
New Phytologist:拟南芥PEAMT 1通过ROS和生长素介导根尖分生组织维持
郝兆东 2020-7-31 09:10
Phosphoethanolamine N‐methyltransferase 1 contributes to maintenance of root apical meristem by affecting ROS and auxin‐regulated cell differentiation in Arabidopsis ...
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New Phytologist:拟南芥根中SHR通过维持ROS内稳态作用于平周分裂
郝兆东 2020-7-30 09:12
Hydrogen peroxide homeostasis provides beneficial micro‐environment for SHR‐mediated periclinal division in Arabidopsis root ...
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Nature Plants:多组学分析揭示沙漠绿藻的极端光照抗性
郝兆东 2020-7-29 08:15
Multi-omics reveals mechanisms of total resistance to extreme illumination of a desert alga ...
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Molecular Biology and Evolution:亚洲稻驯化中结构变异的演化基因组研究
郝兆东 2020-7-28 07:55
Evolutionary genomics of structural variation in Asian rice ( Oryza sativa ) domestication 第一作 ...
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Plant Physiology:拟南芥MYB30介导系统性ROS信号与系统性获得适应
郝兆东 2020-7-27 08:51
MYB30 orchestrates systemic reactive oxygen signaling and plant acclimation 第一作者 : ...
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New Phytologist:玉米茎尖中dlf1通过激活两个MADS-box基因促进成花转变
郝兆东 2020-7-26 19:28
dlf1 promotes floral transition by directly activating ZmMADS4 and ZmMADS67 in the maize shoot apex ...
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Nature Communications:古茶树基因组
郝兆东 2020-7-25 23:22
Genome assembly of wild tea tree DASZ reveals pedigree and selection history of tea varieties 第一作者 : ...
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Genome Biology:scRNA-seq揭示拟南芥二倍体与四倍体雌配子体的转录组变化
郝兆东 2020-7-24 08:10
Single-cell RNA-seq analysis reveals ploidy-dependent and cell-specific transcriptome changes in Arabidopsis female gametophyte ...
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Nature Plants:IRR蛋白翻译后修饰介导CPK28的可变剪切,动态调控Pep诱导的免疫响应
郝兆东 2020-7-23 10:02
Dynamic regulation of Pep -induced immunity through post-translational control of defence transcript splicing 第一作者 : ...
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郝兆东 2020-7-22 09:25
Specific thylakoid protein phosphorylations are prerequisites for overwintering of Norway spruce ( Picea abies ) photosynthesis ...
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