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已有 9589 次阅读 2016-10-16 10:08 |个人分类:真傻个人材料|系统分类:博客资讯| 天津大学, 网页, 杨正瓴, 官方, 电气与自动化工程学院







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杨正瓴 副教授

男 ,1964年生。



   曾在《IEEE Trans on CAS-1》、《Chinese Physics Letters》、《科学通报》、《中国电机工程学报》、《电力系统自动化》、《电网技术》;以及《哲学研究》、《天津大学学报(社科版)》、《中医杂志》等刊物发表第一作者论文30余篇,其中10余篇已被SCI-EXPANDED、Ei CompendxWeb收录。教学研究论文10余篇。

  Zheng-Ling Yang (Yang Zheng-ling, or Yang Zhengling in Chinese journals), male, associate professor. He was born in Lingshou county, Hebei province, China, in November, 1964.
  He graduated from Tianjin University in 1985, and has served as a teacher/lecturer in Tianjin University since then. He received the Ph.D. degree (Science Doctor in Engineering, in China degree system) from Tianjin University. He is a master supervisor in two specialties (approximatively corresponding to “department” abroad) of “Control Science and Engineering”and "Software Engineering". He is an IEEE member of “Power & Energy Society” and “Intelligent Transportation Systems Society”. He works at the Modern Electrotechnics and Electronics Technology Center, School of Electrical Engineering & Automation, Tianjin University.
  He took part in “The Scientific Diathesis Education Curricula Backbone/Cadreman Teacher Senior Seminar” originated by Ministry of Education The People's Republic of China in November 2008.
  He has published more than 40 journal papers as first author. Among them more than 30 journal papers are published in science and technology research, more than 10 journal papers in teaching research. His papers can be found in the journals of “IEEE Trans on CAS-1”, “Chinese Physics Letters”, “Chinese Science Bulletin”, “Proceedings of the Chinese Society for Electrical Engineering”, “Power System Technology”; “Automation of Electric Power Systems”, “Philosophy Research”, “Journal of Tianjin University (Social Sciences)”, and “Journal of Chinese Traditional Medicine” and so on. His 10 papers are indexed by SCI-EXPANDED or Ei CompendxWeb. In recent years, he has been enrolled in many projects, such as the “National Electrotechnics Education Reformation” project (as a principal of a sub-project), the Tianjin Natural Science Foundation project, and some transverse subjects. He is selected into the large national literature and annals, “The Brilliant Course - Achievement and Exploration of 50 Years Since New China”.


(1) Forecasting/prediction of complex time series (electrical power, wind power, traffic flow);
(2) Chaos and its applications in electric power systems;
(3) Foundation of artificial intelligence.


