
郝兆东 2020-9-30 08:53
Natural variation in autumn expression is the major adaptive determinant distinguishing Arabidopsis FLC haplotypes ...
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Plant Cell:低磷胁迫下,NIGT1.2促进磷吸收、减少硝酸盐吸收
郝兆东 2020-9-28 08:37
The Transcription Factor NIGT1.2 Modulates Both Phosphate Uptake and Nitrate Influx during Phosphate Starvation in Arabidopsis and Maize ...
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郝兆东 2020-9-27 10:17
Stable unmethylated DNA demarcates expressed genes and their cis-regulatory space in plant genomes 第一作者 : ...
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Molecular Plant:整合基因共线性的同源推断新方法
郝兆东 2020-9-26 20:45
A Collinearity-incorporating Homology Inference Strategy for Connecting Emerging Assemblies in Triticeae Tribe as a Pilot Practice in the Plant Pangenomic Era ...
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New Phytologist:水稻miR164靶向CUC1 基因作用于分生组织/器官边界特化
郝兆东 2020-9-25 19:19
The osa‐miR164 target OsCUC1 functions redundantly with OsCUC3 in controlling rice meristem/organ boundary specification ...
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Plant Communications:三七基因组
郝兆东 2020-9-24 19:29
The Chromosome-level Reference genome Assembly for Panax notoginseng and Insights into Ginsenoside Biosynthesis 第一 ...
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Nature Plants:拟南芥下一世代可遗传母本的“低温记忆”
郝兆东 2020-9-23 09:29
Maternal transmission of the epigenetic ‘memory of winter cold’ in Arabidopsis 第一作者 : ...
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Genome Biology:染色质调控siRNAs的表达,有助于维持转座子的甲基化稳态
郝兆东 2020-9-22 07:45
Chromatin regulates expression of small RNAs to help maintain transposon methylome homeostasis in Arabidopsis 第一作者 : ...
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Plant Physiology:毛果杨MYB161介导木材形成相关SND1家族的反馈调节
郝兆东 2020-9-21 12:19
MYB transcription factor 161 mediates feedback regulation of Secondary wall-associated NAC-Domain 1 family genes for wood formation 第一 ...
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Plant Cell:拟南芥光胁迫下维管束介导了系统性ROS信号转导
郝兆东 2020-9-20 23:01
Vascular bundles mediate systemic reactive oxygen signaling during light stress in Arabidopsis 第一作者 : ...
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