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征稿启事:纳米线专刊(A Speical Issue on Nanowires)

已有 5574 次阅读 2009-5-15 17:32 |系统分类:科研笔记

【最新更新:经过和出版社商量,决定这次缩小稿件范围,专刊改为A Special Issue on NANOWIRES,以便出一期精华。

从5月19日到5月27日,已经确定的稿源有二十余份,分别来自:美国(佐治亚理工大学,University of Connecticut, University of California at Santa Cruz等), 日本(日本国立材料研究所等),韩国(高丽大学等),新加坡(南洋理工大学等),中国(上海交通大学,中国科技大学,苏州大学,北京大学,中科院长春应化所,中科院兰州化物所等)印度(Bhabha Atomic Research Center等)。因为时间和精力有限,目前只对很少一些研究小组发了邀稿信,还有很多优秀的科研小组我还没有联系。相信到今年11月投稿截至日期之前,应该可以收到更多的稿件,如果稿件超过50份,我们将进行扩版,连出两期纳米线纳米管专刊,以吸引更多的科研工作者对我们的期刊SAM的关注。】


由美国科学出版社2009年新出版的国际刊物Science of Advanced Materials,将在2010年6月份推出一期纳米线专刊,此期将由我负责,现特向所有从事纳米线,纳米管领域的科研人员,朋友们征稿。


联系人:沈国震教授, 电子邮件



Science of Advanced Materials
A Special Issue on
Nanowires has been the focus of recent scientific research because of structure-related physical and chemical properties and wide potential applications in nanoscale devices with diverse functions. Their interesting electronic, optical, and magnetic properties have led to a wide range of applications in nanoelectronics, optoelectronics, medical diagnostics, catalysis, drug delivery, chemical sensing and many others.
This special issue is focused entirely on all topics related to nanowires. We will accept both experimental and theoretical works.
We invite submission of original research articles/communications and comprehensive review papers to this special issue on the following related topics:
  • Synthesis and detailed characterizations of 1D nanostructures
  • Nanofabrication and processing of nanowires
  •   Structure analysis at atomic, molecular, and nanometer range
  • Applications in LEDs, displays, solar cells, batteries, photocatalysts, etc.
  • Electronic and optoelectronic devices based on nanowires
  • All other topics related to nanowires

Prof. Guozhen Shen, Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics and College of Optoelectronic Science and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China

Dr. Guozhen Shen received his Ph.D degree from University of Science and Technology of China in 2003. From 2004 to 2009, he worked at Hanyang University (Korea), National Institute for Materials Science (Japan), and then University of Southern California (USA). He is currently a Professor of Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics and Huazhong University of Science and Technology (China). His research group has been working at the forefront of nanoscience and nanotechnology, including synthesis and devices applications of 1-D nanostructures. He is an Assistant Editor for Nanoscale Research Letters and an Editorial Board Member for several international journals.

Prof. Di Chen, Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics and College of Optoelectronic Science and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China

Dr. Di Chen received her Ph.D degree from University of Science and Technology of China in 2005. And then she joined National Institute for Materials Science, Japan as a visiting researcher. She joined Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics and Huazhong University of Science and Technology (China) in 2009 and now is a Professor working on synthesis and applications of nanostructured photocatalysts. She has published more than 40 research articles and now is an Editorial Board Member for several international journals.

Manuscript Submission:
Manuscripts much be prepared according to Journal’s guidelines, available at http://
Submit your manuscripts directly to
Prof. Guozhen Shen, via
Please notify well in advance for your intension to submit a research paper.
Key timetable dates:
Manuscript due: April 15, 2010
Authors’ notification: May 31, 2010
Publication date: September, 2010

上一篇:Call for Papers for a special issue on NANOWIRES AND NANOTUBES
下一篇:One-Dimensional Nanostructures and Devices of II–V Group Semiconductors
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