HKUST-MIT Consortium ITF project "An Open Learning Design, Data Analytics and Visualization Framework for E-Learning" (时间: 2016-2020; 金额: 一千六百万港币)
該項目的目標是為 MOOC 教師、教學設計師、機構負責課程的領導和學習科家開發一個開放性的框架。該框架將集成三個主要的電子學習技術組件:1)學 習和評估設計的模型和工具,用以指導并支持電子學習課程的設計,以及具體學 習分析和評估要求的提前規劃; 2)对學習行為分析和預測的分析方法,用以促進 個性化在線學習并提高MOOC課程的保留率; 3)用於理解MOOC平臺所搜集 的海量數據以及數據分析結果的可視化界面。我們將基於該框架實現一套開放源 碼系統,並使用該系統對香港科技大學、麻省理工學院、和香港大學的多個實際 的 MOOC 課程和混合型課程進行試點研究。 該項目的成果將包括:可用於電子 學習課程設計的新型方法與工具套件;經過驗證的可用於電子學習的教學方法和 評估設計的模型;可用於學習行為分析和預測的新型數據分析與可視化方法;一 套詳盡的用於 MOOC 課程設計和數據分析的開源系統;以及基於多所大學試點 研究得到的關於電子學習的新發現。
国家973计划项目: “网络信息空间大数据计算理论” (PI: 怀进鹏;时间:2014-2018; 金额:三千万人民币)
香港政府主题研究计划: “大數據為本智能及個人化空氣污染監測和健康管理“ (PI: 李安國; 时间:2018-2022; 金额:五千万港币)
Big Data for Smart and
Personalized Air Pollution Monitoring and Health Management
Project Coordinator: Prof Victor On-kwok
We are all entitled to live with dignity
in a clean environment. With big data
technologies, it is possible to collect
complex, heterogeneous, high resolution,
personalized, and synchronized urban air
pollution, human activity, health
condition, well-being, and behavioral
data, enabling the generation of smart
(real-time and interactive), personal
alert and advice to improve the health and
well-being of individual citizens,
creating new business opportunities and
competitive advantage for the IT and
health industry in HK and beyond. There
are five major challenges. FIRST, urban
air quality data is sparse, rendering it
difficult to provide timely personalized
alert and advice. SECOND, collected data,
especially those involving human inputs,
such as health perception, are often
missing and erroneous. THIRD, data
collected are heterogeneous, and highly
complex, not easily comprehensible to
facilitate individual or collective
decision-making. FOURTH, the causal
relationships between personal air
pollutants exposure (specifically
PM(2.5,1.0) and NO2) and personal health
conditions, and health (well-being)
perception, of young asthmatics and young
healthy citizens in HK, are yet to be
established. FIFTH, one must determine if
information and advice provided can effect
behavioral change. To overcome these
challenges, our FIRST novelty is to
develop a big data framework based on deep
learning to estimate smart personalized
air quality. Our SECOND novelty includes
the deployment of mobile pollution sensor
platforms to substantially improve the
accuracy of estimated and forecasted air
quality data, and the collection of
activity, health conditions and perception
data, accounting for human in the loop.
Our THIRD novelty is the development of
visualization tools, and comprehensible
indexes which correlate personal exposure
with four other types of personal data, to
provide timely, personalized pollution,
health and travel alerts and advice. Our
FOURTH novelty is determining causal
relationship, if any, between personal
pollutants, PM(2.5,1.0), NO2 exposure and
personal health conditions, and also
personal health perceptions, based on
clinical experiments of 250 young
asthmatics and 250 young healthy citizens
in HK. An exposure model is developed,
trained and verified with real data
collected by 250 young asthmatics to
further conduct population-based time
series health study on 90% of asthmatics
in HK. Our FIFTH novelty is an
intervention study to determine if smart
data, presented via our proposed system,
will induce personal behavioral change.
Our novel big data technologies and
analytical approaches create a unique
framework for personalized air pollution
monitoring and e-health management, easily
transferrable to and applicable in other
domains and countries.
