
黄火明 2020-9-20 10:38
Definition In biochemistry, a kinase is an enzyme that catalyzes the transfer of phosphate groups from high-energy, phosphate-donating molecules to specific substrates. This process is known as phosphorylation , where the substrate gains a phosphate group and the high-energy ATP molecu ...
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Using PyMOL as a platform for computational drug design
黄火明 2018-11-4 22:27
2017WCMSe1298_Pymol.pdf 袁曙光老师关于pymol的介绍
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drug repurposing
黄火明 2018-3-30 18:40
Drug repurposing , also called drug rediscovery or drug repositioning, referred to rediscovering a new indication for an existing drug. One of the most famous examples is sildenafil that was intended to treat angina pectoris but to treat erectile dysfunction instead. Other examples incl ...
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黄火明 2018-1-5 19:24
2018Science21.pdf 发表在science上关于伊朗伊拉克战争化学武器危害简介
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What is medicinal chemistry?
黄火明 2017-8-19 21:51
什么是药物化学? 两位来自肯塔基大学的学者 Selina Y. L. Holbrook 和 Sylvie Garneau-Tsodikova ,根据60多人的回答,从药物化学的过去、现在和未来,对什么是药物化学进行了阐述。 药物化学不仅仅是设计和合成药物分子,它是一门中心学科,涉及到药理学、毒理学、药代动力学、分子生物学、细胞生物 ...
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黄火明 2017-8-19 21:17
Cotarca等三位来自意大利、德国、匈牙利的研究人员在OPRD上总结了三光气的一些信息,包括 毒性; 工业来源与质量; 结构和物理性质; 稳定性; 测定与监测; 运输、包装、储藏、处理; 在工业上应用的建议; 在实验室或公斤级实验室使用时的建议。 对使用它的人来说,在 ...
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黄火明 2016-6-14 16:54
用 DMSO 和卤化氢在芳烃和杂芳烃上高效实用的氧化溴化和碘化:一种温和的后期官能团化方法 Song S, SunX, Li X, et al. Efficient and Practical Oxidative Bromination and Iodination ofArenes and Heteroarenes with DMSO and Hydrogen Halide: A Mild Protocol forLate-Stage Functionalization . Organic L ...
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