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据物理学家组织网(Phys.org)2023年4月24日报道,人类学家解开了玛雅人819天计数之谜(Anthropologist pair solve the mystery of Mayan 819-day count)。
美国杜兰大学(Tulane University)的两位人类学家解开了玛雅819天历法之谜,这是一种古老的中美洲历法系统(ancient Mesoamerican calendar system)。相关研究结果于2023年4月18日已经在《古代中美洲》(Ancient Mesoamerica)杂志网站发表——John H. Linden, Victoria R. Bricker. The Maya 819-Day Count and Planetary Astronomy. Ancient Mesoamerica, Published online by Cambridge University Press: 18 April 2023. .DOI: 10.1017/S0956536122000323. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0956536122000323. 约翰·林登(John H. Linden)和维多利亚·布里克(Victoria R. Bricker)在该论文中指出,此日历可能比其他人认为的要长得多。
在研究古代玛雅铭文(ancient Maya inscriptions)时,先前的研究人员偶然发现了一种他们称之为819天计数的系统,这似乎与某种日历(calendar)有关。但是天文学家(astronomers)没有留下任何其他的定义或文字来描述它如何与他们的常规日历系统相适应。
先前的研究人员已经发现了一些证据,表明它可能与会合周期(synodic period)有关,会合周期描述了某颗行星在天空中某一点出现的时间。他们指出,对水星(Mercury)来说,会合周期(synod period)是117天,乘以7,等于819天。不幸的是,同样的公式并不适用于其他行星(planets),直到现在,819天的计数仍然是一个谜。
当研究人员突发奇想,想把819天用来代表所有已知行星的会合周期的时间延长很多年的时候,他们发现一切都很完美。例如,他们发现,819乘以20等于16380(大约45年)。土星(Saturn)378天的会合周期的13个周期加起来是4914天,相当于6乘以819(6 ′ 819 = 4914)。
Boffins think they've decoded mysterious 819-day Mayan calendar
Arguably the most enigmatic of the Maya calendar cycles, the 819-day count has challenged modern scholars for decades. Even today it is not completely explained and there are several areas for further research, including its relationship with the synodic periods of the planets visible to the naked eye. Earlier research has demonstrated a four-part, color-directional scheme for the 819-day count such that each of the calendar stations progress in increments of 819 days in cycles of 4 × 819 days. Although prior research has sought to show planetary connections for the 819-day count, its four-part, color-directional scheme is too short to fit well with the synodic periods of the visible planets. By increasing the calendar length to 20 periods of 819-days a pattern emerges in which the synodic periods of all the visible planets commensurate with station points in the larger 819-day calendar.
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