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Applied Geochemistry 11篇;JGE 7篇; OGR 6篇

已有 1996 次阅读 2022-8-3 15:41 |系统分类:科研笔记

Applied Geochemistry 11篇;Journal of Geochemical Exploration 7篇;Ore Geology Reviews 6




Lead and stable lead isotopes as tracers of soil pollution and human health risk assessment in former industrial cities of Hungary


Applied Geochemistry


Decadal trends in solute concentrations, mass flux, and discharge reveal variable hydrologic and geochemical response to climate change in two alpine watersheds


Applied Geochemistry


Plants and related carbon cycling under elevated ground-level ozone: A mini review


Applied Geochemistry


Effects of clay minerals on Fe<sup>2+</sup>-induced phase transformation of ferrihydrite


Applied Geochemistry


Characterization and morphometric study of household settled dust: A case study in Dhanbad, the coal capital of India


Applied Geochemistry


Comparison of the chemo-mechanical behavior of low-pH cement exposed to calcareous water and to argillite pore water


Applied Geochemistry


Influence of geological faults on dissolved arsenic concentrations in an overexploited aquifer with shallow geothermal heat


Applied Geochemistry


Natural hydrogen migration along thrust faults in foothill basins: The North Pyrenean Frontal Thrust case study


Applied Geochemistry


Celestine and powellite as redox indicators during diagenesis of molybdenum-bearing carbonate aquifers


Applied Geochemistry


Heat, noble gases and CO<sub>2</sub> sources in geothermal fields of Mexico

墨西哥地热田的热、惰性气体和CO< >2</ >

Applied Geochemistry


Characterization, source and risk assessments of sediment contaminants (PCDD/Fs, DL-PCBs, PAHs, PCBs, OCPs, metals) in the urban water supply area

城市供水区沉积物污染物(PCDD/Fsdl - pcb、多环芳烃、pcbOCPs、金属)的特征、来源和风险评估研究

Applied Geochemistry


Late Triassic granitic magmatism and tungsten mineralization in NE China: Geochronological and geochemical constraints from the Tantoushan quartz-wolframite vein-type deposit


Journal of Geochemical Exploration


Chlorite chemistry, H-O-S-Pb isotopes and fluid characteristics of the Yuhai Cu-Mo Deposit in Eastern Tianshan: Implications for porphyry copper mineralization and exploration


Journal of Geochemical Exploration


Molybdenum isotope variation mechanism and ore-genesis of Niutoushan Pb–Zn sulfide orebodies in the Xiangshan volcanic basin, South China


Journal of Geochemical Exploration


Rare earth elements plus yttrium (REY) in phosphorites from the Tébessa region (Eastern Algeria): Abundance, geochemical distribution through grain size fractions, and economic significance


Journal of Geochemical Exploration


Application of optically stimulated luminescence in volcanic hydrothermal uranium deposits in the Guyuan Basin, North China


Journal of Geochemical Exploration


Genesis of Chaoshan skarn Au deposit, Tongling, eastern China: Insights from mineral geochemistry


Journal of Geochemical Exploration


The Au<img src="https://sdfestaticassets-eu-west-1.sciencedirectassets.com/shared-assets/16/entities/sbnd" />Ag (Zn, Pb, Mo, Cu) Sulfuro Vein, La Paloma district, Deseado Massif, Argentina: Geochemical characterization and new insights into the 4D evolution of ore shoots

阿根廷Deseado地块La Paloma地区Au-Ag (Zn, Pb, Mo, Cu)硫化物脉体:地球化学特征及对矿体4D演化的新认识

Journal of Geochemical Exploration


Metallogenic model of the Fengyan stratabound Zn-Pb deposit in Fujian of southeastern China: Constraints from fluid inclusions, C-O-S-Pb isotopes, and pyrite chemistry


Ore Geology Reviews


Whole-rock geochemistry and mineral compositions of gabbroic rocks and the associated Fe–Ti (–V) oxide deposit in the Gonamsan intrusion, South Korea


Ore Geology Reviews


Stable isotope (C, O, S, and Zn) geochemistry of marble-hosted exhalative zinc deposits in the Central Metasedimentary Belt, Grenville Province, Canada: Insights into ore deposition and tectonic setting

加拿大格伦维尔省中央变质岩带大理岩含喷出型锌矿的稳定同位素(C, O, S, Zn)地球化学:对矿床沉积和构造环境的洞察

Ore Geology Reviews


Characteristics of geothermal resource in Qiabuqia, Gonghe Basin: Evidence from high precision resistivity data


Ore Geology Reviews


Polyphase hydrothermal sulfide mineralization in the minami–ensei hydrothermal field, middle okinawa trough: implications from sulfide mineralogy and in situ geochemical composition of pyrite


Ore Geology Reviews


Genesis of the Danping bauxite deposit in northern Guizhou, Southwest China: Constraints from <em>in-situ</em> elemental and sulfur isotope analyses in pyrite


Ore Geology Reviews



上一篇:EPSL 10篇;GSA Bulletin 8篇;GCA 6篇
下一篇:Geophysical Research Letters 43篇
收藏 IP: 183.251.180.*| 热度|


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