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一项发现获批国家自然科学基金 精选

已有 29392 次阅读 2011-7-31 15:28 |个人分类:大学教育|系统分类:科研笔记| 教学, 物理, 基金







在几何面上如何定义梯度算符? 微分几何对这个问题有标准答案,不赘。


物理处理真实的问题,而现实中不存在没有厚度的几何面。问题是,这个厚度和体系运动的线度相比可以忽略时,是否就可以当成几何面?  就问题本身看,必须回到几何面。但是,物理问题要复杂一些,例如还要问回到几何面的“速度”和“加速度”如何?







2007年,孙昌璞老师在高科技中心组织了一次会议,我报告了我们的发现。当时,得到了与会者徐湛老师的激赏。徐老师的激赏令我困惑:他是如何立即明白我在说什么? 这不是一个简单易懂的问题,仅仅是局限在球面,就必须用到微分几何和动力学群的一些知识,参看附件中一个Physical Review审稿人的评价。










单磊: 角动量量子数的升降算符。美国XX大学物理系研究生。

焦倩倩:三种笛卡尔动量比较研究。 美国XX大学物理系研究生。




Phys. Rev. A 84, 042101 (2011)  Geometric momentum: The proper momentum for a free particle on a two-dimensional sphere 


Report of the First Referee


The authors discuss a very interesting subject, in fact one which has been unresolved for several decades, namely the issue of properly defining quantum mechanics on a surface in real three dimensional Euclidean space. The paper at hand provides an interesting way to resolve this issue. The technical side of the issue of deducing the correct quantum theory on a surface is related to the value of two constants appearing in the theory. Previous works in the field have not agreed on their values. The present work provides such values. This is made possible by imposing the fundamental commutator between coordinates and the Hamiltonian......this commutator has not been imposed on previous work. The reason is probably that imposing this commutator only makes any headway provided that the Hamiltonian is determined, something which the authors manages to do by utilizing ideas from the group quantization approach which identifies the Hamiltonian with one of the Casimir operators of the algebra. This is the key point of the paper in the mind of this referee. I've not seen this line of thinking in the previous literature on the subject. However, this point is not focused on in neither the abstract nor the introduction but appears from " nowhere" deep inside the paper.


The paper refers to one previous paper of author 1, their ref.(20). In that paper the authors discuss a particular form of the geometric momentum in which it is written in terms of the mean curvature. This form of the momentum is very interesting and suggestive in that it directly includes the curvature of the surface and in so doing makes a good starting point to explore the connection between the approach in the present paper and the confining potential approach. This referee would therefore like to see the present discussion fashioned so that the obvious link to ref.(20) is more fully utilized and explored.


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