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已有 6913 次阅读 2009-5-3 13:56 |个人分类:大学化学|系统分类:科研笔记| 缩写, 化学名称

        AAA - Amino acid analysis – 氨基酸分析
  AAS - Atomic absorption spectrometry – 原子吸收光谱
  AED - Atomic emission detection – 原子发射检测
  AES - Atomic emission spectrometry – 原子发射光谱
  AFD - Alkali flame detection – 碱火焰检测
  API - Atmospheric-pressure ionization – 常压电离
  AX/HPLC - Anion-exchange HPLC – 离子交换HPLC
  CC - Open (low pressure) column chromatography – 开口(低压)柱色谱法
  CD - Conductivity detection – 电导检测
  CEC - Capillary Electrochromatography – 毛细管电色谱法
  CF-FAB - Continuous flow FAB – 持流FAB
  CGC - Capillary column gas chromatography – 毛细管柱气相色谱法
  CI/MS - Chemical ionization MS – 化学电离MS
  CIA - Capillary ion analysis – 毛细管离子分析
  CLD - Chemiluminescence detection – 化学发光检测
  CLSE - Column liquid-solid extraction – 液固柱萃取
  13C-NMR - Carbon-13 NMR – 碳13NMR
  CSFC - Capillary supercritical-fluid chromatography – 毛细管超临界流体色谱法
  CV - Cyclic voltammetry – 循环伏安法
  CX/HPLC - Cation-exchange HPLC – 阳离子交换HPLC
  CZE - Capillary zone electrophoresis – 毛细管区域电泳
  EC - Electron capture detection – 电子捕获检测
  ECD - Electrochemical detection – 电化学检测
  EI/MS - Electron-impact MS – 电子碰撞MS
  EIA - Enzyme immunoassay – 酶免疫测定
  ELISA - Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay – 酶联免疫吸附测定
  EMIT - Enzyme-multiplied immunoassay technique – 酶多联免疫测定技术
  EPR - Electron paramagnetic resonance – 电子顺磁共振
  FAB/MS - Fast-atom-bombardment MS – 快速原子轰击MS
  FD - Fluorescence detection – 荧光检测
  FIA - Flow injection analysis – 流动注射分析
  FID - Flame ionization detection – 火焰离子化检测
  FPD - Flame photometric detection – 火焰光度检测
  FPIA - Fluorescence polarization immunoassay – 荧光偏振免疫测定
  FTD - Flame thermionic detection (alkali flame ionization ) – 火焰热离子检测(碱火焰离子化)
  GC - Gas chromatography – 气相色谱法
  GC/MS - GC/mass spectrometry – GC/MS
  GFC - Gel filtration chromatography – 凝胶过滤色谱法
  GPC - Gel permeation chromatography – 凝胶渗透色谱法
  HallECD - Hall electrolytic conductivity detection – 霍尔电解质电导率检测
  HPLC - High performance liquid chromatography – 高效液相色谱法
  μHPLC - Microcolumn HPLC – 微径柱HPLC
  HPTLC - High performance TLC – 高效TLC
  HRGC - High resolution GC – 高分辨GC
  IE/HPLC - Ion-exchange HPLC – 离子交换HPLC
  IEC - Ion-exchange (low pressure) chromatography – 离子交换(低压)色谱法
  IEF - Isoelectric focusing – 等电点聚焦
  ILC - Ion liquid chromatography – 离子液相色谱法
  IMS - Ion mobility spectrometer – 离子淌度光谱仪
  IR - Infrared spectrometry – 红外光谱法
  LC - Liquid chromatography – 液相色谱法
  μLC - Microcolumn LC – 微径柱LC
  LC/MS - Coupled HPLC- mass spectrometry – LC/MS联用
  LIFD - Laser-induced fluorescence detection – 激光诱导荧光检测
  LLE - Liquid-liquid extraction – 液液萃取
  LSC - Liquid scintillation counting – 液滴闪烁计数
  LSE - Liquid-solid extraction – 液固萃取
  MD - Mass detection – 质量检测
  MECC - Micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography – 胶束电动毛细管色谱法
  MSD - Mass selective detection – 质量选择检测
  NICI/MS - Negative-ion CI/MS – 负离子CI/MS
  NMR - Nuclear magnetic resonance – 核磁共振
  NP/HPLC - Normal-phase HPLC – 正相HPLC
  NPD - Nitrogen phosphorous detection – 氮磷检测
  PAD - Pulsed-amperometric detection – 脉冲电流检测
  PAGE - Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis – 聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳
  PCR - Post-column reaction (on-line) – 后柱反应(在线)
  PDA - Photodiode array – 二极管阵列
  PI/HPLC - Paired-ion HPLC – 离子对上HPLC
  PICI/MS - Positive-ion CI/MS – 正离子CI/MS
  1H-NMR - Proton NMR – 质子NMR
  PSFID - Phosphorus sulfur flame ionization detection – 磷硫火焰离子化检测
  PTLC - Preparative TLC – 制备TLC
  RD - Radioactivity detection – 放射性检测
  RI - Refractive index detection – 示差折光检测
  RIA – Radioimmunoassay – 放射免疫测定
  RP/HPLC - Reversed-phase HPLC – 反相HPLC
  RRA - Radioreceptor assay – 放射受体测定
  SAX - Strong anion exchange – 强阴离子交换
  SCX - Strong cation exchange – 强阳离子交换
  SDS-PAGE - Sodium dodecyl sulfate PAGE – 十二烷基磺酸钠PAGE
  SEC - Size exclusion chromatography – 尺寸排阻色谱法
  SFC - Supercritical-fluid chromatography – 超临界流体色谱法
  SID - Surface ionization detection – 表面离子化检测
  SIM - Selective ion monitoring – 选择性离子监测
  SPE - Solid phase extraction – 固相萃取
  TCA - Total carbon analysis – 总碳分析
  TCD - Thermal conductivity detection – 热导检测
  2-D TLC - Two-dimensional TLC – 二维TLC
  TEA - Thermal energy analyzer – 热能分析仪
  TLC - Thin layer chromatography – 薄层色谱法
  TSMS - Mass spectrometric detection with thermospray interface – 带热喷雾接口的质谱检测
  UV/VIS - Ultraviolet/visible detection – 紫外/可见光检测
  WAX - Weak anion exchange – 弱阴离子交换
  WCX - Weak cation exchange – 弱阳离子交换


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