(3)新方法机器学习力场,这个功能也是最值得期待的,(Machine Learned Force Fields),具体使用的方法是On-the-fly machine learning force field generation using Bayesian linear regression.细节信息可以阅读:新版本VASP6 --之机器学习
(4)电声耦合计算(Electron-phonon interactions)
(5)X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy (XANES)计算,目前支持Super-cell core-hole (SCH) method计算方法。
(6)constrained Random Phase Approximation(CRPA)
(7)支持OpenACC的GPU加速计算,可以使用Adaptively compressed exchange使得杂化泛函计算速度提高2-3倍
Features that are scheduled for release with VASP.6 include
Hybrid OpenMP and MPI paralellization
OpenACC to support GPUs
X-ray adsorption spectroscopy (XAS)
Time evolution code to quickly determine frequency dependent response functions for DFT
Adaptively compressed exchange (speeds up Davidson algorithm by factor 2-3 for hybrid functionals)
Cubic scaling RPA and GW, including forces for insulating systems (relaxation, MD and phonons are internally supported)
Finite temperature RPA
Constrained RPA to obtained screened U
Laplace transformed and stochastic MP2 (suitable for large systems)
Support for machine learning
HDF5 file support
Interpolated phonon dispersion relation (at arbitrary q-points)
Electron-phonon coupling using stochastic displacements of atoms (applicable to most observables)
Electron-phonon coupling using Wannier interpolation
Dielectric range-separated hybrid functionals in which the mixing parameters of Fock exchange are fully nonempirical and determined from the dielectric function
SCAN + rvv10 support
xclib support for gradient corrected functionals
Improved and unified error handling
Numerous bug fixes
现在VASP官网上已经可以下载新版本的VASP适用于有 VASP.6 license的持有者)!对于已经从VASP Software GmbH购买了VASP.6许可证的所有VASP用户,现在都可以下载VASP.6.1.0。
目前,持有VASP 5 license的六位学术用户的升级费用为1500欧元(扣除所有税费和附加费)。它要求VASP Software GmbH与被许可人之间签署新的许可协议。新的许可协议将取代维也纳大学与被许可人之间的许可协议。
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