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几个辐射术语复习(Radiation Terminology )

已有 4089 次阅读 2010-12-26 19:26 |个人分类:生活点滴|系统分类:科研笔记| Radiant, Irradiance, Reflectance

1. Radiant Energy: total radiation energy       in Joules (J)
2. Radiant flux: Radiant energy per unit time       in J/s
3. Radiant flux density: Radiant flux per unit surface area in J/(m2·s) or W/m
4. Irradiance: Radiant flux density. It refers to fluxes to or from a flat surface in all directions     in J/(m2·s)
5. Radiance: Radiant flux density per unit solid angle. It refers to fluxes to or from a surface in a specific direction in J/(m2·s·sr)
6. Spectral Radiance: Radiant flux per unit wavelength       in J/(m2·s·sr·mm)
7. Albedo: Reflected radiant flux density (irradiance) divided by incoming radiant flux density (irradiance) from a flat surface in all directions unitless
8. Reflectance: Reflected radiance in one direction (in J/(m2·s ·sr) times pi (in sr) divided by incoming radiant flux density (in J/(m2·s))   unitless
PS: Lecture from Professor JingM. Chen


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