[1] Zheng-Ling Yang (杨正瓴), Yan-Wen Song(宋延文), Zhi-Feng Duan (段志峰), Teng Wang(王腾), Jun Zhang (张军). New sigmoid-like function better than Fisher z transformation. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 2013 accepted
[2] Yang Zhengling (杨正瓴), Duan Zhifeng (段志峰), Wang Jingjing (王晶晶), Wang Teng (王腾), Song Yanwen (宋延文), Zhang Jun (张军). Quartic radical function better than Fisher z transformation. Transactions of Tianjin University, 2013 accepted
[3] Yang Zheng-Ling(杨正瓴), Li Yan, Song Yan-Wen, Chen Xi, Zhang Jun. Empirical study of robust combination of forecasts for short-term highway traffic flow forecast. Proceedings of 2012 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, ICMLC 2012, July 15 - July 17, 2012, Volume 4, Pages: 1372-1375.     EI: 20130115851445
[4] YANG Zhengling (杨正瓴). A non-canonical example to support that P is not equal to NP. Transactions of Tianjin University, 2011, 17(6): 446-449.     EI: 20120714762933
[5] Yang Zheng-Ling(杨正瓴), Zou Shu-Chun, Zhang Jun, Lv Bing-Bing. Reduce forecasting errors by low order nonlinear transformations for complex time series. Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Control, ICECC 2011, September 9 - September 11, 2011, Volume 4, Pages: 2209-2212.     EI: 20114714544339
[6] 杨正瓴(Yang Zheng-ling). 第二类计算机构想(Conception of the second class computer). 中国电子科学研究院学报(Journal of China Academy of Electronics and Information Technology), 2011, 6(4): 368-374.
[7] YANG Zheng-Ling(杨正瓴), GAO Yang(高阳), GAO Yong-Tao(郜永涛), ZHANG Jun(张军). Behavior of a Logistic Map Driven by White Noise. Chinese Physics Letters, 2009, 26(6): 060506.     SCI: 452OA
[8] 杨正瓴,翟祥志,尹振兴,张军. 超过指数增长速度的年度用电量曲线拟合预测. 天津大学学报(自然版), 2008, 41(11): 1299-1302.     EI: 090411873345
[9] 杨正瓴,王渭巍,曹东波,张军,陈曦. 短期负荷预测的Ensemble混沌预测方法. 电力系统自动化,2007, 31(23): 34-37.     EI: 080211012663
[10] YANG Zheng-Ling(杨正瓴), WANG Wei-Wei(王渭巍), YIN Zhen-Xing(尹振兴), ZHANG Jun(张军), CHEN Xi(陈曦). Differential System's Nonlinear Behaviour of Real Nonlinear Dynamical Systems. Chinese Physics Letters, 2007, 24(5):1170-1172.     SCI: 170JJ
[11] 杨正瓴,曹东波,张广涛,林孔元. 用奇异性的短期负荷预测混沌方法优化参数. 天津大学学报(自然版), 2006,39(3):334-337.     EI: 06219897667
[12] 杨正瓴,田勇,张广涛,林孔元. 相似日短期负荷预测的非线性理论基础与改进. 电网技术,2006,30(6): 63 – 66
[13] 杨正瓴,田勇,张广涛,林孔元. 短期负荷预测最大李亚普诺夫指数法的改进. 电网技术,2005, 29(7): 31 – 35.     EI: 05179068753
[14] 杨正瓴,张广涛,陈红新,林孔元. 短期负荷预测“负荷趋势加混沌”法的参数优化. 电网技术,2005, 29(4): 27 – 30, 44.     EI: 05139009691
[15] 杨正瓴,田勇,林孔元. 短期负荷预测“双周期加混沌”法中的多步法与气象因子的使用. 电网技术),2004,28(12): 20 – 24.     EI: 04358326068
[16] 杨正瓴,张广涛,林孔元. 时间序列法短期负荷预测准确度上限估计.电力系统及其自动化学报,2004, 16(2): 36 – 39
[17] 杨正瓴,林孔元. 电力系统负荷记录混沌特性成因的探讨. 电力系统自动化,2002, 26(10): 18-23.     EI: 02397108373
[18] 杨正瓴,杨正颖. 中国的气温变化与历史变迁关系的初步研究. 天津大学学报•社会科学版》,2002, 4(1): 57-60
[19] 杨正瓴,杨正颖,王风梅. 印象派绘画与狭义相对论物理学比较研究. 天津大学学报•社会科学版,2001, 3(4): 315-319
[20] 杨正瓴,吴丽君. 经外穴、阿是穴与“经络、穴位”的实质. 中医杂志,2001, 42(增刊): 8
[21] 杨正瓴,林孔元,余贻鑫. 用时间序列的李雅普诺夫指数计算来预报电力系统中的某些失稳现象. 中国电机工程学报,2001, 21(1): 5-8.     EI: 01396665727
[22] 杨正瓴,林孔元. 人类智能模拟的“第2类数学(智能数学)”方法的哲学研究. 哲学研究,1999, 4: 44 – 50
[23] 杨正瓴. 体表形状及某些穴位与器官的相关性. 中医杂志,1999, 40(3): 188
[24] 杨正瓴. 《内经》中“女七”、“男八”周期的天文成因. 中医杂志,1998,39(3): 187 – 188
[25] 杨正瓴. 排序问题串行算法复杂性下界间的关系. 天津大学学报,1993, (6): 140-141.     EI: 94061312261
[26] Zheng – Ling Yang. Mutual capacitance – Duality principle evolved from planar network. IEEE Transactions on Circuit And Systems-1, 1992, 39(12): 1005-1006.     SCI: KX386
[27] 杨正瓴. 互容的定义和模型. 科学通报,1990, 35(12): 960.
[28] 刘鲁源,杨正瓴. 微型计算机间的并行通讯. 自动化与仪表,1986, (2): 18-21 (天津市自动化学会年会优秀论文,1985).


主持完成过天津市应用基础及前沿技术研究计划一项(09JCYBJC07700, 2009-04至2012-03)。
参加天津市科技支撑计划重点项目(10ZCKFSF01100,2010-04至 2013-03月)。


杨正瓴,王萍,张军,薛俊韬,路志英,刘正光,林孔元. 《电工学》课程教学中学生创新素质的培养. 天津市高校深化教学改革,提高教学质量系列活动,二等奖,2006年1月


He is responsible for 3 courses: 1 for undergraduates, 2 for postgraduates for master’s degree.
List of courses:
1. Electrotechnics for undergraduates (national superfine course "introduction to electrical engineering"  series, 2030323、2030324、2030388、2030389).
2. Fuzzy Theory and Its Applications (for postgraduates for master’s degree, S203E024)
3. Selected Topics in Artificial Intelligence (for postgraduates for master’s degree, S203E026)


