

Teleportation: does it exist in the world?

已有 3319 次阅读 2016-2-6 23:07 |系统分类:科普集锦

Teleportation: does it exist in the world?  

Yuchuan Wei (yuchuanwei at, 2/5/2016)


This note is an explanation for my comment to appearin Phys Rev E.  Probability teleportationis a new observable relativistic quantum-mechanical effect, which can explainthe superconductivity and superfluidity straightforwardly. Cooperation iswelcome.  

1. Introduction    

In the quantum mechanics with the relativistickinetic energy instead of the classical kinetic energy, the probability ofparticles is no longer locally conserved. The probability can disappear in oneplace and appear in another place.  Theprobability teleportation is a  newrelativistic quantum-mechanical effect.

We can understand superfluid and superconductivityeasily with the help of this new concept. The superfluid can flow through a capillarytube without friction, because a part of the superfluid can be teleported fromone end of the tube to the other; the superconductivity is due to theteleportation of electronics from one side of the superconductor to the other.

For an example, the current physicists think thatthe superconducting electrons can pass through a Josephson junction under the 0voltage by the tunneling effect. This is wrong. Now that the intermediate layerin an SNS junction is non-superconducting metal, how can electrons pass withoutdissipation?  (One never drives through atolled tunnel without payment.) Therefore, the true reason is none other than teleportation.  

Teleportation can be observed in the superfluidexperiment. If the speed of the superfluid in the tube and the mass of thesuperfluid out from the tube match, there is no teleportation; otherwise, thereis.  All the low temperature labs can dothis experiment.

2. Where this surprising point from?    

In classical mechanics, the kinetic energy is(1/2)mv^2,  and in quantum mechanics thiskinetic energy is considered as an operator to construct the well-known Schrodingerequation.

From Schrodinger equation, one can deduct theprobability continuity equation, which tells us that the probability isconserved everywhere. If probability flows into a region, the probability ofthis region will increase; otherwise, the probability of this region willdecrease.        

In 2000, Laskin studied such a question: how wouldthe traditional quantum mechanics change if the power of the kinetic energy changesfrom 2 to some number alpha such as 1.9? This theory was called the fractional quantum mechanics.  Laskin claimed that the Heisenberg’suncertainty relation would change and the probability continuity equation didnot change much.

After reading his papers carefully, a contraryconclusion comes out that the Heisenberg’s uncertainty relation remains thesame but the probability continuity equation has an extra source term. If thesource term is positive at a place, the probability will come out and we saythat there is a source; if this term is negative at a place, the probabilitywill disappear and we say that there is a sink. In one word, the probabilitycan disappear at sinks and appear from sources. The reason why this mistake hadnot been discovered for such a long time, I think, is that fractional quantummechanics is a virtual study and hence the mistake did not result in any realproblems.      

However, it is well known that the relativistickinetic energy is different from classical kinetic energy. For a low speedmotion, the kinetic energy of a particle is approximately proportional to thesquare of the speed, for a high speed motion, the kinetic energy isapproximately proportional to the velocity (alpha=1).  Thus the problem turns up-side down. Thenon-conservation of the local probability is true and the conservation of thelocal probability is an approximation. Therefore, teleportation of particlesbecomes a new relativistic quantum-mechanical effect.

After I submitted the 1st draft of thiscomment to the journal’s office, Laskin replied that there was a conferencepaper which got the source term earlier than me. These authors tried to explainproperties of the superfluid using fractional quantum mechanics. They claimedthat the source term was approximately zero in the superfluid and could beignored. Since the condition for the source term to be zero is very severe, wehave to admit that this source term is not zero instead. Thus a new viewpointcomes out: some of the superfluid flows in a normal way with friction and somecan be teleported to a new place without friction. This picture is consistentwith the two fluid model.    

    Next weshould do superfluid experiment and observe this unbelievable phenomenon. Thiswill be a great pleasure of researchers.


3. How a particle pass through double splits

In classicalmechanics, if the speed of a particle is aiming at the upper split, theparticle pass through the upper split and there is nothing to do with the lowersplit.

In standard quantum mechanics, we cannot tell whichsplit the particle passed through. What we can say is that the probability ofthe particle passing through the upper split is 0.5, and lower split is 0.5.The total probability is 1 since the particle does pass through the slips.

In the quantum mechanics with a relativistic kineticenergy, the probability of the particle passing through the upper split is 0.4,and the lower split is 0.4. Additionally, the probability of the particle notpassing either split but arriving at the acceptance screen is 0.2. Double slipscan be considered as a potential function which makes the source term non-zero.        


4. What is super in superconductivity andsuperfluidity?

Many people know a superconductor, whose electricresistance completely disappears at a low temperature. Even if there is novoltage, the superconducting current can last forever. What is more strange,superconducting electrons can pass through the non-superconducting metal insidean SNS Josephson junction without dissipation. What can we say? Nothing but thesuperconducting electron is crazy!          

Viscosity, an internal friction, exists in allnormal fluid. Normally there must be a pressure difference between a capillary tubeto maintain the fluid flow, but the superfluid can pass through the tubeeasily. They even can climb the wall of the container to escape. Therefore, theHe atom is crazy as well.

Now that they are crazy, it is reasonable to explainthem in a crazy way, teleportation. Let us be crazy together.  


5. Does teleportation exist in our world?

Teleportation, is the motion of an object or person from one point toanother without traversing the physical space between them, whichappears in science frictions, magic performances, fairy tales. Doesteleportation exist in our world?  Can wesee it with our eyes?  What can we dowith it? Let us work out these answers together.  

Academic cooperation, including joint fundingapplication and experimental design, is welcome. The interested VIPs cansupport us via investments, and we can establish an institute onteleportation.  Comments are welcomed,negative or positive.          

Please be reminded that this paper has no directrelation to the quantum teleportation, which is a way of transferring informationrather than object.      


1N. Laskin,  Fractional quantum mechanics,Phys. Rev. E 62, 3135 (2000).

2 Y. Wei,   Commenton ‘Fractional quantum mechanics’, Phys. Rev. E 2016.  




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