Problem (by Y. Wei)
Please prove that in the complex Hilbert space L2(R3), the operator
is not positive semidefinite, i.e.,
there exists a function f0(x,y,z) in L2(R3) , such that the inner product
<f0,Hf0> < 0.
Here ε is a positive number, (especially ε=1/138), r=√(x2+y2+z2), and operator K is defined as
Kf (x,y,z)=(F-1kFf)(x,y,z).
F is Fourier transform
Ff (k1,k2,k3)=(2π)-3/2∫ f(x,y,z)exp(-ik1x-ik2y-ik3z)dxdydz
F-1the inversion and k=√(k12+k22+k32).
Yuchuan Wei, (Ph D of physics)
7. 26, 2024
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