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已有 3949 次阅读 2021-5-8 20:40 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:人物纪事




Dimensions数据库2021年5月8日统计结果显示,宝鸡文理学院(Baoji University of Arts and Sciences简称BUAS)发表论文最多的作者排行榜中,魏群原BUSA物理与光电技术学院教师,现在西安电子科技大学工作。因此张美光(Mei-Guang Zhang)就是目前BUSA发表论文最多的作者(87篇论文,累计被引875次,平均被引10.06次/篇),H指数为18.研究成果逐年统计结果见上述截图。被引频次在10次以上有关的论文摘引于下,仅供参考。


Title, Author(s), Bibliographic reference - About the metrics

Elastic and electronic properties of Pbca-BN: First-principles calculations

Qingyang Fan, Qun Wei, Haiyan Yan, Meiguang Zhang, Zixia Zhang, Junqin Zhang, Dongyun Zhang

2014, Computational Materials Science - Article

A fully tetrahedrally bonded boron nitride (BN) allotrope with an orthorhombic structure (Pbca-BN, space group: Pbca) was investigated by first-principles calculations. In this work, we have investiga...more

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Structural, mechanical, and electronic properties of P3m1-BCN

Qingyang Fan, Qun Wei, Changchun Chai, Haiyan Yan, Meiguang Zhang, Zhengzhe Lin, Zixia Zhang, Junqin Zhang, Dongyun Zhang

2015, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids - Article

The mechanical and electronic properties of P3m1-BCN have been studied by using first principles calculations. The anisotropy studies of Young's modulus, shear modulus and Poisson's ratio sh...more

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High‐ emperature persistent luminescence and visual dual‐emitting optical temperature sensing in self‐activated CaNb2O6: Tb3+ phosphor

Zhiting Wei, Wenbo Chen, Ziqi Wang, Na Li, Pengfei Zhang, Meiguang Zhang, Lei Zhao, Qinping Qiang

2020, Journal of the American Ceramic Society - Article

The long persistent luminescence (PersL) and color adjustable properties in high‐ emperature environment are of great significance for luminescent materials in the fields of multiple anti‐counterfeiti...more

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A new superhard carbon allotrope: tetragonal C64

Qun Wei, Quan Zhang, Haiyan Yan, Meiguang Zhang

2016, Journal of Materials Science - Article

A novel superhard carbon allotrope C64 is predicted which is composed of C28 cages. It is porous and exhibits distinct topologies including zigzag 5, 6, 8, 10 and 12-fold carbon rings. The elastic con...more

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Novel high-pressure phase with pseudo-benzene “N6” molecule of LiN3

Meiguang Zhang, Haiyan Yan, Qun Wei, Hui Wang, Zhijian Wu

2013, EPL (Europhysics Letters) - Article

The pressure-induced formation of a hexagonal phase (P6/m, Z = 2) of LiN3 is predicted by particle swarm optimization (PSO) structural search at zero temperature and pressure of > 34.7 GPa. Compare...more

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A novel hybrid sp-sp2 metallic carbon allotrope

Qun Wei, Quan Zhang, Mei-Guang Zhang, Hai-Yan Yan, Li-Xin Guo, Bing Wei

2018, Frontiers of Physics - Article

In this paper, we propose a novel hybrid sp-sp2 monoclinic carbon allotrope mC12. This allotrope is a promising light metallic material, the mechanical and electronic properties of which are studied b...more

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A new superhard carbon allotrope: Orthorhombic C20

Qun Wei, Chenyang Zhao, Meiguang Zhang, Haiyan Yan, Yingjiao Zhou, Ronghui Yao

2018, Physics Letters A - Article

A new superhard carbon orthorhombic allotrope oC20 is proposed, which exhibits distinct topologies including C4, C3 and two types of C6 carbon rings. The calculated elastic constants and phonon spectr...more

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A new tetragonal superhard metallic carbon allotrope

Qun Wei, Quan Zhang, Haiyan Yan, Meiguang Zhang, Bing Wei

2018, Journal of Alloys and Compounds - Article

A new metallic superhard carbon allotrope C5 with five carbon atoms per unit cell is theoretically predicted to be stable at ambient pressure through first-principles calculations combined with unbias...more

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Structural, electronic and mechanical properties of Imma-carbon

Qun Wei, Meiguang Zhang, Haiyan Yan, Zhengzhe Lin, Xuanmin Zhu

2014, EPL (Europhysics Letters) - Article

A theoretical investigation on mechanical and electronic properties of Imma-carbon was performed by employing first-principles calculations based on the density functional theory. The stability at amb...more

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Elastic and electronic properties of Imm2- and I4ˉm2-BCN

Qingyang Fan, Qun Wei, Changchun Chai, Meiguang Zhang, Haiyan Yan, Zixia Zhang, Junqin Zhang, Dongyun Zhang

2015, Computational Materials Science - Article

Based on density function theory with the ultrasoft pseudopotential scheme in the frame of the local density approximation and the generalized gradient approximation, we have systematically studied th...more

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High-pressure phases and pressure-induced phase transition of MoN6 and ReN6

Qun Wei, Chenyang Zhao, Meiguang Zhang, Haiyan Yan, Bing Wei

2019, Physics Letters A - Article

Transition metal nitrides have been widely used in many scientific and technical areas because of their unique physical and mechanical properties. We report two new nitrogen-rich Transition metal nit...more

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Cubic C3N: A New Superhard Phase of Carbon-Rich Nitride

Qun Wei, Quan Zhang, Haiyan Yan, Meiguang Zhang

2016, Materials - Article

Using the particle swarm optimization technique, we proposed a cubic superhard phase of C₃N (c-C₃N) with an estimated Vicker's hardness of 65 GPa, which is more energetically favorable than the...more

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Two-Dimensional Co2S2 monolayer with robust ferromagnetism

Yun Zhang, Jingman Pang, Meiguang Zhang, Xiao Gu, Li Huang

2017, Scientific Reports - Article

Design and synthesis of two-dimensional (2D) materials with robust intrinsic ferromagnetism is highly desirable due to their potential applications in spintronics devices. In this work, we identify a ...more

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Ab initio studies of novel carbon nitride phase C2N2(CH2)

Qun Wei, Meiguang Zhang, Lixin Guo, Haiyan Yan, Xuanmin Zhu, Zhengzhe Lin, Ping Guo

2013, Chemical Physics - Article

First principles calculations are used to study the structural, mechanical, and electronic properties of C2N2(CH2). Due to the large bulk modulus and shear modulus, C2N2(CH2) can be regarded as a pote...more

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