The World of Water——水世界分享 ★上善若水—关注水问题★ 研究领域:农业水文水资源,干旱区水文水资源与生态用水



已有 6766 次阅读 2009-7-2 13:57 |个人分类:论著|系统分类:科研笔记| 土壤水, 生态用水, 农业水文学, 农业水资源利用, 论著

  • 出版专著《土壤水分动态模拟模型及其应用》(2009)、教材《水资源系统分析方法及应用》(2006)及《水资源系统优化原理与方法》(2018);在水利学报、水科学进展、农业工程学报、清华大学学报、Journal of Geophysical Research、Geophysical Research Letters、Hydrological Processes、Agricultural Water Management、Agricultural and Forest Meteorology、River Research and Applications、Pedosphere等期刊及会议上发表论文100余篇。



3. 门宝辉,尚松浩. 水资源系统优化原理与方法. 北京:科学出版社. 2018.

2. 尚松浩,毛晓敏,雷志栋,杨诗秀. 土壤水分动态模拟模型及其应用. 北京:科学出版社. 2009.

1. 尚松浩.水资源系统分析方法及应用.北京:清华大学出版社.2006.



3. 尚松浩,王少丽,邵东国. 节水灌溉的水文及生态环境效应. In: 中国科学院,国家自然科学基金委员会. 水利科学与工程. 北京:科学出版社. 2016. 124-131.

2. 倪广恒,丛振涛,尚松浩,杨汉波,杨红娟. 基于生态健康与环境友好的灌区节水改造模式. In: 冯绍元,刘钰,邵东国,倪广恒,霍再林,毛晓敏. 灌区节水改造环境效应及评价方法. 北京:科学出版社. 2012. 165-196.

1. 雷志栋,尚松浩,甄宝龙,杨诗秀,王喜喜,周海鹰. 塔里木河干流水资源的形成与消耗. In: 宋郁东,樊自立,雷志栋,张发旺. 中国塔里木河水资源与生态问题研究. 乌鲁木齐:新疆人民出版社. 2000. 37-71. 


Articles in press / under review: 

109. Jiang Li, Heyang Wan, Songhao Shang. Comparison of interpolation methods for mapping layered soil particle-size fractions and texture in an arid oasis. Under review.

108. Yeqiang Wen, Songhao Shang, Khalil Ur Rahman, Yuhong Xia, Dongyang Ren. A semi-distributed drainage model for monthly drainage water and salinity simulation in a large irrigation district in an arid region. Under review.

107. Khalil Ur Rahman, Songhao Shang, Muhammad Shahid, Yeqiang Wen, Zeeshan Khan. A novel dynamic Clustered Bayesian Model Averaging algorithm for ensemble of multi-satellite precipitation products over Pakistan with diverse topography and climate. Under review.

106. Bing Yu, Songhao Shang, Wenbin Zhu, Pierre Gentine, Yu Cheng. Estimating evapotranspiration over a large irrigation district from MODIS data: A hybrid dual-source model without ancillary air temperature observations. Under review.


105. Wen YQ; Shang SH, Rahman KU. Pre-constrained machine learning method for multi-year mapping of three major crops in a large irrigation district. Remote Sensing, 2019, 11(3): 242. doi: 10.3390/rs11030242.


104. 蒋光昱,王忠静,尚松浩,邓建伟,盛彩红. 基于观测与模拟结合的疏勒河流域辣椒灌溉制度优化. 农业工程学报,2018, 34(Z): 207-213. DOI:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.z.031

103. Khalil Ur Rahman, Songhao Shang, Muhammad Shahid, Jiang Li. Developing an ensemble precipitation algorithm for satellite products and its topographical and seasonal evaluations over Pakistan. Remote Sensing, 2018, 10(11): 1835. doi: 10.3390/rs10111835.

102. Bing Yu, Songhao Shang. Forecasting maize and sunflower yield in Hetao Irrigation District from high spatial and temporal resolution vegetation index using random forest algorithm. Sensors, 2018, 18(11): 3787. DOI: 10.3390/s18113787.

101. Jiang Li, Jian Song, Mo Li, Songhao Shang, Xiaomin Mao, Jian Yang, Adebayo J. Adeloye. Optimization of irrigation scheduling for spring wheat based on simulation-optimization model under uncertainty. Agricultural Water Management, 2018, 208: 245-260. doi: 10.1016/j.agwat.2018.06.029.