香港政府主题研究计划:數碼世代公民素養的學習和評估 (PI: 羅陸慧英;时间:2017-2021; 金额:两千万港币)
長久以來,人們都認為掌握了3R(閱讀,寫作和算術)便具有足以應付在社會上生活的基本技能。然而,數碼技術的出現,不僅加速了社會、經濟、政治和文化變革的步伐,同時也壓縮了時空距離。社交媒體、社交網絡技術和數碼移動技術的普及化已經改變了人們的工作和休閒生活,並為我們的福祉帶來了新的可能性和新的挑戰。為了確保能夠有效參與社交和工作,以及有關個人和社會利益的事情,21世紀公民需要具備(1)數碼資訊素養(包括流暢利用數碼技術、新媒體素養和網絡安全的能力); (2)合作解難的能力(包括利用批判性思維、創造力、協作和溝通能力,解決現實生活遇到的問題); (3)自我調節; (4)承擔風險的意願。我們假設這四種能力是 數碼公民素養的標誌。
Project Title: Learning and Assessment for Digital Citizenship
Project Coordinator: Prof Nancy Wai-ying LAW (HKU)
The project aims are to develop a research programme to (1) establish the key dimensions and indicators, as well as assessment instruments, for the establishment of developmental milestones for digital citizenship from childhood to young adulthood (age 7 to 22); (2) develop an online role play simulation game platform for fostering and assessing digital literacy and collaborative problem solving (two key digital citizenship competencies) for adolescents and young adults; (3) develop pedagogical theory and design principles for fostering digital citizenship based on massive empirical e-learning and assessment data; and (4) identify the family and school factors that contribute to the development of digital citizenship.
Mastery of the 3 Rs (Reading, wRiting and aRithmetic) has long been considered adequate for competent functioning in society. However, the advent of digital technology has not only accelerated the pace of social, economic, political and cultural changes, but also led to space-time compression. The emergence of social media and social networking technologies and increasing accessibility of digital mobile technologies have changed the worlds of work and leisure, and brought about new solutions and new challenges to our well-being. To ensure effective participation in the workplace, as well as personal and social well-being, citizens in the 21st century need to possess (i) digital literacy (technological fluency, media literacy and cyber-wellness); (ii) collaborative problem-solving ability (the holistic exercise of critical-thinking, creativity, collaboration and communication skills to address real-life problems through self-directed inquiry); (iii) self-regulation; and (iv) willingness to take risks. We assume that these four competencies are the hallmarks of digital citizenship.
Although there are research-informed, age-appropriate curricula, pedagogy and benchmarks for the 3Rs, there is a dearth of research on digital citizenship. This project will contribute to our basic understanding of developmental differences in the competencies that underlie digital citizenship and the family and school factors that contribute to their development. We will also deliver an online e-learning, data-collection and assessment platform for sustained research on digital citizenship. Collaborative problem solving (CPS), a key dimension of digital citizenship, is selected for focused study. An online serious game portal will be developed to serve the dual purpose of assessing CPS and investigating the effectiveness of different learning designs to support CPS development in diverse learners.
汇丰银行150周年项目:Personalised real-time air quality informatics system for exposure - Hong Kong (PRAISE-HK) (PI: Alexis Lau; 时间:2017-2021;金额:四千六百万港币)
香港科技与创新项目 (ITF): 異構數據下的大數據平臺及其在智能交通中的應
用 (PI: 杨强和宗福季;时间2015-2017;金额:一千万港币)
Big data platform for smart transportation applications with heterogeneous data sources
We plan to carry out research and development to build a big data platform toaddress some critical problems in Hong Kong’s transport industry. Today, HongKong faces increasing demand in transporting people across the city safely and efficiently. Two particular problems present themselves: (1) how to effectively monitor and control the crowds in transport stations so that early warnings can be given on potential dangers as a result of crowd buildup, and (2) how to ensure smooth operation of the transport system by forecasting potential major equipment failure? We plan to solve these two problems using solutions supported by a big-data platform that is specially tailored for smart transport applications.
Big data is characterized by the data complexities related to volume,
variety,velocity. In Hong Kong’s transportation system, various data
sources are available, ranging from surveillance videos to twitter chats. These
heterogeneous data arrive in in an amazing speed and in great volume. The
big data platform will be designed and developed to integrate these data and
transform them into structure and easy-to-query formats. Then, a suite of
analytic tools will be applied to elicit useful patterns and information from the
data. Finally, specific application-drive models are applied to automatically
monitor the current situations and make forecasts. A closed-loop optimization
module is also designed for decision support.
Our proposed approach is unique in that the big-data platform fuses together many state-of-the-art big-data research topics such as data fusion, data analytics, human factors, optimization/visualization, transfer learning, simulation and operations research. It is also unique in that, in this project, academia, industry and government will work closely together to build an interdisciplinary and cross-domain solution for problems pertinent to Hong Kong. The Big Data platform will help build smart transport solutions for operators in moving people and goods efficiently and safely, and enhancingcitizen’s quality of living in a smart city.
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