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the plant journal:大豆公开发表的1298份RNA-seq数据再挖掘

已有 2667 次阅读 2020-8-25 10:20 |个人分类:每日摘要|系统分类:论文交流

Systematic analysis of 1298 RNA‐Seq samples and construction of a comprehensive soybean (Glycine max) expression atlas

第一作者Fabricio B. Machado


通讯作者Thiago M. Venancio


背景1-大豆很重要Soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) is a major crop in animal feed and human nutrition, mainly for its rich protein and oil contents.

背景2-大豆数据很多The remarkable rise in soybean transcriptome studies over the past 5 years generated an enormous amount of RNA‐seq data, encompassing various tissues, developmental conditions and genotypes.

主要研究:In this study, we have collected data from 1298 publicly available soybean transcriptome samples, processed the raw sequencing reads and mapped them to the soybean reference genome in a systematic fashion.

结果1-基因表达:We found that 94% of the annotated genes (52 737/56 044) had detectable expression in at least one sample. Unsupervised clustering revealed three major groups, comprising samples from aerial, underground and seed/seed‐related parts.

结果2-看家基因与偏性表达We found 452 genes with uniform and constant expression levels, supporting their roles as housekeeping genes. On the other hand, 1349 genes showed heavily biased expression patterns towards particular tissues.

结果3-可变剪切A transcript‐level analysis revealed that 95% (70 963 of 74 490) of the assembled transcripts have intron chains exactly matching those from known transcripts, whereas 3256 assembled transcripts represent potentially novel splicing isoforms.

结果4-在线数据库The dataset compiled here constitute a new resource for the community, which can be downloaded or accessed through a user‐friendly web interface at http://venanciogroup.uenf.br/resources/.

结论:This comprehensive transcriptome atlas will likely accelerate research on soybean genetics and genomics.

 摘  要 

大豆由于其含有丰富的蛋白与籽油,在动物饲料与人类营养领域都是主要的作物。过去的5年中,对于大豆的转录组研究产生了海量的RNA-seq数据,包括多个组织、发育条件以及基因型。本文中,作者收集了1298份公共发表的大豆转录组数据,以批量系统的方式进行原始数据处理以及大豆参考基因组比对工作。作者发现大豆基因组中56044个注释的基因中,52737个基因至少在一个样本中存在表达。非监督聚类(Unsupervised clustering)分析显示这些样本可以聚成三个群体,分别包含来自地上部分组织,地下部分组织与种子及种子相关部分组织。作者发现452个基因存在相当且恒定的表达水平,说明其作为看家基因发挥作用。另外,1349个基因在特定的组织中存在非常严重的偏性表达模式。转录本水平的分析显示,95%的组装转录本具有与已知转录本一致的内含子链,但也鉴定了3256个转录本作为新的剪切形式存在。本文所报道的数据均可以在可交互网站http://venanciogroup.uenf.br/resources/中在线查询。本研究所提供的综合转录本图谱将有助于加速大豆遗传学与基因组学的深入研究。


**Thiago M. Venancio**






doi: 10.1111/tpj.14850

Journal: the plant journal

Published date: Augus 13, 2020


上一篇:Nature Communications:乙烯前体ACC存在独立于乙烯信号转导的新功能
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