100. Songpu Shang, Songhao Shang. Simplified lake surface area method for minimum ecological water level of lakes and wetlands. Water, 2018, 10(8): 1056. doi: 10.3390/w10081056.

99. Jiang Li, Jian Song, Songhao Shang. Simulation-based optimization of irrigation scheduling for maize in arid region to increase field application efficiency. 2018 ASABE Annual International Meeting, 2018, Paper No. 1800327. doi: 10.13031/aim.201800327. 

98. Chunying Wang, Songhao Shang, Dongdong Jia, Yuping Han, Sabine Sauvage, José-Miguel Sánchez-Pérez, Kanta Kuramochi, Ryusuke Hatano. Integrated Effects of Land Use and Topography on Streamflow Response to Precipitation in an Agriculture-Forest Dominated Northern Watershed. Water, 2018, 10(5), 633. doi: 10.3390/w10050633.

97. 尚松浩. 基于水旱灾害的中国农业水安全情势评价. 华北水利水电大学学报(自然科学版), 2018, 39(1): 10-14. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1002-5634.2018.01.002


96. Jiang Li, Xiaomin Mao, Songhao Shang, Tammo S.Steenhuis. Modeling Regional Soil Water Balance in Farmland of the Middle Reaches of Heihe River Basin. Water, 2017, 9(11), 847. doi:10.3390/w9110847.

95. Wen Yeqiang, Shang Songhao, Yang Jian. Optimization of irrigation scheduling for spring wheat with mulching and limited irrigation water in an arid climate. Agricultural Water Management, 2017, 192: 33-44. doi: 10.1016/j.agwat.2017.06.023.
Yu Bing, Shang Songhao. Multi-year mapping of maize and sunflower in Hetao irrigation district of China with high spatial and temporal resolution vegetation index series. Remote Sensing, 2017, 9(8): Article No. 855. doi:10.3390/rs9080855.

93. 文冶强,杨健,尚松浩. 基于双作物系数法的干旱区覆膜农田耗水及水量平衡分析. 农业工程学报,2017,33(1): 138-147. DOI:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.01.019.


92. 于芷婧, 尚松浩. 华北轮作农田灌溉制度多目标优化模型及应用. 水利学报, 2016, 47(9): 1188-1196. DOI:10.13243/j.cnki.slxb.20151427

91. 于兵, 蒋磊, 尚松浩. 基于遥感蒸散发的河套灌区旱排作用分析. 农业工程学报, 2016, 32(18): 1-8. DOI:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.18.001.

90. 杨大文, 丛振涛, 尚松浩, 倪广恒. 从土壤水动力学到生态水文学的发展与展望. 水利学报, 2016, 47(3): 390-397. DOI: 10.13243/j.cnki.slxb.20151288.

89. Jiang L, Shang SH, Yang YT, Guan HD. Mapping interannual variability of maize cover in a large irrigation district using a vegetation index – phenological index classifier. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2016, 123: 351-361. DOI: 10.1016/j.compag.2016.03.008.


88.尚松浩, 蒋磊, 杨雨亭. 基于遥感的农业用水效率评价方法研究进展. 农业机械学报, 2015, 46(10): 81-92. doi: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2015.10.013.

     87. Shang SH. A general multi-objective programming model for minimum ecological flow or water level of inland water bodies. Journal of Arid Land, 2015, 7(2): 166-176. doi: 10.1007/s40333-014-0077-6.

    86. Shang SH. Temporal disaggregation of time series based on accumulated and inverse accumulated generating operations and interpolation method. Grey Systems: Theory and Application, 2015, 5(1): 54-61. doi: 10.1108/GS-11-2014-0041 (尚松浩. 基于累加、累减算子及插值方法的时间序列解集方法. 25届全国灰色系统学术会议论文集,2014, 28-31.)


85. 毛晓敏,尚松浩. 作物非充分灌溉制度优化的0-1规划模型及其应用. 农业机械学报2014, 45(10): 154-158+123. doi: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2014.10.024

84. Shang SH, Mao XM. A two-parameter exponential recession model for simulating cropland soil moisture dynamics. Chinese Geographical Science, 2014, 24(5): 575–586. doi: 10.1007/s11769-014-0676-3.

83. Yang YT,  Guan H, Shang SH,  Long D, Simmons CT. Towards the use of MODIS ET product to estimate terrestrial  GPP for non-forest ecosystems. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2014, 11(9): 1624-1628. doi: 10.1109/LGRS.2014.2302796.

