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Plant Physiology:乙烯受体信号通过非经典通路调控ABA响应

已有 3784 次阅读 2017-11-22 08:18 |个人分类:每日摘要|系统分类:论文交流

Ethylene receptors signal via a non-canonical pathway to regulate abscisic acid responses

First author: Arkadipta Bakshi; Affiliations: University of Tennessee (田纳西大学), Tennessee, USA

Corresponding author: Brad Binder

Ethylene is a gaseous (气态的) plant hormone perceived (感知) by a family of receptors in Arabidopsis thaliana including ETHYLENE RESPONSE1 (ETR1) and ETR2. Previously we showed that etr1-6 loss-of-function plants germinate (发育) better and etr2-3 loss-of-function plants germinate worse than wild-type under NaCl stress and in response to abscisic acid (ABA). In this study, we expanded these results by showing that ETR1 and ETR2 have contrasting (不同的) roles in the control of germination under a variety of inhibitory conditions (抑制条件) for seed germination such as treatment with KCl, CuSO4, ZnSO4, and ethanol (乙醇). Pharmacological (药理学) and molecular biology results support a model where ETR1 and ETR2 are indirectly affecting the expression of genes encoding ABA signaling proteins to affect ABA sensitivity. The receiver domain of ETR1 is involved in this function in germination under these conditions and controlling the expression of genes encoding ABA signaling proteins. Epistasis analysis (上位性分析) demonstrated that these contrasting roles of ETR1 and ETR2 do not require the canonical (经典的) ethylene signaling pathway. To explore the importance of receptor-protein interactions we conducted yeast two-hybrid screens using the cytosolic (细胞溶质的) domains of ETR1 and ETR2 as bait. Unique interacting partners with either ETR1 or ETR2 were identified. We focused on three of these proteins and confirmed the interactions with receptors. Loss of these proteins led to faster germination in response to ABA showing that they are involved in ABA responses. Thus, ETR1 and ETR2 have both ethylene-dependent and -independent roles in plant cells that affect responses to ABA.


研究方向: 乙烯信号转导机制。

doi: https://doi.org/10.1104/pp.17.01321

Journal: Plant Physiology
First Published data: November 20, 2017.

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上一篇:the plant journal:拟南芥ELF3基因介导盐胁迫抗性
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