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  • 武汉科大,信息科学与工程学院,教授

    • 信息科学->自动化->控制理论与方法

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txq15723080836 2021-5-14 18:01
尊敬的老师,您好!本次问卷是为了解目前科研人员对非产出性科研活动的认可度和期望,并为该类科研活动的评价提供依据,更好地服务于科研绩效评价。非常希望您能花几分钟的时间完成问卷,您的意见和建议对本研究(科研人员对非产出性科研贡献的认可度研究)有重要意义。调查采用匿名方式,填写问卷需4-6分钟,若您对调查结果感兴趣,可在问卷末尾留下邮箱,我们将及时发送给您!网址:https://www.wjx.cn/vj/mdXJ3fA.aspx 非常感谢您的支持和参与!
何毓琦 2017-7-25 20:06
Please send me an e-mail again so I can reply top your comment.
何毓琦 2017-7-24 21:57
While out-of town, I read your technical  question quickly in English and answered that I will reply more fully upon my return. However, now I can no longer find your query and my reply anymore for unknown reasons. Can you sent your question i9n English again?

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