82. 蒋磊,尚松浩. 植被指数动态变化的拟合曲线比较. 灌溉排水学报, 2014, 33(4-5): 382-384+403.


81. Yang YT, Scott R, Shang SH. Modeling evapotranspiration and its partitioning over a semiarid shrub ecosystem from satellite imagery: a multiple validation. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 2013, 7(1): 071599(1-12), doi: 10.1117/1.JRS.7.073495.

80. 蒋磊,杨雨亭,尚松浩. 基于遥感蒸发的干旱区灌区灌溉效率评价. 农业工程学报2013, 29(20): 95-101.  <Download>

79. Shang SH. Downscaling crop water sensitivity index of growing stages using monotone piecewise cubic interpolation. Pedosphere, 2013, 23(5): 662-667. doi: 10.1016/S1002-0160(13)60058-2

78. Yang YT, Guan H,  Hutson JL,  Wang Hailong,  Ewenz C,  Shang SH, Simmons CT. Examination and parameterization of the root water uptake model from stem water potential and sap flow measurements. Hydrological Processes, 2013, 27(20): 2857–2863. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.9406.

77. Yang YT,  Long D, Shang SH. Remote Estimation of Terrestrial Evapotranspiration without Using Meteorological Data. Geophysical Research Letters, 2013, 40(12): 3026-3030. DOI: 10.1002/grl.50450

76. Yang YT,  Shang SH, Guan H, Jiang L. A novel algorithm to assess gross primary production for North American ecosystems from MODIS imagery. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences, 2013, 118(2): 590–605. DOI: 10.1002/jgrg.20056

75. Shang SH. Lake surface area method to define minimum ecological lake level from lake level – area – storage curves. Journal of Arid Land, 2013, 5(2): 133-142. DOI: 10.1007/s40333-013-0153-3

74. 蒋磊,尚松浩,毛晓敏. 地下水位对干旱区河谷林耗水影响的模拟分析. 清华大学学报(自然科学版),2013, 53(5): 601-605, 612.

73. Shang SH. Log-cubic method for generation of soil particle size distribution curve. The Scientific World Journal, 2013, 2013(Article ID 579460): 1-7. DOI: 10.1155/2013/579460

72. Shang SH, Wang HJ. Impact assessment of water diversion projects on ecological water uses in arid regions. Water Science and Engineering, 2013, 6(2):119-130

71. Yang YT, Shang SH. A Hybrid Dual Source Scheme and Trapezoid Framework Based Evapotranspiration Model (HTEM) Using Satellite Images: Algorithm and Model Test. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2013, 118(5): 2284-2300. DOI: 10.1002/jgrd.50259


70.  杨雨亭,尚松浩. 双源蒸散发模型估算潜在蒸散发量的对比 . 农业工程学报, 2012, 28(24): 8591

69. Shang SH. Calculating actual crop evapotranspiration under soil water stress conditions with appropriate numerical methods and time step. Hydrological Processes, 2012, 26(22): 3338–3343. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.8405.

68. Yang YT, Shang SH, Guan H. Development of a soil-plant-atmosphere continuum model (HDS-SPAC) based on hybrid dual-source approach and its verification in wheat field. Science China Technological Sciences, 2012, 55(10): 2671–2685. DOI: 10.1007/s11431-012-4974-7

67. Yang YT, Shang SH, Jiang L. Remote sensing temporal and spatial patterns of evapotranspiration and the responses to water management in a large irrigation district of North China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2012, 164: 112-122. doi: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2012.05.011.

66. Shang SH. Temporal downscaling of crop coefficient and crop water requirement from growing stage to substage scales. The Scientific World Journal, 2012, 2012(Article ID 105487): 1-6. doi:10.1100/2012/105487

65. 卜囡,尚松浩,毛晓敏,冀蒙蒙. 层状土入渗中指流发育的分形特征及入渗规律. 水动力学研究与进展, 2012, 27(2): 183-190

64. Liu Y, Shang SH, Mao XM. Tidal effects on groundwater dynamics in coastal aquifer under different beach slopes. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2012,24(1): 97–106. doi:10.1016/S1001-6058(11)60223-0.


