
郝兆东 2021-2-27 08:49
Molecular mechanism of cytokinin-activated cell division in Arabidopsis ...
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Plant Physiology:植物茎分枝的分子与遗传调控综述
郝兆东 2021-2-26 08:45
The molecular and genetic regulation of shoot branching ...
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Nature Plants:抑制水稻miR168能够提升籽粒产量,缩短开花时间,增加植株免疫
郝兆东 2021-2-25 12:40
Suppression of rice miR168 improves yield, flowering time and immunity ...
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Nature Communications:甜玉米基因组与群体基因组揭示现代甜玉米的演化
郝兆东 2021-2-24 07:27
Genome assembly and population genomic analysis provide insights into the evolution of modern sweet corn ...
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Current Biology:菜豆通过丢失COL2功能来放宽短日照要求
郝兆东 2021-2-23 08:01
Ancient relaxation of an obligate short-day requirement in common bean through loss of CONSTANS -like gene function ...
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Nature Communications:杨树EBB1和EBB3正向调控冬季休眠后的发芽
郝兆东 2021-2-22 10:04
EARLY BUD-BREAK 1 and EARLY BUD-BREAK 3 control resumption of poplar growth after winter dormancy ...
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郝兆东 2021-2-21 10:22
Transcriptional control of local auxin distribution by the CsDFB1-CsPHB module regulates floral organogenesis in cucumber ...
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郝兆东 2021-2-20 10:26
INTERMEDIUM-M encodes an HvAP2L-H5 ortholog and is required for inflorescence indeterminacy and spikelet determinacy in barley ...
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Nature Communications:梨树重测序鉴定梨果实性状相关的遗传基础
郝兆东 2021-2-19 22:09
Genome-wide association studies provide insights into the genetic determination of fruit traits of pear ...
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Plant Cell:硝酸盐感应器NRT1.13作用于低氮条件下的植株株型结构与开花时间
郝兆东 2021-2-18 10:11
Potential Transceptor AtNRT1.13 Modulates Shoot Architecture and Flowering Time in a Nitrate-Dependent Manner ...
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