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Nature Plants:苔藓中DNA损伤诱导已分化的细胞重编程形成干细胞

已有 2182 次阅读 2020-8-19 18:46 |个人分类:每日摘要|系统分类:论文交流

DNA damage triggers reprogramming of differentiated cells into stem cells in Physcomitrella

第一作者Nan Gu


通讯作者Mitsuyasu Hasebe


背景回顾DNA damage can result from intrinsic cellular processes and from exposure to stressful environments. Such DNA damage generally threatens genome integrity and cell viability.

主要发现:However, here we report that the transient induction of DNA strand breaks (single-strand breaks, double-strand breaks or both) in the moss Physcomitrella patens can trigger the reprogramming of differentiated leaf cells into stem cells without cell death.

结果:After intact leafy shoots (gametophores) were exposed to zeocin, an inducer of DNA strand breaks, the STEM CELL-INDUCING FACTOR 1 (STEMIN1) promoter was activated in some leaf cells. These cells subsequently initiated tip growth and underwent asymmetric cell divisions to form chloronema apical stem cells, which are in an earlier phase of the life cycle than leaf cells and have the ability to form new gametophores. This DNA-strand-break-induced reprogramming required the DNA damage sensor ATR kinase, but not ATM kinase, together with STEMIN1 and closely related proteins. ATR was also indispensable for the induction of STEMIN1 by DNA strand breaks.

结论:Our findings indicate that DNA strand breaks, which are usually considered to pose a severe threat to cells, trigger cellular reprogramming towards stem cells via the activity of ATR and STEMINs.

 摘  要 



**Mitsuyasu Hasebe**





doi: 10.1038/s41477-020-0745-9

Journal: Nature Plants

Published date: August 17, 2020


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