63. 叶睿,尚松浩,陈根发,秦大庸. 内陆干旱区河谷林生态需水研究. 中国水利水电科学研究院学报, 2011, 9(4): 298-303

62. 尚松浩. 确定河流生态流量的几种湿周法的比较. 水利水电科技进展, 2011, 31(4): 41–44

61. 王春颖,尚松浩,毛晓敏,J. K. Yamamoto. 区域地下水位的整体-局部组合插值方法. 农业工程学报, 2011, 27(8): 63&shy;–68

60. Shang SH, Mao XM. A physicoempirical model for soil water simulation in crop root zone. Pedosphere, 2011, 21(4): 512–521. doi:10.1016/S1002-0160(11)60153-7     < Download>


59. 毛晓敏,尚松浩. 基于数据包络分析的统计预测模型有效性评价. 水科学进展, 2010, 21(5): 690–695.

58. Shang SH, Mao XM. Determination of minimum flood stage and flow for the regeneration of floodplain forest from inundated forest width-stage curve. Water Science and Engineering, 2010, 3(3): 257–268.

57. 尚松浩,毛晓敏. 潜水蒸发研究进展. 水利水电科技进展, 2010, 30(4): 85–89.

56. Shang SH, Wei YL. Modeling Winter Wheat Response to Water in North China with Feed-forward Neural Networks. 2010 Sixth International Conference on Natural Computation, 2010, 4: 1737–1740.

55. 尚松浩. 利用温度资料估算参考作物腾发量的通用Hargreaves公式. 现代节水高效农业与生态灌区建设. 昆明:云南大学出版社, 2010, 上卷: 86–91.

54. 毛晓敏,尚松浩. 计算层状土稳定入渗率的饱和层最小通量法. 水利学报, 2010, 41(7): 810–817.

53. 杨雨亭,尚松浩,李超. 土壤水分空间插值的克里金平滑效应修正方法. 水科学进展, 2010, 21(2): 208–213.

52. 王慧,毛晓敏,尚松浩,董锋 . 五元联系数在黄河健康评价中的应用. 水资源与水工程学报, 2010, 21(1): 1–4.


51. 储蓓,尚松浩. 河谷林草需水量与耗水量计算方法及其应用. 中国水利学会水资源专业委员会,中国水利水电科学研究院,大连理工大学. 变化环境下的水资源响应与可持续利用——中国水利学会水资源专业委员会2009学术年会论文集. 大连理工大学出版社, 2009, 479–484.

50. Li C, Shang SH, Yi F, Sun CW. Uncertainty Analysis of Sample Semivariogram for Soil Water Data and its Application. 四川大学学报(工程科学版), 2009, 41(S2): 84–91.  <Download>

49. 吕华芳,尚松浩. 土壤水分特征曲线测定实验的设计与实践. 实验技术与管理, 2009, 26(7): 44–45, 94.

48. Shang SH, Mao XM. Data Envelopment Analysis on Efficiency Evaluation of Irrigation-Fertilization Schemes for Winter Wheat in North China. In: Li D., Zhao C. (eds.). Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture II, Volume 1. Boston: Springer, 2009, 39–48.


47. 郝增超,尚松浩. 基于栖息地模拟的河道生态需水量多目标评价方法及其应用. 水利学报, 2008, 39(5): 557561.

46. 尚松浩,孙丽艳,郝增超. 互补相关原理在绿洲月蒸发量估算中的应用. 水文, 2008, 28(3): 6769.

45. Shang SH. A multiple criteria decision-making approach to estimate minimum environmental flows based on wetted perimeter. River Research and Applications, 2008, 24(1): 5467.


44. 霍军军, 尚松浩. 基于模拟技术及遗传算法的作物灌溉制度优化方法. 农业工程学报, 2007, 23(4): 2328.


43. ShangSH, Mao XM. Application of a simulation based optimization model for winter wheat irrigation scheduling in North China. Agricultural Water Management, 2006, 85(3): 314322.

41. 胡庆芳,尚松浩,温守光,孟宝泉.基于投影寻踪的径向基函数网络预测参考作物腾发量.水利学报,200637(9): 11511154.

41. 邵惠芳,尚松浩.非平稳区域化变量克立格插值方法的比较.水利水电科技进展,200626(4): 2123.

40. 胡庆芳,尚松浩,田俊武,孟宝泉.FAO56计算水分胁迫系数的方法在田间水量平衡分析中的应用.农业工程学报,200622(5): 4043.

39. 孙丽艳,尚松浩,霍军军.塔里木河源流径流量集成预报模型.水文,200626(2): 3437.

38. 尚松浩. 灌溉水资源优化配置中几个基本问题的探讨. 中国节水农业发展战略研究与实践——中国节水农业科技发展论坛论文集. 中国农业科学技术出版社, 2006, 162165.

