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置顶 · 含氯挥发性有机物CVOCs催化燃烧工业化催化剂热稳定性数据公开
2024-3-8 09:52
对于实用的工业化VOCs催化剂,除了活性之外,热稳定性是该催化剂能否具有可应用性的重要指标。 EaCAT的工业化CVOCs催化剂耐高温性能数据如下(二氯甲烷为CVOCs的模拟物,高稳定性、工业应用范围广),供大家参考和交流。
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置顶 · EaCat壹埃催化剂:专注于环境催化材料的开发与应用
2024-2-16 09:48
www.EaCat.com.cn EaCat壹埃催化剂:专注于环境催化材料的 开发 与 应用 主要涉足: 广谱VOCs催化燃烧催化剂(VOCs) CVOCs催化燃烧催化剂(CVOCs) 甲烷催化燃烧催化剂(MCC) 零级空气催化剂(0Air) 非甲烷总烃催化剂(0Methane) 加氢脱氧催化剂(HDO) 碳烃脱氧催化剂(CHDO) 臭氧分解催化剂(OZ) N2O分解催化 ...
个人分类: 催化中国原创|1557 次阅读|1 个评论
酸碱催化奖(田部浩三奖)——The Tanabe Prize for Acid Base Catalysis
2007-12-2 23:12
Nominations open for The Tanabe Prize for Acid Base Catalysis The Tanabe Prize for Acid Base Catalysis is sponsored by The International Acid-Base Catalysis (ABC) Group. It is administrated by The ABC Group and will be awarded at ABC-6 and at all subsequent ABC conferences. E ...
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BASF reports advances in heavy duty diesel emission controls【旧闻回顾】
2007-12-2 19:05
BASF reports advances in heavy duty diesel emission controls By: Theodore Lowen October 11, 2007 Iselin, NJ - Encouraging research developments by BASF Catalysts scientists may lead to more efficient pollution controls for diesel e ...
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BASF diesel emissions control catalysts featured on DAF Trucks【旧闻回顾】
2007-12-2 19:04
BASF diesel emissions control catalysts featured on DAF Trucks at European Road Transport Show 2007 By: Theodore Lowen October 23, 2007 Iselin, NJ - Environmental performance is a major theme for DAF Trucks at this years European Ro ...
个人分类: 催化科技导读|3408 次阅读|没有评论
2007-11-30 11:00
中国石化炼油催化剂将迎来发展新机遇 来自http://www.petrochemtech.com.cn/ ...
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Catalyst-free Chemistry Makes Self-healing Materials More Practical
2007-11-30 10:52
Catalyst-free Chemistry Makes Self-healing Materials More Practical ScienceDaily (Nov. 27, 2007) A new catalyst-free, self-healing material system developed by researchers at the University of Illinois offers a far less expensive and far more practical way to repair comp ...
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2007-11-27 21:43
国内坐失尾气净化大市场催化剂研究亟待从基础加强 汽车尾气中含有多种致癌致突变污染物,并且排放部位在人的呼吸带内 ...
个人分类: 催化科技导读|3206 次阅读|没有评论
2007-11-27 12:07
兰州石化研究院丙烯酸催化剂获中国专利金奖 在第九届中国专利颁奖大会上,由兰州石化研究院科研人员自主研发的一种复合多金属氧化物催化剂被国家知识产权局授予专利金奖。该催化剂开创了使 ...
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Topsoe awarded 5 hydrocracking catalyst orders in 2007
2007-11-26 13:43
Topsoe awarded 5 hydrocracking catalyst orders in 2007 Topse is leading the way with respect to diesel selective in hydrocracking and was selected for the following catalyst reload orders for hydrocracking during 2007 after very nice previous cycles with Topse&rs ...
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2007-11-26 12:09
煤制乙二醇新技术研发成功 中国科学院福建物质结构研究所联合上海金煤化工新技术有限公司研发成功煤制乙二醇新技术。应用全新工艺流程和核心催化剂制备技术建设的20万t/a乙二醇 项目已在内蒙古通辽经济开发区开工,预计将于2008年底建成投产,建成后将是首个以褐煤为原料生产乙二醇的大工业装置 ...
个人分类: 催化科技导读|4993 次阅读|没有评论
2007-11-26 08:25
加氢催化剂器外预硫化技术通过鉴定 由抚研院、齐鲁分公司、上海石化以及催化剂分公司共同承 担的加氢催化剂器外预硫化技术开发及工业应用在北京通过总部技术鉴定。加氢催化剂器外预硫化技术通过载体、预硫化等工艺过程,将催化剂中的氧化态金属 转变为金属硫化合物,使催化剂硫化更充分, ...
个人分类: 催化科技导读|4498 次阅读|没有评论

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