
Saturn\'s moon (土星的卫星)
夏力钢 2023-10-11 09:34
Last night, I observed Saturn with my telescope. However, it is cloudy and I had to quit the photography soon. Here are a couple of photos. Cassini's division is hardly visible. Interestingly, a moon is visible after increasing the exposure! It is right above Saturn. Can you ...
个人分类: 物理妙趣|1192 次阅读|没有评论
夏力钢 2023-9-4 14:47
In the first place, let me share two plots. This is Saturn. It is just beautiful. I used my cellphone to take a vedio and stacked hundred of frames to make this plot. A vedio is available on bilibili (see 土星手机实拍 ). This is Sun and you can see the sunspots. I took it ...
个人分类: 物理妙趣|1601 次阅读|没有评论
Nature cannot pee while sneezing?
夏力钢 2021-11-12 17:36
At around 5pm, while going to release myself, I sneezed and the pee stopped immediately. This reminds me of momentum conservation. You know both sneeze and pee will make you lose some momentum in the same direction because our nose and urinary system work in the same direction. Th ...
个人分类: 物理妙趣|2075 次阅读|没有评论
Can Higgs explain Leption Universality Violation in B->Kll ?
夏力钢 2021-3-25 10:11
A few days ago, the LHCb collaboration reported an evidence for Lepton Universality Violation (LUV) in the beauty-quark decays B - K l + l - where l represents muon or electron. They measured the ratio of muon to electron to be (more details see their paper ) This ratio i ...
个人分类: 物理妙趣|2182 次阅读|没有评论
First observation of Mercury 第一次看到水星
热度 1 夏力钢 2020-11-13 10:42
11th Nov. is said to be the last and best day in 2020 to observe Mercury. Because the angular distance between Sun and Mercury is the greatest on this day. I set a reminder at 5:00 am and got up on time. It was very cold in early morning. What's worse. The school gate was lock ...
个人分类: 物理妙趣|2992 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1
夏力钢 2020-8-15 10:41
昨天晚上设了闹钟,凌晨02:30,因为这个时候金星才从东方升起。 凌晨2点半,闹钟准时响起,脑袋还有点不清醒。拿起眼镜和手机,迅速跑上天台。唿,凉爽!瞬间清醒。 金星如约而至,比我想象中小,就在月亮下方。周围有御夫座,双子座,猎户座,白羊座和金牛座。下面的图片都是我用手机拍出来的,也有Star Wa ...
个人分类: 物理妙趣|4965 次阅读|没有评论
热度 1 夏力钢 2020-8-14 00:48
这几天晚上我用渣手机拍了天鹅座,天马座和天龙座。可以比较一下star walk和实拍的效果。辨认星座还不是一件特别容易的事,特别是对我这样视力不好的人来说。不过,举着头,看看星空,认认星座,拯救一下颈椎还是不错的(Lucky不妨每天看上半小时,有条件的话)。 另外,仙后座,仙女 座和英仙座的实拍见 此博文 。 ...
个人分类: 物理妙趣|9285 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
热度 1 夏力钢 2020-8-13 16:37
昨天晚上没有下雨,从晚上九点开始,我就呆在屋顶上守候流星雨的来临。但是云层很厚,一点也看不到。但是是英仙座随着时间的推移,会慢慢上升,有希望高过云层。这是有代价的,因为月亮大概0点上升,它的光芒会严重妨碍观察流星。 周围是市井的喧嚣,还有时不时闯入的汽车的灯光,加上厚厚的云层刚好挡住了英仙 ...
个人分类: 物理妙趣|2521 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1
夏力钢 2020-8-11 10:51
8月初的时候,我无意中知道,这个月的农历14的月亮是最圆的,而且一个世纪内只有6次“十五的月亮十四圆”。也就是说,下一次要等17年才能如此大的月亮。 十四那天晚上等到十一二点,我用手机拍到了圆月,可惜太亮了,看不到月亮的细节。当时也不懂摄影,从网上搜了搜,就掌握了一些技巧,如调小光圈和曝光时间。十 ...
个人分类: 物理妙趣|2509 次阅读|没有评论
夏力钢 2020-8-10 09:52
昨天晚上天气不好,多云,闪电,要下雨。 晚上10点半看了一下天空,完全看不到月。 晚上11点半看到月亮了,被云层挡住了。而且有风,云层不断移动。偶尔可以看到火星。月亮很亮,火星也很亮,能肉眼观察。 渣手机拍了几张,效果还不错。
个人分类: 物理妙趣|2260 次阅读|没有评论

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