemical Exploration


Trace element geochemistry, oxygen isotope and U–Pb geochronology of multistage scheelite: Implications for W-mineralization and fluid evolution of Shizhuyuan W–Sn deposit, South China


Journal of Geochemical Exploration


The carbonate-hosted Gortdrum Cu-Ag(±Sb-Hg) deposit, SW Ireland: C-O-Sr-Nd isotopes and whole-rock geochemical signatures


Journal of Geochemical Exploration


The 4 January 2020 offshore Pearl River Estuary earthquake sequence in South China: Implications for seismic potential of the NW-striking local faults


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Petrogenesis of peralkaline felsic volcanic rocks from the Sanshui Basin, Southern China: Insights into Cenozoic breakup of South China


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Potentially important regolith-hosted Sc deposits related to alkaline igneous complexes of the Permian Emeishan Large Igneous Province, SW China


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Constraints of zircon U-Pb, molybdenite Re-Os and muscovite <sup>40</sup>Ar-<sup>39</sup>Ar ages on the formation of the Chaobuleng skarn Fe-Zn deposit, NE China

锆石U-Pb、辉钼矿Re-Os和白云母40 Ar-39Ar年龄对Chaobuleng矽卡岩型铁-锌矿床形成的制约

Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Late Paleozoic –Cretaceous paleotectonic reconstructions of NE Asia: Insights from U–Pb dating detrital zircons from sandstones in the Algan and Ust’-Belaya terranes (NE Russia)

东北亚晚古生代-白垩纪古构造重建:来自俄罗斯东北部AlganUst ' -Belaya地块砂岩碎屑锆石U-Pb定年的启示

Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Lithofacies and reservoir characteristics of saline lacustrine fine-grained sedimentary rocks in the northern Dongpu Sag, Bohai Bay Basin: Implications for shale oil exploration


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Magmatic differentiation processes within the transcrustal magmatic reservoir of Develidağ volcano, Central Anatolia (Turkey)


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Volcanism-driven marine eutrophication in the end-Ordovician: evidence from radiolarians and trace elements of black shale in South China


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Control of pre-existing faults on transtensional and transpressional fault systems: A perspective from analogue modelling


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


An improved time–depth dual porosity evolution model and a new parameter for tight sandstone reservoir quality evaluation


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Provenance transition of the Mesoproterozoic–Neoproterozoic Xuhuai Basin: Constraining the accretion of the Northern Qinling Terrane with the North China Craton


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Magmatic response to slab breakoff of the Neo-Tethyan ocean: Constraints from Eocene diorites and gabbros in the southern Lhasa terrane, Tibet


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Redox-sensitive elements of Ediacaran black shales in South China with implications for a widespread anoxic ocean


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Neoproterozoic tectonic evolution of North Qinling Orogenic Belt, Central China: Evidence from clastic rocks


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Magneto-tectonic framework of the East Indian Shield: The present state of knowledge


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences




上一篇:Earth-Science Reviews 12篇;GSA Bulletin 6篇;QSR 11篇
下一篇:Nature 8篇;Science 5篇; Science Advances 8篇
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