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Developmental Cell:拟南芥母本向合子转变MZT的“两步法”及亲本贡献

已有 4508 次阅读 2019-5-13 15:07 |个人分类:每日摘要|系统分类:论文交流

Two-Step Maternal-to-Zygotic Transition with Two-Phase Parental Genome Contributions

First author: Peng Zhao; Affiliations: Wuhan University (武汉大学): Wuhan, China

Corresponding author: Meng-xiang Sun

The maternal-to-zygotic transition (MZT) is an essential developmental turning point in both plants and animals. In plants, the timing of MZT and parental contributions to the zygotic transcriptome remain unclear. Here, by overcoming technical limitations, we characterize the Arabidopsis egg cell, zygote, and embryo transcriptomes across multiple stages. Using these datasets, we demonstrate that MZT occurs during zygote development and is a two-step interrelated process of rapid maternal transcript degradation followed by large-scale de novo transcription. Parental contributions to the zygotic transcriptome are stage-dependent: the spherical zygote is characterized by a maternally dominated transcriptome, whereas the elongated zygote transcriptome shows equal parental contributions. Our results show that plant MZT is similar to that in animals, showing a typical two-step process, and that zygotic genome activation is required for zygote elongation and division, indicating that de novo transcripts are essential for the establishment of zygote polarity and embryogenesis promotion.



在高等植物中,受精连接着配子体和孢子体的世代。在这两个世代交替过程中,发育的遗传控制会经历一次母本向合子转变(maternal-to-zygotic transition, MZT),即从母本基因组控制转变为合子基因组控制。在这个过程中,母本和副本基因组之间会发生非常复杂的联合和互作,这对于理解合子发育以及对于随后胚胎发生的促进的分子机理十分重要。在动物中,合子发育和早期胚胎发生依赖于早在卵细胞时期就积累的遗传信息,即母本控制,并且合子基因组激活(zygotic genome activation, ZGA)发生于几轮胚胎细胞分裂之后,比如在老鼠中是一轮,而在果蝇中则是八轮(Schier, 2007, Lee et al., 2014)。此外,动物中的MZT包括两个重叠的过程,母本因子的消除和合子基因组的从头转录(Tadros and Lipshitz, 2009)。

在开花植物中,有关MZT的知识还未成体系。由于技术原因的限制,尤其是植物卵细胞和合子的分离,覆盖完整早期胚胎发生所有阶段的转录组分析还未有过报道。因此,有关MZT的事件、ZGA的时间以及亲本对于合子转录组的贡献还很模糊,已有的发现通常相互矛盾(Autran et al., 2011, Del Toro-De León et al., 2014, Nodine and Bartel, 2012, Vielle-Calzada et al., 2000, Weijers et al., 2001)。这些相互矛盾的结论可能是由于来自母本组织的转录组污染(Schon and Nodine, 2017)或者是不同材料杂交对于基因表达的影响(Baroux et al., 2013, Del Toro-De León et al., 2016)。



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Tadros, W., and Lipshitz, H.D. (2009). The maternal-to-zygotic transition: a play in two acts. Development 136, 3033–3042.

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Del Toro-De Leo′ n, G., Garcı′a-Aguilar, M., and Gillmor, C.S. (2014). Non-equivalent contributions of maternal and paternal genomes to early plant embryogenesis. Nature 514, 624–627.

Nodine, M.D., and Bartel, D.P. (2012). Maternal and paternal genomes contribute equally to the transcriptome of early plant embryos. Nature 482, 94–97.

Vielle-Calzada, J.P., Baskar, R., and Grossniklaus, U. (2000). Delayed activation of the paternal genome during seed development. Nature 404, 91–94.

Weijers, D., Geldner, N., Offringa, R., and J


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