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Current Biology:CLAVATA信号转导确保植物不同热环境下的生殖发育

已有 2056 次阅读 2020-11-7 08:17 |个人分类:每日摘要|系统分类:论文交流

CLAVATA Signaling Ensures Reproductive Development in Plants across Thermal Environments

第一作者Daniel S. Jones


通讯作者Zachary L. Nimchuk


背景回顾The ability to thrive in diverse environments requires that species maintain development and reproduction despite dynamic conditions. Many developmental processes are stabilized through robust signaling pathways that cooperatively ensure proper development. During reproduction, plants like Arabidopsis thaliana continuously generate flowers on growing indeterminate inflorescences. Flower primordia initiation and outgrowth depends on the hormone auxin and is robust across diverse environments.

主要发现:Here, we show that reproductive development under different thermal conditions requires the integration of multiple pathways regulating auxin-dependent flower production.

结果1-低温或正常环境温度下:In colder/ambient temperatures, the receptor complex CLAVATA2/CORYNE (CLV2/CRN) is necessary for continuous flower outgrowth during inflorescence development. CLV2/CRN signaling is independent of CLAVATA1 (CLV1)-related receptor signaling but involves the CLAVATA3 INSENSITIVE RECEPTOR KINASE (CIKfamily co-receptors, with higher order cik mutant combinations phenocopying clv2/crn flower outgrowth defects. Developing crn inflorescences display reduced auxin signaling, and restoration of auxin biosynthesis is sufficient to restore flower outgrowth in colder and ambient temperatures.

结果2-更高温度下:In contrast, at higher temperatures, both clv2/crn signaling and heat-induced auxin biosynthesis via YUCCA family genes are synergistically required to maintain flower development.

结论:Our work reveals a novel mechanism integrating peptide hormone and auxin signaling in the regulation of flower development across diverse thermal environments.

 摘  要 



**Zachary L. Nimchuk**


doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2020.10.008

Journal: Current Biology

Published date: Nov 05, 2020


下一篇:Nature Communications:寄主种间变异作用于病原菌群落的组装
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