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Exploring Human-Oriented Geovisualization, GONG Jianhua, 2008,

已有 6097 次阅读 2008-12-18 19:34 |个人分类:Pulications

 Jianhua GONG 2008. Exploring Human-Oriented Geovisualization. Journal of Remote Sensing, 125772-779. ( In Chinese)    [PPT in English Download] [ Paper in Chinese Download]

Exploring Human-Oriented Geovisualization


GONG Jianhua


(State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science, Institute of Remote Sensing Applications

Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, P.R. China)


AbstractIt is argued that the fundamental framework of current GIS is mainly designed from the land/landscape centered perspective. With the deveopment of transpoatation, communication, network, and computers, humans play more and more important roles in the man-landscape ecosystems, and the traditional GIS, which is land/landscape centered or place based, is not enough to deal with human highlighted geoprocesses. For instance, the current commercial GIS can not well support the modeling of disease spatiotemporal transmission among people. Thus, human oriented GIS is developed to study the representation, computation, simulation and analysis of human distribution in time and space, and of the spatiotemporal characteristics and laws of social and economic organizations and activity behavior within geographic environments. From the perspective of geovisualization, and on the basis of the human oriented GIS concept, this paper discusses human-oriented geovisualization. Humans in human-oriented geovisualization is classified into three types, namely System User, Social Human, and Knowledge Human respectively in terms of users of GIS or visualization systems, studied objective social behavior and activities of  people in man-land relation systems, and representation of spatial cognition and geospatial knowledge of people. A conceptual framework of human-oriented geovisualization is then addressed based on the three kinds of human. Collaborative visualization and Egocentric Visualization are discussed according to system user oriented geovisualization. In view of social human oriented geovisualization, the paper presents the latest research on  visualization of space-time path, visualization of crowd simulation, and visualization of social network. In terms of  knowledge human oriented visualization, knowledge visualization is discussed  that is related to the theory and methodology of geo-diagram and geospatial information Tupu. The paper finally explores the key issues and technologies in human oriented GIS and geovisualization from aspects of ontology, information acquiring technique, data organization and representation model, visual representation methods, and subject concept.    


Key words: GIS, geovisualization, collaborative visualization, space-time path, crowd simulation, social network, knowledge visualization



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