


已有 2281 次阅读 2018-11-23 20:57 |系统分类:科研笔记


[1] Nardi, E., Ryve, A., Stadler, E., & Viirman, O. (2014). Commognitive analyses of the learning and teaching of mathematics at university level: the case of discursive shifts in the study of Calculus. Research in Mathematics Education, 16(2), 182-198.

慧,E.,ryve,A.,Stadler,E.,& viirman,O(2014年)。commognitive分析《大学数学学习与教学:以大学水平的情况discursive shifts结石的研究。在数学教育研究,16(2),182 198。



In this paper we outline the main tenets of the commognitive approach and we exemplify its application in studies that investigate the learning and teaching of mathematics at university level. Following an overview of such applications, we focus on three studies that explore fundamental discursive shifts often occurring in the early stages of studying Calculus. These shifts concern the lecturers' and students' communicative practices, routines of constructing mathematical objects and ways of resolving commognitive conflicts. We then propose that commognitive constructs such as subjectification can be deployed towards ‘scaling-up’ the hitherto fine-grained focus of commognitive analyses. Finally, we conclude with observing how the commognitive approach relates to constructs from other sociocultural approaches to research in university mathematics education, such as “legitimate peripheral participation” from the theory of Communities of Practice and “didactic contract” from the Theory of Didactic Situations.


Keywords: university mathematics education, discourse, commognitive conflict, Calculus, functions


[2] Viirman, O. (2015). Explanation, motivation and question posing routines in university mathematics teachers' pedagogical discourse: a commognitive analysis. International journal of mathematical education in science and technology, 46(8), 1165-1181.




This paper investigates the teaching practices used by university mathematics teachers when lecturing, a topic within university mathematics education research which is gaining an increasing interest. In the study, a view of mathematics teaching as a discursive practice is taken, and Sfard's commognitive framework is used to investigate the teaching practices of seven Swedish university mathematics teachers on the topic of functions. The present paper looks at the discourse of mathematics teaching, presenting a categorization of the didactical routines into three categories – explanation, motivation and question posing routines. All of these are present in the discourses of all seven teachers, but within these general categories, a number of different sub-categories of routines are found, used in different ways and to different extent by the various teachers. The explanation routines include known mathematical facts, summary and repetition, different representations, everyday language, and concretization and metaphor; the motivation routines include reference to utility, the nature of mathematics, humour and result focus; and the question posing routines include control questions, asking for facts, enquiries and rhetorical questions. This categorization of question posing routines, for instance, complements those already found in the literature. In addition to providing a valuable insight into the teaching of functions at the university level, the categorizations presented in the study can also be useful for investigating the teaching of other mathematical topics.


Keywords: mathematics, university education, commognitive framework, function, discourse, teaching


[3] Heyd-Metzuyanim, E., & Graven, M. (2016). Between people-pleasing and mathematizing: South African learners’ struggle for numeracy. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 91(3), 349-373.

Heyd Metzuyanim,E,和GraveN,M.(2016)。在讨人喜欢的和数学化之间:南非学习者在算术上的斗争。数学教育研究,91(3),第34至第37页。



The reported research attempts to trace possible reasons for third grade learners’ limited progress in numeracy in a low socioeconomic status (SES) South African context. This is done through two lenses, both stemming from Sfard’s commognitive (The term “commognition” has been offered by Sfard (2008) as an amalgam of “cognition” and “communication,” thus expressing the unity of these concepts. Since its original appearance, some authors (including Sfard herself) have preferred using the word “communicational” to describe Sfard’s framework. We chose to stick with “commognitive” because we believe it clearly points to the specific theoretical stance presented in Sfard (2008), whereas “communicational” might point to many other theories or frameworks that have something to do with human communication.) framework. One lens aims to analyze two learners’ (Mina and Ronaldo (all names are pseudonyms)) mathematical and identity discourse both in one-on-one interviews and in a small group “math club” lesson led by the second author. The other examines the mathematical milieu in which these learners have participated through the analysis of a school mathematics lesson which exemplifies prevalent instructional practices in this milieu. Relying on the distinction between ritual and explorative participation, we show that while Mina was acting in an extremely ritualized manner, Ronaldo was more explorative in his actions. However, the milieu, as seen in the school lesson, encouraged almost exclusively ritual participation. Thus, while Mina was identified as a good student, Ronaldo was identified as an outcast or “troublemaker.” We conclude by drawing implications to the tenacious nature of rituals in the mathematics classroom and the effects that these rituals may have on students’ identities.




Commognition; Ritual learning; Explorative learning; Identity Discourse; Struggling students ;Mathematical milieu; Learning difficulties


Chia, Su Ngin


Examining a teacher's use of multiple representations and noticing in theteaching of percentage : a commognitive perspectiveInstitute


Thesis (M.Ed.) National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University


Year2017 Supervisor(s) Choy, Ban Heng



The use of multiple representations is prevalent in mathematics teaching. However, many studies suggest that using multiple representations would not automatically lead tomathematics teaching and learning. Teachers’ lack of awareness of the transitions amongthe different representations is one of the common factors which affect teachers’ use of multiple representations. Percentage, an important but challenging topic for primary school pupils, presents opportunities for teachers to use multiple representations and to deliberate on the use of mathematical language to support pupils’ learning.


However, notmany studies have explored the use of multiple representations in the teaching of thepercentage topic. Using an exploratory qualitative case study, this study explores how ateacher, Mrs Hannah, used multiple representations in the teaching of percentage inSingapore through the lens of commognition and teacher noticing.


More specifically, this study introduces and demonstrates how the use of a mediationflowchart and a theoretical model created from a FOCUS framework can be used to studyteachers’ use of multiple representations in the teaching of percentage. Hence, using thelens of commognition and teacher noticing, Mrs Hannah’s use of multiple representationswere analysed to shed light on the interplay among representations in the teaching ofpercentage.The participants of the study include the researcher, the teacher participant, Mrs Hannah,and her class of seven Primary 5 pupils. A total of six lessons were recorded using aSwivl® robot. After a process of data condensation and data analysis, an episode whichreflected Mrs Hannah’s rich use of multiple representations was presented in this dissertation as a case study. The episode was divided into three segments, which will beanalysed and presented through the lens of commognitive framework and teacher noticing. A mediation flowchart was created to analyse Mrs Hannah’s use of representations froma commognitive perspective in each segment. Using the four characteristics ofmathematics discourse (keywords, visual mediators, narratives and routines), the studydiscovered that the fluent transition among multiple representations depends on a fewfactors.


Firstly, use of keywords and gestures can mediate representations together, thusimproving representational fluency. Next, the use of an elaborated realising procedureduring the creation of signifiers-realisation pairs in a discourse and the types of routinesused also improves representational fluency. The study suggests that the interplay of thedifferent characteristics of a discourse also affects representational fluency.


Next, a theoretical model created from FOCUS framework was also used to analyse MrsHannah’s use of multiple representations in each of the three segments. The FOCUS framework highlights two important characteristics of productive noticing which includesexplicit focus of noticing (What to notice) and focusing noticing of pedagogy reasoning(How to notice). With reference to Mrs Hannah’s explicit focus which includes theidentification of the concepts that pupils have to learn (Key point), how she made senseof pupils’ difficulties in learning of the concepts (Difficult point) and how she had decidedto respond to pupils’ difficulties (Critical point), and focusing noticing throughjustification of her teaching actions, this study demonstrates how a teacher’s noticing onthe use of multiple representations in the teaching of percentage may be productive andnon-productive.



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