
get a job——Harvard SEAS Professional Development Seminar Series-11
郭战胜 2009-12-18 02:41
就业无论在哪里都是一件很重要的事,如何找到自己满意的工作,可能比读研究生本身更重要。 看看哈佛大学的这两位教授Dan Needleman and David Parkes讲述如何在学术界找到工作。这也是冬季学期的最后一讲。 Succeeding in the academic job search. Dan and David will talk about their experience both in applyi ...
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热度 1 郭战胜 2009-12-17 21:38
前段时间收到JCM (Journal of Composite Materials)主编的邮件,评审稿件。由于几乎每年都能收到几篇该期刊的审稿,所以也就很痛快的答应了。但这次审稿却搞得人很不爽,我和另外一位审稿人都认真负责的提出了修改建议,也都建议修改后接受。我同时也接受审阅修改稿的要求,前几天收到再审通知,下载下来看了,不仔细看还 ...
个人分类: 科研笔记|5069 次阅读|4 个评论 热度 1
Harvard SEAS Professional Development Seminar Series-9、10
郭战胜 2009-12-10 05:32
Media relations and promotion Michael and Steve are in charge of communications at SEAS, and will talk about how to best promote your research and deal with the press 这两位讲述了科学新闻的发布问题。让人感到不舒服的是讲述了seas一位教授和国内知名大学教授研究认为中国风能可以满足中国能源需要的 ...
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Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody
郭战胜 2009-11-13 07:18
A team of whatever had four members called Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody. There was an important job to be done. Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybodys jo ...
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Harvard SEAS Professional Development Seminar Series-7、8
郭战胜 2009-11-7 20:57
第七讲 Committees, Deanships, Administration Harry will lead a discussion about the non-teaching and non-research parts of academic life: being asked to be on committees, being a dean or department chair, writing books, and how one can manage to say no occassionally. Harry Lewis ...
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Harvard SEAS Professional Development Seminar Series-6
郭战胜 2009-10-29 23:25
题记:研究生如何选导师,导师如何选学生,以及研究生与导师之间的关系历来是讨论的热点,科学网上也有了相应的专题。 上周四的工程与应用科学学院的职业发展系列seminar讲述了同样的问题,这是一个老问题了,仁者见仁,智者见智,贴到这里,供大家参考。 据Stephen自己讲,他来哈佛工作刚几个月。 The Car ...
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Harvard SEAS Professional Development Seminar Series-5
郭战胜 2009-10-16 08:22
题记:很多读研究生的学术学生,可能一大部分会到工业企业的研发机构工作。请企业的人来讲讲企业的研究或者生产对研究生今后的就业也许会有一些帮助。 2009.10.15 Life in industry Jim will talk about what jobs outside academia are like, and how to go about getting one. Jim教授的主页 http ...
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Harvard SEAS Professional Development Seminar Series-4
郭战胜 2009-10-14 21:12
Special session 研究生奖学金主要针对二年级的博士研究生,奖金是10万美金。 Applying for graduate fellowships (and winning): A discussion panel of NSF and NDSEG winners from SEAS We will give a short presentation of the fellowships and resources available to you and a few major tips, and th ...
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Harvard SEAS Professional Development Seminar Series-3
郭战胜 2009-10-13 23:22
第三讲 研究生自己讲述家庭与学业的关系 2009-10-8 Having a family while in graduate school. How to cope when you get to the point of having a family, and how to prepare in the meantime 讲座pdf
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Harvard SEAS Professional Development Seminar Series-2
郭战胜 2009-10-13 23:14
第二讲 2009年10月1号 Professor Morrisett will talk about the 'Top 10 things I did right or wrong in grad school' Greg教授主页 http://www.eecs.harvard.edu/~greg/ 讲座ppt
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