   (2)预测理论与技术方面:提出了复杂系统行为预测的“机理+辨识”策略。见《中国科技论文在线》(2006,200609-432),以及《中国科技论文在线精品论文》,2007年12月第1期: 83-87。

  (1) In artificial intelligence field, he presented a complexity hierarchy of knowledge, and the complexity estimation of human brain. Refer to “Philosophy Research” (4, 1999).
  (2) In forecasting theory and technology, he suggested “Mechanism model + identification model” strategy for prediction of complex systems’ behavior. Refer to “Sciencepaper Online” (2006, 200609-432), and “Highlights of Sciencepaper Online”, 2007, (1): 83-87.
  (3) A personal viewpoint about a FULL PROOF of “the P versus NP (P vs NP) problem”, in the Student Academic Symposium of Graduate School to Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of Tianjin University, and the Symposium of Electric Power & Automation Engineering Department to Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of Tianjin University, October, 1995.
  (4) In physics foundation field, he gave an explanation for the logic cause of the limit of velocity of light. Refer to “Journal of Tianjin University (Social Sciences)” (4, 2001).
  In addition, he focuses his attention on some fundamental problems in theoretical computer science, computing complexity, and theoretical physics.

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Tutor Of Masters
Yang Zhengling Associate Professor
Personal Datas

Male ,birthday:1964
Mail Address:
School of Electrical Engineering & Automation of Tianjin University  Zip:300072


Zheng-Ling Yang (Yang Zheng-ling, or Yang Zhengling in Chinese journals), male, associate professor. He was born in Lingshou county, Hebei province, China, in November, 1964.
He graduated from Tianjin University in 1985, and has served as a teacher/lecturer in Tianjin University since then. He received the Ph.D. degree (Science Doctor in Engineering, in China degree system) from Tianjin University. He is a master supervisor in two specialties (approximatively corresponding to “department” abroad) of "Control Science and Engineering" and "Software Engineering". He works at the Modern Electrotechnics and Electronics Technology Center, School of Electrical Engineering & Automation, Tianjin University.
He has published more than 40 journal papers as first author. Among them more than 20 journal papers are published in science and technology research, more than 10 journal papers in teaching research. His papers can be found in the journals of “IEEE Trans on CAS-1”, “Chinese Physics Letters”,“Chinese Science Bulletin”, “Proceedings of the Chinese Society for Electrical Engineering”, “Power System Technology”;“Automation of Electric Power Systems”, “Philosophy Research”, “Journal of Tianjin University (Social Sciences)”, and “Journal of Chinese Traditional Medicine” and so on. His 10 papers are indexed by SCI-EXPANDED or Ei CompendxWeb. In recent years, he has been enrolled in many projects, such as the “National Electrotechnics Education Reformation” project (as a principal of a sub-project), the Tianjin Natural Science Foundation project, and some transverse subjects. He is selected into the large national literature and annals, “The Brilliant Course - Achievement and Exploration of 50 Years Since New China”.

Field Of Study

(1) Foundation of artificial intelligence.
(2) Chaos and its applications in electric power systems.
(3) Forecasting/prediction of complex time series.

Research Project

He is undertaked a research project funded by Tianjin Natural Science Foundation (No. 09JCYBJC07700).

He is undertaking and undertaked many research projects funded by enterprises.

Course Teaching

He is responsible for 3 coursesNULL for undergraduates, 2 for postgraduates for master’s degree.
List of coursesNULLr
1. Electrotechnics for undergraduates (national superfine course "introduction to electrical engineering" series, 2030323、2030324、2030388、2030389).
2. Fuzzy Theory and Its Applications (for postgraduates for master’s degree, S203E024)
3. Selected Topics in Artificial Intelligence (for postgraduates for master’s degree, S203E026)


(1) In artificial intelligence field, he presents a complexity hierarchy of knowledge, and the complexity estimation of human brain. Refer to “Philosophy Research” (4, 1999).
(2) In chaos field, he notices the chaos characteristics of stochastic process with memory. Refer to “Automation of Electric Power Systems” (10, 2002).
(3) In physics foundation field, he gives an explanation for the logic cause of the limit of velocity of light. Refer to “Journal of Tianjin University (Social Sciences)” (4, 2001).
(4) In forecasting theory and technology, he suggests “Mechanism model + identification model” strategy for prediction of complex systems’ behavior. Refer to “Sciencepaper online” (2006,200609-432).
In addition, he focuses his attention on some fundamental problems in theoretical computer science, computing complexity, and theoretical physics.

Copyright @ School of Electrical Engineering & Automation of Tianjin University

自动化学院办公室维护 Email:autju@163.com





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