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Richard Whately 与“逻辑学要素”(Elements of Logic)

已有 1624 次阅读 2023-1-24 06:01 |个人分类:解读哥德尔不完全性定理|系统分类:科研笔记

Richard Whately1787-1863),英国学者、修辞学家、逻辑学家、哲学家、经济学家和神学家,还曾担任爱尔兰教会都柏林的改革派大主教。他是一位领先的广义教会人士,是一位多产的、涉及广泛主题的作家,性格张扬,也是最早认识到简-奥斯汀(Jane Austen)才华的评论家之一。

Whately是十九世纪初亚里士多德逻辑学复兴的重要人物。他写的逻辑学要素Elements of Logic)推动了英国的逻辑学研究;在美国,逻辑学家查尔斯-桑德斯-皮尔斯(Charles Sanders Peirce1839-1914)写道,他一生对逻辑学的迷恋始于他在12岁时阅读的《要素》。

逻辑学要素Book III Of fallaciesp153-165)有几段关于谬误的精彩论述:

Moreover, it should be remembered, that a very long discussion is one of the most effectual veils of Fallacy. Sophistry, like poison, is at once detected, and nauseated, when presented to us in a concentrated form; but a fallacy which when stated barely, in a few sentences, would not deceive a child, may deceive a child, may deceive half the world, if diluted in a quarto volume.


For, as in a calculation, one single figure incorrectly stated will enable us to arrive at any rest whatever, though every other figure, and the whole of the operations, be correct, so, a single false assumption in any process of reasoning, though every other be try, will enable us to draw what conclusion we please; and the greater the number of try assumptions, the more likely it is that the false one will pass unnoticed. But when you single out one step in the course of the reasoning, and exhibit it as a syllogism with one premiss try and the other false, the sophistry is easily perceived. 


I have seen a long argument to prove that the potato is not a cheap article of food; in which there was an elaborate, and perhaps correct, calculation of the produce per acre, of potatoes, and of wheat - the quantity lost in bran - expense of grinding, dressing, &c. and an assumption slipped in, as it were incidentally, that a given quantity of potatoes contains but one-tenth part of nutritive matter equal to bread : from all which (and there is probably but one groundless assertion in the whole) a most triumphant result was deduced.




2Richard WhatelyELEMENTS OF LOGIC https://books.google.fr/books?id=1cFlu2SDQMEC&pg=PA20&hl=fr&source=gbs_toc_r&cad=4#v=onepage&q&f=false


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