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高电荷离子熔化纳米金块,揭示了宏观和微观物理之间的新世界 精选

已有 6511 次阅读 2023-4-4 20:16 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:论文交流




Highly charged ions hit tiny gold nuggets on an insulating surface. Credit: ucyborg.com/studio


Figure 1 This graph shows the height change of the gold nanoislands after irradiation with Xeq+ (q = 1, 18, 25, 32, 40), with the histograms surrounding the graph showing the height distributions for each charge state before (blue) and after (orange) irradiation. In the graph a clear charge-state dependence of the height loss is visible. The higher the charge state of the impinging ion is, the higher the change in height after irradiation. The error bars for the height loss represent the error of the mean value (in this case $\frac{{3\cdot\sigma }}{{\sqrt N }}$ ; N: number of islands; σ: standard deviation). Bi-modal distributions are observed for Xe1+ and Xe25+, which is a result of different height distributions due to the growth process before irradiation and due to the fact that not all islands measured are actually hit by a HCI.


Figure 2 Height of the gold nanoislands compared before and after irradiation with Xe25+. 101 individual islands were investigated. The color-bar and the size of the dots indicate the volume of the nanoislands before irradiation to highlight the different susceptibility for a height change regarding the initial volume. It can be seen that the lower the volume the higher the change due to the ion impact. The dashed line indicates no height change and the solid line is to guide the eye. The three grey points are excluded from the analysis due to their largely different aspect ratio (height vs. area), which can be seen in more detail in Figure S1 (Supporting Information). Inserted are also 3D-images with the same scale from AFM of the same area that show the reduction of the nanoislands’ height.

据奥地利维也纳科技大学(Vienna University of Technology简称TU Wien)2023331日提供的消息,高电荷离子熔化的纳米金块揭示了宏观和微观物理之间的新世界(Nano Gold Nuggets Melted by Highly Charged Ions Reveal a New World Between Macroscopic and Microscopic Physics)。图片显示了高电荷离子撞击绝缘表面上的微小金块。

维也纳科技大学 (TU Wien) 可以通过离子轰击专门操纵由金制成的微小结构——令人惊讶的是,决定性因素并不是撞击力。

TU Wien的研究人员找到了一种通过用高电荷离子轰击微小金颗粒来控制其几何形状的方法。研究人员表示,通过改变粒子的大小和形状,可以创造出包括量子点在内的新型纳米结构。带高电荷的离子将电子从金中撞开,从而改变粒子的电子结构并导致其原子移动。虽然纳米金结构不再被视为取之不尽用之不竭的电子库,但更大的金结构可以吸收新的电子来取代丢失的电子。相关研究结果于2023322日已经在Small杂志网站发表——Gabriel L. SzaboBenedykt R. JanyHelmut MuckenhuberAnna NiggasMarkus LehnerArkadiusz JanasPaul S. SzaboZiyang GanAntony GeorgeAndrey TurchaninFranciszek KrokRichard A. Wilhelm. Charge-State-Enhanced Ion Sputtering of Metallic Gold Nanoislands. Small, First published: 22 March 2023. DOI: 10.1002/smll.202207263. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/smll.202207263


TU Wien进行的实验位于这个复杂的中间世界:极小的金块,由几千个原子组成,直径约为10 nm,被高电荷离子轰击。这使得有针对性地改变这些金块的形状和大小成为可能。结果表明:这个过程中发生的事情不能简单地描绘成高尔夫球在沙坑中的撞击——离子和金片的相互作用要微妙得多。.

离子轰击传递能量(Energy transferred by ion bombardment)

 “我们使用多电离氙原子(multiply-ionized xenon atoms),多达40个电子从这些原子中移除,因此它们带有高电荷,维也纳工业大学应用物理研究所(Institute of Applied Physics at TU Wien)的理查德·威廉(Richard Wilhelm)教授说。然后,这些带高电荷的离子撞击放置在绝缘基板上的小金岛——然后会发生不同的事情:金岛可能变得更平坦,它们会熔化,甚至会蒸发。根据我们的离子带电程度,我们可以触发不同的效果,上述研究论文的第一作者加布里埃尔·萨博(Gabriel Szabo)说。目前,加布里埃尔·萨博正在理查德·威廉的团队中进行他的学位论文研究工作。

高电荷离子以约500 km/s的高速撞击微小的金块。然而,改变金岛的并不是撞击的力量。这个过程完全不同于高尔夫球撞击一堆沙子,或网球意外撞击装饰精美的生日蛋糕。


电子结构的变化(Changes in the electronic structure








Experimental results on the charge-state-dependent sputtering of metallic gold nanoislands are presented. Irradiations with slow highly charged ions of metallic targets were previously considered to show no charge state dependent effects on ion-induced material modification, since these materials possess enough free electrons to dissipate the deposited potential energy before electron-phonon coupling can set in. By reducing the size of the target material down to the nanometer regime and thus enabling a geometric energy confinement, a possibility is demonstrated to erode metallic surfaces by charge state related effects in contrast to regular kinetic sputtering.


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