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已有 7849 次阅读 2013-8-21 18:19 |个人分类:综合性资料|系统分类:博客资讯| 德国, 奖学金, 洪堡, 联邦总理

很少有人知道世界上最富盛名的博士后奖学金洪堡基金会还受委托,执行每年五十个名额的一个所谓面对未来领袖的联邦总理奖学金。下面是这个项目的英文介绍,每年五十个名额,最初只对美国,后来加入了俄罗斯,再后来则依次新添了金砖四国中的另外三个国家 中国、巴西与印度






German Chancellor Fellowships for young leaders

Programme Information

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation’s German Chancellor Fellowship Programme is for university graduates from the United States, the Russian Federation, the People’s Republic of China, Brazil and India with an interest in international issues and demonstrated leadership potential. The programme is targeted at accomplished young professionals who are likely to become decision-makers, thought leaders, and influential voices in their respective fields. Fellows will be recruited from a broad range of areas such as politics and public policy, law, media, business, the non-governmental sector, and the arts. The programme provides fellows the opportunity to spend one year in Germany, where they will network with other prospective leaders from abroad and explore new solutions to the global issues of our times. This prestigious programme builds on Germany’s established and growing reputation as a favored destination for problem-focused international dialogue and a meeting place for tomorrow’s international leaders.

During their time in Germany, Federal Chancellor Fellows conduct independent projects at their host institutions. The project should involve original exploration of a topic or issue, or research in the fellow’s respective field of interest. The fellows are mentored by hosts in Germany, whom the fellows have chosen on the basis of their expertise in their respective areas. Projects should be of relevance to modern societies, have a long-term and visible impact, and help to advance fellows’ careers and professional development. Through their experience in Germany, fellows will acquire greater know-ledge of their fields, gain new international experience, and strengthen their intercultural competence – all essential qualities for future professional leaders.

After completion of their stay in Germany, fellows serve as vital professional links between their home countries and Germany and continue to be part of the Humboldt Foundation’s worldwide network. The alumni of the German Chancellor Fellowship Programme have forged particularly close contacts amongst themselves, resulting in the creation of a growing network of international professional leaders.

The Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany is the patron of this sponsorship programme, which is financed by the Federal Foreign Office. The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation grants up to 50 German Chancellor Fellowships annually, with up to ten prospective leaders selected from each of the five countries.

University graduates interested in graduate study or professional internship or training opportunities in Germany should apply to the programmes offered by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) or other funding organisations. Post-doctoral researchers planning an academic project should apply to the Humboldt Foundation’s Humboldt Research Fellowship Programme.

Fellowship specifications

The fellowship amount is 2,150 EUR, 2.450 EUR or 2,750 EUR per month, depending on the fellow’s qualifications. This stipend includes a travel allowance and a contribution towards health and liability insurance.

The stay in Germany begins with a mandatory two-month intensive language course from August to September; Fellows whose German language skills are good but could still be improved are required to take part in a one-month language course; for fellows with excellent German language skills the requirement to take this intensive language course is waived.

The fellowship itself is awarded for twelve months and begins in October with a four-week introductory seminar in Bonn and Berlin, which provides insights into social, political, business and cultural life in Germany. This is followed by eleven months of individual project work starting in November.

During the spring, fellows participate in a two-week study tour of Germany. Other events within the framework of the fellowship include the Humboldt Foundation's annual meeting, a reception hosted by the Federal President, and the final meeting of German Chancellor Fellows in Berlin, which includes a reception at the Federal Chancellery. Fellowship extensions of up to three months are possible.

Additional benefits:

• an allowance for research costs of 500 EUR per month to be paid to the host in Germany

• a lump sum to cover the fellow’s return travel expenses, if the costs are not borne by a third party

• family allowances for family members spending at least three months in Germany (up to 326 EUR per month for the fellow’s spouse and up to 234 EUR per month for each child)

• German language courses in the fellow's home country before the start of the stay in Germany as well as during the stay in Germany to expand the skills acquired during the intensive language course

• a Europe allowance for a stay of one to two months at an institute in another European country (not, however, the fellow’s home country) if a stay of this kind is necessary to carry out the project

• extensive alumni sponsorship following successful completion of the fellow’s stay in Germany, particularly for the purpose of sustaining contact with collaborative partners in Germany during the alumni’s entire professional career

Application requirements

• citizenship of the United States, the Russian Federation, the People’s Republic of China, Brazil or India

• Bachelor’s or comparable academic degree, completed less than twelve years prior to the starting date of the fellowship (1 October of the year following application)

• demonstrated leadership potential; applicants whose background is largely academic should also have gained some leadership experience beyond their own research activities

• Either English or German language skills

• a letter of motivation (approx. 2 pages)

• a project plan (approx. 3 pages); the candidate must draw up the project plan independently and secure the support of the proposed mentor before submitting an application

• a detailed host's statement, including a confirmation of support

• two letters of recommendation from individuals qualified to comment on the candidate's professional, personal, and/or academic background

Applicants who have been in Germany for more than six months at the time of the application deadline (15 September) are not eligible to apply.

Anyone who has already been sponsored by the Humboldt Foundation cannot apply to the Foundation for the German Chancellor Fellowship and should instead refer to the Foundation’s Alumni Pro-gramme for support for further stays in Germany.

Selection criteria

Applicants will be selected based on the following criteria:

• Applicant's prior history and leadership potential

• Significance of the fellowship for further career objectives

• Future role of the applicant as an intermediary between his/her own country and Germany

• International orientation of the applicant and prospective role as an international leader

• Prior knowledge and experience to complete the project successfully

• Persuasiveness and relevance of the project plan

Application and selection procedure

Applications must be completed online. The closing date for applications is 15 September of each year.

The complete application form, including all required supporting documents, must be submitted online by the closing date. Visit the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation’s website (http://www.humboldt-foundation.de/buka) for additional information on the online application process and the documentation required, and for access to the online application system. The applicant will be sent a confirmation of receipt upon submission of the application and supporting documentation.

It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that he or she has submitted all the necessary documents. It may not be possible to consider incomplete applications in the selection procedure.

The proposed host in Germany should send his or her confidential statement directly to the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation by the closing date at the latest.

The selection process involves two stages. The most promising eligible candidates will be selected on the basis of the candidate’s application and written documentation and invited to a selection meeting in Bonn. In an interview the candidates will be given the opportunity to introduce themselves and to present their projects to an independent selection committee, which determines the allocation of fellowships. A group discussion on an overarching topic of general interest is a further selection tool. Visit the FAQs on the Humboldt Foundation’s website for additional information on the selection procedure. Any other questions on German Chancellor Fellowships may be sent by email to the Foundation (info@avh.de).

US applicants to the German Chancellor Fellowship Programme may also contact the office of the American Friends of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.

American Friends of the Tel: (202) 783-1907

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation info@americanfriends-of-avh.org

1012 14th Street NW, Suite 300 www.americanfriends-of-avh.org

Washington, DC 20005

NOTE: The hosts’ statements and letters of recommendation should be sent directly to the Humboldt Foundation in Bonn and not to the office of the American Friends of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.


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