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NASA’s Big Mistakes -- 01

已有 4731 次阅读 2007-8-13 08:57 |个人分类:英文原版

1.    Prelude


An old man like me, was talking these topics with a solemn and stirring heart.

Here is a simple example: Do you remember the thousand year bug?

If in your memory there are big events of last century, the thousand year bug is absolutely one of the biggest events.

I was a programmer at that time. We developed a software product named “PUT” system for Wal-Mart warehouse material handling. In those years the thousand year bugs scared my boss and I was assigned to kill the bugs.

In those several years, tons of money was loaded for this thousand year bug. Government gave lots of money to solve this problem. Thousands of companies were set up just for this bug. Books and magazines full with the discussion about this thousand year bug.

Can you guess how long take me to fix the bug for our PUT software?

Less then one day!

It was such easy.

How good is the work done? There are hundreds of PUT system had been running on Wal-Mart warehouse sites all over the world until now!

The thing is such simple.

I had no business brain at that time and kept wondering how come such a trivial problem disturbed the whole world for such a long time period. Later I finally find out: this is just a century business campaign launched by the high tech companies, government, universities and research institutes.

The thousand year bug itself is a quite simple thing: In the programs provided by the computer systems, usually used only two digits to express the year, such as 66, 77, 97. But in 2000, the short expression became 0. If this year were used as a divisor, then the result will be infinite, and cause the system shut down.

It’s simple to fix: search in the source code and find out the code should cause the problem and fix it. Usually there is not that much work. Fix several related functions is good enough. It’s should only related to software companies.

In those years, the software was upgraded so fast. So the easiest way is to get a new version of the software. There were some other problems to be considered, but definitely was not such a world disturbing problem.

The thousand year bug is a real successful cross century business campaign launched by the high tech companies, government and scientists.

The scientific environment was polluted by the business or profit.

  Figure 1-0 NASA (Photographed by the author)


2.    NASA’s Wrong Cosmic Reports


The thousand year bug is a global level business campaign launched for several years.

But compared to mistakes made by NASA, that is trivial. They are on cosmic level.

NASA painted a whole sky map, and calculated data for the structure of the universe, such as the age of the universe. I am going to give criticize on this map project by analyzing its theoretic foundation, its observing object, the analysis of the data, and the observation equipment. I will prove to you this whole sky map is just a huge cosmic level mistake.

But before I kick off such a big project, let me show you some minor mistakes made by NASA.

To understand why they are ridiculous you only need a little basic common knowledge: the star light is traveling with a limited speed. Usually people consider the light travels in the empty space with a speed of 300,000 meter per second. 1 light-year is the distance that the light travels in one year.


Absurd “Scientific” Report: The Universe Blinks “Star Fireworks”


Reports on NGC6946 may be the most powerful and dramatic reports in the world whose influence is far beyond cosmography. Searching “NGC 6946” on Google, you can find about 96,100 relevant reports on the internet, including those from the websites of American National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and all top astronomical observatories, universities as well as famous information sources such as online Wikipedia encyclopedia. I here just cite a report titled “Stellar Fireworks Discovered” from the science and technology column dated on January 6, 2005. The original URL is as follows:


 “Sina.com, January 5, 2005. At the beginning of the New Year, ‘Stellar Fireworks’ were discovered at Gemini Observatory in Hawaii by astronomers. On the photos, we can see the spiral galaxy NGC6946 flaring multi-colored huge flames caused by the outburst of supernovae, which totally happened 8 times in the past century. Galaxy NGC6946 is situated between Cepheus and Cygnus, 10 million to 20 million light-years away from us…”

Various dazzling titles, such as “Mysterious and Spectacular Stellar Fireworks Observed by Astronomers” and “New Year Celestial Fireworks in 2005”, complemented with gorgeous pictures, bring ordinary people like us into the marketplace of Paris rather than the palace of science, making us literally amaze at the greatness of astrophysical science.

Then, what is the error of various reports similar to this?

Is the entire world wrong?

I am as scared as I was in my boyhood, who was bursting to shout in the autumn moonlight at a silvered mountain village but feared of disturbing sleeping villagers. Finally I couldn’t hold and break out, the bleak, childish voice penetrated the hollow and soared into the vast expanse of universe.

Figure 2-1 NGC6946

In fact, the truth is quite simple as below:

1.       NGC6946 is 10 million to 20 million light-years away from us;

2.       Light-year denotes the distance that light travels in a vacuum in one year;

3.       Anything happened on NGC6946, for example, the light from the outburst of supernovae, will not reach the earth until it has traveled for 10 million to 20 million years;

4.       Therefore, people on earth can by no means know “the outburst of supernovae, which have totally happened 8 times in the past century”, which can only be observed by humankind 10 million to 20 million years later. 

Now you can see that no matter how powerful the voice is, how advanced the telescope used, which authoritative institution publishing the report, you can discover hundreds of holes under the dazzling surface once using your brains.

