
陶华 2019-10-21 09:46
0257−0266 Influence of frost weathering on the recession of surfaces of technogenic landforms in Yakutia … Andrey E. Melnikov, Nikolay N. Grib Abstract: The article assesses the influence of permafrost weathering on the rate of destruction of technogenic land forms, as ...
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陶华 2019-1-7 11:46
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陶华 2018-11-5 11:41
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陶华 2018-9-3 11:49
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陶华 2018-6-29 16:47
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Executor! 野风雄浑战沙人
陶华 2018-6-4 11:30
只有亲眼见到沙漠瀚海和无垠戈壁滩的旅人,才能深度感受沙海粗犷豪迈、雄壮辽阔的神韵!一座又一座连绵起伏的光秃秃的戈壁,上面满布粗砂、砾石,除了岁月风霜冲刷的沟壑,还有一些不知荣枯了几世的沙葱、骆驼刺、沙拐枣和沙漠红柳,什么生命的迹象也看不到。伴着梦中的驼铃声响,寂寞戈壁用沉默讲述 ...
2040 次阅读|没有评论
陶华 2018-4-28 18:18
2259 次阅读|没有评论

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