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Plant Physiology:胚柄中GPT1的表达对于拟南芥胚胎发生至关重要
2021-1-8 09:06
Expression of a plastid-localized sugar transporter in the suspensor is critical to embryogenesis 第一 ...
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Plant Communications:高粱基因组上可及染色质区与基因转录和表观修饰之间的关联
2021-1-7 09:01
Accessible chromatin regions and their functional interrelations with gene transcription and epigenetic modifications in sorghum genome ...
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Nature Biotechnology:五个抗性基因组成的“转基因盒”赋予小麦对锈菌的广谱抗性
2021-1-6 13:20
A five-transgene cassette confers broad-spectrum resistance to a fungal rust pathogen in wheat ...
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2021-1-5 08:49
Upregulation of a KN1 homolog by transposon insertion promotes leafy head development in lettuce ...
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Science Advance:生长素调控震荡回路驱动拟南芥根钟
2021-1-4 09:11
An auxin-regulable oscillatory circuit drives the root clock in Arabidopsis ...
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热度 1 2021-1-3 11:25
Fruit presence induces polar auxin transport in citrus and olive stem and represses IAA release from the bud ...
个人分类: 每日摘要|1765 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1
Plant Physiology:陆地植物角质层生物合成机制的起源与演化
2021-1-2 11:32
Origins and Evolution of Cuticle Biosynthetic Machinery in Land Plants ...
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Plant Communications:樟子松表型变异与遗传变异的差异模式
2021-1-1 10:51
Divergent pattern between phenotypic and genetic variation in Scots pine ...
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the plant journal:光敏色素B抑制由黑暗诱导的下胚轴形成不定根
2020-12-31 09:29
Phytochrome B inhibits darkness‐induced hypocotyl adventitious root formation by stabilizing IAA14 and suppressing ARF7 and ARF19 ...
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Genome Research:温度胁迫加速拟南芥的突变速率
2020-12-30 10:06
Thermal stress accelerates Arabidopsis thaliana mutation rate ...
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