Maybe you will say, this must be caused by the lack of accuracy in those reports. They just failed to make their ideas clear, but what they really mean is the same as whatever should mean here. One excuse possibly would be: There was a common agreement that the astronomers were using the time at the observing remote objects. Although from the whole context of the report we can see that is not such true or convincible, we still hope that was the case.

Yes, that was what I first thought too. It would not be possible that almost all astronomical observatories, research institutes, and universities all over the world should have made such naive mistakes. This must be due to unclear expressions.

Surely, unclear expression is also a kind of mistake, which, though, we can easily correct with accurate expression. In such case, we don’t have to take it so seriously. It needs not writing a paper to discuss it.

Unfortunately, astronomers are wrong for sure!

They have made too much such kind of mistakes. They have gone too far in the wrong direction!

Let’s talk with the facts.


Not Absent Mind but Wrong Reasoning, Example I: Hubble Official Report on June 13 2006: Hubble Eyes Star Birth in the Extreme


This is a pretty long report. I take those I want to use here. You can go to the official web site to read the whole report. (Note: I added ‘[‘ ‘]’ to mark the important numbers).

Hubble Eyes Star Birth in the Extreme is the news from NASA official Hubble site:


Figure 2-2 Hubble Eyes Star Birth

The sharp eye of Hubble's Advanced Camera for Surveys has unveiled more than 200 mammoth star clusters. ……

The clusters are so compact, however, that even at their moderate distance they look to Hubble like brilliant single stars. Astronomers know the clusters are not stars because they are much brighter than a star would be at that distance, [250 million light-years away] in the constellation Serpens.

The star birth frenzy is happening in a very small region, about [5,000 light-years] across …..

The observations revealed two populations of star clusters. One population is less than [10 million] years old; the second, [70] to 500 million years old. Clusters in the younger group are more massive than those in the older group.

Wilson doesn't know whether the flurry of star birth occurred at two different epochs or at a continuous frantic pace and perhaps they are not seeing the intermediate-age population. She does know that the starburst was fueled by a collision between two galaxies that began about [700 million] years ago. The effects of the merger have stretched out over hundreds of millions of years.

This is the end of the report copy.

Is it possible that the nebulae no more than [10 million years] old can be observed from a place [250 million light-years] away from the earth? It’s impossible!

In fact, it is impossible for anything or any information younger than 250 million years old can arrive at the earth from a place 250 million light-years away. If considering Big Bang expanding, it will take much longer time. Then how can the information of a nebula, less than 10 million years old, be intercepted and captured by humanity on the earth?  The light of that nebula, started from its birth to travel toward the earth, still at the time the report issuing, its light is 240 million years away from the advanced Hubble’s sharp eye. Hubble has no way to see it!

There was an ant. He was the champion of ant’s marathon. He started from San Francisco to Florida where NASA center located. His speed was 1 mile each day. One year later, the official web site published a research report, said that the sickness of this ant is due to the hot weather of Florida. It was only a minor climate and nerve symptom. So the whole ant tribe was relieved.

This report is not fuzz. It is impossible to make any excuses. It was absolutely wrong!

And this sentence from the report: “She does know that the starburst was fueled by a collision between two galaxies that began about [700 million years] ago. The effects of the merger have stretched out over [hundreds of millions of years].” It is impossible that the people on the earth can get the information span hundred of millions of years about the merge. Because that “The star birth frenzy is happening in a very small region, about [5,000 light-years] across.” Which means the maximum between the oldest information spans to the youngest information of this star birth is 5,000 years. People on the earth have no way to get the information in a longer period than 5,000 years. (Why? Do you know? Think about it.)

Actually, all these kinds of concept errors are not that serious as NASA experts made in their WMAP project. That is one of the major parts this series will focus on. I will analysis more concept errors from them.

Whatever wonderful imagination the official experts of the Hubble officers have, such a research report follows no basic scientific principles at all.

This fact reveals that the astronomers have gone into a blind alley of the cosmos. This also remind us we should check their concepts, those more complicated and older ones.

My arguments are rooted on many alike. There are more similar reports, unable to be explained with excuses such as unclear expression and the like, can be found on the internet, as is exemplified by a dozen of the website addresses cited in the appendix of the book.

Before our further exploration of the “causes” of such absurd reports and extending our horizon into the vast expanse of the universe, before we embracing freely the stellar space, we will again analyze several more interesting reports from Hubble Official Site.


Not Absent Mind but Wrong Reasoning, Example II: the Break Through News: “Titanic merger of galaxy clusters revealed”


China Education and Research Network once reprinted a report…… (to be continued)


From the Author:

This series will continue 10 to 30 days. If net friends like it, I will upload as many as I can. If people are not very much interested in such topic, I will end it quickly. If you like or dislike, please give your opinion. I like both bricks and flowers. If you faint me with your good criticizing bricks, I will continue the series even I would have to lie on the bed to do that.


上一篇:美国宇航局(NASA)的弥天大错 - 01
下一篇:美国宇航局(NASA)的弥天大错 - 02
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