

JAS最新CiteScore 8.3,位居所属各领域Q1区前列

已有 3028 次阅读 2020-6-24 08:34 |系统分类:博客资讯| CiteScore2019




JAS在Scopus数据库属于计算机信息系统、控制与系统工程、人工智能三个领域,最新CiteScore稳居所属各领域Q1区前列:在计算机信息系统领域排名前9%(26/300),控制与系统工程领域排名前11% (25/242),人工智能领域排名前12%(24/202)。

CiteScore 是Elsevier基于旗下Scopus数据库统计的学术期刊质量评价指标,每年发布一次。2019年CiteScore计算方式为期刊2016-2019年发表论文在此四年间的篇均引次。Elsevier官方表示,CiteScore 定位为这样一个工具:帮助研究人员决定哪里发论文、哪里读论文、哪些研究者值得合作;帮助图书馆员和信息专家管理收录范围;帮助机构领导者展示研究成果、评估研究策略;帮助出版方评判出版物业绩。


1. 计算机信息系统领域2019年CiteScore排名Q1区的出版物

RankPublication nameCiteScore 2019
1Information Fusion21.9 
2IEEE Network21.6 
3IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics20.4 
4Foundations and Trends in Information Retrieval16.6 
5International Journal of Information Management14.1 
6IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics13.9 
7Briefings in Bioinformatics12.8 
8IEEE Internet of Things Journal12.6 
9IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering12.0 
10MIS Quarterly: Management Information Systems11.0 
11Information and Management11.0 
12Semantic Web10.6 
13Big Data and Society10.2 
14Journal of Strategic Information Systems10.1 
15IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing10.0 
16Journal of Information Technology9.8 
17Decision Support Systems9.5 
18Information Systems Journal9.4 
19Journal of Service Research9.3 
20International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems - ASPLOS9.2 
21Egyptian Informatics Journal8.9 
22Applied Computing and Informatics8.8 
23Information Processing and Management8.6 
24IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing8.5 
25Scientific data8.4 
26IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica8.3 
27European Journal of Information Systems8.3 
29Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research7.9 
30Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology7.9 
31Journal of Systems and Software7.8 
32Information and Software Technology7.6 
33Business and Information Systems Engineering7.6 
34Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery7.4 
35IEEE Systems Journal7.4 
36Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data7.2 
37Big Data Research7.2 
38Requirements Engineering7.2 
39Pervasive and Mobile Computing7.0 
40Advanced Engineering Informatics6.9 
41International Journal of Geographical Information Science6.9 
42Journal of Grid Computing6.9 
43IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks6.8 
44Journal of the ACM6.7 
45Information Systems6.7 
46Information Systems Frontiers6.7 
47ACM Transactions on Information Systems6.7 
48Information Systems Research6.6 
49IEEE Transactions on Information Theory6.5 
50Journal of the Association of Information Systems6.4 
51ACM Transactions on Database Systems6.3 
52Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems6.3 
53Journal of Big Data6.1 
54Information and Organization6.0 
55IEEE Transactions on Multi-Scale Computing Systems6.0 
56ICT Express5.9 
57Journal of Medical Systems5.8 
58Computers and Geosciences5.8 
59Journal of Enterprise Information Management5.8 
60Database : the journal of biological databases and curation5.8 
61VLDB Journal5.7 
62Big Data5.6 
63Materials Discovery5.6 
64Journal of Biomedical Semantics5.5 
65Information Systems and e-Business Management5.4 
66Information Retrieval5.3 
67Knowledge and Information Systems5.2 
68International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications5.2 
69Journal of Information Science5.0 
71International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer4.8 
72Information Society4.8 
73Telecommunications Policy4.8 
74Journal of Communications and Networks4.7 
75Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce4.6 

2. 控制与系统工程领域2019年CiteScore排名Q1区的出版物

RankPublication nameCiteScore 2019
1IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics20.4
2IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems18.3
3IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics16.4
4IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems16.2
5IEEE Transactions on Robotics14.2
6IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics13.9
8IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control11.6
9IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology11.5
10Information Sciences11.3
11Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing10.6
12IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics10.4
13IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering10.4
14Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing10.2
15Annual Reviews in Control10.1
16Soft Robotics9.7
17Automation in Construction9.5
18Journal of Machine Learning Research9.3
19Journal of Manufacturing Systems9.2
20IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems9.0
21Signal Processing8.8
22Journal of Field Robotics8.8
23Nonlinear Dynamics8.7
24Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems8.5
25IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica8.3
26Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence8.0
27ISA Transactions8.0
28Robotics and Autonomous Systems7.7
29IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications7.4
30IEEE Systems Journal7.4
31IEEE Wireless Communications Letters7.0
32EPJ Quantum Technology6.9
33IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems6.9
34Control Engineering Practice6.8
35Journal of the ACM6.7
36International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control6.7
37IET Control Theory and Applications6.7
38Foundations and Trends in Systems and Control6.7
39Journal of the Energy Institute6.5
40IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution6.5
41Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks6.4
42Biosystems Engineering6.4
43Smart Structures and Systems6.4
44IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters6.3
45Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems6.3
46Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization6.2
47Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics6.2
48Journal of the Franklin Institute6.1
49Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management6.1
50IEEE Transactions on Multi-Scale Computing Systems6.0
51IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine6.0
52Journal of Process Control5.9
53Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation5.8
54Systems and Control Letters5.7
55Minerals Engineering5.6
56ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems5.6
57IEEE Control Systems5.4
58Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries5.3
59Real-Time Systems5.3
60Computers and Electrical Engineering5.3

3. 人工智能领域2019年CiteScore排名Q1区的出版物

RankPublication nameCiteScore 2019
1IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence35.2
2Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning26.1
3Physics of Life Reviews20.9
4IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems17.6
5Science Robotics17.0
6IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems16.2
7International Journal of Computer Vision15.3
8International Journal of Information Management14.1
9International Journal of Robotics Research13.2
10Pattern Recognition13.1
11International Journal of Intelligent Systems11.9
12Knowledge-Based Systems11.7
13Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning11.6
14IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine11.5
15Information Sciences11.3
16Expert Systems with Applications11.0
17IEEE Intelligent Systems10.4
18Neural Networks10.0
19Soft Robotics9.7
21Journal of Machine Learning Research9.3
22Artificial Intelligence Review9.1
23IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems9.0
24IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica8.3
25Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing8.1
26Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence8.0
27Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research7.9
28Artificial Intelligence7.7
29Autonomous Robots7.6
30ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology7.5
31Advanced Engineering Informatics6.9
32Artificial Intelligence in Medicine6.9
33Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering6.8
34Journal of Memory and Language6.8
35Journal of the ACM6.7
36Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making6.6
37Neural Computing and Applications6.5
38IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking6.5
39Fuzzy Sets and Systems6.5
40Swarm Intelligence6.4
41Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research6.4
42IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters6.3
43Pattern Recognition Letters6.3
44International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics6.0
45Artificial Intelligence and Law6.0
46Cognitive Psychology5.9
47ICT Express5.9
48Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation5.8
49Design Studies5.8
50International Journal of Fuzzy Systems5.8

数据来源:CiteScore 2019

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