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已有 7141 次阅读 2016-7-6 17:51 |个人分类:科研文章|系统分类:科研笔记| 16s

文章:Primer and platform effects on 16SrRNA tag sequencing

杂志:Frontiers in Microbiology  2015

   研究方案:three different amplification primer sets (targeting V4, V6–V8, and V7–V8)三个区域 、two sequencing technologies (454 pyrosequencing and Illumina MiSeq) 454和Miseq测序、DNA from a mock community containing a known number of species as well as complex environmental samples(mock community).




文章:Comparison of two next-generation sequencingtechnologies for resolving highly complexmicrobiota composition using tandem variable 16S rRNA gene regions

杂志:Nucleic Acids Research  2010

   研究结论:In silico evaluations predicted that the V3/V4 and V4/V5 regions would provide the highest classi-fication accuracies for both technologies. 计算的策略发现V3/V4、V4/V5的效果最好。但在实验中V3/V4会带来较大的bias,However, experimental sequencing of the V3/V4 region revealed significant amplification bias compared to the other regions, emphasising the necessity forexperimental validation of primer pairs.






文章:Evaluation of the RDP Classifier Accuracy Using 16S rRNA GeneVariable Regions

杂志:Metagenomics  2012

   利用SILVA的数据库数据,以E. Coli的16s序列为基础作为位置坐标去界定V1、V2...V9各个区域,用RDP进行分类,最终得到的结果如下,组合区域中V3-V5的效果较好,单个区域中V2、V4的效果较好。



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