


已有 4353 次阅读 2017-8-29 17:11 |个人分类:科研论文|系统分类:论文交流| Energy, control, networks, Multilayer, controllability

       最近,在导师武汉大学邹秀芬教授的悉心指导下,自已关于多层网络控制能量和能控性工作(Control energy and  controllability of multilayer networks.pdf被Advances in Complex Systems接受发表,希望大家喜欢。

Title: Control energy and controllability of multilayer networks

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Abstract: The controllability of multilayer networks has become increasingly important in many areas of science and engineering. In this paper, we identify the general rules that determine the controllability and control energy cost of multilayer networks. First, we quantitatively estimate the control energy cost of multilayer networks and investigate the impacts of different coupling strength and coupling patterns on the control energy cost for multilayer networks. The results indicate that the average energy and the coupling strength have an approximately linear relationship in multilayer networks with two layers. Second, we study how the coupling strength and the connection patterns between different layers affect the controllability of multilayer networks from both theoretical and numerical aspects. The obtained piecewise function relations between the controllability’s measure and coupling strength reveal that the existence of an optimal coupling strength for the different interconnection strategies in multilayer networks. In particular, the numerical experiments demonstrate that there exists a tradeoff between the optimal controllability and optimal control energy for selecting inter-layer connection patterns in multilayer networks. These results provide a comprehensive understanding of the impact of interlayer couplings on the controllability and control energy cost for multilayer networks and provide a methodology for selecting the control nodes and coupling strength to maximize the controllability and minimize the control energy cost.

Keywords: Multilayer networks; controllability; control energy; coupling strength; coupling patterns.

上一篇:多层网络关键节点识别论文被Applied Mathematical Modelling接受
下一篇:基于张量的时序多层网络模型论文被Information Sciences杂志接受
收藏 IP: 97.127.160.*| 热度|

1 刘跃

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1/0 | 闂傚倸鍊搁崐鎼佸磹閹间礁纾归柟闂寸绾惧湱鈧懓瀚崳纾嬨亹閹烘垹鍊炲銈嗗笒椤︿即寮查鍫熲拺闁告繂瀚埢澶愭煕濡灝浜圭紒顔肩墦瀹曞ジ鎮㈢粙鍨紟婵犳鍠楅〃鍛涘Δ鍛闁挎洖鍊归悡銉︾節闂堟稒锛嶆俊鎻掓憸缁辨帡鎮╅悜妯煎涧婵烇絽娲ら敃顏呬繆閸洖妞介柛鎰ㄦ櫆閺嗕即姊绘担鍛婃儓闁归攱鍨圭槐鐐存媴閸撳弶缍庨梺鎯х箺椤鐣锋径鎰厪濠电偛鐏濋崝婊堟煟濠靛嫬鐏叉慨濠冩そ閹兘寮堕幐搴敤闂備胶鎳撻崵鏍箯閿燂拷:0 | 濠电姷鏁告慨鐑藉极閸涘﹥鍙忛柣鎴濐潟閳ь剙鍊块幐濠冪珶閳哄绉€规洏鍔戝鍫曞箣閻欏懐骞㈤梻鍌欐祰椤鐣峰Ο琛℃灃婵炴垶纰嶉浠嬫煏閸繃鍟掗柡鍐ㄧ墛閺呮煡鏌涘☉鍗炲箺婵炲牊鐓″铏圭矙濞嗘儳鍓板銈嗗灥椤﹂潧顕f繝姘櫜闁告稑鍊婚崰搴ㄥ煝鎼淬劌绠氱憸搴敊閸曨垱鐓涘璺烘濞呭棛绱掔拠鑼妞ゎ偄绻橀幖鍦喆閸曨偆锛忛梻渚€娼ф灙闁稿孩鐓¢幃鐢稿閵堝棌鎷洪梺鑽ゅ枑濠㈡ê鈻撻埡鍛厵闁告垯鍊栫€氾拷 | 濠电姷鏁告慨鐑藉极閸涘﹥鍙忛柣鎴f閺嬩線鏌熼梻瀵割槮缁炬儳顭烽弻锝夊箛椤掍焦鍎撻梺鎼炲妼閸婂潡寮诲☉銏╂晝闁挎繂妫涢ˇ銉х磽娴e搫小闁告濞婂濠氭偄閸忓皷鎷婚柣搴f暩鏋┑鈥茬矙濮婃椽宕崟顒€娅ょ紓浣筋嚙閻楁挸顕f繝姘╅柕澶堝灪閺傗偓闂備胶纭堕崜婵嬫晪缂備焦鍔栭惄顖氼潖濞差亜宸濆┑鐘插閻g兘鎮楅崗澶婁壕闂佸綊妫跨粈浣虹不閺嶃劋绻嗛柕鍫濆€告禍楣冩⒑鐎圭姵顥夋い锔诲灦閸┿垹顓奸崱妯肩Ф闂侀潧臎閸涱垰甯掔紓鍌氬€风粈渚€宕愰崫銉х煋闁圭虎鍠撻崑鎴澝归崗鍏肩稇闂佸崬娲弻锝夊棘閹稿孩鍎撻悗娈垮枟婵炲﹤顫忕紒妯诲闁惧繒鎳撶粭鈥斥攽閻愭彃绾ч柣妤冨Т閻g兘骞囬弶鎸庡祶濡炪倖鎸荤粙鎴炵閻愵剚鍙忔俊顖滃帶娴滈箖鎮楀鐐 | 闂傚倸鍊搁崐鎼佸磹閹间礁纾圭€瑰嫭鍣磋ぐ鎺戠倞鐟滃繘寮抽敃鍌涚厱妞ゎ厽鍨垫禍婵嬫煕濞嗗繒绠婚柡宀€鍠撶槐鎺楀閻樺磭浜紓鍌欒兌婵箖锝炴径鎰﹂柛鏇ㄥ灠缁犳盯鏌涢锝嗙妞ゅ骸绉瑰铏圭矙濞嗘儳鍓炬繛瀛樼矤娴滎亜顕g拠娴嬫闁靛繒濮堥妸锔轰簻闁哄倸鐏濈紞鏍ㄦ叏鐟欏嫷娈滈柟顔煎槻楗即宕ㄩ褎姣夐梺姹囧焺閸ㄩ亶銆冩繝鍌ゅ殨闁哄被鍎辩粻鐟懊归敐鍛础闁告瑥妫濆铏圭磼濡崵顦ラ梺绋匡工濠€閬嶅焵椤掍胶鍟查柟鍑ゆ嫹

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