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4th Annual French Complex Systems Summer School - Paris, August 2nd to 20th, 201

已有 4940 次阅读 2010-5-11 00:24 |个人分类:信息分享|系统分类:海外观察| 2010, summer, Paris

4th Annual French

Complex Systems Summer School

Paris, August 2nd to 20th, 2010

website: http://iscpif.fr/CSSS2010

This new series of international Complex Systems Summer School (CSSS2010) set in France is co-organized by the two French Institutes: Complex Systems Institute Paris Île-de-France (ISC-PIF) & Complex Systems Institute Rhône-Alpes (IXXI), in coordination with the overarching National Network of Complex Systems (RNSC) and with the support of the european coordination action ASSYST. Our Summer School is also one of the "Thematic School" supported by the CNRS.

This year, the summer school will take place in Paris at the ISC-PIF: 57-59 rue Lhomond, 75005, Paris,France.

The aim of the school is to provide in-depth reference courses to a multi-disciplinary audience of researchers and students. The level of lectures will range from introductory to advanced, as attendees are not expected to be familiar with all the fields covered. Lecture topics will address specific objects from various disciplines pertaining to complex systems (physics, biology, sociology, etc.), or interdisciplinary tools and methods (mathematical, computational), or both.

Invited Lecturers

  • Hugues Bersini (IRIDIA,Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium)
    • Software Technologies for Complex Systems
  • Guillaume Beslon (IXXI, Université de Lyon, INSA-Lyon, LIRIS, France)
    • Digital genetics: A view on the origin of biological complexity
  • Andrew Crooks (Computational Social Science, Georges Mason University, USA)
    • Geographic Information Systems and Agent-based Modeling for Exploring Human-Environment Interactions
  • Ronald Dickman (Universidade Federal de Minais Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil)
    • Nonequilibrium phase transitions and self-organized criticality: Paradigms for complex systems
  • Marco Dorigo (IRIDIA,Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium)
    • Swarm Intelligence
  • François Graner (Institut Curie, France)
    • Cellular patterns: simple problems, complex solutions
  • Mikhail Kanevski (Institute of Geomatics and Analysis of Risk (IGAR), Lausanne)
    • Machine Learning Algorithms: Theory, Applications and Software Tools
  • Alexander Mikhailov (Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Berlin, Germany)
    • From Swarms to Societies: Origins of Social Organization
  • Lael Parrott (Département de géographie, Université de Montréal, Canada)
    • Complexity, Resource Management and Ecological Engineering
  • Céline Rozenblat (Institut de Géographie, Faculté des Géosciences, Université de Lausanne, Switzerland)
    • Cities and Dynamics of networks
  • Alessandro Torcini (Istituto dei Sistemi Complessi CNR, Florence, Italy)
    • Collective Dynamics in -Not Too- Complex Networks

Applying to the Summer School

Early application tuition rate (if applying by May 30) is €300 for the whole school. Regular tuition rate (if applying after May 30) is €400. Tuition rate includes:
  • attendance to all courses
  • housing in Paris (if applying by June 15)
  • lunches and coffee breaks

Housing can be guaranteed only if the application was received by June 15 (and accepted). After June 15, housing will be assigned only if there is still vacancies.

The number of participants is limited to 30.

博主按: 我参加了第三届的,当时是在Lyon和Paris两个地方举行,我对Lyon的感觉很不错,Paris倒是很一般。巴黎虽然以脏乱差著称与世,但有兴趣去体验生活的同志们还是可以去玩下的,而且CNRS也是一个很不错的研究机构,值得参观。


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