37. 胡庆芳, 尚松浩,温守光,孟宝泉.潇河冬小麦水肥生产函数偏最小二乘回归建模及分析.节水灌溉,2006(1): 14,8.


36. 尚松浩胡庆芳,雷志栋,杨诗秀.新疆典型河谷林草生态用水实例分析.程国栋,雷志栋,Bengtsson L. (eds.) Proceedings of the International Symposium on Sustainable Water Resources management and Oasis-hydrosphere-desert Interaction in Arid Regions(干旱内陆河区水资源可持续利用和植被-水文-沙漠的相互作用国际学术研讨会论文集). 清华大学出版社,2005452456.

35. 田俊武,尚松浩,孙丽艳,温守光.山西潇河灌区参考作物腾发量和降水的随机特性.农业工程学报,200521(10): 2630.

34. 尚松浩作物非充分灌溉制度的模拟-优化方法.清华大学学报,200545(9): 11791183.


33. 雷志栋黄聿刚,杨诗秀,尚松浩.渭干河平原绿洲耗水过程及特点.清华大学学报,200444(12): 16641667.

32. 尚松浩土壤水分模拟与墒情预报模型研究进展.沈阳农业大学学报,200435(5): 455458.

31. 陈果,尚松浩,雷志栋.类比合成方法在干旱区内陆河径流量预报中的应用.干旱区地理,200427(3): 287292.

30. Shang SH, Li XC , Mao XM, Lei ZDSimulation of water dynamics and irrigation scheduling for winter wheat and maize in seasonal frost areasAgricultural Water Management200468(2): 117133.


29. 李熙春,尚松浩.华北冬小麦-夏玉米农田水分动态模拟研究.灌溉排水学报,200322(5): 1016.

28. ShangSH, Wei YL, Zhou ZW. Modeling crop yield response to water and nitrogen with artificial neural networks based on genetic algorithmsIn: Kang S., etal. (eds) Water-Saving Agriculture and Sustainable Use of Water and Land Resources. Shaanxi Science and Technology Press, 2003, 1: 288292.

27. 雷志栋甄宝龙,尚松浩,杨诗秀,丛振涛等.塔里木河干流水资源的形成及其利用问题.中国科学E辑,200333(5): 473480.

26. 周智伟,尚松浩,雷志栋.冬小麦水肥生产函数的Jensen模型和人工神经网络模型及其应用.水科学进展,200314(3): 280284.

25. 雷志栋,杨诗秀,王忠静,尚松浩.内陆干旱平原区水资源利用与土地荒漠化.水利水电技术,200334(1): 3640.


24. Mao XM, Shang SH,  Liu XGroundwater Table Prediction Using Artificial Neural Network. Tsinghua Science & Technology20027(6): 574579.

23. 尚松浩,毛晓敏,雷志栋,杨诗秀.冬小麦田间墒情预报的BP神经网络模型.水利学报,2002(4): 6063.


22. 尚松浩,毛晓敏.基于BP神经网络的土壤冻结温度及未冻水含量预测模型.冰川冻土,200123(4): 414418.

21. Lei ZD, Zhen BL, Shang SH, Yang SX, Cong ZT, Zhang FW, Mao XH, Zhou HYFormation and utilization of water resources of Tarim RiverScience in China (Series E)200144(6): 615624.

20. 毛晓敏,尚松浩,雷志栋,杨诗秀.利用SPAC模型对冬小麦蒸散发的研究.水利学报,2001(8): 711.

19. 雷志栋,杨诗秀,胡和平,尚松浩等.区域水资源平衡分析.水利规划设计,2001(3): 1115.

18. 雷志栋,杨诗秀,胡和平,尚松浩等.四水转化、水资源与水土资源平衡.水利规划设计,2001(2): 2829.


17. 尚松浩,雷志栋,杨诗秀.冬小麦田间墒情预报的经验模型.农业工程学报,200016(5): 3133.


16. 尚松浩,雷志栋,杨诗秀,王  义,赵冬梅.冻融期地下水位变化情况下土壤水分运动的初步研究.农业工程学报,199915(2): 6468.

15. 雷志栋,尚松浩,杨诗秀,王  义,赵冬梅.土壤冻结过程中潜水蒸发规律的模拟研究.水利学报,1999(6): 610.

14. 胡和平,尚松浩,雷志栋,杨诗秀.论抵御’98洪水与洪水风险管理.水利水电技术,199920(5): 35.

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