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Trends in Plant Science:小RNA,大作用(综述)

已有 3377 次阅读 2017-11-24 08:59 |个人分类:每日摘要|系统分类:论文交流

Small RNAs: Big Impact on Plant Development

First author: Marco D’Ario; Affiliations: University of Manchester (曼彻斯特大学), Manchester, UK

Corresponding author: Minsung Kim

While the role of proteins in determining cell identity has been extensively studied, the contribution of small noncoding RNA molecules such as miRNAs and siRNAs has been also recognised. miRNAs bind to complementary sites in target mRNA molecules to trigger the degradation or translational inhibition (翻译抑制) of those targets. Recent studies have revealed that miRNAs play pivotal (关键的) roles in key developmental processes such as patterning of the embryo, meristem (分生组织), leaf, and flower. Furthermore, these miRNAs have been recruited (招募) throughout plant evolution into pathways that create diverse plant organ forms and shapes. This review focuses on the roles of miRNAs in establishing plant cell identity during key plant development processes and creating morphological diversity during plant evolution.

昨天刚一篇small RNA接到金鱼草花色变异的Science文章,今天给大家带来一篇Trends in Plant Science上关于small RNA在植物发育中的作用的综述文章。


个人简历:1988-1995年,韩国汉城国立大学,园艺科学,学士;1995-1998年,美国加州大学戴维斯分校,John Harada实验室,遗传学硕士;1998-2003年,美国加州大学戴维斯分校,Neelima Sinha实验室,遗传学博士;2003-2007年,英国EMBO & Human Frontier Science Program Fellow John Innes Centre,Enrico Coen实验室;2007-至今,英国曼彻斯特大学,讲师。

研究方向: 控制植物花形和叶形多样性的遗传机制进化。

doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tplants.2017.09.009

Journal: Trends in Plant Science
Volume 22, Issue 12, December 2017

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