(1)加州大学欧文分校(University of California ,irvine,UCI)网络组共享有关Facebook的测量数据及其工具与论文。链接为http://odysseas.calit2.uci.edu/wiki/doku.php/public:online_social_networks/
(1)基于图形用户接口(GUIS) 的包或为编程语言设计的API:netminer/ucinet/pajek/guess/ora/cytoscape
(2)用于商业用户的GUI:orgnet/keyhubs/kxen/idiro sna plus
• For scholarly research tools like UCINet , Pajek , ORA , the statnet suite of packages in R, and GUESS are popular.
• Examples of business oriented social network tools include iPoint , NetMiner , InFlow , Keyhubs ,Sentinel Visualizer , KXEN Social Network , NodeXL .
• For large networks with millions of nodes, Sonamine or ORA .
• For mobile telecoms Idiro SNA Plus is recommended
• An open source package with GUI for Linux, Windows and Mac, is Social Networks Visualizer or SocNetV ,developed in Qt/C++.
• Another generic open source package for Windows, Linux and OS X with interfaces to Python and R is "igraph"
• Another generic open source package with [GUI] for Windows, Linux and OS X is "Tulip"
• RapidNet is a generic freely available open source solution for network analysis and interactive visual network exploration and drill-down.
• For Mac OS X a related package installer of SocNetV is available.
• For integrated egocentric data collection and visualization.
[1]徐恪, 张赛, 陈昊,等. 在线社会网络的测量与分析[J]. 计算机学报, 2014, 37(1):165-188.
[2]Social Network Analysis - Theory and Applications
[1] "Only connect: Felix Grant looks at the application of data analysis software to social networks", Scientific Computing World June 2010: pp
9-10. (http:/ / www. scientific-computing. com/ features/ feature. php?feature_id=277)
[2] (http:/ / www. cmu. edu/ joss/ content/ articles/ volume1/ Freeman. html)
[3] (http:/ / www. analytictech. com/ ucinet/ ucinet. html)
[4] (http:/ / pajek. imfm. si/ doku. php)
[5] (http:/ / www. casos. cs. cmu. edu/ projects/ ora/ )
[6] (http:/ / cran. r-project. org/ web/ packages/ statnet/ )
[7] (http:/ / graphexploration. cond. org/ )
[8] (http:/ / imediastreams. com/ iServe_Demographics. htm)
[9] (http:/ / www. netminer. com/ NetMiner/ home_01. jsp)
[10] (http:/ / www. orgnet. com/ inflow3. html)
[11] (http:/ / www. keyhubs. com)
[12] (http:/ / www. fmsasg. com/ Products/ SentinelVisualizer/ )
[13] (http:/ / www. socialnetworksanalysis. com)
[14] (http:/ / www. codeplex. com/ nodexl)
[15] (http:/ / www. sonamine. com/ home/ index. php?option=com_content& view=article& id=8& Itemid=5)
[16] (http:/ / www. casos. cs. cmu. edu/ projects/ ora/ )
[17] (http:/ / www. idiro. com)
[18] (http:/ / socnetv. sourceforge. net/ )
[19] (http:/ / igraph. sourceforge. net)
[20] RapidNet (http:/ / rapid-i. com/ content/ view/ 183/ 193/ )
[21] (http:/ / naranja. umh. es/ ~atg)
[22] SocioMetrica (http:/ / www. mdlogix. com/ solutions/ additional. html#row1)
[23] Draft(PDF) (http:/ / stat. gamma. rug. nl/ snijders/ Software for Social Network Analysis CUP_ch13_Oct2003. pdf)
[24] Computer Programs for Social Network Analysis (http:/ / www. insna. org/ software/ software_old. html)
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