职业编辑出版人,开放存取倡导者分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/wangyk Visiting Scholar at University of Minnesota,PhD at Peking University, Bachelor & Master Degree at Northwest A&F University


OA期刊有多少?被SCIE收录的OA刊有多少? 精选

已有 24333 次阅读 2015-8-12 11:15 |个人分类:OA开放存取|系统分类:科研笔记| 开放存取, 开放存取期刊, OA期刊, OA论文


Wang Yingkuan

Beijing, China





   开放存取出版发展势头迅猛,论文数量不断飙升。截至2013年底,通过各种途径实现开放存取文献数量占到当年出版的总文献数量的8.2%。据估计,2015年,OA文献占当年总文献的比例应超过15%。2014年,图书馆管理员和其他工业方面的专家,进行了一场圆桌会议,评估了在未来十年内,以OA形式发表的论文的比例将从15%增长到50%[4]Lewis(2012)预测,未来十年内,Gold OA将会成为学术论文发表的主要形式。在2017-2021期间,50%的学术论文将在金色OA期刊发表,2021年预计达50%,到2025年会达到90%[5]不但开放存取期刊的数量大幅增长,期刊和论文的质量也在稳步提升。截至2014年7月2日统计,被SCIE收录的OA期刊总计达到972种(附件-被SCIE收录的详细OA期刊名单),这些期刊同时都被收录在DOAJ和Scopus Journal List[6]。其中2014年下半年和2015年又有一些OA期刊相继被SCI收录。因此,保守估计,目前被SCI收录的OA期刊数量超过1000种。

[1] DIRECTORY OF OPEN ACCESS JOURNALS. http://www.doaj.org.[2015-08-10].

[2] Socolar. http://www.socolar.com/. [2015-08-05].

[3]J-Gate. http://jgateplus.com/search/footer-html/AboutUs.jsp.[2015-08-10].

[4] Harris,S.(2012). Moving towards an openaccess future:The role of academic libraries.A report on a roundtablecommissioned by SAGE,in association with the BritishLibrary.http://www.uk.sagepub.com/repository/binaries/pdf/Library-OAReport.pdf.

[5] Lewis, D.W. (2012).The inevitability ofopen access. College & Research Libraries, 73(5), 493-506. http://crl.acrl.org/content/73/5/493.full.pdf+html.

[6] Jochen Bihn. Open Access Journals in the Science Citation IndexExpanded. Posted on 18. July 2014. http://www.lib4ri.ch/news.html++/year/2014/item/89/.[2015-08-08].





Open AccessJournals in the Science Citation Index Expanded

Jochen Bihn, 18.July 2014




We compiled a list of all OpenAccess journals included in ScienceCitation Index Expanded 2013 (SCIE). The journalsindexed in the SCIE, the Arts & Humanities CitationIndex, and the Social Sciences Citation Index make up the journal content ofthe Web of Science Core Collection(aka «ISI Journals»). Almost all of the journals on the list received a JournalImpact Factor from Thomson Reuters.

Open AccessJournals in the SCIE [.xls, 0.4 MB, July 2014]

The list might offer someguidance when selecting a journal for your next publication from the evergrowing list of Open Access journals. In addition, all journals on the listqualify for financial support via the Open AccessPublication Fund for researchers at Eawag and Empa. The Open Access Fundcan only be used to pay charges in journals indexed in the SCIE.

How this list was created:

For the current list we matchedthe list of SCIE 2013 indexed journals with the journallist from the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) (downloaded on July 2nd 2014). This list of 972 Open Access journals was matched against theScopusJournal List to include the SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) 2013,the Source Normalized Impactper Paper (SNIP) 2013, and a broad subjectclassification for each journal.

SNIP and SJR are bothcitation metrics that aim to measure the impact/influence of scientificjournals. Both are freely available and are calculated based on Scopus data.The SJR journal ranking are broadlysimilar to those generated byJournal Impact Factors.

Other useful resources:

Scopusincludes 2’800 gold Open Access journals. An Excelfile listing all journals indexed in Scopus is available from Scopus and OAjournals can be filtered in this list. Open Access journals indexed in Scopusare also identified in the Directory of OpenAccess scholarly Resources (ROAD).





2014-07_OA Journals indexed in SCIE.xls



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