

IJMSD | 杨绍普教授、田瑞兰教授等:微弱信号周期相图相似度法

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石家庄铁道大学杨绍普教授和田瑞兰教授团队在《国际机械系统动力学学报(英文)》(International Journal of Mechanical System Dynamics, IJMSD)发表“微弱信号周期相图相似度法”研究论文。该文提出了微弱信号周期相图相似度法,并应用该方法识别了强噪声背景下的早期故障微弱信号。通过研究周期运动特性,发现了强噪声背景下周期运动相图相似性的持久性。利用随机次谐波梅尔尼科夫函数给出了保持周期运动的条件,确定了周期识别系统的系统参数,构造了周期相图相似度方法来识别频率。数值模拟结果和实际高速列车轴承早期故障诊断结果均证明了基于周期运动的相图相似度方法可以用于强噪声背景下的频率识别,且可实现比常规检测更低的信噪比(SNR = −80.71 dB)。该方法为实际工程中弱谐波信号的参数识别提供了新思路。

Under the strong noise background of load operation, when the fault signal identification is carried out for high-speed trains, all kinds of fault signals are mixed with other signals, and the useful measured signals are submerged by various strong signals. The “relative weakness” brings great challenges to the identification of fault parameters. In this paper, the periodic-phase-diagram similarity method is proposed to identify the frequency of weak harmonic signals. The key technology is to find a set of optimal coefficients for Duffing system, which leads to the periodic motion under the influence of weak signal and strong noise. Introducing the phase diagram similarity, the influences of strong noise on the similarity of periodic phase diagram are discussed. The principle of highest similarity of periodic phase diagram with the same frequency is detected by discussing the persistence of similarity of periodic motion phase diagram under the strong noise and the periodic-phase-diagram similarity method is constructed. The weak signals of early fault and strong noise are input into Duffing system to obtain the identified system. The stochastic subharmonic Melnikov method is extended to obtain the conditions of the optimal coefficients for the identified system. Based on the results, the constructed frequency conversion harmonic weak signals are considered to form a datum periodic system. With the change of frequency in the datum periodic system, the phase diagram similarity of the two constructed systems can be calculated. Based on the periodic-phase-diagram similarity method, the frequency of weak harmonic signals can be identified by the principle of highest similarity of periodic phase diagram with the same frequency. The results of numerical simulation and the early fault diagnosis results of actual bearings verify the feasibility of the periodic-phase-diagram similarity method. The accuracy of the detection effect is 97%, and the minimum signal-to-noise ratio is −80.71 dB.


  1. 证明了强噪声背景下周期运动相图相似性的持久性;
  2. 提出了一种基于强噪声背景下周期运动相图相似性持久性的微弱谐波信号参数检测方法;
  3. 将所提出的方法应用于实际高速列车轴承早期故障微弱信号检测和数值模拟,实现了较低的信噪比(SNR = −80.71 dB)、较高的准确率(97%)和更高的检测效率(402 s)。


  1. The persistence of similarity of phase diagram of periodic motion is proved under strong noise background. 
  2. A method for detecting weak harmonic signal parameters based on the similarity persistence of periodic motion phase diagram under strong noise background is proposed. 
  3. The proposed method was applied to the detection and numerical simulation of the weak signal of the early fault of high-speed train bearings, achieving a lower signal-to-noise ratio (SNR =−80.71 dB), a higher accuracy (97%), and a more efficient detection efficiency (402 s).


periodic system; signal‐ o‐r oise ratio (SNR); stochastic subharmonic Melnikov method; strong noise; weak signal

DOI: 10.1002/msd2.12009

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Cite this article: Tian R, Zhang Y, Yang S, Yuan K, Xue Q, Ren Q. Periodic‐phase‐diagram similarity method for weak signal detection. Int J Mech Syst Dyn. 2021;1(2): 248‐255.

作 者 简 介

田瑞兰.jpg田瑞兰  石家庄铁道大学教授,河北省杰出青年科学基金获得者,河北省教育厅百名优秀创新人才。主要从事非线性动力学研究及应用,将非线性动力学、数据驱动建模、最优化控制和故障诊断、超材料结构设计相结合,为轨道交通工具的故障诊断、减振、隔振奠定理论和实验基础。主持4项国家自然科学基金项目、5项省部级项目。现为陕西省振动工程学会特聘常务理事、中国材料研究学会超材料分会理事。

张杨昆.jpg张杨昆  石家庄铁道大学工程力学系硕士研究生,于2022年取得了石家庄铁道大学硕士学位。主要研究方向为非线性动力学、机械故障诊断。

Shaopu Yang.jpg杨绍普  石家庄铁道大学教授,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,“973”首席科学家,河北省燕赵学者。长期从事车辆动力学与机械系统故障诊断的研究与应用,先后主持“973”项目、国家自然科学基金重大仪器专项项目、国家自然科学基金重点项目、高铁联合基金重点项目等国家级项目10项,铁道部、河北省科研项目40余项;发表SCI、EI收录论文230余篇。作为第一完成人获国家科技进步二等奖1项,国家自然科学二等奖1项。现任国际机构与机器学联合会(IFToMM)振动技术委员会委员、中国力学学会副理事长、中国振动工程学会常务理事、中国机械工程学会理事。

袁开.jpg袁  开  石家庄铁道大学工程力学系硕士研究生,主要从事非线性动力学、结构参数优化、结构优化设计等研究。

薛强.png薛  强  石家庄铁道大学讲师,博士研究生,主要从事非线性动力学、微弱信号参数识别及故障诊断研究。

任全荣.jpg任全荣  石家庄铁道大学工程力学系硕士研究生,主要研究方向为非线性动力学在微弱信号参数识别中的应用。

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